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Public Deal Makers


Public Defenders are a joke.

This letter is for anyone being misrepresented by the Public Defender's office. I say misrepresented for many reasons:

They practice no law, they just cut deals with the District Attorney's Office. They feel as if that's the only thing that was to be done and has to be done to remove you from their overwhelming caseloads. I can just guess it's anywhere from 50-100 cases per attorney ranging from minor misdemeanors to major felony cases. In my mind this tells me there is never enough time for anyone's case. I've been locked up for 90 days. I never gave any statement. I've never been asked if I was even there or asked my side of the story. I only spoke with my public defender for 20 minutes the whole time I've been here. I was in jail when he came to make me an offer of five years, 85% of a straight commitment to prison. Remind you, I have not been asked anything about my involvement in this case. I asked him if the judge knew about how you and the District Attorney's Office just make deals with each other. My next question was, why do we have judges if all the court does is allow this to take place every day. I told him, No thank you for the prison time. Prison is no help to most people. Prisons breed hate, anger and violence. I am trying to be to better my life. I ask for help. So he leaves.

Two more weeks go by. I called him every day trying to express my concerns about my freedom and my life. I do that because my life depends on how well this man does his job because I can't afford five grand for any lawyers around here. I can't get him on the line all week. So now it's time for a preliminary hearing. It's a District Attorney landslide. My public defender has no clue what to say or do. He just watches in awe as the DA asks over 200 questions. He asked maybe ten if that. Then he asked me if I have any questions. Of course, I don't. I don't even understand anything about court proceedings. To top it off, when I put my head down the judge bound me over for trial in a felony court case.

I noticed that my public defender had no socks on, which is no big deal really, because I've been places without any socks on but only when I was in a rush or totally unprepared. I am only guessing that he didn't prepare for this hearing whatsoever. I am not a lawyer or anything close to it. I can barely write and spell. I can tell that this is a preliminary hearing which just wasn't right at all. Now I am on for three serious felony counts. Thanks a lot.

Ten questions. Really? That's all you could come up with? After how many years at law school?

Okay enough is enough, right? I've seen enough. My faith has been ripped away from my from trusting relationship with the Public Defender's office. So I delay any more court proceedings to try and obtain a real lawyer, one who might ask a few more questions! Once again, I can't afford a lawyer because my family is not rich. I can't afford one single lawyer out there to even look into my case for under five grand. I've written many different firms. Not one wrote back.

This seems to me a sorry state of affairs because here I sit concerned for my life and my children's lives, crying for help in every direction possible. My only weapon is a stamped envelope and my ability to write a letter. I put over 100 letters out there since I've been locked up.

That takes me to my next point. I decided to write my Public Dealmaker/Defender. I wrote to him stating my concerns about my case and how I need him for this and that. I told him I got evidence that will help my case; that my sister has evidence that will help. I asked him to please take my case a little more seriously and come and see me because there are things we need to go over. I tried to pump him up come and get them excited about life, to kind of motivate him. It was a four-page letter. The best I could do for someone in my shoes. I finally got him on the line. Now he knows I am upset with them! He started out by saying, Wow, I am glad you called because I was just on my way to see you at the jail. He said, I have some good news. "Really?" I thought. Sweet. He said he might be able to get my case dropped. I heard that and thought Bleep-yeah! He said that some case was won some time last week that will help us get your case thrown out. I tried to get some questions, but he's a busy guy and has no time for people in jail, "I guess."

He closed by telling the that he would be in jail to see me on Monday if not Tuesday.

Monday came, Tuesday went by, and no, you didn't come to see me. So I called at 10:30 Wednesday morning. "Damn," I got a hold of him. He said we have court today at 1:30. I'll see you there.

