Cooling | 24 Cases | John Search | Yorkville Octoberfest | Comptche Parade | Todd Parsons | Tree Hacks | Hopland 1930 | Dispensary Zoning | Magic Market | Doc Doohan | Old Photos | Ed Notes | Chestnut Gathering | Water Caught | Yellow Rose | Adventist Issues | Ukiah Pride | Chanterelles | Train Station | Hopkins Cleanup | Willits Grade | Suicide Squeeze | SF Twins | Code Enforcement | Gas Price | Yesterday's Catch | Solar Rights | Long Sucker | Listless Dems | Peggy Lee | Comments | Bill Hatfield | Danger Snacks | Free Assange | Fiction | Kaep Show | Mosque | Dem Forever | Media Attention | DOT Positions | Zucked | Crenshaw Says | Go Brandon | Safeway 1942
AN UPPER-LEVEL LOW will clip far northwest California today, bringing showers mainly to Del Norte, Humboldt and Trinity Counties. Inland temperatures will trend cooler through Monday, when another cold front will bring a more widespread shot of light to moderate rain. Yet another cold front will pass by with beneficial rain late Wednesday or Thursday. (NWS)
24 NEW COVID CASES reported in Mendocino County yesterday afternoon.

The Mendocino County Sheriff's Office and Mendocino County Search & Rescue Team are continuing a missing person search for the third consecutive day in the area of Highway 162 at the 8-mile bridge near Covelo.
The missing person was last seen on 10-24-21 in the early morning hours while camping/hunting with family.
Today there are approximately 50 searchers with mutual aid Search & Rescue assistance from Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Sonoma County, San Mateo County, Napa County, Placer County, Nevada County, Cal ESAR and the California Air National Guard.
Search efforts consist of ground, motorized, K9 and aerial search teams.
The missing person is identified as being:
John Davis, 48 year-old male from Humboldt County (see photo), standing 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighing 220 lbs with brown hair and blue eyes.
Last seen wearing: Camouflage Rain Jacket, Neon Green pants with reflective stripe.
Anyone with information that could help search efforts is asked to call the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office at 707-463-4086.
Oktoberfest Lunch 10/30 at the Yorkville Market
October is winding to its end and we have another delicious meal for you!
Chef B has prepared Choucroute; Alsatian-style pork, apples and taters cooked in kraut, featuring Roundman sausage and housemade apple-caraway kraut. Served with German carrot salad with dill and honey-orange dressing.
No costumes will be needed to enjoy this special lunch menu (feel free to be festive if you wish!) but please wear a mask ;-)
We will be closed on Sunday so I can enjoy the day with my kiddos.
Wishing you all a spoooooky Halloween!
Lisa at the Yorkville Market
ANNUAL COMPTCHE HALLOWEEN PARADE (photos provided by Chuck Wilcher)
A Redwood City man was identified as the person killed in a plane crash Thursday afternoon in Ukiah.
Todd Michael Parsons, 43, died in the crash at Ukiah Regional Airport, according to the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office.
He was the only person on board the plane when it crashed and flipped over, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
The crash, which involved a Cessna 172 M Skyhawk light plane, occurred around 1:14 p.m. at the south end of the Ukiah Regional Airport, according to a statement from the city of Ukiah. The runway, closed following the crash, was reopened around 11:30 a.m. Friday, according to airport spokesman Greg Owen.
Ukiah Valley Fire responded to the wrecked plane, which local news site MendoFever reported was upside-down and had damaged landing gear.
“It looked like he was landing,” Owen said. “The airplane hit the ground and there was a fatality.”
The plane was flying from Napa, Owen said. It was not known to airport staff, according to the city.
Authorities have not yet identified the cause of the crash.
Investigators with National Transportation Safety Board and the FAA were at the airport Friday gathering evidence and examining the location and wreckage.
A preliminary report will be published in about two weeks, said NTSB spokesman Eric Weiss. The probable cause of the crash will be explained in the final report, which will be released in one to two years from now.
A LOCAL READER WRITES: How are you handling the persistent intrusion and over-reach of Coleman? They are returning to the property repeatedly, marking trees (including redwoods), halfway trimming the trees beneath the power lines, and leaving standing dead trees with firewood literally stacked the base of them. Now, they keep coming BACK to mark even more trees waaaaaay beyond the fire code scope.
There aren't even any power lines near the trees that they marked today. Pink means trim and yellow means remove entirely. Orange paint means don't touch. We have all three but they trimmed the orange one with no regard for the color-coding. Does anyone know the official scope of PG&E and how far Coleman and the other subcontractors can go on someone's property? It's our understanding that they can clear beneath the lines and twelve feet on either side. Does anyone know what happens if you refuse permission to enter?

