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A FRONT will continue to pass through today bringing rain, gusty southerly winds and much colder temperatures. Drier weather with a sharp rebound in temperatures will develop Thursday into late next week, followed by increasing chances for more rain late Friday through early next week. (NWS)
STEPHEN DUNLAP (Fort Bragg): A cloudy 52F on the coast this Tuesday morning. I have .28" in the rain gauge from the light rain yesterday. The NWS forecast says rain this morning then showers later today, but I'm not sold on that? I'll agree with clear skies Wednesday thru Friday then showers on Saturday for now.

TWO MINOR FIRES flared up in Anderson Valley on Monday. About 8:30am an illegal burn pile with brush and construction waste was extinguished by Calfire responders. Citations are likely to be issued because 1. Fire season is not over and 2. The materials were not legal to burn. The second fire occurred about 3:20pm in Philo. It turned out to be a chimney fire which got too hot, probably due to first fire of season and a dirty chimney pipe. AV Firefighters controlled the fire with dry retardant and air restrictions. No structural damage. Both fires were reported by passersby. AV Fire Chief Andres Avila reminds everyone to be very careful with woodstoves and fireplaces especially as the weather turns cooler and warming fires are considered because we are not out of fire season yet and there’s lot of dry vegetation still around.
Residents in and visitors to the Americas can expect to witness two rare celestial events over the next several months, beginning with a “ring of fire” solar eclipse on Saturday.…
GEORGE DORNER ON WARREN BECK: You may wish to reconsider your recommendation, Ms Malone. I took pity on Warren and sheltered him for a while. I cannot testify to his mechanical, cooking, or horticultural abilities, as he never did any work while he lived with me. He did brutalize my daughter and my cat. That he is a vandal is no surprise; that he’s only being held for vandalism is.
Also, haven’t you wondered why his mail is being forwarded through a Maryland prison?
Opus Chamber Music presents Robert Howard and Friends!
Acclaimed cellists Tanya Tomkins and Robert Howard join forces with guitarist/lutenist/theorbo player Richard Savino for a diverse exploration of the Baroque repertoire for string trio. The program will showcase Baroque styles, from French ornamentation, through the contrast of the Italians, landing with J.S. Bach. Additional Works by M. Marais, E. Corvette
Sunday, October 15th at 3 PM, Preston Hall in the beautiful town of Mendocino.
More information and tickets at, Harvest Market in Fort Bragg and Out of this World in Mendocino!

A FORESTER RESPONDS to Frank Hartzell’s article on the Jackson State Forest meeting:
Here are a few errors in the article.
Jani is not a logger. He is a Forester from Santa Cruz. Harwood is not a logger. He was previously a sawmill owner in Branscomb.
Openly Corrupt Corporate Raiders… Well when I meet with the Willits Redwood guys there main thing is keeping 35 guys working in Willits. When I see them at my private sales I usually get the co-owner who is also a Forester. One look at his hands would pretty much dispense with the corporate raider description.
He is a hands on owner and I got the idea the primary objective is to keep his guys going.
I think this is true of Myles Anderson also; he is a woodsman and much of his motivation is to keep his guys working.
These are pretty good jobs for many working dudes in Fort Braggâ¦.most of whom are Spanish speakers.
I believe the lawsuit with the State is about breach of contract. When you sign a deal, you should fulfill it.
It is my understanding M&P Hunter are no longer elected and were previously convicted of fraud.
So it seems to me there is an issue of credibility there. I went to a Forest Tour (Whisky Springs) and I did not hear one word of dissent from the Native Americans who attended from Point Arena. What I found interesting was the lady was an expert in Roberts Rules of Order, no issue with Forestry on that date.
Your description of a sale 8 miles West of Highway One and Twenty puts the project in an aquatic lLocation in the Pacific. Yep, you probably meant East.
Grand Fir or Abies grand is is a common merchantable species in our County and is a pioneer species with a very fast growth rate. In my opinion any discussion of this species should include the introduced Balsam Wooly Ageldid causing epidemic mortality in Western Stands. Your information was categorically wrong. Misinformation is a critical element in people’s hardened stances on this topic. Your article did not help promote truth in Forestry.
Your comment that skinny suppressed trees are worthless, is categorically wrong. In fact there has been a price surge for fencing products which use those trees which do not have great girth or high ratios of heartwood.
Your comment about these trees depleting soils is perplexing and I have no idea how you came up with that.
I will give you credit for going in the woods with the hound. You should look at the Whisky Springs experiment which is right off of 20. The signage is poor but when you look at the treatments I would bet a 12 pack you will agree the least desirable forest is the un-thinned control unit. I was shocked at the difference between the thinning treatments and believe you will be also.
by Betsy Cawn
(From the October 7, 2023, on-line edition of the Anderson Valley Advertiser, to which I added a lengthy response this morning (including uncorrected editorial errors, sorry). Not necessarily “news,” but for what it’s worth…)
Peter Boudoures:
Where were you when the board was begging cannabis growers to leave tpz zoning and enter AG land? This was decided years ago. Maybe you can hire us to cater to your needs?
Betsy Cawn:
In Lake County, many impacted residents and property owners have tried for years to overcome the confounding endorsement for wholesale alterations to local regulations that have been championed by “commercial cannabis” operators who see the pot at the end of the rainbow as the answer to the county’s decades of failed “economic development” programs, and celebrate the newly legalized state bud bureaucracy with money that comes, ultimately, from the rest of the taxpayers who find the largesse allowed the suddenly hip â” but just as suddenly broke â” newcomers to an “industry” that has spawned its own realm of authority through local government approvals.
As you say, “this was decided years ago” and as Francis and Jim point out, the results are dismal at best. Lack of natural resource stewardship and community-based planning driven by hopeful aspirations of the elected officials have produced a disaffected population of “stakeholders” who are the primary source of revenue for bureaucratic factories of so-called policy.
Spokespeople for “traditional” agriculture, water supply protectors, and rural homesteaders are increasingly excluded from the discussion, despite their sincere efforts to articulate the deleterious results of those enshrined past decisions. The problems that Jim and Frances describe are no less valid just because they are relative newcomers to the so-called “conversation.”
Peter Boudoures:
I farmed several acres on Voigt road in lakeport, and the board bent over backwards for people like you. Exclusion zones were created after cannabis permits were well underway. We followed all environmental rules related to water and storage and were the only People maintaining the roads.
Cannabis businesses have plateaued and only fewer will be operating. There isn’t a green rush and any complaints over legal grows are based off reputation of the black market growers.
Betsy Cawn:
I have no problem with legit growers who, like you, contributed to the maintenance of safe egress and ingress, fire prevention, and water uses. My bitch is with the County Department of Community Development, which created a system for major use permitting that goes around the protection of groundwater basins, adds demands on fire protection and medical emergency services, and converts fragile ecosystem elements to bare fields, with newly allowed “temporary ag structures” that leave behind polluting materials that we (the legit property tax payers) have to clean up. Not to mention the levels of crime associated with those illegal operations â” including human “trafficking.”
For over 5 decades in the region known as the “Emerald Triangle,” murders, violent robberies, and landscape destruction (largely attributed, without further substantiation, to “cartels”). I have known and worked with responsible small growers in the region whose small production of excellent “product” enabled them to survive as the economic chaos of the ages raged on in our poor counties. Support for the construction of new top-heavy state bureaucracies is not my idea of sound fiscal management.
Laws that have been on the books for those same decades have been applied to destructive land practitioners, leveling features of natural drainages in the watersheds that ultimately lead to the water bodies that provide â” when very expensively treated â” “safe” drinking water and sustain the healthy vegetation that holds the highly erodable hillsides, adding more pressure to the workforces that fight vegetative wildfires and respond to injuries in hard to get to locations, all of them underfunded by the central government that collects our dutifully paid fees, assessments, and ever increasing property taxes.
Over half of the population in Lake County depends on Medi-Cal for “health care,” and the population sustained by federal reimbursement of claims for general welfare, child welfare, unemployment, and other safety net services brings in $9,000,000 a MONTH to the transactional economy of this county. The governors Board of Supervisors) refuse to support the workforce that produces that revenue, in line with making salaries and benefits modestly “competitive” with surrounding county employment compensation.
For a brief window of time, the glorified “commercial cannabis” “industry” was able to convince administration, public health and safety, and law enforcement services that their enterprises would not only overcome the economic malaise from which our counties have suffered for all those same decades, and paint yet another rosy picture of transcendence that would/will “lead” this county into a bright new future. Now the county spends our tax dollars to subsidize these entrepreneurs (several hundred of them) but place hurdle after hurdle in the path of displaced homeowners trying to rebuild their dwellings that were destroyed in a handful of megafires. On the date of the anniversary of the Redwood Complex, Sulphur Fire, Atlas Fire and Tubbs Fire, I must question the practicality of handing over finite water sources to a “crop” that is not among the critical food and fibre needs for which precious agricultural soils are most important.
Lastly, the addition of “exclusion zones” is haphazard at best, and even in those sequestered areas the enforcement of public health and safety rules is limited. Most importantly, the county did not review its approved General Plan (and critical elements) to ensure that land management policies provide safeguards for our shared natural resources. We see the same battles occurring in Mendocino County, as amply reported by Mr. Shields and others in this noble publication. In the name of peace, health, and sanity, please let us end this confabulated fantasy of pot as the answer to our entrenched management derangement.
I'm a "Rennie" which is not much different from being a hippie. I work at three Renaissance festivals a year. Scarborough Fair, the Texas Renaissance Festival, and the Colorado Renaissance Festival. That takes up 6 months of the year. I spend a month or so in Mexico in the winter, and the rest of the winter I live in Toontown. Toontown can't be found on a map. It is what we call a small subdivision where people who work at the festivals own property, or camp, or rent various shelters and spend parts of their years. I feel like I'm still living the dream and am true to my hippie roots!
