On Saturday, May 10th, three private gardens in Boonville, Fort Bragg, and Mendocino welcome the public through the Garden Conservancy's Open Days program, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Open Day is rain or shine, and no reservations are required. Admission to each garden is $5; children 12 & under free. Call 1-888-842-2442, or visit www.opendaysprogram.org for more information. Additional area Open Days will take place on June 21 in Albion and Hopland; and August 16 in Little River and Point Arena.
Included on the May 10th Open Day is Stoney Bottom Gardens (13400 Anderson Valley Way, Boonville), which are modeled on the English strolling garden and feature expansive lawns surrounded by garden rooms and anchored by three large pavilions. At the Garden at Road's End (31100 Country Road, Fort Bragg), a central pond is surrounded by collections of rhododendrons, conifers, grasses, and heathers, and includes a custom-designed greenhouse/sitting room and fenced vegetable garden. The Gardens at Harmony Woods (44380 Gordon Lane, Mendocino), have been planted over a twenty-year period, and feature rusted artifacts as garden art, waterfalls and a stone bridge, towering redwoods, and extensive plant labeling.
These Open Days gardens are featured in the 2014 Open Days Directory; a soft-cover book that includes detailed driving directions and vivid descriptions written by their owners. The directory includes garden listings in twenty-two states and costs $25.95 including shipping.
Visit www.opendaysprogram.org or call the Garden Conservancy toll-free at 1-888-842-2442 to order with a Visa, MasterCard or American Express, or send a check or money order to: the Garden Conservancy, P.O. Box 219, Cold Spring, NY 10516.
Discount admission tickets are available as well through advanced mail order.
The Garden Conservancy introduced the Open Days program in 1995 as a means of introducing the public to gardening, providing easy access to outstanding examples of design and horticultural practice, and proving that exceptional American gardens are still being created. The Open Days program is America's only national private garden-visiting program, and is made possible by the work of hundreds of volunteers nationwide. For information, a complete schedule of Open Days, or to suggest gardens for inclusion in the program, visit the Garden Conservancy online at www.gardenconservancy.org.
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