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LOCALLY HOT CONDITIONS will occur across interior valleys this weekend, followed by slightly cooler conditions during much of the upcoming work week. Otherwise, isolated thunderstorm development is expected across northeast Trinity County this afternoon, with mainly dry conditions occurring across the region thereafter. (NWS)
STEPHEN DUNLAP (Fort Bragg): A warm 56F in foggy conditions this Saturday morning on the coast. Our forecast is for mostly clear but I am again skeptical. It will get windy Sunday night for a couple days.
SEIU 1021 Vice President Requests State Controller Audit of Mendocino County
UKIAH, CA — On Friday, August 4, 2023, SEIU 1021 Vice President Mary Sandberg made an official request to California State Controller Malia Cohen’s Office to conduct an audit and review of Mendocino County’s financial condition. A copy of the official letter can be found here.
Dear Controller Cohen:
We are writing on behalf of our Mendocino County members and concerned community members to ask your office to conduct an audit of county finances and a review of the county’s recent grant seeking efforts, particularly in the area of securing available federal and state support to defray the cost of medical insurance for county employees working primarily on grant-funded programs.
Mendocino has a troubling recent history of fiscal mismanagement. Both Mendocino County’s former chief executive Carmel Angelo and its former tax collector Shari Shapmire say the current Board of Supervisors is unprepared to properly evaluate the county’s financial position.
Supervisor Ted Williams said during a public meeting last September that the county “has three sets of books,” and asked why he and other supervisors “haven’t been able to get a credible financial report.”
Mendocino County CEO Darcie Antle admitted to members of the Board of Supervisors that half of the deficit in the county’s health care plan is due to coverage for county employees working wholly or mostly on programs funded by state and federal grants, whose health care costs should have been reimbursed by these programs. She admitted that the county had not properly applied for reimbursement and was unable to obtain it retroactively.
We would encourage your auditors to review the following local media coverage of Mendocino County’s recent financial dysfunction and lack of transparency:
The Mystery of Mendocino County’s Multi-Million Dollar Health Plan Deficit — MendoFever
Board of Supervisors Discuss Timely Financial Reporting Practices Claims To Address Budgetary Fuss — MendoFever
Mendocino County Employees Demand Cost of Living Raise and Push Back on Claims of Budget Shortfalls — MendoFever
“We Really Want to Assess the Financial Stability of the County at This Time’,” CEO Antle on Mendo’s Budget Showdown — MendoFever
Mendocino County Supervisors, Chief Accounting Officer Discuss County Finances — The Mendocino Voice
Mendocino County Risks Losing its Credit Rating from Top Agency Due to Lack of SufficientI Information — MendoFever
In short, frontline workers in Mendocino County who provide vital county health, human services and public works programs are concerned about the viability of the services they provide and their own livelihoods. They lack confidence in the ability of their elected and appointed officials to properly track and analyze county finances, maximize revenue collection and accurately report the county’s fiscal condition.
We are taking the unprecedented step of formally requesting an audit and review by your office as a result of our grave concerns about the county’s actual financial condition and current reserves and our lack of confidence in the ability of the county to provide accurate and truthful information in a timely manner to either the public or to our union at the bargaining table.
Mary Sandberg
SEIU 1021 Vice President, Region B (North Coast)
I would like to see water tests done on summer samples from the mouth of the Navarro River. In my nearly 50 years of living here I have watched the closed off mouth of the river go from a clean swimming hole to a sewer like holding pond full of ugly moss. This has coincided with the development of the grape fields in Anderson Valley and is clearly a consequence of nitrogen runoff. Some years ago while driving through the valley late at night I witnessed a man on a brightly lit tractor in one or those white, plastic, protective suits spraying the vines with an insecticide. Spraying is the wrong term since the toxic liquid was gushing out the nozzle and saturating the vines and ground. Obviously being done at night when few would see it. Test the river and trace the problems back to the source. Also if vines are planted on steep hills they should be required to be grown organically and dry farmed. This is how the Frey winery in Redwood Valley does it and I would encourage others to join me in only buying their wines.
ADDICTION MENDO, an on-line comment:
If you never feel like you matter in the first place what’s it matter? You just keep sliding. A great portion of our Mendo addicts and homeless are homegrown. Children that aged out of Foster Care. Aged out without a high school diploma or any plans for adulthood. Systems without accountability. The laws as far as 5150 and mandated timeframes build the failed foundations. The results wandering the streets. The zombies gathered by the Building Bridges project near Talmage struggle, have for years. The use of the Obama phones when you think about that what does it do? it allows people to sell drugs, do drugs talk about all kinds of crazy stuff nobody’s going to track them. Then when you’re done with that phone you can just get a new one so no matter. No reason to take care of it who cares disposable. NEXT and a new number. Then no one can track you, no services, no other people you’re engaged with because your phone number changes with each Obama phone. This really adds to the issue. Adventist health is not healthy. Rather unhealthy, judgey, rude, deny care to medi-cal patients, dump homeless after the funding medicare runs out, no discharge planning that is effective for these populations. Mendo has a problem. Dumping money on it without plans or accountability for the long term is driving the issue.
by Matt LaFever
It has been two years since David Charles Ryan, a prominent local realtor, was arrested by the Ukiah Police Department and charged with felony sexual penetration with a foreign object with force and felony burglary.
After numerous delays, he could face a Mendocino County jury within a matter of weeks with the Superior Court scheduling the trial to begin on August 14, 2023.
The specifics of the incident that led to his 2021 arrest are vague. A press release from the Ukiah Police Department published in August 2021 states Ryan was arrested at his home for felony residential burglary, penetration with a foreign object, and sexual battery. One misdemeanor was also listed for child endangerment.
David C. Ryan is a prominent name in the Mendocino County realty scene, according to his LinkedIn profile. In his “About” section on LinkedIn, Ryan states he has been selling homes in Mendocino County since 1988 and grew to sell multi-residential and commercial properties. Ryan, as of late, had been working as a Realtor at Windermere Platinum Real Estate Services.
Though the nature of accusations he could be tried for is vague, the accusations of four women from nearly 25 years ago could offer some insight.
An article written by Ukiah Daily Journal’s Glenda Anderson published on May 1, 1998 provides an overview of four women’s alleged experiences with Ryan claiming a litany of untoward sexual advances.
One woman alleged Ryan entered her home “in the middle of the night” three separate times when her roommate was gone. On two of those occasions, she awoke to find Ryan had “entered her bedroom.”
The woman alleged to be diligent about locking her door and surmised Ryan had a key to the residence.
Anderson reported that Ryan told Ukiah Police he was there on only two occasions, each time to visit the woman’s roommate. He denied having a key.
As a result of these claims, Ryan faced trespassing charges in connection with the incident.
Another woman alleged Ryan harassed her for nearly three years. She came to know Ryan when he sold her home in 1994. Following the sale of her home, she alleged Ryan would regularly arrive on her doorstep between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., “pound on her door then barge in when she opened it and ask her for sex.” The woman told investigators she was initially “flattered by the attention” but became “nervous as he became progressively pushy and the incidents became more frequent, almost weekly.”
Yet another woman who knew Ryan through her boyfriend claimed the realtor made unannounced visits to her home several times.
The first time Ryan arrived, he was allegedly “intoxicated and asked to use her bathroom.” The woman heard Ryan make his way into her bedroom and upon investigating located him lying on her bed. She told him to leave, pulled back the covers, and “discovered he was naked.”
He quickly dressed, but moments later, in the woman’s kitchen, allegedly made a sexual advance.
Once again, the woman insisted he leave but Ryan allegedly told her that he was “too drunk to drive and she let him sleep on her couch for a couple of hours before waking him and sending him on his way.”
The woman claimed Ryan returned to her home another time once again asking to use the bathroom. During the visit, he allegedly made comments of a sexual nature. The woman told her boyfriend about the circumstances, who called Ryan and, after that, Ryan never returned.
A fourth woman claimed Ryan “made continual sexual comments” while he was “representing the woman and her husband when they were selling their home in the fall of 1997.
At one point, Ryan is said to have called the woman and invited her to “come over and talk about the sale.” She declined “because she had to pick up her children from school.” Next thing she knew, Ryan showed up at her child’s school “making comments about having an affair.”
Aside from these incidents, Ryan has a history of run-ins with law enforcement. A booking log published by the Ukiah Daily Journal on June 1, 2011, indicates Ryan, then 46-years-old, was arrested by the California Highway Patrol and subsequently booked into the county jail for driving under the influence.
Unfortunately, the Mendocino County Superior Court Information Portal does not provide any information about the resolution of these claims nor does our review of newspaper archives.
Aside from accusations of the four women in 1998, Ryan has had multiple run-ins with law enforcement.
In both April 2010 and July 2011, Ryan was arrested for driving under the influence. He pled guilty and sentenced to sixty months of probation.
In April 2012, Ryan was arrested “on suspicion of grand theft” and violation of his probation.
The Mendocino County Superior Court Information Portal indicates he would end up pleading guilty to “petty theft” and was sentenced to a year of probation.
On August 10, 2023, Mendocino County Deputy District Attorney Heidi Larson will meet with Justin Petersen, Ryan’s defense attorney, in the chambers of Judge Keith Faulder with a jury trial slated to begin four days later, August 14.
We reached out to both prosecution and defense for an opportunity to comment on the criminal case against David Charles Ryan. Petersen declined to comment while the case was still in litigation and Larson never responded.