"Re: CalTrans, Highway 128, and speeding traffic: Last year CalTrans had some funding for “Beautification” projects
Re: CalTrans, Highway 128, and speeding traffic: Last year CalTrans had some funding for “Beautification” projects on State Highways and came to Covelo for a town meeting and a few idea presentations. There is a state highway, 162, right through the middle of town. The great majority of people showing up for the “show and tell” let the CalTrans engineers and project managers know that what we wanted was slower traffic, not banners, planters and painted lines on the street for a couple of bicycles. We wanted the traffic slowed down. And a few crosswalks.
CalTrans went back to the drawing board and came up with a proposal to put in a median, essentially making the roadway narrower for cars, crosswalks, and a few speed bumps. The speed bumps will be a first for CalTrans and this pilot project will be closely watched. It might work. It might not. But something needs to be done. We have vehicles going through town at 75mph, and the posted speed limit is 25! The construction is happening right now, the speed bumps going in next month. We will see how it goes…
* * *
This has likely been proposed and shot down, but, why no speed bumps on 128 in in Boonville/Philo?
And/or: Speeder cameras to issue tickets by mail? Or at least the signs warning drivers they are there…)
(PS: the Wittes commentary on the new war is right on. Thanks for that)
Ukiah’s first and only company with this distinction. Coursey Communications uses communication tools and methods to help clients build trusting relationships with internal and external audiences in an effort to amplify organizational impact, primarily in K-12 education and health care.
To be a Certified B Corporation, a company must complete a rigorous assessment every three years demonstrating it has met robust standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.
The certification provides public recognition that Coursey Communications is part of a global movement to use business as a force for good, one that balances profit with purpose. This movement includes other Mendocino County businesses such as Thanksgiving Coffee, North Coast Brewing Co., and Fetzer Vineyards, as well as international companies such as Patagonia and Ben & Jerry’s.
CEO Jendi Coursey said, “We’re really proud to be part of the B Corp community. The certification process is intense and time-consuming, but totally worth the effort. It forces us to evaluate who we work with, how we support our employees, and whether we are living up to our values in every aspect of our business.”
The certifying organization, B Lab (, provides the B Impact Assessment, an evaluation tool used by more than 50,000 businesses worldwide, including more than 3,000 Certified B Corporations, to help companies assess their impact on various stakeholders, including their workers, community, customers, and the environment.
Coursey says she is particularly proud that her company’s recertification score increased by a sizeable margin compared to the original certification score. The minimum threshold for certification is 80. The company’s first certification score was 85.2. Their recertification score was 112.5 out of 140 total points.
Coursey attributes her company’s success to her partnership with employee Kendyl Saxby, the agency’s digital content manager.
She said, “Kendyl and I bring very different skills to this company, but we are beautifully aligned when it comes to values like quality, service, and integrity.”
Coursey learned about the B Corp movement from consultant Heather Paulsen (, who helps companies worldwide pursue certification from her office in Fort Bragg.
Coursey Communications ( provides public relations, leadership training, and communication coaching to clients throughout California. Some of its local clients include Kelseyville Unified School District, Mendocino County Office of Education, First 5 Mendocino, and MCHC Health Centers.

THE MORE THINGS CHANGE… In the sixties school authorities had a problem, they thought, with their young scholars smoking in the bathrooms. Then it was smoking marijuana wherever on campus. Then along came young women dressing immodestly, with some young men togged out in gang duds. Lately, our nation’s future, a tiny minority of them anyway, are vaping marijuana on school grounds. The educational process is never without its obstacles.
RIGHT HERE in Boomsville, circa ’96 or so, our high school thought it had a problem with short skirts which, of course, was real enough in the context of co-ed classrooms given the naturally priapic state of the teen male. Girls in low cut tops and mini-minis were a major male distraction, which is why the girls provided it. The Catholics, to elude sexual wildcards, long ago went to single sex high schools and school uniforms.
ONE MORNING, a 16-year-old straight A student in her junior year at Anderson Valley High School.was sent home to change her dress only minutes after she’d arrived for her first period physics class. The lass had just seated herself when her teacher asked her to stand and “put my arms down at my side to see if my fingertips reached the top of the slit in my dress.”
THE SCHOOL DRESS CODE then decreed that if a student’s fingertips extend beyond the length of the skirt, the student was inadequately covered and thus represented a classroom distraction. In plain language, distraction meant that males in the class were mugged by eros and couldn’t focus on their studies.
THERE WERE BIG PROBS with the fingertip standard, apart from the obvious one having to do with the variables of human physiology: some girls have long arms and short lower torsos; some have short arms and long lower torsos. There are also major difficulties in trying to standardize erotic stimulants. What drives one person mad with desire causes another to take vows of celibacy.
THE YOUNG WOMAN accused of displaying too much flesh was surprised to be required to stand for the fingertip test. She’d bought the wholesome dress in Ukiah for a Homecoming dance. Another girl wore the same dress to the dance. “Nobody complained about it then.”
THE PHYSICS TEACHER was certain she saw dangerous flashes of exposed skin but dispatched the offending girl to the school office for a second opinion from then-superintendent J.R. Collins, who confirmed his teacher’s fleshly suspicions. Too much exposed flesh.
THE PERPLEXED STUDENT had flunked the first test of her life — the fingertip test. She had to go home and change, later lamenting, “This was the first day I knew skirts were being measured. The whole measuring skirts thing has never happened before so far as I know. I’m not embarrassed, but I don’t think what happened to me is very fair. I was wearing a long dress and I had a sweater over the top of it. The slits are a couple of inches above the knee and they’re very narrow.”
BUT FLESH IS FLESH, and the decision stood. The young woman had officially been declared a distraction. “There were several girls in shorter skirts than mine and they didn’t get sent home.”
SOON AFTER, 12 girls were summoned to the principal’s office for skirt evaluation, one being sent home to change. “l’ll probably just wear pants to school from now on,” one resigned temptress declared. “It’s all pretty dumb.”
THEN-SUPERINTENDENT COLLINS recalled the skirt standards of his youth, the days of mini-skirts and hot pants. If the skirts of the 1960s and 70s touched the floor they passed the distraction test. But if the skirt didn’t touch the floor, it was out the door and don’t come back until you are dressed appropriately.
COLLINS HAD CONCEDED that a better standard was needed. “We plan to sit down with a couple of kids and a couple of parents and look at the policy. We started out with the loose standard of distraction and there were complaints it wasn’t objective enough, which it obviously wasn’t. Then we went to the fingertip standard which still tends to be arbitrary. We’re working on it.”
COLLINS RETIRED just as a virtual avalanche of “inappropriately” clad maidens commenced, with the school authorities beginning every school day by inspecting girls’ attire for distraction quotient.
BUT by October of 2023 at Anderson Valley High School the struggle against “inappropriate” attire has subsided into quiet strategies as described by Superintendent Simson: “We have a dress code that we try our best to enforce. Not so much gang colors but more related to sagging pants and showing too much skin. We have loaner clothes in the office.”
CATCH OF THE DAY, Monday, October 9, 2023

BRENDAN BRITTON, Willits. Harmful matter of minor sent with sexual intent of a known minor, contributing, protective order violation.
ANTHONY CONGLETON, Middletown/Ukiah. Parole violation.
AMBROSE FALLIS, Covelo. County parole violation, resisting.

KATE KUMMER, Ukiah. Controlled substance, failure to appear.
ANGEL MILLER, Ukiah. Parole violation.
SHERRI TAYLOR, Willits. Recklessly causing fire, unauthorized non-agricultural burning, prohibited burning, burning the land of another, restricted use of fire, false ID, unspecified offense.
LEONEL VALENZUELA II, Ukiah. Parole violation.
A Good Day at the Doctor's Office
In the midst of the global socio-political meltdown, I had a very good day at the Adventist Health-Ukiah Valley doctor's office. Have been pronounced fit, with nothing else needed to do at this time. Another routine examination appointment is scheduled in December. Not bad after recently fending off a viral bacterial blood infection and pneumonia. As the head nurse said to me as I exited the rehabilitation facility in Cloverdale: "You beat the reaper!"
I am available for participation on the planet earth in whatever destroys the demonic and returns this world to righteousness. This is the role of the avatar. If you so identify, please contact me. Simple as that. Otherwise, I continue to walk around Ukiah, CA in the light rain ignoring the body and ignoring the mind. Immortal Self I am, and so are you. Cool?
Craig Louis Stehr
MITCH CLOGG: Rain! It’s just a sprinkle. You can work in your garden. (Or start one. In these times, a couple hours in the garden beat any peace pill I could take. Dirt, holes, plants, water, fertilizer—these simple elements are potent tranquilizers, and since I can’t do anything about the world’s pains, tranquility acts as a counter to what’s on TV: hot war in the middle east.)

I can’t do anything. I moved to Mendocino because there was a chance to do something. The forests were vanishing and the shoreline was faced with the likelihood of oil drilling here. Mendocino County was then the spear-point of resistance. Our admirable and exciting war against modern times’ destruction of the natural environment for the profit of corporations who came to claim the natural resources was noted everywhere. It has now shrunk to a mood, a part of our common nostalgia.
Listening, reading and watching news from Israel and her neighbors stirs me, but I am old, gimpy and mostly sedentary. This is all I can do—correspond with the people I know on Facebook. I am neither Arab nor Jew. I am a W.A.S.P., all done up here in caps and periods to remind readers that it stands for “white anglo-saxon protestant” a term justly mocked and envied. In this context, it means I have no dog in this fight, except my Jewish friends outnumber my gentile friends by precisely 3.3 to one. Dunno why. I’m no more drawn to a devout Jew then I am to a devout Christian. My family died in an accident when I was sixteen, and suddenly my ties to the associations of my family were severed. I was free to make friends on the bases of smarts, hipness, daring and defiance. I didn’t intend for them to be sons and daughters of David, but it turned out that way. I have Arab friends, too, but we’ve drifted apart. I know or care nothing of Allah or Jehovah.