Okay, I still haven't been able to ask him one of the 100 questions I have written down in the 90 days I've been sitting in this county jail. So when I got to court I asked him, Hey -- did you read my letter? I really need you to read that letter that I wrote to you. He said, Oh, that was for me? I said, yes, it was addressed to you! He said, I've been too busy. Too busy. So, does that mean you are too busy to pay enough attention to my case? I told him next that I needed him to come out to the jail and spend a couple of hours discussing my case with me. Once again he blows smoke up my ass and says, For sure, Thursday. Well, I spent all day Thursday trying to get him on the line. Mind you, I am in jail and can only use the phone whenever they let us out of our cells. He never showed.

Now it's Thursday night and I am mad as hell writing out my frustration at a man who plain and simple just doesn't care. And he is way too overbooked to take my case seriously. I can see why it's much easier to just make deals with the District Attorney than practice any actual law.

In most cases, the deal isn't offered as a resolution until right before court, so they don't have to get to jail or ever have to sit and talk or even have to hear a person's story. They would rather see you in court where you can't talk to them for long because these there are court proceedings going on. They never have to get involved other than, Let's take this offer because if not they'll give you 20 years if you don't. So basically the District Attorney backs up what the Public Defender's office is doing by scaring you with aggravated of many years in prison.

So all the Public Defender's office has to do is say, Look, it's either 20 years or five years at 85%. Scare tactics that work very well. Nobody in their right mind is going to gamble against that. They just trust the loyal servant of the Defender's office guy and accept the prison as an answer.

Don't get me wrong. People deserve to go to prison. But people also have the right to have a fair and equal chance to a trial by a jury or judge. They also have a right to have effective counsel or one that's not too busy. And if one is too busy then one should get one that is not too busy because it's not fair to the poor people who can't afford a lawyer. It's a crying shame that you're better off rich and guilty than poor and innocent.

So my advice to anyone is to never give up. Make those sorry as Public Defenders work for you because otherwise you will end up paying for them in the long run. They are working for you! You pay them their fees. Never allow them to not make time for you. Call them and demand that they make time for you because our lives are important. It wouldn't hurt them to put forth a little more effort to make you a better offer or to collect evidence on your behalf.

If you are one of those people, please go to the phone and demand that these people do their job to the best of their abilities. Make them work, because if you don't do anything it won't change and they will continue to railroad us to prison on their terms without a case in the world.

You know how good these people sleep at night? They sleep just fine because they don't give a shit. You should take this very personal when someone tries to just send you off to prison. Most of the time the Public Defender's office and the District Attorney know very little about the person they are sending to prison because they just don't care. Why would they want to care? That involves feeling. Why invoke feelings? It would make someone think too much about the cases and things would be too complicated. Just send them to prison. That's a better way, a much better remedy. If that remedy works for you, then sit there in prison and lick your nuts because this shit just ain't right, no matter how you look at it.

Will someone please help me? Tell me something can be done. There is no excuse for the Public Defenders who don't practice law. You guys are a sorry excuses for lawyers. To even think you help anyone is joke. I'll give you nothing because you have done nothing for me. Maybe you guys someday will find a way to get people a fair chance at winning their case or even getting some people the help they need.

You guys know there are many alternatives to prison. How about that? Alternatives. You mean we don't have to just let them make deals that involve prison terms? Wow! We can help people? Yeah, it should be the best part of your job! Get involved. Find out what people's problems are. Find out how you can help them. Don't just allow them to get sent to prison. I mean, you can determine which ones deserve a chance. At least fight for those. Don't just allow bad law to be practiced because you're scared that the District Attorney might not invite you to their social parties anymore. Have backbones and practice what you learned at the school you went to.

Oh wait -- you're all working for the District Attorney's office anyway. Oh, what's that? You're trying to be a District Attorney? Oh, that's what this is. I get it. Or wait, I don't get it at all. Can someone please help explain how this madness ever helps anyone? Maybe it helps one in a hundred cases when it's like one of the District Attorney's family that happens to be in trouble or a really an important person who got in trouble.

And definitely help the people with the most money. We can make the most from that because money is the most important thing, not people's lives or their freedom or their well-being. Straight up: you're in it for the money. Very rarely will you find a Public Defender or District Attorney person doing their job to help people. If you do happen into one of these few, give them a hug and tell them thanks because that's what these jobs need to be about: helping people, not just sending people to prison or jail and that's it.

