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The 1967 FBI File of Professor John B. Neilands

(The late professor John ‘Joe’ B. Neilands, his wife Juanita who retired and lived in Philo for years, and their son Tor were good friends over the years. Neilands was at the top of the list of professors who Governor Reagan wanted gone. Neilands’ file is representative of the FBI’s work at the time.)

1. Professor of Biochemistry.

2. His office is in 401 Biochemistry Building and he lives on Hill Road in Berkeley.

3. In 1965-66 while on a sabbatical leave from the University, Neilands became the chairman of the Swedish Vietnam Day Committee (Daily Cal 3/29/67).

4. Shortly before he left on this paid vacation Neilands was quoted in the New York Times, August 30, 1965, as saying “There must be launched a campaign to make Communism acceptable as a bona fide political philosophy. Perhaps an effective way to begin such a program would be to rescind the bar against Communist instructors in American colleges and universities.”

5. When Neilands returned to California, the campus was in the full swing on the student strike. When Police were called in to remove the obstructing demonstrators Neilands called this law enforcement “brutal and obscene.” (Time 12/16/66)

6. At a Pauley Ballroom rally 12/5/66 when the TA’s went on strike John Neilands said the most useful things the students could do would be to demand the Academic Senate meeting be open. “Then you, the students will have the faculty by the testicles and I hope you squeeze.” (Daily Cal 12/6/66)

7. This spring Neilands activities as a faculty member once again took him abroad, this time to both Sweden and North Vietnam, where he was a researcher for Lord Bertrant (sic) Russell’s International War Crimes Tribunal (People’s World 3/18/67).

8. Before this self described independent radical, muckraker and hell raiser left to go on tour he was endorsed as a council candidate on the Community for New Politics slate.

9. Upon his return he re-interated (sic) his stand on Communism in America. Speaking for the Community for New Politics Neilands said “We in the CNP see the bogey of anti-communism as a perilous and coersive (sic) perversion of the Democratic process. This is why we recognize communism as a bona fide political philosophy and why we do not exclude Communists from our organization.” (Daily Cal 4/3/67)

10. Neilands was a sponsor of the Conference to Plan a National Student Strike for Peace.

11. Initial sponsor of the Conference to Plan a National Student Strike for Peace.

12. Sponsor for Spring Mobilization (San Francisco Chronicle April 11, 1967)

13. President of local 1474 AFT (Daily Cal 4/14/67)

14. Played a tape of Ho Chi Minh which he was personally given during his trip to North Vietnam at a pre Spring Mobilization rally (Daily Cal 4/14/67)

15. National Sponsor for the Call to Vietnam Week

16. In Student Strike Neilands called police conduct “brutal and obscene.” Time (12/16/66)

17. At a Pauley Ballroom (12/5/66) rally during the student strike when the TA’s on strike (sic) John Neilands, professor of biochemistry said the most useful things the students could do would be to demand the Academic Senate meeting be open. Then you, the students will have the faculty by the testicles and I hope you squeeze.

18. Applauds Cassius Clay for the example he set for black and white youth in challenging the draft and the Vietnam War. Also granting financial aid for youth who are challenging the draft. (Oakland Tribune 4/27/67)

19. A university of California biochemistry professor who referred to himself as an “independent radical, a muckraker, and hell raiser.” Endorsed as city council candidate by CNP (Berkeley Gazette 1/13/67)

20. Member of Executive Board AFT 1474, Faculty Peace Committee, supporter of Student Rights (CNP leaflet)

21. One hour interview with Ho Chi Minh (Berkeley Gazette 3/22/67)

22. Advocated transfer the ownership (sic) of PG&E to the city (Oakland Tribune 3/30/67)

23. Supported by Morris Hirsch, Peter Scott, Mario Savio, Stephan Smale, Richard Strohman, Leon Wofsy (Daily Cal 4/3/67)

24. Elected to Steering Committee of CNP at a general meeting June 1, 1967, with Malcolm Burnstein, Jack Kurzweil, Robert Scheer, and Jack Weinberg. (People’s World 6/24/67)

25. President of American Federation of Teachers, Local 1474 (Daily Cal 3/29/67)

26. Instructor at Free University Berkeley, Spring 1967 (Berkeley Barb 1/27/67)

27. Publicly admitted complicity in open definance (sic) of University campus rules and superior court injunction during Stop the Draft Week rallies (Berkeley Gazette 10/16/67)

28. Local backer of Peace and Freedom Party (Berkeley Gazette 10/3/67)

29. At a (sic) illegal SDW rally, Neilands read a telegram from Hanoi expressing “war greetings to progressive Americans on behalf of teachers who wish to demonstrate that the Republic of Vietnam seeks success against a common enemy — American imperialism. (Daily Cal 10/17/67)

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Mr. Neilands notes: The FBI asset who drew up this list of factoids has scholarship worthy of the Ukiah Daily Journal! For example, I recall that the telegram referred to in Item 29 said “warm,” not “war.”

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