My friend Hirsch was in Israel at the end of the Fifties and start of the Sixties. More than anything else, his accounts of the young country formed my opinions. Hirsch described life on the kibbutzim, the idealistic (which, dammit, did not mean “unrealistic") communities that thrived after Israel’s 1948 declaration of independence. He was impressed with, if not entirely sold on, the energy, output and optimism of the socialist state they were building. The U.S. declared its support of Israel immediately. Israel is slightly bigger than New Jersey and has slightly more people.
I can’t write more on this, right now. Ellie’s Colorado brother has just walked in our door. I’ll get back to it ASAP. The media are loud with the words that cluster into the beginnings of wars: atrocity, war crime, terror, torture, rape, infants and elderly. These groups are always tormented and killed in wars. Naming them is necessary and unavoidable, but it is unsuitable to cool consideration.
(To be continued…)

by Marilyn Davin
King George III sat moodily at his breakfast in Kew Castle while awaiting his prime minister, Lord Frederick North. On this morning the king had little appetite for his favorite morning dishes heaped atop the groaning table. The first course, a plump pigeon, cooled in its juices upon its porcelain platter while the second-course beefsteak, usually enjoyed with relish, congealed on its respective platter. He picked up the crystal goblet filled with his first glass of white wine of the day and took a long pull. Lord North hurried into the ornate breakfast room, bowed before the king, and sat down.
King George (putting down his goblet and glaring at North): “What the hell is going on in our American colonies? I hear tell that marauding criminals are protesting taxes and destroying royal properties!”
Lord North (shrinking down into his stiff collar and struggling to meet the King’s eye): “Those uppity colonists won’t get away with this! We’ve increased security and will face certain victory with Great Britain’s superior arms and military discipline, to say nothing of general moral superiority.”
King George: “Can it possibly be true that these thieving rotters don’t even wear uniforms and hang from the trees like monkeys to ambush our royal troops? When will they realize that they’ll never defeat the British Empire, and that they are only allowed to live in those god-forsaken colonies because we give them leave to do so? We must make an example of them so that the American colonies remain forever British and other colonies of the Crown don‘t get any funny ideas about independence.”
Lord North (looking befuddled): “They have this notion that they should independently rule themselves; a daft notion since they act like rabid animals that don’t bother to follow even the most basic practices of gentlemen. They hide in the shadows, lying in wait like cowards to take our brave royal soldiers by surprise instead of facing us man-to-man on the battlefield.”
King George (tearing a wing off the pigeon): “The Crown will not be defeated by this gang of inferior savages, and will not sacrifice a single square foot of land that is rightfully British. Make an urgent call to arms to raise loyalists to our defense, and if need be go house-to-house to root out traitors. Their leaders must be killed and their families threatened – that should show the upstarts who’s boss!”
Lord North (enviously eying the delicacies displayed on the table): “We need more soldiers, the latest modern rifles, and cannons. The so-called Continental Congress even has four cannons. We must prove our superior military might so our colonial subjects start paying their taxes again!”
King George (reaching for a nearby champagne bottle): “I get it, we must have superior arms to defeat these ragtag terror-mongers, hopefully forever. I’ll see what I can rustle up from a few of our less truculent colonies. And I think we should rename those damnable American upstarts who proudly call themselves patriots. Today I baptize them: Terrorists!”

To the Editor:
O, the oppression! What began Friday night is an uprising of the Palestinian people against the violent and brutally oppressive Israeli occupation. The Netanyahu government has sanctioned the constant theft of Palestinian lands by fascistic Israeli settlers, blockaded the Gaza Strip, targeted members of its ruling Hamas party for assassination and organized provocations against Muslims at Al-Aqsa Mosque. By imposing unbearable conditions on Gaza, it made armed resistance inevitable.
O, the hypocrisy! In its coverage of the Ukraine war, the media never fails to condemn what it habitually refers to as Russia’s “illegal annexation of Crimea.” The United States has repeatedly declared that it will support Ukraine’s war to regain Crimea “as long as it takes.” But it never condemns Israel’s illegal annexation of vast tracts of Palestinian land.
O, the heroism! The Palestinian population of Gaza and the Hamas government do not have powerful imperialist backers arming them to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. As the Palestinians take up arms against an occupation by the Israeli military, which receives billions of dollars in U.S. military aid each year, they know they face overwhelming odds. They are a courageous, heroic people.
John Sakowicz
Yom Kippur commemorates an act of God, through Moses, presenting the Ten Commendments to the nation of Israel. It is one of the most sacred of Jewish holitdays. Saturday was the first day of Yom Kippur, also the 50th anniversary of the start of the so-called “Yom Kippur War’ in 1973; “Israel sees ‘difficult’ war ahead.”
Words cannot describe the terror felt by thousands of Israeli citizens, peacefully asleep in the wee hours of Oct. 6, as armed bands of Hamas fighters, burst through their streets, forcing open front doors and taking some hostages while shooting and killing others in cold blood.
As I write this, the latest Israeli government total dead stands at “700,” with “dozens abducted, taken to Gaza.” The decades-long conflict exploded.
Already Pres. Biden has spoken twice to P.M, Benjamin Netanyahu to assure him and Israel of US support. A US Navy missile-carrier attack group of many ships is on its way to Israel to supply whatever military and humanitarian aid is needed.
Our foreign policy of unlimited support for Israel needs to change. Einstein’s advice is more true than ever, “Nothing in more foolish than continuing on following a clearly hopeless path.”
Frank H, Baumgardner, III
Santa Rosa

As an American Jew I am horrified by this weekend’s events in Israel. But as a Jew who only wants Israel to thrive, I have for decades been distraught over Israeli government policies that both diverge from Jewish ethics and also create the misery and despair that inevitably produce Palestinian violence.
The Israeli government, quite reasonably frightened by Arab rhetoric and actions, has enforced conditions in Gaza as bad as any ghetto our people endured. This new horror is the entirely predictable result, and surely demonstrates that “security” that is enforced by an iron fist is not security.
It takes two to tango. Can both Israeli and Palestinian leaders now finally listen to those of their two peoples who even now seek peace and reconciliation, and get past their mutually well-founded fear and anger to reach for something better? However hard that is to imagine, it is the only way forward out of this dire swamp.
Louise R. Quigley
Braintree, Massachusetts
by Adam Entous
One afternoon in the spring of 2015, a senior State Department official named Frank Lowenstein paged through a government briefing book and noticed a map that he had never seen before. Lowenstein was the Obama Administration’s special envoy on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, a position that exposed him to hundreds of maps of the West Bank. (One adorned his State Department office.)
Typically, those maps made Jewish settlements and outposts look tiny compared to the areas where the Palestinians lived. The new map in the briefing book was different. It showed large swaths of territory that were off limits to Palestinian development and filled in space between the settlements and the outposts. At that moment, Lowenstein told me, he saw “the forest for the trees”—not only were Palestinian population centers cut off from one another but there was virtually no way to squeeze a viable Palestinian state into the areas that remained. Lowenstein’s team did the math. When the settlement zones, the illegal outposts, and the other areas off limits to Palestinian development were consolidated, they covered almost 60% of the West Bank.
Lowenstein showed the small map to Secretary of State John Kerry and said, “Look what’s really going on here.” Kerry brought the map to his next meeting with President Obama. The map was too small for everyone in the Situation Room to see, so Lowenstein had a series of larger maps made. The information was then verified by US intelligence agencies. Obama’s Presidency was winding down, but Lowenstein figured that he could use the time left to raise awareness about what the Israelis were doing. “One day, everyone’s going to wake up and go, ‘Wait a minute, we’ve got to stop this to at least have the possibility of a two-state solution’,” Lowenstein said.
The State Department presentation, which was prepared in 2015 and updated in 2016, showed examples of what the State Department identified as “Palestinian incitement” and maps depicting Israel’s settlement growth in the West Bank. One of the maps was titled “What a One State Reality Looks Like,” and included a bullet point that read, “In the combined areas of Israel, Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Jews no longer represent the majority.” (Israeli officials have said that the number of Jews and Arabs is at or near parity.)
Kerry met regularly with Obama in the Oval Office. During one of those meetings, Kerry placed the maps on a large coffee table, one after another, so Obama and his advisers could study them. Ben Rhodes, one of Obama’s longest-serving advisers, said the President was shocked to see how “systematic” the Israelis had been at cutting off Palestinian population centers from one another. Lowenstein didn’t show the maps to the Israelis, but he did walk them through the key findings, which were incorporated into Kerry speeches and other documents. Lowenstein said the Israelis never challenged those findings.
Later, Kerry presented some of the maps to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President. Kerry’s goal was to show Abbas that the Obama Administration understood the extent to which the two-state solution was threatened. Abbas was taken aback. Instead of feeling reassured, he told a confidant that the maps convinced him that the Americans believed “the chances of a viable Palestinian state is next to nil.” Alarmed by Israeli actions depicted in the maps, Obama decided to abstain on a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning the settlements, clearing the way for its passage. It would be Obama’s final act of defiance against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, before Donald Trump took office and put in place policies that were far more accepting of the settlers.
(The New Yorker)
Thousands of Hamas targets have been wiped out in the bombing campaigns, Israeli defense officials claimed, but harrowing clips circulating on social media showed how the rockets and bombs also obliterated Palestinian residential blocks, killing hundreds of civilians. Israel has ordered a 'complete siege' of Gaza, cutting off electricity, fuel and food for the 2.3 million Palestinians who already live in poverty. Israeli PM Netanyahu vowed retaliation that would 'reverberate for generations'. The four-day-old war has already claimed at least 1,600 lives, as Israel saw gun battles in the streets of its own towns for the first time in decades and neighbourhoods in Gaza were reduced to rubble. In response, Hamas warned late last night it would begin executing Israeli civilian captives. 'Every targeting of our people without warning will be met with the execution of one of the civilian hostages,' Hamas' armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said in a statement. Hamas militants have abducted up to 150 people, including women and children, from Israeli territory and dragged them back to Gaza.