It hasn't been working, but they continue to be blind and stubborn, never willing to look past their own lives to see to it that people get the help they need.

I am writing this letter mostly because I need advice and help because I am being misrepresented by the Public Dealmaker's Office and so are many people in this community. There has to be something we can do. Anyone with advice, feel free to write to me at this county jail. Don't be afraid. I could really use the help and advice. Any advice will be appreciated to the fullest extent.

My final thoughts are this: Make sure the Public Dealmakers work for you. Don't be scared to speak up when you see them not doing their job. Feel free to make a point to the Bar Association at 415/538-2000. File a Marsden Motion which allows you to have a hearing in court about your ineffective counsel. This battle is only going to be won if everyone helps each other and understands that this is wrong. Do not allow them to just cut deals with the District Attorney. It's about evidence and facts, not just Let's make a deal. Remember, there is a judge. Allow the judge to make a ruling because if we just take deals, it doesn't ever involve a making a ruling. They just go with what was recommended by the District Attorney. So please don't allow them to push you around. Take a stand. If you happen to work for these offices, please look at what's going on. If you see things that seem wrong, it's your job to speak out. Don't just allow them to get away with not practicing law. Please don't take this as a personal attack toward any of you. But if the rock hit, my bad. Then do a better job. Make a difference. Help someone today.

No thanks, dealmakers


William Jackson 72209-D2

951 Low Gap Road, Ukiah 95482




The friends of the Willits Library present its Memorial Holiday Book Sale, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 24, 25, 26, from 10am-4pm. Sunday is $3 a bag. The big book sale is at the Willits Public Library Meeting Room at 390 East Commercial Street in Willits.


Friends of the Willits Library



Dear Mr. Anderson,

Hello and blessings of easy living to you and yours.

Sir, I'm writing to you to ask for your help with a huge favor.

First, I'm an alone deadhead who has always been easy going and laid back. Yes, I've made my share of mistakes.

Sir, I'm writing to ask if you know of any open lifestyle deadheads in the area interested in a penpal and a true friendship.

Also, there was an article about a transgender, Eli Erlick. Is there any way to find out more about her? First, is she 18? If so, could you please pass along my info to her and let her know I'd love to get to know more about her?

I would be so grateful for your help in this. Thank you for your time.



James Clark





Dear Editor,

The Anderson Valley Unity Club’s Garden Section would like to thank everyone who made the 2013, Wildflower Show another success. This year’s show was dedicated to three of our past members: Bobby Peterson, Bobby Hiat and Cleo Hixon, beloved members whose love of gardening and devotion to many wild flower shows for many many years held them in highest esteem. We had very good weather and an increase in attendance over last year. Eugenia Herr’s botanical prints made by her grandfather, were an especially nice compliment to the show. Thank you to Anderson Valley High School’s art instructor, Nadia Berrigan, and her students who produced beautiful acrylic and oil paintings of our valley. In addition Nat Corey-Moran’s photography class provided beautiful close up photos of flowers. Evelyn Ashton’s herbarium and water- colors of plants and Dot Hulbert’s scanned wildflowers made wonderful displays.

The invasive plant table had specimens, pictures and information regarding the damage these plants cause to native species. An extensive Lyme Disease exhibit presented by Sue Davies provided needed information regarding preventive measures and the dangers associated with Lyme.

We wish to thank the following for raffle donations: Celeri and Son of Fort Bragg, Ludwig’s Tin Man Nursery, Oak Valley Nursery, Whispering Winds Nursery, Fiddler’s Green Nursery, Digging Dog Nursery, Dirt Cheap of Fort Bragg, , Mendocino Botanical Gardens, Praetzel and Herr, Sun & Cricket, All That Good Stuff, Laughing Dog Books, Farmhouse Mercantile, Village Books of Ukiah, The Pot Shop, Philo School of Herbal Energetics, The Puzzle People, Fred Martin, Linda Wylie, Eileen Pronsolino, Robin Lindsey, Barbara Scott, Beverly and Marvin Dutra, Christine Clark, Sue Davies, Robyn Harper, Diane Herron, Lois Howard, Grace Espinoza, and Sarah McCarter.