With due respect to the potential victim of the circumstances described, it must be stated that the charges have not been proven in a court of law. In accordance with the legal principle of the presumption of innocence, any individual described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
My Heart Is Happy!
I checked the reservation list for the Sports Kick Off Dinner at the Junior/Senior High School and 225 people are attending. Anderson Valley community involvement is back. This is stellar!
What it looks like:
First of all, Terri and Steve Rhoades will cook up a storm. Pick up your dinner in the cafeteria and eat in the gym. AV Cheer, under the expert direction of Yesenia Pena, will lead us in some cheers! Athletic Director, John Toohey, will outline requirements for sports play. I’ll be honest, those requirements are tough. We expect our athletes to lead the pack. Av pride is back.
Each sport, and Service Learning Team, will have their own table. Plus, we need drivers. Our fingerprinting company will be on site to register any parent that wants to be a parent volunteer to drive to our games free of charge right then. Help us give your kids play time. If we don’t have enough drivers, we go to a smaller travel team and that is not good. That is not what is optimal, but it is reality. We just bought two new vans, who can step up to help kids get where they need to go?
In other news, on a personal note, my beloved new dog, Walter, was bit by a rattlesnake in my driveway and is very, very sick. Please be mindful of your kids and pets. If he doesn’t make it, I only hope that the awareness that I can create, wilL help someone else. I also have to tell you, the amazingly strong ladies of Anderson Valley Unified gave me a personal demonstration of how to kill a rattlesnake with a shovel. I went to Friedman’s and I am ready. I will say folks, you have some super strong energy in this Valley!
Shout outs are numerous and I always miss someone, but let me start with Marcia and Manuel who took an early drive with me to Napa to pick up two new vans for our district. So good to spend time with these dedicated folks.
To Wynne, Guy, and Dennis for getting the new announcement and bell system installed at the high school while at the same time completing a plumbing repair at the elementary.
To the site secretaries Mari, Celeste, Belma, Kathy, and Mimi, doing everything they can to create a seamless reentry for your kids. To the tireless custodial staff of Antonia, Erika, Martin, and Amalia for making a clean and safe place for kids to go to school.
To Miss Swehla for the fair experience for our kids. I will be blunt. If your kid isn’t in ffa, enroll today. She creates winners because she has high expectations and doesn’t put up with $#$#@$@#. These kids will be successful in school and beyond. Makes me cry to see the investment that is poured in.
The septic project at the elementary school is rolling. The classroom water replacement starts tomorrow. Miguel has painted almost every modular in the main elementary campus. Plans are in final comment for DSA for the high school. Do you feel it? It is happening…
How can you help? Sign up to volunteer. Come to committee meetings. At the junior/senior high, support the no cell phone policy. Our kids (and me too) are addicted. Let’s get back into the present.
So grateful for your partnership.
I know I am a pain in the @#@# , but I see all that your kids can become. We need to hold the expectation.
PS. Don't Forget! Orientation is next week!
Grade 7/8- Monday, Aug 7th from 11-3
Grade 9/10- Tuesday, Aug 8th from 11-3
Grade 11/12- Wednesday, Aug 9th from 11-3
If you have students in different grades, you can come on the day of your older student's orientation.
First Day of school is Monday Aug 14th,
Don't forget that there is a Mandatory Athlete Dinner on Monday, August 7th at 5 pm.
We are looking forward to seen you next week!!
I am looking for a snake wrangler to come to my property to look for a six foot rattlesnake that bit my dog. If you are interested in learning more, please call me at 650-996-3290.
Take care,
Louise Simson, Superintendent
Anderson Valley Unified School District
SUPERVISOR WILLIAMS: “$27M aggregate of public money should require performance review. Why hasn’t there been one?”
THE SUPERVISOR was referring to Redwood Community Services, aka Redwood Quality Management Company, aka Anchor Health, an ever-expanding social services network presided over by Camille Schraeder, who distributes an annual $27 million tax dollars filtered through Mendocino County to a variety of services allegedly of help to dependent children and adults. Ms. Schraeder has threatened her critics to return her entire apparatus to the County if the County is unhappy with her management.
HOW EFFECTIVE is her management? How effective are her shape-shifting programs? Nobody knows because the County doesn't ask.
IN DEFENSE of Schraeder, a resident of Potter Valley who worked her way up to her present eminence from the late Trinity School of Ukiah, having arrived in the County with the Back to the Land wave of counterculture settlers, dependent persons everywhere in our crumbling country present both a huge pot of money and an unsolvable problem short of institutional care, which barely exists, as the streets of Ukiah bear daily witness.
BUT SUPERVISOR WILLIAMS is correct. Even by the loosest civic standards $27 unexamined million is a lotta public dough to sail out the annual fiscal door on the assurance of one person that major good is being done.
MOST OF THE MONEY, natch, is paid out to the helping professionals, who help themselves to a nice income while doing good. How much good is the question.
MR. MARBUT was paid $60 thou by the Supervisors for advice on how to handle the homeless. His advice was to treat and house Mendo's home-grown intractables, give the transient mooches a sandwich or two then kick them in the ass outtahere.
THE HELPING PROS came roaring out in a mass meeting to denounce Marbut as cruel and heartless, and his commonsense suggestions were shelved (except in Fort Bragg where the cops run the homeless services), and here we are.
THERE ARE SO MANY helping pros in Mendocino County, especially when you factor in their fellow delusionals who manage not to see the work product of the helping pros as it shuffles up and down State Street and in and out of the County Jail, that one quickly sees how the helping pros have created what amounts to a national homeless crisis.
by Sara Reith
Mendocino County has the highest per capita number of overdose deaths in the state, with 54.7 per 100,000 in 2021. And there’s not always enough treatment, according to Clover Martin, the Treatment Services Director at the Ford Street Project in Ukiah. This week, she said, “We do not have any female beds available. Probably the next available female bed is three weeks away. So if you can imagine being a mother or a grandmother or a father and calling to try and get your family member in and you have to be told no, or I don’t know when the bed is going to be available or we need to put you on a wait list, that’s tough. And our male status for beds, we have two.”
Since November of last year, the county has received $1.4 million from opioid settlement agreements. This week, Aneri Pattani of the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that last year the Board of Supervisors approved the use of over $63,000 of settlement money to balance the county’s budget. That includes backfilling a portion of the multi-million dollar hole in the health care plan.
Erica Valdovinos is an ER doctor at Adventist Health Ukiah Valley. She also works for California Bridge, an organization dedicated to using evidence-based treatments for patients with substance use disorder. “As a physician who takes care of patients with opioid use disorder every day,” including people who have overdosed, she said, “I am very eager to find out what is going to become of the opioid settlement funds in this county. In fact, I have been trying for months to learn more about the process by which these funds are going to be distributed. And I haven’t gotten any answers. So I was alarmed to see that reporting yesterday that seems to indicate that the county is going to use a portion of those funds to plug a hole in the budget.”
Supervisor Glenn McGourty, chair of the Board of Supervisors, wrote in a statement that, “The $63,000 referenced in the December 2022 budget status report, was a portion of the Plaintiff Subdivision Fund, and appropriately approved for offsetting healthcare expenses, given the County has incurred damages for past harms including increased healthcare costs as a result of the opioid crisis.”
He wrote that $1,125,000 of the settlement funds received so far have been set aside in an abatement fund, “to address future remediation such as treatment programs for our community.” The other $275,000 is in the subdivision fund, which political subdivisions like cities and counties can use for purposes other than direct opioid remediation. McGourty wrote that this portion of the settlement, “provides for our direct damages, such as reimbursing past County incurred opioid related expenses and costs of bringing the litigation” against the manufacturers and distributors of opioids.
It’s not the first time money from a public health crisis has gone into the health care plan deficit.
Last year, over $4.5 million of the county’s allotment from the American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, went towards backfilling the shortfall. The Executive Office estimated it would have been over $10 million without the infusion. Another $370,000 from the same covid relief fund went towards remodeling the Board of Supervisors chambers, including a mechanical podium where members of the public stand to address the Board. The podium moves up and down to accommodate speakers of various heights.
ARPA guidelines were loose. And according to data compiled by Christine Minhee of OpioidsettlementTracker.com, only thirteen states have declared in writing that they’ll report 100% of their opioid settlement expenditures to the public.
California is not one of them. Minhee’s analysis, first shared with Kaiser Health News, shows that while many states have not committed to reporting any of their settlement expenditures, California has only committed to reporting 15%.
The state is participating in seven settlements with distributors, drug makers, and individual pharmacies. Two years ago, opioid manufacturer Janssen Pharmaceuticals and three distributors, McKesson, AmericsourceBergen, and Cardinal Health, settled over 3,000 lawsuits for $26 billion. California will get regular payments from a little over $2 billion from those settlements through the year 2038. Settlements with five other drugmakers and pharmacies are pending.
Some addiction treatment providers in Mendocino County are frustrated by the lack of transparency about how the local funds are going to be distributed. Jacque Williams is the Executive Director of the Ford Street Project, which offers residential and outpatient treatment as well as state-licensed detox therapy. She’s gotten a state grant to expand, and is applying for $4.1 million in Measure B funds to increase her offerings. She wants to understand what the strategy is going to be for community input. “Is there going to be an oversight of decision-making body or an oversight committee that ensures the implementation or approval of requests?” she asked. “This deserves a structured approach because there are several opportunities for investment of that money. And that's going to require people who understand the broad impact within our community. I’d love to see some first responders, people from the ER’s, just educators, be our thinkers about how we get after this going forward.”