Fighting erupted along Israel’s volatile northern border with Lebanon on Monday in the second such episode since the Palestinian incursion from Gaza into Israel on Saturday, adding to mounting Israeli concerns over the possibility that the conflict — already the broadest invasion in 50 years — could spread to multiple fronts.
Roads out of southern Lebanon toward Beirut, the capital, were clogged with traffic in the evening as people attempted to flee the clashes, according to the Lebanon’s state-run news agency. Lebanon’s Ministry of Education closed schools in the country’s south until further notice. In late-night cafes and in homes across Beirut, people sat glued to television screens on Monday evening, watching news footage of fires from the clashes spreading across hillsides.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an armed group based in Gaza that has in the past been accused of attacking from Lebanon, claimed responsibility for the attack on northern Israel. The Israeli Defense Forces said that the attackers fired mortar shells and entered Israeli territory, and that two of the attackers had been killed and one had escaped back into Lebanon.
The I.D.F. said that Israeli forces backed by helicopters had responded to the incursion. It also said that its aircraft had struck three military posts belonging to Hezbollah, the armed Lebanese Shiite organization that fought a war with Israel in 2006. Hezbollah confirmed on Monday evening that threes of its fighters had been killed in Israeli shelling, according to a statement released by Al Manar, the Hezbollah-owned Lebanese broadcaster. In response to the deaths, Hezbollah later said it had carried out attacks on two Israeli military barracks, using guided missiles and mortars.
An Israeli army spokesperson confirmed that Israeli soldiers had been injured in the clashes earlier Monday, but did not specify the number.
On Sunday, Hezbollah attacked three Israeli posts with artillery shells and rockets targeting the Shebaa Farms area, land it considers to be occupied Lebanese territory. The Israel Defense Forces responded at the time with artillery fire and drone strikes.
Hamas, the Palestinian faction that controls Gaza, called on armed groups in Lebanon to join in its attack on Israel on Saturday. Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which was already fighting alongside Hamas in that attack, has a sizable presence in Lebanon as well as Gaza.
According to the United Nations, Lebanon is home to around 250,000 Palestinians, either refugees forced to flee their homes in 1948 when the state of Israel was established or their descendants.
After the fighting broke out on Monday, Israel’s Home Front Command ordered the residents of 28 towns and villages close to Lebanon’s border to enter bomb shelters, citing “a large-scale offensive.” They were told to take food, water and sleeping materials, indicating that they might need to stay in hiding for some time.
U.N peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon urged calm. Andrea Tenenti, the spokesman for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, or UNIFIL, said both sides needed to exercise “maximum restraint” in order to “prevent further escalation and loss of life.”
(NY Times)

by James Kunstler
“Palestine is not Ukraine. If America intervenes directly, all American locations in the region will become legitimate targets of the resistance axis and will face our attacks. And on this day there will be no red line left.” —Hezbollah Official Statement
You know, of course, that the CIA’s job is to detect sinister doings in other countries, especially as they might affect our own country. Looks like they missed something lately in the spook-filled space between Iran and Israel. Do you suppose they’re too busy running Facebook? And their domestic companion, the FBI, has been working overtime for years now, between their mighty labors concocting RussiaGate and the current program to root out election deniers and other seditious riffraff — while millions of sketchy mutts from here, there, and everywhere in the world scuttle over our border with Mexico and decant across our fruited plains — with assistance, you understand, from our own border officials — and, yet, no questions asked. Here’s a free phone and an auto-refilling debit card. Have a nice day in Skokie, Plattsburgh, or wherever! And don’t forget to send in your court appearance forms by the 2030 deadline!
So, it came as a big surprise when southern Israel was overrun by Hamas dudes in tricked-out pickup trucks and para-gliders on Saturday, who carried home hundreds of nubile young women to have sport with, after slaughtering hundreds more people of all ages, like rampaging bronze age Philistines. That fresh enormity is, shall we say, quite a ways from resolution at this time. I’ll tell you what will be an even bigger surprise, though: when some organized unit of those aforesaid mutts of unknown origin who snuck across our border sets off something like a dirty bomb in New York, Los Angeles, or Washington DC. Or takes over a nuclear power station. Or… well, I wouldn’t want to put any ideas in a bad actor’s head. But you get the picture, I’m sure.
So, we’re in something that smells like uncharted territory this autumn Monday, and events are galloping faster than anyone can process. The scene looks a little bit like World War Three. At least any child of twelve could game it out that way in three easy steps. Say, the chief mullah in Teheran issues some crude remark about how Israel had it coming, yadda yadda … and the IDF forthwith fires a cruise missile up his qabaa… and next thing you know, so many mushroom clouds rise over the Levant that it looks like a shitake farm.
All this while the USA struggles to restore its political mental health after years of domestic abuse at the hands of our own government. A big question here is what kind of correction will it require to straighten out that abusive government… or can anything at all avail before having to shred the whole goshdarn operation and start over? Quien sabe? (As they say in Plattsburgh nowadays.)
I’m confident that Congress will sort out this new Speaker business in short order, now that the world appears to light up. But what of its current projects? For instance, the inquiry into the darkish business ventures of the Biden Family, Inc., and what to do about it? That look-see is tending toward a picture that shows an appalling connection between the Bidens’ lustful chasing of global main chances and the horrifying demolition of Ukraine currently ongoing. If it’s not already obvious to a majority of USA adults that “Joe Biden,” the cats-paw in the White House, must go, it will be in a matter of weeks as the bank records step into the spotlight and speak for themselves.
Are you ready for President Kamala and government-by-word-salad? E.g.: “It’s very important, as you’ve heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to seize the moment of time in which we exist, in our present, and be able to contextualize it, understand where we exist in history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,” she said. Doctoral dissertations will be penned explicating that mouthful for years to come (where and whenever those years might be located on time’s mystifying spectrum).
As for Congress and its grim duties, there is also the matter of the current laughable budget resolution running out again just before Thanksgiving. Work to do! The USA is in such a desperate debt and bond issuance dilemma that it’s like a trapped wild animal faced with having to chew off its own leg to escape death. And the cause of that dilemma is our legislature’s failure to control the nation’s spending. As America’s Venerable Bede, Sen. Everett Dirksen (d. 1969) used to say: “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you’re talking about real money.” Well, that game is drawing to a close. Reality is finally asserting its rugged old self to say that our country is as broke as broke can be and there has to be a painful adjustment. It will be presented as a Hobson’s choice: you can have no money… or you can have plenty of money that’s worthless. What’s it gonna be?
I’d guess that the new Speaker will have to be Mr. Jordan of Ohio, because at this time Congress badly needs to be led by someone who at least appears to be muscular and confident. One has to wonder, though, that even muscles and confidence might not be enough in the current situation — that moment of time in which we exist, as the Veep put it so well. And yet, so many things are happening at once that it feels like someone up there is monkeying with time itself. Or perhaps a giant blob has gummed up its wheels. But, really, I must ask: are you not a little tired of being a country that doesn’t know what it’s doing?

RFK, mostly an old fashioned Democrat but one with some ideological quirks, has ditched the Dems, accurately denouncing their corporate shot callers and their party as “corrupt.”
Kennedy said he would run for president in 2024 as an independent, urging Americans to embrace “freedom from the reflex of having to take sides.”
The 69-year-old announced in Philadelphia that he would bow out of the Democratic primary, where polls showed him badly trailing President Biden despite going as high as 20% in some surveys.
Launching an independent candidacy, the environmental lawyer and anti-vaccination advocate said, would allow him to pursue an agenda that “puts peace and diplomacy first,” would “close the loopholes that bloat our budget” and “rescue debtors instead of the banks.”
“I’m going to ask people, what do you care about?” vowed the son of the late attorney general and senator from New York. “What do your children need? What is it like to be you? What do you love?”
Four of RFK Jr.’s siblings issued a statement blasting his ongoing candidacy, calling it “dangerous to our country.”
“Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment,” sister Kerry Kennedy said on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Today’s announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country.”
Political strategists from both parties told The Washington Post over the weekend that Kennedy’s name recognition and his unorthodox positions may throw a wrench in next year’s presidential election by allowing him to steal votes from both major party candidates.

The US army has said it would need Congress to approve additional funding to ensure the Pentagon’s munitions production and acquisition plans can potentially meet the needs of both Israel and Ukraine simultaneously.
Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, will visit neighbouring Romania on Tuesday, his first trip to the Nato member country since Russia invaded Ukraine last February, the Romanian presidency has said.
Russian lawmakers have been given 10 days to study the possibility of revoking Moscow’s ratification of a treaty banning nuclear tests, the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, said in a statement. The chamber’s international affairs committee will need to conclude its work by 18 October, the statement said.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy has replaced the commander of Ukraine’s Territorial Defence Forces, which have played an important role in helping defend the country since Russia’s invasion. A presidential order published on Monday announced the appointment of Maj Gen Anatoliy Barhylevych as the new commander.
The UN rights office warned that it was concerned there was no system to return Ukrainian children taken to Russia since Moscow’s invasion of the country last year, and that some of those who did come back had reported mistreatment.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy has appealed at the Nato parliamentary assembly for the international rule of law to unite and deal with terrorism, comparing the attack by what he called a “terrorist organisation” on Israel with the similar tactics used by Russia, which he said was a “terrorist state”.
Oh where oh where
Is O’Neil?
Oh where oh
Where can he be?
With his grainy toons
And his talking moons
Oh where oh where
Can he be?