Thank you to Shirley Hulbert, Gloria and Sharon Abbot for the delicious food served in the tea room.

We wish to also thank the following people who helped our club members with collections, identification, the raffle, plant donations, set- up or cleanup: Linda MacElwee, Erica Kesenheimer, Jade Paget-Seekins, Sheryl Green, Bob Sowers, Lynn Halpern, Ken Montgomery, Wally Hopkins, Sarah McCarter, Keith Gamble, Hans Hickenlooper, Bill Harper and Eugenia Herr.

Thank you to the Fairgrounds staff for all their help. Also thanks to Robert Rosen and the Anderson Valley Brewery for allowing us to place our banners, advertising our event, on their fences.


Anderson Valley Unity Club Garden Section,

Robyn Harper





A comment on Dan Hamburg’s campaign fines levied from the FPPC as a result of misreporting campaign financing: There are fundamental things that the FPPC tells candidates and campaign treasurers about campaign financing.

One is to never accept a cash donation for more than $99. Another is to keep a record of required FPPC information on every donor that gives the campaign $25 or more. So to raise real money legitimately in a campaign, there has to be a lot of reporting and record keeping. Another is all money coming in has to go to the campaign bank account, and the source of this money has to be accounted for. A campaign is blessed when it has a competent treasurer that is willing to volunteer to do the reporting work and do it correctly. I had one when I ran for office many moons ago, it looks like Dan did not. The mistakes the FPPC cited Dan for are ones that should never happen. That being said, politics is a dirty business and the activists that get involved in campaigns are too often not exactly the kind of people you take home to the family.

This is true here in Mendocino County, and it does not matter which side of the political spectrum the activists come from. Political fund raising is a particular problem. Large political fund raising events can raise a lot of money and have limited reporting because people can give serial $20 donations. Anyone in Mendocino County politics knows this. So, maybe there is a jar for donations at the bar and as long as the individual donations are less than $25, there is no need to keep track of where the money comes from, or how many times an individual donates. Of course, if the treasurer is unscrupulous and smart, any $100 or $50 bills that happen to end up in the jar will be changed for $20s and $10s before the bank deposit. For a long time I wondered, how did these large fundraisers raise all this money, yet show a bare minimum of donations over $100, which have to be make public? It took a while for me to connect the dots on this. And BTW, the FPPC does not care about $20 donations, no matter how many come from one individual.

Another way large donations are given anonymously, a form of illegal bundling, is one donor gives $99 each to numerous people to donate to the campaign. So a high profile donor can remain anonymous while gifting a large sum. This shows up in the campaign records as many $99 donations from people no one really ever heard of. Or it might not show up at all, if the gifted donations are given to the campaign at a fundraiser in $20 increments.

My point? Rightly, the FPPC is going after the Hamburg campaign, but the real money in Mendocino County political campaign fundraising shenanigans remains below the radar.


George A. Hollister





The Sherwood Valley Rancheria, through their attorney, were prepared to file today a lawsuit and ask the Ukiah Superior Court for an injunction against Caltrans for failure to adequately consult with the tribe regarding protection of their cultural resources. The two parties have reached a tentative agreement for a temporary stop to any further fence building, vegetation clearing, pile driving, excavation or grading north of East Hill Road. This work stoppage may extend south of East Hill Road depending upon the nature of the work. Excavation of potential historic village sites is of major concern. This agreement is expected to be finalized tomorrow and will be in affect until at least Wednesday May 8th, or until the Tribal representatives receive cultural resource assessment documents from Caltrans and are able to fully evaluate the potential impacts to cultural resources.


Best regards,

Bob Whitney




Dear Editor:

The recent poll by Fairleigh Dickinson University's Public-Mind had some very distrubing results. It was a national survey of registered voters on three subjects.