Though the opioid litigation has been wending through the courts for years, many municipalities, including Mendocino County, have not yet formulated a plan for how to distribute the funds. McGourty wrote that, “Dr. Jenine Miller, the Director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, and member of the National Association of Counties Opioid Solutions Leadership Network, will be working with the Board of Supervisors in the near future to determine the highest and best use of the Abatement Funds for opioid remediation activities in our County.”
Valdovinos said that, while she is “just an emergency doctor,” who doesn’t know what the details of the of a transparent process will be, “I am really looking forward to seeing what the county has planned to address this epidemic in our community, and I remain standing by to support with any guidance or feedback that they might like. I also have plenty of colleagues who also have lots of experience taking care of patients in our community with substance use disorder, and all of us are here and willing to help.”
* * *
Opioid Settlement Funding
(County Press Release)
Mendocino County, in conjunction with several other California counties, sued manufacturers and distributors of opioids for the direct damages caused to our government by the opioid crisis. The opioid crisis directly impacted Mendocino County’s departments resulting in many financial and programmatic damages such as higher healthcare related expenses, lost productivity, increased crime, and additional burdens on departments that serve and protect our community - Social Services, Behavioral Health, Child Welfare, Public Health and law enforcement agencies such as the Sheriff, District Attorney and Probation. Our litigation was joined with multiple national lawsuits alleging similar claims.
The first settlement reached with one of the opioid manufacturers and the big three distributors nationwide, has resulted in funds beginning to be distributed to the County. The funds Mendocino County receives from all opioid settlements fall into two categories, meant to achieve different purposes. The majority of the funds (70% of the overall settlement) are distributed directly to counties through the “Abatement Fund,” which will be used for opioid remediation (i.e., care, treatment and other programs and expenditures designed to address the misuse and abuse of opioid products, to treat or mitigate opioid use and related disorders, and/or to mitigate other alleged effects of the opioid epidemic). An additional (significantly smaller) portion of the settlement funds (15% overall) is distributed directly to the named government subdivision plaintiffs, like Mendocino County, for initiating the litigation. This is referred to as the “Plaintiff Subdivision Fund”, and provides for our direct damages, such as reimbursing past County incurred opioid related expenses and costs associated with bringing the litigation. Only the select California counties and cities which filed suit will benefit from this additional fund. The remaining 15% of the overall settlement is distributed to the State of California, i.e., “California State Fund” for future opioid remediation activities.
Thus far, the County has received a small portion of the initial settlement, $1,400,000, of which $275,000 is attributed to the Plaintiff Subdivision Fund and will serve to reimburse the County’s direct costs, including, but not limited to, offsetting increased opioid related healthcare expenses. $1,125,000 of the initial settlement distribution is earmarked for the Abatement Fund and has been set aside into a separate fund to address future remediation such as treatment programs for our community. Dr. Jenine Miller, the Director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, and member of the National Association of Counties Opioid Solutions Leadership Network, will be working with the Board of Supervisors in the near future to determine the highest and best use of the Abatement Funds for opioid remediation activities in our County.
The $63,000 referenced in the December 2022 budget status report, was a portion of the Plaintiff Subdivision Fund, and appropriately approved for offsetting healthcare expenses, given the County has incurred damages for past harms including increased health care costs as a result of the opioid crisis.
[1] I use Weather Underground to get a daily weather report and forecast, and select one of the local weather stations near my home. I am interested to know if these local devices store weather history and if there is anyway to access it publicly. Weather underground provides weather history for Santa Rosa and Ukiah, but I have not found it for Fort Bragg or the local stations. Also, I am interested in getting a weather station myself, and wondering if they all have a history feature, and what brand current users might recommend. Off list is fine. Thank you.
[2] The devices themselves do not store weather history. Weather Underground stores weather history from personal weather stations that are set up to report to them.
I have an Acu-Rite Iris 5-in-1 personal weather station that reports to Weather Underground.
You can access the station data at wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCALITTL10
If you scroll down the page you'll come to a Weather history section. The interface is a bit clunky, but you can view data from a past date, week or month.
You can find Acu-Rite stations like mine on Amazon starting at about $114. Other brands with similar offerings include Ambient Weather, Logia, and Sainlogic.
Nick Wilson
SUPERVISOR WILLIAMS: After tree trimming declared ineffective, PG&E adopts new wildfire mitigation strategy
"PG&E Corp. is axing its enhanced tree-trimming program aimed at reducing wildfire risk after deeming it largely ineffective."

To the Editor:
Transparency and accountability are core values of government that our elected officials must work vigorously to uphold. In Mendocino County, we are faced with a test of that value, as critical public reports outlining county finances are months behind schedule.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACRFs) are essential documents that show members of the public and elected leaders the current state of an agency’s finances. State law requires counties, cities, and school districts to release these reports in the six months following the close of the fiscal year in June.
The last ACFR released for Mendocino County covered the fiscal year running from July 2020 to June 2021, which means we have no audited reporting of county finances covering the last two years of operations. This delay in reporting not only makes accountability and governance incredibly difficult, it is also likely illegal.
Up the coast, our neighbors in Humboldt County faced a similar financial reporting delinquency issue just last year. Their former Auditor-Controller, Karen Paz Dominguez, failed to file different financial reports, resulting in the California Attorney General sending a demand letter threatening litigation and financial penalties. Paz Dominguez took an adversarial position, shifting blame onto other elected officials and county staff.
The difference between the situation in Humboldt and our situation here in Mendocino is that Paz Dominguez faced a Board of Supervisors committed to ensuring accountability and demanding a resolution to the issue. The Board passed votes of no-confidence, approved third-party investigations, and eventually approved a settlement deal to get the Auditor-Controller out of office and bring someone in who could actually do the job. Here in Mendocino County, there has been a lackadaisical attitude from the Board, enabling these serious issues to go unanswered and fly under the radar.
Adding to this issue is action by the Board in 2021 to merge the Auditor-Controller and Treasurer-Tax Collector positions, creating a chaotic situation in which the duties of both offices have suffered as the attention is divided amongst competing obligations.
The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors must make fiscal transparency, accountability, and responsibility a core value of county government. They have a responsibility to constituents to demand accurate, independent financial reporting from our Auditor-Controller. Mendocino County residents deserve no less.
Madeline Cline
Redwood Valley
Next week, work continues to install water laterals (from the main line to the buildings) and connect new fire hydrants. Because the main line is already installed, no driveway closures are anticipated. However, Norton between State and Main is likely to be closed on Monday to complete work in the manhole in the intersection, and Scott between State and School will be closed on Tuesday. Residents will be allowed through, and pedestrian access to businesses will be maintained at all times.
No disruptions to utilities are anticipated next week. The connections for the new water service are tentatively scheduled to begin roughly August 25th, and those will require some water shut-offs for several hours. More detailed advance notice will be provided as we get a little closer to that work.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly. Otherwise, I hope you have a great weekend!
Fun fact: Underground utility pipes are color coded.
Blue: Water line
Green: Sewer line
Purple: Recycled water line (no “purple pipe” in this project, but we ARE expanding our recycled water system, starting later this year.
Shannon Riley, Deputy City Manager, City of Ukiah
by Jim Shields
County Employees OK Strike Vote
The union representing about 700 county employees approved a strike vote this past Friday. Here’s the report.
On Friday July 28, Mendocino County workers represented by SEIU Local 1021 voted to authorize their bargaining team to call a strike, should a strike become necessary. The strike authorization vote passed overwhelmingly, with 92.4% voting yes.
Despite total revenue for Mendocino County having increased 44.8% since 2019-2020, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors has continued to bargain in bad faith with its public health nurses, children’s social workers, road crews, and other employees. In repeated negotiation meetings, the County has insisted that its employees pay more for their healthcare and retirement – an overall pay cut. This effective pay cut will only exacerbate the current staffing crisis by pushing even more County workers to opt for better-paid positions in neighboring counties, cities, and the private sector.
“Our members are frustrated with the lack of leadership from this administration,” said SEIU 1021 Mendocino County Chapter President Julie Beardsley, a senior public health analyst for the county.
“Mendocino County has amazing people, natural resources, and the spirit to move forward. This strike authorization is a clear indication that things need to change.” Mendocino County has a countywide vacancy rate of 29%. Among the critical staffing shortages jeopardizing the health, safety, and wellbeing of county residents, including the most vulnerable, are:
• A nearly 40% vacancy rate in Family & Children’s Services — putting at-risk kids in danger;
• A 44% vacancy rate in Department of Transportation road crews, meaning our roads don’t get paved or repaired in a timely manner; and
• A 70% vacancy rate for mental health clinicians.
— Jim Shields
ARTISTS' COLLECTIVE IN ELK is featuring Rachel Lahn in August
“My paintings and dimensional constructions are about movement flowing into shapes of color and light. They are reflections of my feelings, travels, and countless transitions.
I like my work to speak for itself... not too many words. I build abstract relief constructions out of canvas, plaster, wire and wood with mixed media. I paint them with acrylic paint. Once started they take on a life of their own, one form inspiring the next. When I need shape and color inspiration for a piece, I go outside and absorb the life and light in the plants, Redwood trees, mountains, ocean and sunlight that surround me. I paint and draw the energies and shapes of nature.”