(Ode to Odd Bodkins)
What a great opportunity for the AV school district to revamp its health and fitness programs. Id love to know what the plans are. Good work
Re: conversation between Cawn and Boudoures….
The discussion reminds me of the radio commercials from around 2006ish that advertised all the grow supplies one could need. They really targeted the green rushers of the day. One had a gangster rap-like jingle that ended with the line “Mendo Dope!” That’s when I knew the end was near. It took about another ten years (right when Trump got elected, interestingly enough) for the market to implode.
But thank Jah that it did. There’s a few carpet-bagging twits still lingering, but only the die-hards seem to be slogging through the poop soup of $800 pounds. Good luck weed Bros! This County ain’t gonna save ya, but maybe your excellent product will!
One guy sits at his coffee table all day and over-engineers the world thinking his carbon footprint is 0, while the other works outdoors and employs locals daily.
Footprints emit less carbon than doobies
Quit hiding out. Come out and play
I’d love to! Where should I bring my balls to?
Never mind
The Gaza–Israel Conflict
Over the course of several decades, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the military branch of the state of Israel, has been subject to various allegations of war crimes against the people of Palestine. The government of Israel has denied any wrongdoing, and neither Israel nor the IDF have ever been subject to formal investigations into committing war crimes. Allegations against Israel have been levied by human rights experts, including Special rapporteurs from the United Nations, as well as organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. In the last fifty years, Israel has only formally declared war twice, however, human rights experts argue that alleged actions taken by the IDF during armed conflicts in the Palestinian Occupied Territories should fall under the rubric of “war crimes.”
Second Intifada, The Second Intifada and Battle of Jenin (2002) and the IDF Caterpillar D9
Between 2 and 11 April, a siege and fierce fighting took place in the Palestinian refugee camp of the city of Jenin. The camp was targeted during Operation Defensive Shield after Israel determined that it had “served as a launch site for numerous terrorist attacks against both Israeli civilians and Israeli towns and villages in the area.” The Jenin battle became a flashpoint for both sides and saw fierce urban combat as Israeli infantry supported by armor and attack helicopters fought to clear the camp of Palestinian militants. The battle was eventually won by the IDF, after it employed a dozen Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers to clear Palestinian booby traps, detonate explosive charges, and raze buildings and gun-posts; the bulldozers proved impervious to attacks by Palestinian militants.
During Israeli military operations in the camp, Palestinian sources alleged that a massacre of hundreds of people had taken place. A senior Palestinian Authority official alleged in mid-April that some 500 had been killed. During the fighting in Jenin, Israeli officials had also initially estimated hundreds of Palestinian deaths, but later said they expected the Palestinian toll to reach “45 to 55.” In the ensuing controversy, Israel blocked the United Nations from conducting the first-hand inquiry unanimously sought by the Security Council, but the UN nonetheless felt able to dismiss claims of a massacre in its report, which said there had been approximately 52 deaths, criticizing both sides for placing Palestinian civilians at risk. Based on their own investigations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch charged that some IDF personnel in Jenin had committed war crimes but also confirmed that no massacre had been committed by the IDF. Both human rights organizations called for official inquiries; the IDF disputed the charges.
The 2008–2009 Gaza War, International Law and the Gaza War, the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, and Israel’s Policy of Collective Punishment
The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict found that Israel, at least in part, targeted the people of Gaza as a whole. The Mission gave its opinion that ″the operations were in furtherance of an overall policy aimed at punishing the Gaza population for its resilience and for its apparent support for Hamas, and possibly with the intent of forcing a change in such support.” Judge Goldstone later at least partially resiled from this conclusion.
Disproportionate Force
Israel was widely criticized by human rights groups for using heavy firepower and causing hundreds of civilian casualties. A group of soldiers who took part in the conflict echoed the criticism through both the Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence and a special report by Israeli filmmaker Nurit Kedar that was shown on Britain’s Channel 4 in January 2011. Israel was accused of having a deliberate policy of disproportionate force aimed at the civilian population. Israel has said that operational orders emphasized proportionality and humanity while the importance of minimizing harm to civilians was made clear to soldiers. Retired U.S. Army colonel Douglas Macgregor gave his opinion as: “They went in heavy, with lots of firepower. But at the same time, because of good intel and other improvements, they were able to be selective and cut down on collateral damage.”
IDF Use of Human Shields
On 24 March of 2009, a report from the UN team responsible for the protection of children in war zones was released: it found “hundreds” of violations of the rights of children and accused Israeli soldiers of using children as human shields, bulldozing a home with a woman and child still inside, and shelling a building they had ordered civilians into a day earlier. One case involved using an 11-year-old boy as a human shield, by forcing him to enter suspected buildings first and also inspect bags. The report also mentioned the boy was used as a shield when Israeli soldiers came under fire. The Guardian has also received testimony from three Palestinian brothers aged 14, 15, and 16, who all claimed to have been used as human shields.
The UK newspaper, The Guardian, conducted an investigation of its own, which, according to the paper, uncovered evidence of war crimes including the use of Palestinian children as human shields. An Israeli military court later convicted two Israeli soldiers of using human shields, which was outlawed by the Israeli Supreme court in 2005.
The UN fact-finding mission investigated four incidents in which Palestinian civilians were coerced, blindfolded, handcuffed and at gunpoint to enter houses ahead of Israeli soldiers during military operations. The mission confirmed the continued use of this practice with published testimonies of Israeli soldiers who had taken part in the military operations. The mission concluded that these practices amounted to using civilians as human shields in breach of international law. Some civilians were also questioned under threat of death or injury to extract information about Palestinian combatants and tunnels, constituting a further violation of international humanitarian law.
White Phosphorus
From 5 January, reports emerged of use by Israel of white phosphorus during the offensive, which was initially denied by Israel. There were numerous reports of its use by the IDF during the conflict. On 12 January, it was reported that more than 50 phosphorus burns victims were in Nasser Hospital. On 16 January the UNRWA headquarters was hit with phosphorus munitions. As a result of the hit, the compound was set ablaze. On completion of the three-day Israeli withdrawal (21 January) an Israeli military spokeswoman said that shells containing phosphorus had been used in Gaza but said that they were used legally as a method to provide a smokescreen. The IDF reiterated their position on 13 January saying that it used weapons “in compliance with international law, while strictly observing that they be used according to the type of combat and its characteristics”. On 25 March 2009, the United States-based human rights organization Human Rights Watch published a 71-page report titled “Rain of Fire, Israel’s Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza” and said that Israel’s usage of the weapon was illegal. Donatella Rovera, Amnesty’s researcher on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories said that such extensive use of this weapon in Gaza’s densely populated residential neighborhoods is inherently indiscriminate. “Its repeated use in this manner, despite evidence of its indiscriminate effects and its toll on civilians, is a war crime,” she said. The Goldstone report accepted that white phosphorus is not illegal under international law but did find that the Israelis were “systematically reckless in determining its use in built-up areas”. It also called for serious consideration to be given to the banning of its use as an obscurant.
An Al Jazeera video clearly shows burning Israeli white phosphorus clusters in the streets of Gaza on 11 January 2009 (the 2008–2009 Gaza War.
After watching footage of Israeli troop deployments on television, a British soldier who completed numerous combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Intelligence Corps defended the Israeli Army’s use of white phosphorus. The soldier noted, “White phosphorus is used because it provides an instant smokescreen, other munitions can provide a smokescreen, but the effect is not instant. Faced with overwhelming enemy fire and wounded comrades, every commander would choose to screen his men instantly, to do otherwise would be negligent.”
Colonel Lane, a military expert testifying in front of the fact-finding mission in July 2009, told that white phosphorus is used for smoke generation to hide from the enemy. He stated, “The quality of smoke produced by white phosphorus is superb; if you want real smoke for real coverage, white phosphorus will give it to you.”
Professor Newton, expert in laws of armed conflict testifying in front of the committee, said that in an urban area, where potential perils are snipers, explosive devices and trip wires, one effective way to mask forces’ movement is by white phosphorus. In certain cases, he added, such choice of means would be less harmful for civilian population than other munitions, provided that the use of white phosphorus withstands the proportionality test. In discussing the principle of proportionality he said that the legality of using white phosphorus in an urban setting could only be decided on a case-by-case basis taking into account “the precise circumstances of its use, not in general, generically, but based on that target, at that time”. He stressed that the humanitarian implications were vital in this assessment giving the example that using white phosphorus on a school yard would have different implications to its use on another area. He also said that in his view white phosphorus munition is neither chemical nor incendiary weapon and is not intended to cause damage. He said its use was not prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention.
An article by Mark Cantora examining the legal implications of the use of white phosphorus munitions by the IDF, published in 2010 in the Gonzaga Journal of International Law, argues that Israel’s use of white phosphorus in Gaza was technically legal under existing international humanitarian laws and “Therefore, it is imperative for the international community to convene a White Phosphorus Convention Conference in order to address these issues and fill this substantial gap in international humanitarian law.”
Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME)
Dense inert metal explosive (DIME) is a type of bomb developed to minimize collateral damage. Casualties show unusual injuries. A military expert working for Human Rights Watch said judging by the nature of the wounds and descriptions given by Gazans made it seem likely that Israel used DIME weapons. A Norwegian doctor who worked at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital said that pressure waves generated by missile hits are likely the cause and produced by DIME weapons. Another Norwegian doctor said they had ″clear evidence that the Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive″.
Colonel Lane, military expert testifying in front of the fact-finding mission in July 2009, told the committee that through his studies, no actual proof was found that DIME rounds were used, but tungsten, iron, and sulfur were found in samples analyzed in a forensic lab. He is of the view that some weapons systems used in the conflict had some sort of DIME component to reduce the effect on the ground. Colonel Lane explained that the idea behind a Focused Lethality Munition (FLM), which is an example of a DIME munition, is that the fragments produced stay within a safety radius of about 6 meters, so anybody outside that radius is safe, while those within the area of dispersal will be affected severely. He commented on the documentations where medics described unusual amputations saying that he was no medical expert, but the use of a metal like tungsten and cobalt at short distances would likely have that effect.