1) In the next few years, an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our liberties. 2) Congress needs to pass new laws to protect the public from gun violence. 3) Some people are hiding the truth about the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in order to advance a political agenda.

On 1) 29% agree: however, only 18% of Democrats agree as to 44% for Republicans and 27% of independents. In looking at gender and education more males agree and agreement is highest among those at the lower levels of education.

As would be expected on 2) those who agree on 1) disagree with 2) with 73% of Democrats in agreement as to 24% for Republicans and 48% of independents. Women are 59% in agreement and the higher the level of education the higher the level of agreement. As for 3) Those in agreement were Republican males with a lower level of education.

In summary I would say that although the survey did not ask if the respondent was a supporter of the Tea Party, one looking at this survey might will conclude of the 44% of Republicans in agreement with 1) are Tea Party followers. The survey conveys a scary look to the future and is certainly indicative of why Congress is so dysfunctional. This type of thinking could well lead to acts of violence. Further, one does wonder if these people are capable of thinking rationally.


In peace,

James G. Updegraff





Report on LAFCo Meeting, May 6, 2013

On the agenda are the 9 MSRs bundled together in one package for final approval.

Of particular concern for the Commission was the UVSD MSR, especially the statistics and statements in section 3-23 to 3-25. This concern was fomented by the Grand Jury report (round three). The UVSD MSR was pulled from the 9 MSRs for further review by LAFCo. The remaining 8 MSRs were approved by LAFCo. The LAFCo EO was directed to meet with the UVSD to see that all corrections necessary to the UVSD MSR were made and then bring back the MSR for further consideration. The commissioners expressed their position that the MSR is an important document and that every effort should be made to make sure the data is correct.

Commissioner Doug Hammerstrom of Fort Bragg wanted to request the Grand Jury for its source of information. He was advised by commissioner Kesslinger that the GJ information was secret.

The EO brought up the letter from the Grand Jury regarding the City of Ukiah vs. Ukiah Valley Sanitation District – Round 3. He requested help from the commissioners in replying to the report. The commission voted to assign three commissioners as an adhoc committee to assist the EO. It was expressed that in order that the reply be “squecky clean”, unbiased and credible and therefore the adhoc member have no connection to the subject. It was therefore determined that Kesslinger, McFadden, and McCowen be assigned the task. However, the responses required by LAFCo would be brought to the commission for approval before transmittal.

Kesslinger expressed the opinion that this illustrates LAFCo’s lack of regional planning. The Eo said such planning would be the subject of this year’s LAFCo workshop.

— Don Howard

* * *

Two commissioners were assigned as an adhoc committee to assist the EO


Submitted by John Sakowicz





How To Become A Haunted House



First, turn yourself into a house. Don’t know

how you’re going to do that. I think the only way

is magic. So, good luck. It’s kind of slow.

At least the kind that you can find today.



But once that’s done, you’ll need some haints.

That's what they call them in the deepest south.

Haints. They is what's left over when we aints.

Magic. See third line. Now hush your mouth.




see. The lights will flicker on and off. You

won’t know why. Rats, spiders, a bloody pool,

that’s just effects. The odd echo. The boo.



The most important part: Guilt. More guilt.

Shame helps. Guilt and shame. This is how

you become a haunted house. The tilt

off-square. Beware. You’re leaning now.


Lawrence Bullock

Fort Bragg




Something new in the AVA. Flagging somewhere in the mechanical end. You obviously don't know what you're doing when you fold it wrong. I've been a subscriber for about two decades and during that time this mistake was very rare, now it's every week.

You don't receive and read your paper like we do. In fact, I bet you never read it like we do.

Take a poll. I can't believe that most folks like to hold something the size of a half sheet of plywood at arm's length or spread it out over a table. We all back-fold to a certain degree. I take it all the way down to 7.5 x 11, the same size as it arrives.

The fold you make never comes out! If your fold…! You get the idea.