Rachel has been painting since her childhood. She has a BFA in Painting and Printmaking and an MAT from the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI.
This show will include Giclee prints, sculptures, two dimensional paintings and greeting cards.
There will be a reception for the artist on 2nd Sat., Aug.12, from 1 to 3 pm.
Lahn’s work can also be seen at the Prentice Gallery in Mendocino, and her studio (by appointment) in Anderson Valley.
The Artists' Collective in Elk is located at 6031 S. Hwy 1, in greater downtown Elk, and is open daily from 10:00am-5:00 pm.
The Federal Department of Painfully Dated Pop Culture References dictated the name of my fundraising event; I had no choice in the matter.
Here's the scoop:
Party On, Garth!
A fundraiser supporting Garth Hagerman's recovery from Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Friday, August 25
Doors open at 6pm, music starts at 6:30, party until 10 at the Caspar Community Center, 15051 Caspar Rd, Caspar Featuring two great bands:
Caspar Kings and West of Nowhere
Plus, no host beer & wine bar and yummy tacos by Cucina di Rosa
Admission is $20 at the door
More info online at https://mendocino.rocks
A great time is guaranteed for all.
We could also use a few more volunteers for set-up, clean-up, and postering. If you're interested contact me by email or call 707-941-0231
Garth Hagerman
Fort Bragg
(County presser)
During the July 25th, 2023, Board of Supervisors meeting, a Redwood Valley Cannabis Prohibition District was considered. Although the Board denied establishment of the Prohibition District, unanimous direction was provided to the Mendocino County Code Enforcement Division to assign all of its available resources to address illegal cannabis cultivation within the Redwood Valley area. The purpose of this direction was to address cannabis-related nuisances in the area as demonstrated by numerous constituent complaints of nuisance odor and activities.
As a result of the Board’s direction, the Code Enforcement Division has proceeded with identifying multiple properties within Redwood Valley as potential non-permitted cultivation sites, including but not limited to the use of aerial imagery. Code Enforcement will be completing thorough investigations to assess for illegal cannabis cultivation and its related infrastructure. While in the field, Code Enforcement officers will also be actively seeking to identify additional unpermitted cultivation sites to include in this directed effort.
Code Enforcement is seeking voluntary compliance by responsible parties to abate all illegal cannabis cultivation in violation of Mendocino County Code (MCC) Chapter 10A.17 and obtain appropriate building permits to address non-permitted infrastructure associated with cannabis cultivation. If voluntary compliance is not achieved, Code Enforcement will elevate enforcement action on non-compliant sites.
It should be noted that many properties located with Redwood Valley are zoned RR (Rural Residential) 1 (RR1) and do not qualify for cultivation beyond the personal adult use exemption. However, it should also be noted that for the adult use exemption, the use must also be in compliance of MCC section 10A.17.040 to meet all required setbacks.
A copy of the 10A.17 Ordinance can be located at: https://library.municode.com/ca/mendocino_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=MECOCO_TIT10AAG_CH10A.17MECACUOR_S10A.17.040GELICUCA
The Mendocino County community is highly encouraged to review the above noted ordinance to ensure their properties are in compliance.
For any questions or concerns, community members can reach out to the Code Enforcement Division at: (707) 234-6669 or email at: codeenforcement@mendocinocounty.org
Dear Community Members,
The Cannabis Department is reaching out to provide an update regarding the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) has confirmed that they are planning to release a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the EIR.
To stay informed and review the relevant information, please find the links to the Notice of Preparation (NOP) below:
We encourage you to share this information with fellow community members and any other stakeholders who may be interested in staying updated on this important matter.
As we continue to prioritize transparency and open communication, we will also make these links available in Canna Notes and on the MCD website. Our aim is to ensure that everyone has access to relevant information related to the EIR project.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support and participation.
Request for Proposals No. 040-23:
Pre-Bidders Meeting Scheduled for 08/14/2023 at 1:30 pm PST
The Mendocino County Department of Social Services will be holding its Pre-Bidders Meeting for Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 040-23: 2023 Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program on 08/14/2023 at 1:30 pm PST. The purpose of this meeting is to give interested parties an opportunity to receive clarification on the eligible activities and the procurement procedure. This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom and Interested Parties are welcome to access the meeting using the access information listed below.
County of Mendocino RFP 040-23 Pre-Bidders Meeting
Time: Aug 14, 2023, 01:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 0678 9079
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,81306789079# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,81306789079# US
Dial by your location
• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
• +1 669 444 9171 US
Meeting ID: 813 0678 9079
For more information on this meeting or RFP No. 040-23, please contact Veronica Wilson, Program Administrator, at wilsonv@mendocinocounty.org or (707) 468-7071.

Little River Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays this summer from 11 to 4. Our feature exhibit this summer is Antique Toys and Trains. The museum is FREE and has a variety of exhibits about Little River, Albion and the coast. See and handle the native wildlife exhibit, new this week “1930 Flapper Girls” clothing exhibit, Free Pomo map of local trails, find relatives or tour the Little River Pioneer Cemetery using our map and genealogy information. Discover the Good Templar secret the modest exterior hides. We are in the little white cottage just north of Van Damme beach, 8185 Highway One. Parking in front or across the street.
Ronnie James <ronnie@mcn.org>
Planning Commission Agenda & Staff Report for 8-17-23 Meeting
The Staff Report(s) and Agenda for the August 17, 2023, Planning Commission meeting is now available on the department website at: mendocinocounty.org/government/planning-building-services/meeting-agendas/planning-commission
Please contact staff if there are any questions,
Thank you
James Feenan
Commission Services Supervisor
County of Mendocino Department of Planning & Building Services
860 N Bush Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
Main Line: 707-234-6650
Fax: 707-463-5709
CATCH OF THE DAY, Friday, August 3, 2023

JOHN BOLTON IV, Willits. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.
LUCAS CASE, Fort Jones/Ukiah. Parole violation.
STACY EZELL, Clearlake/Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-under influence, failure to appear.

DARWIN LARA-CALDERON, Covelo. Domestic battery.
HUGO MACIAS, Lakeport/Ukiah. DUI.
AARON MANTLE, Philo. DUI-alcohol&drugs, controlled substance without prescription.

ROBERT MCCANN, Willits. Controlled substance, paraphernalia, failure to appear.
JAYCEE MCLEAN, Dos Rios. Toluene-like substance.
CODY MENDEZ, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-under influence, trespassing, paraphernalia.

RAYMOND RHODES, Fort Bragg. Controlled substance, paraphernalia, failure to appear, probation revocation.
FRANKLIN ROCKWELL, Eureka/Ukiah. Narcotics for sale, paraphernalia, conspiracy.
DAMIAN ROSALES-REYES, Cloverdale. Probation revocation.

SAMUEL SANCHEZ, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alchol&drugs, controlled substance, protective order violation, resisting. (Frequent flyer.)
ROBERT SEARS, Yreka/Ukiah. Narcotics for sale, paraphernalia, conspiracy.
CHARLES WAGONER, Willits. Under influence.
Dear Insanely Confused Postmodern America
Hello to everyone immersed in the insane confusion of postmodern America,
Awoke this morning well rested at the Building Bridges Homeless Resource Center in sunny Ukiah, California. Following morning ablutions, walked south to the Plowshares Peace & Justice Center, picking up litter. Enjoyed a sumptuous meal courtesy of the dedicated Catholic Workers, and then boarded an air conditioned MTA bus, deboarding at the Ukiah Public Library. Am this instant...here...now...on computer #1, tap, tap tapping away.
Since being put out of the place I was residing at in nearby Redwood Valley by the marijuana trimmers, because we lacked any important commonality, have had the profoundly unique experience of two heart procedures, complete dental upkeep, pulmonary healthcare, and a new pair of eye glasses, all covered by the appropriate health insurance plans. Additionally, have a federal housing voucher, and am being shown vacancies by the B2 Housing Navigator at this time. It would be wonderful to receive a fully subsidized apartment for seniors in central Ukiah, where I could set up shop, purchase a new computer, and use the $850 social security money plus food stamps to "maintain the mammal".
Meanwhile, am available for spiritually sourced direct action, and am advocating the performance of spiritual rituals to destroy the demonic and return this completely out of whack world to righteousness. If you are basically sane enough to appreciate this message, please contact me.
Craig Louis Stehr, craiglouisstehr@gmail.com
MEMO OF THE AIR Live on KNYO from Franklin St. all night Friday night!
Marco here. Deadline to email your writing for tonight's (Friday night's) MOTA show is like 5:30 or so. Or send it whenever it's done and I'll read it on the radio next week.
For this show I'll be in the clean, well-lighted back room of KNYO's 325 N. Franklin studio. To call and read your work in your own voice, the number is 707-962-3022. If you want to come in and perform in person, that's okay, but bring a mask to put on.
Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio is every Friday, 9pm to 5am on 107.7fm KNYO-LP Fort Bragg as well as anywhere else via KNYO.org. Also the schedule is there for KNYO's many other terrific shows.
As always, at https://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find plenty of educational doodads to educate yourself with until showtime, or any time such as:
Examples of 20 types of fiddle tunes in 14 minutes.
Highlights of a whistling contest.
And the scale of the universe.