The Goldstone Report wrote that the Mission found that the allegations that DIME weapons were used by Israeli armed forces required further clarification and they were unable to ascertain their usage, though it received reports from Palestinian and foreign doctors who had operated in Gaza during the military operations of a high percentage of patients with injuries compatible with their impact. It stated that the “focused lethality” reportedly pursued in DIME weapons could be seen as enhancing compliance with the principle of distinction between civilian and military objects. The report added that as it currently stands, DIME weapons and weapons armed with heavy metal are not prohibited under international law but do raise specific health concerns.
An Amnesty International report called on Israel to confirm or deny its use of DIME to facilitate the treatment of those injured in the conflict. After reports of similar cases in 2006, the IDF had denied the use of DIME weapons. After Israeli forces fired shells near a UN school in Gaza killing around 30 people, Israel’s military said the shelling was in response to mortar fire from within the school and asserted that Hamas were using civilians as cover. They stated that the dead near the school included Hamas members of a rocket launching cell. Two residents of the area confirmed that a group of militants were firing mortar shells from near the school and identified two of the victims as Hamas militants.
Misconduct by IDF Soldiers
Testimonies from Israeli soldiers allegedly admitting indiscriminate killings of civilians, as well as vandalizing homes, were reported in March 2009. Soon after the publication of the testimonies, reports implying that the testimonies were based on hearsay and not on the firsthand experience started to circulate. At the same time, another kind of evidence was collected from several soldiers who took part in the fighting, that rebutted claims of immoral conduct on the military’s part during Gaza War. Following investigations, the IDF issued an official report, concluding that alleged cases of deliberate shooting at civilians did not take place. Nine Israeli rights groups reacting to the closure of the investigation issued a joint statement calling for an “independent nonpartisan investigative body to be established to look into all Israeli army activity” in Gaza.
In July 2009, the Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence published testimony from 26 soldiers (two junior officers and the rest enlisted personnel) who took part in the Gaza assault, claiming that the IDF used Gazans as human shields, improperly fired incendiary white phosphorus shells over civilian areas and used overwhelming firepower that caused needless deaths and destruction. The report did not represent a cross-section of the army, but rather they were troops who had approached the group or were reached through acquaintances of NGO members. The accusations were made by anonymous people who claimed that they were reserves soldiers and whose faces had been blurred in the filmed talks. An Israeli military spokesperson dismissed the testimonies as anonymous hearsay and questioned why Breaking the Silence had not handed over its findings before the media had been informed. The Israeli military said some allegations of misconduct had turned out to be second or third-hand accounts and the result of recycled rumors. Breaking the Silence state that their methodology includes the verification of all information by cross-referencing the testimonies it collects and that published material has been confirmed by a number of testimonies, from several different points of view. A representative stated “the personal details of the soldiers quoted in the collection, and the exact location of the incidents described in the testimonies, would readily be made available to any official and independent investigation of the events, as long as the identity of the testifiers did not become public.”
A soldier who described using Gazans as human shields told in an interview to Haaretz that he had not seen Palestinians being used as human shields but had been told by his commanders that this occurred.
In response to the report, a dozen English-speaking reservists who served in Gaza delivered signed, on-camera counter-testimonies via the “SoldiersSpeakOut” group, about Hamas’ “use of Gazans as human shields and the measures the IDF took to protect Arab civilians”. The special report by Israeli filmmaker Nurit Kedar shown on Channel 4 detailed similar allegations by former IDF soldiers that included vandalism and misconduct by Israeli troops.
Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, in his address to the UNHRC asserted that during the conflict, the Israel Defense Forces “did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare” and that Palestinian civilian casualties were a consequence of Hamas’ way of fighting, which involved using human shields as a matter of policy, and deliberate attempts to sacrifice their own civilians. He added that Israel took extraordinary measures to give Gaza civilians notice of targeted areas and aborted potentially effective missions to prevent civilian casualties.
The first Israeli soldier to be prosecuted for actions committed during the war was a Givati Brigade soldier who stole a Visa credit card from a Palestinian home and used it to withdraw NIS 1,600 ($405). He was arrested and tried before the Southern Command Military Court on charges of looting, credit card fraud, and indecent conduct. He was found guilty and sentenced to seven and a half months in military prison.
In a report submitted to the UN in January 2010, the IDF stated that two senior officers were disciplined for authorizing an artillery attack in violation of rules against their near populated areas. Several artillery shells hit the UNRWA compound in Tel al-Hawa. During the attack on 15 January 2009, the compound was set ablaze by white phosphorus shells. The officers involved were identified as Gaza Division Commander Brigadier-General Eyal Eisenberg and Givati Brigade Commander Colonel Ilan Malka. An IDF internal investigation concluded that the firing of the shells violated the IDF orders limiting the use of artillery fire near populated areas and endangered human life. IDF sources added later that the shells had been fired to create cover to assist in the extrication of IDF troops, some of whom were wounded, from an area where Hamas held a superior position. An Israeli Government spokesman stated that in this particular case they had found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and so had not referred the case to criminal investigation.
In October 2010, Colonel Ilan Malka was interrogated by Israeli military police over the Zeitoun incident, and a criminal investigation was opened. Malka was suspected of authorizing an airstrike on a building that left numerous members of the Samouni family dead. His promotion to the rank of Brigadier-General was suspended due to the investigation. Malka told investigators that he was unaware of the presence of civilians. He was eventually reprimanded over the incident, but it was decided not to indict him. No other charges were brought over this incident. The IDF denied that they were targeting civilians and The New York Times reported that Hamas members had launched rockets at Israel about a mile away from the residents, an area “known to have many supporters of Hamas”. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights called the result “disgraceful” and Btselem stated the need for an external investigator to look into IDF actions during Cast Lead.
In June 2010, Chief Advocate General Avichai Mandelblit summoned a recently discharged Givati Brigade sniper for a special hearing. The soldier was suspected of opening fire on Palestinian civilians when a group of 30 Palestinians that included women and children waving a white flag, approached an IDF position. The incident, which occurred on 4 January 2009, resulted in the death of a non-combatant. Mandelblit decided to indict the soldier on a charge of manslaughter, despite contradictory testimony and the fact that IDF investigators could not confirm that the soldier was responsible for the death.
In July 2010, the officer who authorized the airstrike on the Ibrahim al-Maqadna Mosque was subjected to disciplinary action, as shrapnel caused “unintentional injuries” to civilians inside. The IDF said that the officer “failed to exercise appropriate judgement”, and that he would not be allowed to serve in similar positions of command in the future. Another Israeli officer was also reprimanded for allowing a Palestinian man to enter a building to persuade Hamas militants sheltering inside to leave.
In November 2010, two Givati Brigade Staff Sergeants were convicted by the Southern Command Military Court of using a Palestinian boy as a human shield. The soldiers had been accused of forcing nine-year-old Majed R. at gunpoint to open bags suspected of containing bombs in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood. Both soldiers were demoted one rank and given three-month suspended sentences.
According to the U.S. State Department’s 2010 Human Rights Report, the Military Advocate General investigated over 150 wartime incidents, including those mentioned in the Goldstone Report. As of July, the Military Advocate General launched 47 criminal investigations into the conduct of IDF personnel and completed a significant number of those.
On 1 April 2011, Judge Richard Goldstone, the lead author of the UN report on the conflict, published a piece in The Washington Post titled ‘Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes’. Goldstone noted that the subsequent investigations conducted by Israel “indicate that civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy” while “the crimes allegedly committed by Hamas were intentional goes without saying.” He further expressed regret “that our fact-finding mission did not have such evidence explaining the circumstances in which we said civilians in Gaza were targeted, because it probably would have influenced our findings about intentionality and war crimes.” The other principal authors of the UN report, Hina Jilani, Christine Chinkin and Desmond Travers, have rejected Goldstone’s reassessment arguing that there is “no justification for any demand or expectation for reconsideration of the report as nothing of substance has appeared that would in any way change the context, findings or conclusions of that report with respect to any of the parties to the Gaza conflict”.
The 2014 Gaza War
Israel received some 500 complaints concerning 360 alleged violations. 80 were closed without criminal charges, 6 cases were opened on incidents allegedly involving criminal conduct, and in one case regarding 3 IDF soldiers in the aftermath of the Battle of Shuja’iyya, a charge of looting was laid. Most cases were closed for what the military magistrates considered to be lack of evidence to sustain a charge of misconduct. No mention was made of incidents during the “Black Friday” events at Rafah.
According to Assaf Sharon of Tel Aviv University, the IDF was pressured by politicians to unleash unnecessary violence whose basic purpose was ‘to satisfy a need for vengeance,’ which the politicians themselves tried to whip up in Israel’s population. Asa Kasher wrote that the IDF was pulled into fighting “that is both strategically and morally asymmetric” and that like any other army it made mistakes, but the charges it faces are “grossly unfair”. The Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence, reporting on its analysis of 111 testimonies concerning the war by some 70 IDF soldiers and officers, cited one veteran’s remark that, “Anyone found in an IDF area, which the IDF had occupied, was not a civilian,” to argue that this was the basic rule of engagement. Soldiers were briefed to regard everything inside the Strip as a threat. The report cites several examples of civilians, including women, being shot dead and defined as “terrorists” in later reports. Since leaflets were dropped telling civilians to leave areas to be bombed, soldiers could assume any movement in a bombed area entitled them to shoot. In one case that came under investigation, Lt Col Neria Yeshurun ordered a Palestinian medical center to be shelled to avenge the killing of one of his officers by a sniper.