Possibly I could wet the paper and iron it.

How come this never happened before? And why now?

The AVA uses very fine paper. Properly back folded it can go through countless readings and hands. Improperly folded at the outset, it's a mess and less fun to read.

By the way, this may be my very first complaint so I'll attempt to soften the blow with your share of the of my senior benefits.


All the best,

John Finley

Kodiak, Alaska.

PS. Re: No more print hardcopy editions of the AVA: In that case, fold the whole works up. If money's the problem raise the rates.



Dear Editor,

As a homeowner who last October had a forest fire burn within 20 feet of a dwelling here in Comptche, before it went on to burn 20 acres of our timber, I cannot stress enough that we need to do everything possible to make our properties fire safe. Looks like it will be a bad wildfire season again and it is starting early.

There are four things you can do to make your place fire safe. Clear vegetation and brush within 100' of your dwellings. If you have water storage get proper connections to it so your local fire department can draw from it in case of an emergency. Make sure a fire truck can drive up your driveway and turn around, and last, but not least, put your street number at the end of your driveway so fire fighters can find your place in an emergency.

Those four things are easy to understand and will make your place safer. Another "no-brainer"...financially support your local volunteer fire department. They the men and women who will get there first in your time of crisis. JOIN your local VFD! If you can't be a firefighter there are lots of behind the scenes work always needing doing. They're great community organizations and my husband and I been part of Comptche's for 37 years.

I wouldn't wish anyone the experience I had last fall standing in my house going "OK, if it's going to burn down what do I need to try and take?" and when firefighter's drove up my marked driveway, on a road wide enough for a fire engine, into a yard with no brush near any structure and a hook up to our water storage system available I was glad our family had taken the time to become fire safe in the woodlands.


Katy Tahja




Greetings Members of the Community,

I am writing to introduce myself as Surya Anderson, a representative and co-founder with Jeremy Mayberry of Sacred Sound Systems Event Production. For the past two years we have organized a gathering called Enchanted Forest in Anderson Valley, at what is now known as Camp Navarro on Masonite Road.

Enchanted Forest is an intentional gathering celebrating community through music, dance, art and healing. Our intent is to provide a safe, nurturing and creative environment for friends and family, as well as for our expanded community, to spend a weekend together.

Enchanted Forest is a multigenerational event that is not only ‘family friendly,’ but ‘families encouraged’. My three children along with a host of their friends and many others will most certainly be found exploring the forest and swimming in the creek throughout the weekend. In addition to the natural playground offered we host a magical kids camp within the event itself, packed with activities and daily programming.

Throughout the day we have a variety of workshops and talks geared around interests such as yoga, dance, communication skill building, personal empowerment, nutrition, land (earth) stewardship, permaculture and composting.

In addition to the workshops and music, we also host our Late Night Tea Lounge and Visionary Art Gallery as well as a Healing Sanctuary offering a chance to receive bodywork and massage. We have a variety of organic wholesome food and drink vendors available as well as those offering clothing, art and jewelry.

We implement a strict ‘no alcohol, no drug policy’ and employ a professional security team to maintain its adherence.

I am a long time resident of the Mendocino coast and, having spent most of my upbringing living in Rancho Navarro, I am very sensitive to the delicate balance and beauty this area holds.

I encourage anyone interested to explore the link provided to learn more of what Enchanted Forest is all about.


Thank you,

Surya Anderson, Sacred Sound Systems




A great line from Ruth Weiss, Queen of the Beatniks.

"I never let gender stand in the way of my affection." -- 1958, North Beach, San Francisco

Heard in Ukiah jail, 2011: "Judge Henderson looks good but has bad English — his sentences are too long."

There were several pages with links at the bottom of the page. You might consider the above.


Captain Fathom

Santa Cruz


One Comment

  1. Martin Zemitis May 10, 2013

    Have you guys ceased your print edition ? I can’t find you around here (East Bay) anymore.
    Please, ENUFF letters from friggin’ jailbirds. Tired of these losers !

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