Marco McClean, memo@mcn.org, https://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com
IT WOULDN’T BE HARD to start a debt repudiation movement. In every town you’d have a big truck going by and you’d tell everyone to put their credit card bill on it and drive the trucks to Washington and park them outside Joe Biden’s house. Joe Biden, as the creature of the banks in Delaware, was the person who literally wrote the laws to compel people into bankruptcy. He denied them the merciful relief of Chapter 10, instead keeping them in hock for the rest of their days. There are still some laws, even now, despite Joe Biden’s best efforts, that would put those usurious bankers in jail if you really pushed it.
— Alexander Cockburn, 2010, GritTV
A READER WRITES: Pickleball? Tennis for lazy people.
Trump has re-made the party into a right-wing populist party. it is Trump’s party now. Shedding the old party is ongoing. That process finished for the Democrats a while back … the ‘working man’s’ party, turned into the ‘wokeing man’s’ party. I supported Democrats for > 40 years, but in 2016, it was clear to me what had happened.
Special prosecutor Jack Smith's January 6th case is a surreal mix of conventional law and authoritarian lunacy
by Matt Taibbi
The United States of America v. Donald J. Trump may be the trippiest read since Cat’s Cradle, and not in a good way.
Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment is a case within a case, a prosecutorial enchilada filled with things for people of all political persuasions to hate. The outside is a shell of a conventional conspiracy prosecution, and these parts are genuinely damaging for Donald Trump. Inside, it’s a deranged authoritarian fantasy, at times reading more like a 45-page Louise Mensch tweet than an indictment.
This radical core is somehow scarier than the allegations against Trump and co-conspirators like Rudy Giuliani, John Eastment, Sidney Powell, Jeffrey Clark, and Kenneth Cheeseboro. Despite early criticism describing the case as entirely about protected speech, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s case does focus on some overt acts, and these sections are buttressed by witnesses who could be convincing across the spectrum.
Former Arizona Speaker of the House and onetime Trump supporter Rusty Bowers will describe being asked not to certify the results by, among others, Trump and Giuliani. Ronna McDaniel, chair of the RNC, will say she was told votes by so-called “fraudulent electors” would only be deployed if election litigation was successful. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who is rumored to be running for president and took instant advantage of indictment news Tuesday (see below), will testify Trump told him, “You’re too honest,” in response to prods to refuse to certify the outcome.
If Smith simply focused on those damaging episodes in states like Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia, or on Trump’s interactions with Pence, this prosecution would be an easier sell to the general population. Instead, Smith has tried to pen a Unified Field Theory of insurrection that would massively expand the meaning of concepts like incitement to include false statements, tweets, and other forms of protected speech, down to classic Trumpisms like “I don’t care about a link… I have a much better link,” and “I have a lot of friends in Detroit… Detroit is totally corrupt.”
In fact, if rumors are true and the four counts filed by Smith this week are later complemented by a superseding indictment, this document may end up expanding the definition of “seditious conspiracy” to include those things as well. As Adam Kinzinger said this week, he hoped additional counts will hold Trump “accountable” for all the actions of January 6th.
It’s not hard to read this and see the framework of an argument that Trump’s ideas, tweets and “knowingly false statements” were elements of the same conspiracy to “violently disrupt” the election for which people like Oath Keepers Elmer Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs have already been convicted and sentenced to 18 and 12 years in prison, respectively. A successful prosecution would fold space and time to make legal speech felony violence.
If the “falsifying business records” case in Manhattan involving a payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels felt like one “offense” stretched to 34 counts, Smith’s January 6th indictment seems like 20-30 discrete scenes rolled out as a single conspiracy. In no particular order, here are three bizarre elements of Smith’s vision:
The mood police.
Conspiracy to “create… mistrust and anger.”
In the opening passages of the indictment Smith rails against Trump’s “knowingly false statements,” saying they created an “intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger,” intended to “erode public faith in the administration of the election.” I thought I was having an acid flashback when I read this passage. Instead of focusing on overt acts in the individual states, episodes which clearly make even some Trump supporters nervous, the prosecutors are after bigger game. They want to argue that by spreading “lies” Trump created an “atmosphere of mistrust and anger” that, by the end, they will argue led to the “violent” “attack” on the Capitol. This argument brings in fairly anodyne Trump tweets, like “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”, or “Our country has had enough, they won’t take it anymore!”, and ties it to the crowd’s “Send it Back!” chants, its “steady, violent advancement” toward Capitol doors, and scenes of crowd members “violently attacking law enforcement.”
The Supreme Court in 1969 heard a landmark case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, that set an extremely high bar for government intervention in speech cases, making the standard “likely to incite or produce… imminent lawless action.” A tweeting campaign that begins in November and produces a general “atmosphere of mistrust and anger” that by January works a protesting crowd into a lather is exactly the kind of behavior Brandenburg says is not illegal. In fact, Brandenburg goes further and says “mere advocacy” of the use of force, even advocacy of the forcible overthrow of government, is not illegal. The speech has to be likely to produce “imminent” lawless action to be considered illegal. But Smith wants to criminalize the creation of the “atmosphere of mistrust,” and/or the intent to “erode public faith” in officialdom.
The definition of “knowingly false.”
“Best positioned to know the facts.”
In the relentless, redundant style of an MSNBC broadcast or a Washington Post editorial — Smith’s prose in places definitely reads more like moral-clarity-era journalism than law — the prosecutor repeatedly mentions “knowingly false claims.” From a language standpoint alone, it’s wild stuff, like an exercise in how many times one can say the same thing in a handful of lines. In the second paragraph for instance Smith describes how Trump “spread lies” that were “false, and [Trump] knew they were false,” and repeated them even though they were “knowingly false claims.”
Smith in other words makes Trump’s state of mind central to the indictment. Even the New York Times markup of the document notes that “proving Mr. Trump’s mindset may be a key element to all the charges.” Therefore the craziest part of this document is the section beginning on page 6, called “The Defendant’s Knowledge of the Falsity of His Election Fraud Claims.”
One would expect that proof Trump was “knowingly” lying and didn’t really believe the election had been stolen from him would be something like an email to Giuliani saying, “I know this is bull, but let’s try it anyway!”, or testimony from a confederate that Trump admitted in private that he knew he lost. There are bits and pieces of this kind of argument in the text, but Smith leads with a different argument: that Trump had been “notified repeatedly” by people who were “best positioned to know the facts” yet “deliberately disregarded” what he’d been told.
Smith then goes on to list these “best positioned” people: Pence, “senior leaders of the Justice Department,” the Director of National Intelligence, the “Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency” (CISA), “senior White House attorneys,” and others.
Smith is going to try to define “knowingly false” as a statement made in defiance of what one has been told by people “best positioned” to know the facts. Once you’ve been told X by the right people, going on to insist Y anyway will be defined as a “knowing” falsehood.
This concept is deployed over and over. In another section, Trump cites the infamous “State Farm Arena” video, which his team insisted showed evidence of vote fraud in Atlanta. However, Smith says, “Justice Officials specifically refuted” the video, telling them what they were looking at was “benign.” Which may be true, but this is how Smith is trying to prove state of mind: your claim has been “specifically refuted,” you persisted in saying it, therefore it’s a knowing falsehood. Unless I’m missing something, they’re aiming to prove intent without introducing evidence of Trump’s thoughts, which seems bananas.
Trial by “harm.”
“As a result… threats.”
After Trump “maligned a Philadelphia City Commissioner” for stating there was no evidence of fraud, Smith noted that “as a result, the Philadelphia City Commissioner and his family received death threats.” There are two of these passages, and Smith seemingly doesn’t feel the need to prove causation in either, using this “Trump said things and as a result threats happened” without listing how the one affected the other, or showing that Trump knew his speech would result in threats, etc.
This goes back to the first problem, redefining incitement as something generalized and broad. Again, in Brandenburg, the court specifically ruled that lines like “Bury the n—” couldn’t be construed as incitement, yet here’s Smith arguing that Trump mean-tweeting former Philadelphia City Commissioner Al Schmidt by saying he was “being used big time by the fake news media” was an element of a crime because threats resulted.
This is very similar to the logic we saw in the Twitter Files, when executives at the company formerly known as Twitter decided that while individual Trump tweets on January 6th weren’t violative, they could be struck under a new definition of incitement that included the so-called “context surrounding.” Bari Weiss showed that executives using this theory could look at the entire history of Trump statements, the reactions to the same, and conclude that phrases like “American Patriots” or “They will not be disrespected” could be understood as “coded incitement to violence.”
How Twitter made Trump’s tweets “violative.”
Smith is doing the same thing. He’s taking statements that weren’t even against Twitter’s terms of service and arguing they’re part of a criminal conspiracy, using the same thinking that Twitter deployed in creating “coded incitement.” Instead of drawing the most specific, clearest of lines to describe incitement — “Go hit that dude with a rock” — this crop of prosecutors wants to create the broadest definition possible, holding Trump responsible for an “atmosphere” of “anger” that at best arguably inspires violent crowd behavior weeks or months later.
A future superseding indictment could link Trump’s felony case to the seditious conspiracy convictions already handed down. Those cases, if you go back and look, introduced as evidence that the Oath Keepers used “encrypted communications applications like Signal.” So false statements, private gatherings, and words that “erode” trust in government could end up defined as elements of felony conspiracy, maybe even sedition. That’s a concept that would make John Adams or Mitchell Palmer blush.