Civilian Deaths
Many of those killed were civilians, prompting concern from many humanitarian organizations. An investigation by Human Rights Watch concluded that Israel had probably committed war crimes on three specific incidents involving strikes on UNWRA schools. Amnesty International stated that: “Israeli forces have carried out attacks that have killed hundreds of civilians, including through the use of precision weaponry such as drone-fired missiles, and attacks using munitions such as artillery, which cannot be precisely targeted, on very densely populated residential areas, such as Shuja’iyya. They have also directly attacked civilian objects.”
B’tselem has compiled an infogram listing families killed at home in 72 incidents of bombing or shelling, comprising 547 people killed, of whom 125 were women under 60, 250 were minors, and 29 were over 60. On 24 August, Palestinian health officials said that 89 families had been killed.
Nine people were killed while watching the World Cup in a café,[81] and 8 members of a family died that Israel has said were inadvertently killed. A Golani soldier interviewed about his operations inside Gaza said they often could not distinguish between civilians and Hamas fighters because some Hamas operatives dressed in plainclothes, and the night vision goggles made everything look green. An IDF spokesperson said that Hamas “deploys in residential areas, creating rocket launch sites, command and control centers, and other positions deep in the heart of urban areas. By doing so, Hamas chooses the battleground where the IDF is forced to operate.” The highest-ranking U.S. military officer, Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that “Israel went to extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties”.
Later in his speech he said, “the Pentagon three months ago sent a ‘lessons-learned team’ of senior officers and non-commissioned officers to work with the IDF to see what could be learned from the Gaza operation, to include the measures they took to prevent civilian casualties and what they did with tunneling.” Col. Richard Kemp told The Observer, “IDF has taken greater steps than any other army in the history of warfare to minimize harm to civilians in a combat zone.”
Warnings Prior to Attacks
In many cases, the IDF warned civilians prior to targeting militants in highly populated areas to comply with international law. Human rights organizations including Amnesty International, confirmed that in many cases, Palestinians received warnings prior to evacuation, including flyers, phone calls and roof knocking. A report by Jaffa based NGO Physicians for Human Rights, released in January 2015, said that Israel’s alert system had failed, and that the roof-knock system was ineffective. The IDF was criticized for not giving civilians enough time to evacuate. In one case, the warning came less than one minute before the bombing. Hamas has told civilians to return to their homes or stay put following Israeli warnings to leave. In many cases, Palestinians evacuated; in others, they have stayed in their homes. Israel condemned Hamas’s encouragement of Palestinians to remain in their homes despite warnings in advance of airstrikes. Hamas stated that the warnings were a form of psychological warfare, and that people would be equally or more unsafe in the rest of Gaza.
Amnesty International said that “although the Israeli authorities claim to be warning civilians in Gaza, a consistent pattern has emerged that their actions do not constitute an “effective warning” under international humanitarian law.” Human Rights Watch concurred. Many Gazans, when asked, told journalists that they remained in their houses simply because they had nowhere else to go. OCHA’s spokesman has said “there is literally no safe place for civilians” in Gaza. Roof knocking has been condemned as unlawful by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch as well as the United Nations Fact Finding Mission in the 2008 war.
Destruction of Homes
There is much photographic evidence from the New York Times and other media substantiating ruins of residential areas in Beit Hanoun.
Also, Google “house demolitions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.
Israel targeted many homes in this conflict. UNWRA official Robert Turner estimated that 7,000 homes were demolished and 89,000 were damaged, some 10,000 of them severely. This has led to many members of the same family being killed. B’Tselem documented 59 incidents of bombing and shelling, in which 458 people were killed. In some cases, Israel has stated that these homes were of suspected militants and were used for military purposes. The New York Times noted that the damage in this operation was higher than in the previous two wars and stated that 60,000 people had been left homeless as a result. The destruction of homes has been condemned by B’Tselem, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International as unlawful, amounting to collective punishment and war crimes.
Israel destroyed the homes of two suspects in the case of the abduction and killing of the three teenagers. The house demolition has been condemned by B’Tselem as unlawful.
Palestinians returning to their homes during the ceasefire reported that IDF soldiers had trashed their homes, destroyed home electronics such as TV sets, spread feces in their homes, and carved slogans such as “Burn Gaza Down” and “Good Arab = Dead Arab” in walls and furniture. The IDF did not respond to a request by The Guardian for comment.
On 5 November 2014, Amnesty International published a report examining eight cases where the IDF targeted homes, resulting in the deaths of 111 people, of whom 104 were civilians. Barred from access to Gaza by Israel since 2012, it conducted its research remotely, supported by two contracted Gaza-based fieldworkers who conducted multiple visits of each site to interview survivors, and consulted with military experts to evaluate photographic and video material. It concludes, in every case, that “there was a failure to take necessary precautions to avoid excessive harm to civilians and civilian property, as required by international humanitarian law” and “no prior warning was given to the civilian residents to allow them to escape.” As Israel did not disclose any information regarding the incidents, the report said it was not possible for Amnesty International to be certain of what Israel was targeting; it also said that if there were no valid military objectives, international humanitarian law may have been violated, as attacks directed at civilians and civilian objects, or attacks which are otherwise disproportionate relative to the anticipated military advantage of carrying them out, constitute war crimes.
The report was dismissed by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs as “narrow”, “decontextualized”, and disattentive of alleged war crimes perpetrated by Hamas. Amnesty, it asserted, was serving as “a propaganda tool for Hamas and other terror groups.” Anne Herzberg, legal adviser for NGO Monitor, questioned the accuracy of the UN numbers used in the report, saying that they “essentially come from Hamas.”
Shelling of UNRWA Schools
Google the “2014 Israeli shelling of UNRWA Gaza shelters”.
Also, CIA intelligence from 2014 Israeli shelling of UNRWA Gaza shelters has been leaked and transcluded into numerous U.S. media reports.
There were seven shellings at UNRWA facilities in the Gaza Strip which took place between 21 July and 3 August 2014. The incidents were the result of artillery, mortar or aerial missile fire which struck on or near the UNRWA facilities being used as shelters for Palestinians, and as a result at least 44 civilians, including 10 UN staff, died. During the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, many Palestinians fled their homes after warnings by Israel or due to air strikes or fighting in the area. An estimated 290,000 people (15% of Gaza’s population) took shelter in UNRWA schools.
On three separate occasions, on 16 July 2022 July and on 29 July, UNRWA announced that rockets had been found in their schools. UNRWA denounced the groups responsible for “flagrant violations of the neutrality of its premises”. All of these schools were vacant at the time when rockets were discovered; no rockets were found in any shelters which were shelled. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated that “Hamas chooses where these battles are conducted and, despite Israel’s best efforts to prevent civilian casualties, Hamas is ultimately responsible for the tragic loss of civilian life. Specifically in the case of UN facilities, it is important to note the repeated abuse of UN facilities by Hamas, namely with at least three cases of munitions storage within such facilities.”
The attacks were condemned by members of the UN (UNRWA’s parent organization) and other governments, such as the U.S., have expressed “extreme concern” over the safety of Palestinian civilians who “are not safe in UN-designated shelters.” The Rafah shelling in particular was widely criticized, with Ban Ki-moon calling it a “moral outrage and a criminal act” and US State Department calling it “appalling” and “disgraceful”. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said that both Hamas militants and Israel might have committed war crimes. A Human Rights Watch investigation into three of the incidents concluded that Israel committed war crimes because two of the shellings “did not appear to target a military objective or were otherwise indiscriminate”, while the third Rafah shelling was “unlawfully disproportionate”. On 27 April 2015, the United Nations released an inquiry which concluded that Israel was responsible for the deaths of at least 44 Palestinians who died in the shelling and 227 were injured.
On 23 July, twelve human rights organizations in Israel released a letter to Israeli government warning that “Gaza Strip’s civilian infrastructure is collapsing”. They wrote that “due to Israel’s ongoing control over significant aspects of life in Gaza, Israel has a legal obligation to ensure that the humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza are met and that they have access to adequate supplies of water and electricity.” They note that many water and electricity systems were damaged during the conflict, which has led to a “pending humanitarian and environmental catastrophe”. The Sydney Morning Herald reported that “almost every piece of critical infrastructure, from electricity to water to sewage, has been seriously compromised by either direct hits from Israeli air strikes and shelling or collateral damage.”
Between five and eight of the 10 power lines that bring electricity from Israel were disabled, at least three by Hamas rocket fire. On 29 July, Israel was reported to bomb Gaza’s only power plant, which was estimated to take a year to repair. Amnesty International said the crippling of the power station amounted to “collective punishment of Palestinians”. Human Rights Watch has stated that “damaging or destroying a power plant, even if it also served a military purpose, would be an unlawful disproportionate attack under the laws of war”. Israel immediately denied damaging the power plant, stating there was “no indication that [IDF] were involved in the strike … The area surrounding the plant was also not struck in recent days.” Contradicting initial reports that it would take a year to repair, the power plant resumed operation on 27 October.
Attacks on Journalists
At least 17 journalists were killed in the conflict, of which five were off-duty and two (from Associated Press) were covering a bomb disposal team’s effort to defuse an unexploded Israeli artillery shell when it exploded. In several cases, the journalists were killed while having markings distinguishing them as press on their vehicles or clothing. IDF stated that in one case it had precise information that a vehicle marked “TV” that was hit killing one alleged journalist was in military use. Several media outlets, including the offices of Al-Jazeera, were hit. The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the attacks as “appalling murders and attacks”.
Journalists are considered civilians and should not be targeted under international humanitarian law. The Israeli army said it does not target journalists, and that it contacts news media “in order to advise them which areas to avoid during the conflict”.Israel has made foreign journalists sign a waiver stating that it is not responsible for their safety in Gaza, which Reporters Without Borders calls contrary to international law. The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, who in August 2014 condemned the killing of Al Aqsa TV journalist Abdullah Murtaja, withdrew her comments after it was revealed that Murtaja was also a combatant in Hamas’s Al Qassam Brigade, and said she “deplore[d] attempts to instrumentalize the profession of journalists by combatants.”
