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Old Perceptions

As a member of the Baby Boom generation, I am increasingly aware of how younger generations – Generation X (born 1964-1980), Millennials (born 1981-2000) and Generation Z (born 2001-2020) - perceive older folks.

Of course, “how” assumes these other generations are paying attention to Baby Boomers. In more than a few cases – with the exception of family – they are not. As another Baby Boomer lamented, “first they don’t hear us and then they don’t see us.”

And when they do see and hear Baby Boomers, the perceptions often are less than favorable. “Frail.” “Slow.” “Self absorbed.” “Out of touch.” “Closed minded.” “Entitled.””Okay boomer” became a pejorative in the late 2010s and it hasn’t faded yet.

Some of those perceptions are accurate; many folks in their 60s and beyond aren’t as sturdy, quick or up-to-date as those from younger generations. But to dismiss an entire generation because they got old is just plain wrong.

The 2023 U.S. longevity numbers from the Centers for Disease Control say the average male life expectancy is 75.8 years, while the average female life expectancy is 81.1 years.

So maybe Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z should revise their perspective. A lot of those Baby Boomers they see have beaten the odds. They have outlived half their contemporaries, handled everything life can throw at them, dealt with a variety of health issues (often more than one), and continue to create, contribute, love and laugh. Those Baby Boomers may not meet every expectation, but they deserve respect.

Generation Xers, Millennials and Gen Zers also should know that a fair number of them and their contemporaries will not beat the odds; they will die in their 50s, 60s and early 70s. Only the fortunate will reach the age of today’s Baby Boomers.

All Baby Boomers really want when dealing with the younger generations is for those generations to have an open mind. And by being open minded during those encounters, the younger generations may be surprised by how much Baby Boomers have to offer.


  1. Norm Thurston January 28, 2025

    Well said, Mr. Newman. To judge a group solely on a factor they have no control over is less than their best effort. This issue is a distinguishing characteristic of Boomers: We did not criticize previous generations for getting old (though we may have criticized them for a few other things).

  2. izzy January 29, 2025

    They say there’s no substitute for experience, though that can be hard to believe when you haven’t had much.

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