This prosecution puts Americans in the same conundrum they’ve been in since the beginning of the Trump years: forced once again to choose between a serial line-crosser and more or less open gangster on one hand, and a gang of never-Trump lawfare aficionados who’d like to revive the Alien and Sedition Acts on the other. As Woody Allen put it, “Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” Are you excited yet?
Ukrainian security sources have told news agencies that an attack on the Moscow port of Novorossiysk was “successful” after hitting a Russian naval ship.
Ukraine’s SBU security service accuses Russia of preparing a “false flag” attack at the Mozyr Oil Refinery in Belarus in an effort to draw Minsk into the war.
Lithuania declares more than 1,000 citizens of Russia and Belarus living in the country to be threats to national security after a survey on their thoughts on the war in Ukraine.
At least 13 Ukrainian drones were downed over the Crimean Peninsula, Russia said.
ATLANTA'S TINY WILLIAMSON is believed to be the first high-level puller to weigh more than 400 lbs. At 6'5" and typically competing at a weight of about 425 lbs, he was quite the impressive figure.
Tiny was first exposed to the sport when he lived in Virginia and attended a powerlifting meet in 1969. He was challenged to an armwrestling match by a puller who weighed 160 lbs. He lost the match, but immediately became fascinated by how someone so much smaller than him could defeat him.
When he moved to Georgia a few years later he helped build the armwrestling scene and travelled all over to compete. Between 1975 and 1980 he managed to win a USA Armwrestling title and made it to the podium at various national and world championships (AAA, WWC, WAWF).
by Robert Wright
This week a widely followed Twitter account called War Mapper quantified the amount of terrain Ukrainian forces have retaken since the beginning of their counter-offensive two months ago. The net gain is a bit over 100 square miles. So the fraction of Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia has dropped from 17.54 percent to 17.49 percent.
This gain has come at massive cost: untold thousands of dead Ukrainians, untold thousands of maimed Ukrainians, and lots of destroyed weapons and armored vehicles.
At this rate of battlefield progress, it will be six decades before Ukraine has expelled Russian troops from all its territory—the point before which, President Zelensky has said, peace talks are unthinkable. And at this rate of human loss, Ukraine will run out of soldiers long before then—and long before Russia does.
In short: Recent trend lines point to a day when Ukraine is vulnerable to complete conquest by Russia. For that matter, the counter-offensive has already made Ukraine more vulnerable to a Russian breakthrough in the north, where Ukrainian defensive lines were thinned out for the sake of the offensive in the south. Russia has been gaining ground in the north incrementally, and a big breakthrough would let it retake parts of Kharkiv province that it lost last September.
Of course, a breakthrough by Ukraine in the south could also lead to big gains. But there are multiple Russian defensive lines to breach before achieving the offensive’s goal of severing the Crimean “land bridge.” And the chances of doing that before the autumn muddy season gives Russia a chance to regroup are looking slim.
So what is Ukraine’s long term plan? A clue comes from another widely followed Twitter account, Tatarigami_UA. It’s run by an astute Ukrainian reserve officer—someone who seems roughly as knowledgeable as people in Ukraine’s defense establishment but speaks with more candor than they can afford.
In a thread posted earlier this week, Tatarigami spent several tweets establishing, via satellite images, that the Russians have more ample reserves of armor than many believe—so “statements insinuating that they are almost depleted of equipment are not accurate.” Which raises the question: If Russia doesn’t face a near-term armor shortage, and its munitions factories have moved to a wartime footing, and its human resources vastly exceed Ukraine’s, where does hope lie for the complete Ukrainian victory that Kyiv continues to insist on?
Here is Tatarigami’s answer: “Considering Russian political instability, exemplified by the Wagner mutiny, I am inclined to think that a potential power collapse and internal struggle among elites, driven by military defeats, will let us liberate all occupied territories.” But since “predicting the number of defeats needed for the regime's collapse is nearly impossible, we must simply concentrate on continuous military defeats of Russians.”
The resolve is admirable. But have things really come to this? We’re throwing Ukrainian men into a meat grinder week after week in hopes that maybe Putin’s regime will collapse, and maybe this will be good for Ukraine? Even though regime collapse could well bring to power a more intensely nationalist leader who would mobilize hundreds of thousands or even a million fresh Russian troops? And even though regime collapse could also lead to civil conflict and chaos within Russia, a nation full of nuclear weapons? And even though the prelude to collapse could find Putin desperate for battlefield gains to stave off domestic pressure from the right, and maybe even pondering the use of tactical nuclear weapons?
If President Biden welcomes the prospect of regime collapse in Moscow, he lacks the prudence a president should have. Nor should he welcome Ukraine’s other main hope for evicting Russian troops from its territory: getting NATO involved in the war—something that Zelensky understandably hopes for, and something that grows more likely as the war continues, but something that could lead to a regional conflagration or even nuclear war.
So maybe it’s time for Biden to push Zelensky toward peace talks? Apparently not. According to the Wall Street Journal, “western officials” say that the meager results of Ukraine’s counteroffensive are “dimming hopes” for negotiations, because Biden had planned to “negotiate with Russia from a position of strength” after the offensive, and that’s not the position Ukraine seems headed for.
Yet back when Ukraine was in a position of strength—after last year’s battlefield successes in Kharkiv and Kherson—suggestions that Biden talk peace (made by Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley among others) were widely dismissed on grounds that you shouldn’t negotiate when things are going well on the battlefield—when “the wind is at our back” (which, predictably, the wind turned out not to be for very long).
In short: We can’t talk peace from a position of strength or of weakness, or from points in between. So we’ll wait for the Putin regime’s collapse or for NATO to enter the war—and hope that neither of those brings the regional if not global catastrophe that either could well bring.
Does that summarize Biden’s current thinking? If not, could somebody explain what he is thinking? What is his plan? How does he intend to explain to Americans in six months, nine months, a year, why he’s still spending billions of their tax dollars to sustain a bloodbath that seems to be accomplishing nothing except the destruction of Ukraine?
Donald Trump says that if he wins the 2024 election he will push Ukraine toward a peace deal and threaten Putin with intensified support of Ukraine if Moscow doesn’t accept the deal. That’s easier said than done, but at least it shows an understanding of America’s leverage with both Ukraine and Moscow—an understanding Biden either lacks or is for some reason reluctant to evince.
The latest New York Times presidential election poll shows Trump tied with Biden at 43 percent. It’s not inconceivable that in 14 months the Ukraine war could put Trump, who spent the waning months of his presidency trying to subvert the US constitution, back in the White House. In which case the man who performed the great service of evicting Trump from the White House will be partly to blame.
SEIU 1021 Vice President Requests State Controller Audit of Mendocino County
Ted Williams stated;
“ AUGUST 4, 2023
It’s not personal for me.
$27M aggregate of public money should require performance review. Why hasn’t there been one?”
Ted if it’s “not personal “ for you then please consider stepping down because you certainly do not treat your supervsorial appointment as professional.
You are prima facia dysfunctional carry forward for this County.
Start a trend, be a leader and resign!
Plenty of people stand with me on concern over blank checks and lack of performance reviews.
I’m prepared to take the backlash for demanding accountability.
Oh yeah that would be a nice start Ted, granted your half way through your second term.
All you’ve done is suck at the County tit. Agreeing with everything the absolute corrupt Caramel Angelo had set up, currently continuing the dysfunction.
Now your paying attention becuse more constituents are.
Sorry pal you’ve had your six years of doing nothing really.
You’re not doing anything for the good people of this County who work and toil.
Time to move on, Mr. DSl for everyone fake.
Mind showing us your arithmetic on “ your [sic] half way through your second term” ?
@ED Notes, ie, Services, money, street people, homelessness, mental illness, drug addiction……..
A phenomenal amount of money being invested into these service providers for the treatment and care of mental illness and addiction. The problem lies in not in the numbers of people being treated, but again the ones who are not. As you mentioned the revolving door of jail, psych stays and homelessness. It is never ending the truth is it is going to get worse and we do not have the structure to support the issues we are facing. The first issue is family the actual support structure for someone battling these issues/families get left in the dust and are actually the most important factor for sustainable treatment. The 5150 laws are a problem and extremely subjective i experienced this multiple x with crisis workers & police. People believe psych stays fix the problem, they do not, they will hopefully stabilize the persons psychosis or suicidal ideation, after 3 to 5 days released and still unwell and often without understanding of their illness. So a local PHF is in my opinion and experience is a band aid. We are not fixing the issues it is money & pretense, looks good. I am not saying we don’t need the PHF but to think it is the answer it is not! It will not fix mental illness or the laws in place keeping people sick on the street in psychosis and unwell! I just finished reading the Aaron Bassler book and in 12 years nothing has changed to address the problems we face. Yes they have AOT and mobile crisis now, looks good right! But in reality those programs are not assisting the most severely ill in need of intervention and treatment! ❤️❤️
Why was so much money wasted on Admin for Measure B? It was supposed to be for services, yes?
I think originally it was to fund a PHF…. Also they now have a task force in the works to figure out what to do…..I believe but not for sure that is measure B funds….. Families would like to see funds used for CIT crisis intervention training for Law Enforcement. But I guess a task force is more important… 🤦♀️😢
Well said Mazie.