ITIC published a report analyzing a list of 17 names published by Wafa News Agency based on information originating from Hamas-controlled Gaza office of the ministry of information that supposedly belong to journalists killed in the operation. The report says that 8 of the names belong to Hamas or Islamic Jihad operatives, or employees of the Hamas media.
Israel bombed Hamas’s Al-Aqsa radio and TV stations because of their “propaganda dissemination capabilities used to broadcast the messages of (Hamas’s) military wing.” Reporters Without Borders and Al-Haq condemned the attacks, saying “an expert committee formed by the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor for the former Yugoslavia, to assess the NATO bombing campaign of 1999, specified that a journalist or media organization is not a legitimate target merely because it broadcasts or disseminates propaganda. “The U.S. government classifies Al-Aqsa TV as being controlled by Hamas, a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist,” and states that it “will not distinguish between a business financed and controlled by a terrorist group, such as Al-Aqsa Television, and the terrorist group itself.”
Human Shields
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay accused Israel of having “defied international law by attacking civilian areas of Gaza such as schools, hospitals, homes and U.N. facilities. “None of this appears to me to be accidental,” Pillay said. “They appear to be defying – deliberate defiance of – obligations that international law imposes on Israel.”” The Jaffa based NGO Physicians for Human Rights stated in a report in January 2015 that the IDF had used human shields during the war. IDF criticized the report’s conclusions and methodology which “cast a heavy shadow over its content and credibility”. Defense for Children International-Palestine reported that 17-year-old Ahmad Abu Raida was kidnapped by Israeli soldiers who, after beating him up, used him as a human shield for five days, forcing him to walk in front of them with police dogs at gunpoint, search houses and dig in places soldiers suspected there might be tunnels. Several of the key claims could not be verified because his Hamas-employed father said he forgot to take photographs of the alleged abuse marks and discarded all the clothing IDF soldiers supposedly provided Abu Raida when he was freed.
The IDF confirmed that the troops suspected Ahmad of being a militant based on the affiliation of his father (a senior official in Gaza’s Tourism Ministry) with Hamas and so detained him during the ground operation. The IDF and Israeli authorities challenged the credibility of DCI-P noting their “scant regard for truth”. The IDF Military Advocate General opened criminal investigation into the event.
Massacres by Israel since 1948 (The scale of these massacres by Israel is absolutely appalling. According to UN estimates, over 80,000 dead, wounded, and missing. Below, in alphabetical order, is a partial list of those massacres.)
Bahr El-Baqar primary school bombing
Beit Rima massacre
Ghaziyeh airstrikes
Hula massacre
Kafr Qasim massacre
Khan Yunis massacre
Maarakeh bombing
Mansouri attack
Nabatieh Fawka attack
2006 Qana airstrike
Qana massacre
Qana massacre
Qibya massacre
Rafah massacre
Ras Sedr massacre
The 1984 Sohmor massacre
Wehda Street massacre
Zeitoun District Massacre
Zrarieh raid
The 1948 War Massacres by Israel. (Again, by UN estimates, at least 70 massacres by Israel occurred during the 1948 War. The Yishuv, later Israeli, soldiers killed or wounded over 10,000 Arab civilians and unarmed prisoners of war in acts of ‘ethnic cleansing’ to make way for Israeli settlers. Saleh Abdel Jawad lists at least 68 villages where acts of indiscriminate killing of women and children took place, where no threat was posed to Yishuv or Israeli soldiers. Below, in alphabetical order, is a partial list.)
Al-Kabri incident
Arab al-Mawasi massacre
Balad al-Shaykh massacre
Al-Dawayima massacre
Deir Yassin massacre
Eilabun massacre
Ein al-Zeitun massacre
Massacre in Lydda
Sa’sa’ Massacre
Safsaf massacre
Tantura massacre
I haven’t even mentioned Israel’s nuclear arsenal. Estimates of Israel’s stockpile go up to 400 nuclear warheads, and the country is believed to possess the ability to deliver them in several methods, including by aircraft, as submarine-launched cruise missiles, and via the Jericho series of intermediate to intercontinental range ballistic missiles.
Israel has no qualms about deploying a nuke.
On the eve of the Six Day War, with the country surrounded by enemies and unsure of its future, Israel developed a “doomsday” plan to detonate an atomic bomb in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula as a warning to the Arabs.
Also, there’s Israel’s “Doomsday Option”.
It’s an official policy.
The Samson Option (Hebrew: ברירת שמשון, b’rerat shimshon) is the name military analysts and authors have given to Israel’s deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” against a country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of Israel’s conventional military.
Commentators also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, non-Israeli actors have threatened conventional weapons retaliation, such as Yasser Arafat.
The name is a reference to the biblical Israelite judge Samson who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had captured him, crying out “Let me die with the Philistines!” (Judges 16:30).
The Samson Option is absolute and total madness.
You could’ve just provided a link to this.
Here it is, Shadow:
It’s my most recent Facebook post.
And I’m trying to get one of the members of “The Squad” on my radio show.
God bless The Squad for speaking Truth to Power: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Jamaal Bowman of New York, Cori Bush of Missouri, Greg Casar of Texas and Summer Lee of Pennsylvania.
In a paper and ink paper, printing that might break the budget. I’m guessing that such concerns are avoided on the web.
I think I agree with most of what you say, but I simply could not read more than a little of it.
I read that Mike Jani is not a logger from a critic. He has some good things to say but Jani is probably the most famous logger in the area. He was president of the most important logging company in town. I don’t get that one.
For what it is worth, Mike Jani was president of the Mendocino Redwood Company, a lumber company. He is a forester, and has supervised logging in his past. MRC is not in the logging business, they hire contract loggers to work for them. They also have a large acreage of commercial Redwood timber land. A classic confusion often arrises between logs and lumber. Lumber people are marketers. Logging people are tradesman. It is exactly the something as the difference between wine people and grape harvesting. people.
I just read the rest of the criticism. He completely misconstrues my statement about openly corrupt corporate raiders and Tom evidentally doesn’t think Charles Hurwitz fits the bill as a corporate raider? He was obviously the one I referred to when I describe openly corrupt corporate raiders who arrived and caused Redwood Summer back in the 1990s. For some reason, Tom drags Willits Redwood Company’s name into it, which I never did and would never do. Hurwitz was one of the most famous corporate raiders in history. WRR is not now nor has ever been a corporate raider in any shape or form, nor corrupt by any account I have heard.
Please review the sentences Tom is criticizing and somehow got confused to think I was talking about someone other than Charles Hurwitz??????
“New timber workers got their first look at the non-violent but scary confrontational methods that were last seen during the 1990s. Redwood Summer and the years after, featuring Judi Bari and even more dramatic methods used to stop logging by openly corrupt corporate raiders. For reporters, it has been a nightmare from the beginning to find a sculpt a topiary of objectivity or truth from a thicket of Timber Wars exaggerations..”
Then I transfer back to now clearly. I spend a lot of time on this, because I think its a shame to mention other companies in that sentence. Maybe I should have named the logging villains from Redwood Summer. Hurwitz of course, was not a logger by the standard we are now apparently using, just the working guy with the chainsaw, nobody else is a logger.
Another thing, Tom disparages a certain Native American leader for alleged legal troubles unrelated to the matter at hand. Apparently, I was not supposed to mention her because she lacks credibility due to this. If that is the standard, there were a lot of other people in the room that should not be quoted. I don’t believe in bringing up or looking up someone’s legal troubles unless that matter is related to what is being discussed.
I did reverse, west with east, sorry, i’m drowning in that one Tom. I drove 7 miles west on Highway 20 before a great white shark chased me back east.
Breach of contract is the cause of action? So what? The lawsuits are about the disruption and whether Cal Fire would cover the logging companies. I was amazed at how hard Cal Fire seems to have been fighting but the suits are a story for another day. I should not mention that the protests led to two lawsuits? Why? I was proud of myself for finding those in the very hard to use county courts computer.
Tom did have a point on grand fir. He was one of four people who contacted me and said I had disparaged the grand fir by saying it was not an important timber species with a height problem. I have been reading about grand fir all day and there is no way out for me on this one .I had gotten this information about them not being important to timber harvesting from an antique forestry textbook and by looking at the short grand firs on my property which are half the size of redwoods next to them twice their age. From what I can tell, and I’m sure Tom will tell me if I am wrong about the grand firs, they are a tree that goes crazy in absence of fire. So they went crazy in Mendocino County after the textbook was printed? Tom, please correct me about this! Tom truly does know 100x about forestry than me at least, so I really hope he will take me on the tour he suggested. I would learn a lot
So if I didn’t call anybody to head west instead of east and drown, I did learn a lot about Grand Fir and this whole discussion reminds me of the meeting we went to!
Please keep the comments coming and email me direct with anything and don’t drive west on HIghway 20 from Highway 1!
The redwoods are about 20 years old and 60 feet tall and the biggest grand fir is 75 years old and 40 feet tall, but 36 inches in diameter. I would like any and all input about grand firs, including whether they ever did get tall on the Coast.
Grand Fir gets tall, and and big. In a situation where Grand Fir, and Redwood grow up together, Grand Fir will usually out compete Redwood in hight growth. But Grand Fir. has a shorter life. Redwood has much more value than Grand Fir, and as a result in a commercial forest it is economically desirable to remove Grand Fir anywhere that it is competing with Redwood. Unfortunately, Redwood trees are too often “high graded” and Grand Fir is left for “stocking”. The long term result of high grading is a degraded forest that is economically challenging to harvest. Grand Fir is only the worst example of trees being being left in high graded stands because of its minimal commercial value. Other lower value trees are Douglas fir, and hardwoods. Redwoods do best when growing by themselves without competition.