Thank you Ted ❤️
I believe you are correct. With the city’s CRU and Project right now, we are successfully helping those who want help. Both on the streets and in the courts and jails. We are absolutely doing our best to help those that are not ready or are not capable of making sound decisions but services are voluntary for the most part. The structure itself is a failure IMO and prevents help in severe cases. I would love to hear more about your experiences and where you perceive the gaps and failures are.
Is that meant for me ? Lol just checking unclear…❤️❤️
apologies , yes and thank you
If our success is measured by the numbers of people receiving treatment that is not actually success that is people receiving services. No one really knows or can measure the outcomes, but that is not what we should be measuring anyways. Lets measure how many people were arrested last week and are afflicted by SMI, homelessness or addiction? There are so many gaps, you can not make someone get help but you sure as shit can help them do so with proper support and effort. The first problem as far as street level illness is Anosognosia meaning a person has no insight into their illness, they literally do not know or understand they are sick so they are incapable of being treated for an illness they do not have. 30 % of homeless people have a Serious Mental Illness, ie, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Schizoaffective & Severe Major Depression 50 % of those with SMI also suffer with Anosognosia. No doubt those percentages are higher. Regardless the issues are long term and need long term support and solutions. My experience was the most traumatizing horrific thing I have ever experienced, the system that failed time & time again to intervene and provide appropriate & necessary care. My experience was 8 psych stays, 3 jail stents, multiple crisis calls, multiple police calls, multiple trips to public defenders office who ignored me. I even got fired from a job for sating Mental Health Services are inadequate! Haha …. If you want the nitty gritty details I am more than happy to share them just email me @maziemalone@yahoo.com
RE: Mendocino County Risks Losing its Credit Rating from Top Agency Due to Lack of Sufficient Information — MendoFever
Looks like Mendo County is trying to beat the US government on imploding the economy first.
Well I got out just
In the nick of time–
Sorry to leave you all
At the scene of the crime!
My everlasting blessings and thanks–
I’m doing just dandy and fine
Here in sunny San Diego–
And, gosh, my pension’s quite divine!
Love, Carmel
She is probably enjoying the Beach life with her ol’ buddy MeMe Doohan. Remember that extra $400k we had to pay MeMe, while she was working remotely at her new 6 figure job in San Diego… or was it Santa Barbara?
As usual Matt Taibbi is pretty good. The right thing to do, for everyone’s sake, was for the DOJ to stick to the law, and let politics take its coarse. The narcissistic windbag would be long out of here. But the Biden DOJ has other priorities than doing the right thing. The last AP poll had Trump and Biden tied, 43% to 43%. That is pretty scary. Neither one of these people is remotely fit for the presidency.
The indictment is a story told in summary, simply and clearly with little legalese. At trial, no doubt, more facts will be revealed to further support the allegations. Prosecutor Jack Smith and his fellow prosecutors clearly wrote this document in part to educate and clarify for Americans what his case is about. He urged Americans, in his brief public announcement, to read it in full. I can see why. Many of the diverse bad acts and utterances—and more—that we’ve seen and probably forgotten over time are set out in narrative form. It’s a telling, sordid compilation of facts that makes one cringe at the outrages committed. A judge and a jury of citizens—not public discourse or political polls or dynamics—will now decide if laws were broken and if so, what the punishment should be. Smith and his fellow lawyers have done the country a favor. If they are wrong, it is for the court system to tell us.
And yet also worth saying, in the midst of it all, are the Americans of courage and honor who resisted these plans to undermine the election’s outcome via lies and bad acts. Some of these persons were inside the Trump administration, some were at the state level and were Republicans who admitted their support for Trump as voters. We owe these patriots thanks.
RE: Mendocino County CEO Darcie Antle admitted to members of the Board of Supervisors that half of the deficit in the county’s health care plan is due to coverage for county employees working wholly or mostly on programs funded by state and federal grants, whose health care costs should have been reimbursed by these programs. She admitted that the county had not properly applied for reimbursement and was unable to obtain it retroactively.
OMG this makes me SO angry!!!! DO you know how many stupid reimbursement forms I had to fill out during the Pandemic, as an essential worker? Doing their job for them?!?! It was always a reminder email from public health fiscal department to make sure we were filling our our forms weekly. It drove me crazy to keep track of our extra non-work duties that we were now required to report in triplicate. Not only did we fill out our normal timesheet, but also a micromanaged timekeeper, and these reimbursement forms. And of course, in true Mendocino fashion, it was on the Staff, not the supervisors, to keep track of all of this. More work for the worker bees, while Queen Carmel raked in the honey.
Antle is cleaning up past practices. I applaud her effort. She’s transparent about what she finds and rapidly adjusts practices.
Time tracking for state and federal reimbursement is essential. Duplicated forms are unfortunate, but billing for state and federal mandates saves our general fund for public safety and roads.
Well, that’s some good news to hear. Thank you.
RE: I would like to see water tests done on summer samples from the mouth of the Navarro River.
I used to do that job. One of my many jobs at Environmental Health was testing for toxic Blue- green algae aka Cyanobacteria toxin at the Mouth of Navarro River. When toxin levels got to high, I would put out warning signs. This of course, was required and funded by the State, not Mendo County. The reader was also correct, that the majority of the algae blooms are caused by extra nutrients running off of wineries. But… I can see Mendo county is still focused on harassing those bad Mom and Pops pot farmers in the hills. Pretty obvious to see where the priorities lay in this County. What a mess.
We’re fortunate to have SEIU join my plea for a state audit of county financial practices and transactions. I’d sign my name to Mary Sandberg’s letter. 💯
SEIU 1021 Vice President Requests State Controller Audit of Mendocino County
Ha, what a load of crap, Ted. Join your “plea for a state audit…”
You’ve been a County Supervisor now for what five and a half, six years?
Not once have you ever mentioned a State Audit although you’ve been literally in the perfect position to call for one. Going along with Corrupt Caramel Angelo at every option.
Your dysfunctional approach to dealing with the SEIU 1021 ask for a well deserved COLA(cost of living adjustment-as inflation has been up 18% since your supported covid county shutdown has been eased) has caused this. Now your acting like a co-victim… come on man grow up.
You destroyed the possibility of pot equity for growers, re-directed money from measure B funds, sat complacent while corrupt administration pilfered County resources yet your always winging that it’s out of your control… your on the wrong side of history here pal, do us all service and grow a pair then resign. Really!
Who redirected the cannabis equity fund to pay for code enforcement Satellite spying on citizens growing agricultural crops in greenhouses? That is just completely immoral. Taking funds that were supposed to help people get permitted and used to fine them and harass them? Seems illegal to me.
“The beatings will continue until morale improves” – Monty Python
The saying might have originated in the navy. The Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations (1966) by Robert Debs Heinl includes, “There will be no liberty on board this ship until morale improves.—Excerpt from Plan of the Day, USS * * *.” “No leave until morale improves” has been cited in print since at least 1967
RE: PG&Evil
When are we going to make Energy a public utility instead of this private company charging us for their mistakes. They were told to underground their power lines. Now that they are getting out of energy production and becoming a lines distribution company. But… hmmm, they can’t seem to kick their habit either. Still want to keep Diablo Canyon Nuke plant in SLO running? (A Fukashima waiting to happen) De-Incentivizing roof top solar by lobbying the CPUC (California Public Utility Commission) using the money we are forced to pay them in energy bills? What the heck is going on here?
It’s time to make public utilities public again. Stop the PG&Evil. Follow what Maine is doing.
Interesting. My opinion of realtors has never been sky-high…about the same as that of car salesmen, or wine farmers, or Trump, Desantis, Obama, Biden, and Reagan.
RE: Although the Board denied establishment of the Prohibition District, unanimous direction was provided to the Mendocino County Code Enforcement Division to assign all of its available resources to address illegal cannabis cultivation within the Redwood Valley area.
Why is this still the code enforcement department’s responsibility? We all voted to end this BS. This is why we have a Cannabis department. End the draconian practices of sicking the dogs on people and start using the cannabis department for Cannabis laws!!!!
Cannabis department is focused on those who engage in legal cultivation.
Code enforcement is the correct lead to address the concerns raised by a packed room of Redwood Valley residents.
They want the garbage grows cleaned up. Then they complain when covelo is raided weekly. Now they want redwood valley to trend in the same direction as covelo. Empty leased out lots full of trash and hoop houses.
Who is “they”? Specifics please.
If you’re referring to the residents of Redwood Valley who petitioned for the cannabis growing zone prohibition, you couldn’t be more incorrect. If that is indeed the case I suggest you refrain from commenting about something you have absolutely no knowledge of.
And btw, it has nothing to do with racism either, as some have suggested.
With all the disgusting grows in your triangle [Calpella to potter to Willits] you decided to eliminate a legal permitted grow in your neighborhood?
Overall the community has called for the cleanup of covelo, and now articles are out complaining about the eradication. Redwood valley has a similar problem to covelo, empty parcels from the fire full of unpermitted hoops.
apparently some want enforcement but ONlY against the legal operators !
I’d love to see some statistics about how many legal VS illegal cannabis grows are dealt with by code enforcement. Otherwise its just more hot air blowing down supposed hoophouses. When I worked at the county, they had no problem rubber stamping 14 hoophouses at a time for anyone that wanted them. The county just seemed to want the permit fees. I would approve dozens per day, and mostly in Redwood Valley. Pretty bad practice to assume that all greenhouses and hoophouses are for cannabis. Wait? What ever happened to all the “Treat cannabis like all other agricultural crops” talk?
I looked into this a year ago when phase 1 people were complaining it was impossible to get permits for hoophouses/greenhouses. So I looked it up and found it to be untrue. There were a handful of people getting permits quickly and easily. What I also realized is that the county was handing out 1500 permits a year for the four years I looked at. I brought it up the supervisor McGourty and John Burkes at a RVMAC meeting when John was invited to give an update on what CE was doing about unpermitted cannabis grows. One of the issues was they were permitting people to put up hoophouses who weren’t trying to get permitted for cannabis. So if and when CE came, they actually had a permit for the hoops but not the weed inside, so they couldn’t slap a big fine on them. It seemed foolish the county was handing out the permits for $500 a pop just to lose one of the large hammers they had to deter people from growing cannabis without a permit. I brought it up to Glenn that by giving them a permit for the hoop now then to try and say they couldn’t use it down the road if they went for phase 3 permitting was setting the County up for litigation. So now we have thousands of hoops being abandoned. To take them down requires a $1500 demo permit. They should probably officially waive the fee and tell people to just clean them up.
Thank you again Adam. It’s exactly what I was saying to CE and PnB when I was working for EH. I predicted exactly what we are now facing. $500 application fee, and a $1500 demo permit that no one wants to pay for would lead to abandoned greenhouses that shouldn’t have been allowed in the first place.
This all falls on deaf ears, or maybe ears clogged with dollar bills…
Once again making more money seems to be more important than the public well being.
Nothing to do with “legal” operators. Everything to do with future cannabis expansion and the desire for good, considerate neighbors.
Then why was the county’s policy 2 years ago to hand out greenhouses like candy?
Why are you asking me? How the hell should I know? I have nothing to do with county policy, cannabis or otherwise. Your question should be directed to county policymakers (BOS, Planning, etc.), not the residents and land owners of the very small area delineated in the petition who wanted to prohibit cannabis expansion.
Yes, the reason was racially motivated, as stated before. None of the exclusion zone affair has to do with cannabis greenhouses for all of Redwood valley. It was for 4 farms owned by Latino owners.
Woke up this morning at Building Bridges Homeless Resource Center fully rested, following a well deserved happy hour visit yesterday to the Ukiah Brewing Company. Two beers plus a shot o’ Red Breast was just delicious. Previous to that, was shown a studio apartment in the 2200 block of South State Street, which is way way way south of Ukiah. Am going with the spiritual flow of course, but cannot explain how this could be done, living in a room miles south of Ukiah. But then again, the mind simply does not know and there has been no vision; dualistically speaking, God only knows. Thanks for listening, and if what is left of the American society could assist me in getting into a subsidized senior apartment located anywhere in central Ukiah, I would appreciate that. Society would get a bit more from me while I am still embodied on the planet earth. Why not? Peaceout.
Craig Louis Stehr
1045 South State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
Email: craiglouisstehr@gmail.com
Send Money Here: Paypal.me/craiglouisstehr
August 5th @ 10:24 AM Pacific Time
In addition, I have just now emailed the B2 Housing Navigator to say that I am DECLINING (if offered) the studio apartment way way way down South State Street. Conversation this morning with Building Bridges staffperson Donald Damp was clarifying, and even though I could make use of senior transportation, plus a laundry pickup service, it is ridiculous for me to even consider taking up residence in a small room miles away from the City of Ukiah, with no wheels, no nearby supermarket, no laundry, sketchy MTA bus service, the cell phone was delisted due to lack of use, and the big blue sky overhead for my social company. I’ll take Don’s suggestion, which is to remain at the B2 homeless resource center and wait for a more practical housing situation.
Craig Louis Stehr
1045 South State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
Email: craiglouisstehr@gmail.com
Send Money Here: Paypal.me/craiglouisstehr
August 5th @2:03 PM Pacific Time
The SEIU letter to the State Auditor is excellent, and couldn’t be more timely. I once contacted my state’s auditor about a crooked real estate firm, and the state ended up suspending the firm’s brokerage license for six months. The auditor’s report also formed the basis of our successful claim for substantial money damages. Public audits are a real resource in situations like those facing the County’s workers.
James Faulk, a Humboldt TV journalist, gets Jared Huffman on the record re David Grusch’s testimony about recovered ET craft and bodies and also re upcoming testimony from among the 40 who shared special access program knowledge in interviews with Grusch (including documentation). (Grusch had been tasked by the then Pentagon UFO task force director with investigating UFO SAPs. Assigned from his position during 2019-2021 from National Geospatial Agency. Career in Air Force Intel, retired as Major.)
I definitely wasn’t surprised Huffman felt Grusch wasn’t credible.
Quite a few others, bipartisan, feel otherwise. Jamie Raskin and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for example.
Hey, ET freak, when are you gonna answer my question regarding SETI? I don’t give a damn about what lying or naive politicians and nooze people have to say.
You have a specific question about the state of outcomes from SETI methods (seemingly zero detection results from monitoring for alien radio signals at a specific wavelength, to date a small portion of the sky covered). This is something you can research on your own.
C’mon ET dummy, you can do better than that. You made a statement, now prove it. It’s no wonder that people with actual brains laugh at you.
“Opinion | Here’s the Intelligence Assessment of Donald Trump”
Donell Harvin
“Federal intelligence and national security agencies — from the FBI to DHS — are in universal agreement that domestic extremism and terrorism is the leading threat to the U.S. homeland. But homeland security officials are also trained to be apolitical, so here’s what they can’t tell you: Donald J. Trump poses a significant threat to homeland security.
While generally highly decentralized and fractured, violent extremist groups have begun to mesh over a unifying figure: Trump. The former president has become a focal point of domestic extremism, and by not denouncing them — and sometimes courting them — he has been adopted by these groups as a de facto spiritual leader. In some ways, Trump has also co-opted these groups to boost his own support. This, in my assessment, makes the former president a leading driver of domestic extremism, and an unprecedented danger to our security. The indictment of Trump for his push to overturn the 2020 election puts that in stark relief.
I do not issue this assessment lightly. Such statements are considered blasphemy in domestic intelligence circles and will undoubtedly draw the ire of many both inside and outside of the profession. To name a political figure, or any prominent U.S. person, in a domestic intelligence assessment is taboo. Intelligence analysts and the agencies that oversee them are taught to not politicize threat assessments. To do so would potentially run afoul of civil rights and civil liberties and the First Amendment.
But times have drastically changed since the Trump presidency began. Even as the homeland security profession has resisted involving itself in politics, politically motivated violence has emerged as a major threat to our homeland. This has led to the rise of stochastic terrorism, which occurs when prominent figures demonize, marginalize or openly target a specific group or individual and violence ensues.
Trump’s affinity for violent extremists and conspiracy theorists is an unspoken concern for many homeland security professionals. Throughout his presidency, he consistently failed to condemn white supremacists and far-right militia groups and created an environment ripe for potential violence. More importantly, the legitimization of extremists and so-called ‘patriots’ by Trump and other prominent Republicans has helped them win converts to their violent ideologies.
The culmination of Trump’s attraction to these hateful elements unfolded for the world on Jan 6. In the months and years since then, despite the prosecution of hundreds of the rioters and the recent indictment of the former president for his role in fomenting the violence, the danger of extremist violence has not abated. Instead, it has morphed. Donald Trump still poses a clear and present danger to the United States of America…”
“Donell Harvin is a homeland security expert and educator with over 30 years of public safety service. He oversaw the Fusion Intelligence Center for the District of Columbia on Jan. 6, 2021. ”
POLITICO 08/05/2023
“WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along and made him V.P., has gone to the Dark Side. I never told a newly emboldened (not based on his 2% poll numbers!) Pence to put me above the Constitution, or that Mike was “too honest.” He’s delusional, and now he wants to show he’s a tough guy. I once read a major magazine article on Mike. It said he was not a very good person. I was surprised, but the article was right. Sad!”
-Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
It seems that they have you convinced. I do hope I am wrong in that regard. Homeland Security is a con and always has been nothing more than just another way of circumventing our weak constitution, especially with fascist Supreme Court justices holding a majority of its seats. As I recall, the vile agency was one of Shrub’s schemes… Sorry to read that you seem to have fallen for the brainwashing. The orange hog is a POS, but then so are those who brandish, and worship, the security state, which regularly tosses the Constitution out the window.
“Rye N Flint
AUGUST 6, 2023
Yes, the reason was racially motivated, as stated before. None of the exclusion zone affair has to do with cannabis greenhouses for all of Redwood valley. It was for 4 farms owned by Latino owners.”
Since there’s no reply button to your “racially motivated” post, I’ll do it here.
As noted above, this is the second time you’ve made this accusation/assertion. The first time you used the phrase “rumor mill has it”. So now, according to you, it’s become rumor to fact in a matter of a few days. You claim to live in Willits, so let me just say you don’t have a clue. Stop spreading false accusations about things of which you have no direct involvement or knowledge.
I was able to confirm my rumor since I’ve heard from friends that live in Redwood Valley in the last few days.
“Likewise, the growers, Ruben Ruiz, with the two sites on Road D, and Anarbol Lopez with the site on Road E, who spent a small fortune bringing their properties into compliance, crossing all the Ts and dotting all the Is, did not realize that their neighbors were obtaining signatures and putting together an application for the zoning change that would prohibit them from operating.”