If you are interested in saving our downtown business district you may be interested in the meeting to be held on November 8th at Town Hall by our city council discussing new dispensary zoning regulations. This is our town and these are our elected officials doing this.
I believe it is our duty as the citizens of this town to protect our properties and our downtown business district. If you attend these meetings the council will listen to you, they want your input, they want direction from the people of our town.
If you are a property owner on the west side of McPherson Street you should be especially concerned, many of your properties back up against the empty storefronts on Franklin Street which these businesses are attempting to fill at this time by the evidence of pending permits.
I urge you to please send emails or letters to our council and attend these meetings. We don’t want to end up being a bunch of people complaining about something when we actually could have made a difference, and possibly even prevented it from happening.
Jay Koski
Fort Bragg
A Reader Writes: Thought you might enjoy this article about our once county health czar. Maybe she’s still drawing a Mendo salary? Personally, I like Noemi, and I think she’s a “good” human. Anyhoooo: read it and weep.
Scripps doctor reflects on COVID-19 fight, personal battle with cancer
MARSHALL NEWMAN sends along a pair of way back photos.

AV BOYS SOCCER: Last night (Thursday) was our final game of the soccer season. Anderson Valley hosted Sonoma Academy, and we lost 4-0. We ended the regular season with 4 wins and 6 losses. There is still a possibility that we can squeak into the postseason, but we will have to wait and find out. (Arthur Folz reporting)
FOR THE RECORD we went back to review the comment in last Tuesday’s Public Expression, just to be sure they were as nutty as we first thought. These are our shorthand notes of what the commenters said to the Board of Supervisors
[1] Carrie Shattuck, Ukiah — Demands open, in-person meetings. Says some “citizens of our county” want face to face Board meetings. Complains about the cumbersome process of participating on line via zoom: Reads a list of people who don’t like the process. The list included former Ukiah area supervisor Frank McMichael; we didn’t recognize any other names.
[2] Paul Spandenburg (Redwood Valley) said he was “totally against mandates.” Said the Supes were hiding. They were “guilty of ritual satanic ritual abuse against citizens,” because of mask and social distancing. Said that “the mandatory jab is the sacrifice part. You are jabbing children with experimental gene therapy and turning them into trans-humans,” which he explained was “from humans to cyborgs.” “To our kids! You are guilty of some type of Nuremburg trials. Just like Germany in the 30s. Eventually you will be like rats on a sinking ship. You have to open the doors eventually and face the public for what you’ve done. You are all criminals and child abusers. In red states like Florida, no problem, no masks. You are using our children for political pawns. You can’t hide! You know what you’re doing. Maybe some of these dumb hippie liberals don’t because they are all brainwashed by all the propaganda, but the rest of us with common sense know exactly what you’re doing! We’re sick and tired of it! Now you want to bring in these mandatory jabs that’s going to kill a lot people and children! There are so many side effects. Blood clots, periodiditis (?), the list goes on and on! Obviously, none of you have done any research. You should not be where you are. You should be doing something else. You should resign. We are going to recall you. You are going along with deep state, new world order nonsense, the great re-set. It’s not going to work!”
(3) John Rarick (an attorney in Ukiah who specializes in employment, intellectual property and public law) agrees with Ms. Shattuck: “You have to end this techno hell to get on board here.” (Mr. Rarick adopted a very aggrieved tone, punctuated with lots of “OK?”s.) “There’s no way to interact with people who rule our lives. (Refers to a letter to Dr. Coren he supposedly sent.) (Reads Board mission statement.) “You have failed.” “I am against your approach. We are not ready to shoot little kids. I don’t have kids so fortunately I don’t have to make that choice. You are completely biased against anyone who doesn’t comply with your mandates. That’s a fact! I have a life to live. I have other clients that need representation in order to be protected or advance. … Do your homework, do your research, listen to the public, engage people so we can get a rational policy in place so that you’re not infringing on people’s constitutional rights. Hopefully these crimes against humanity being put forth by Dr. Pimlich (sic) will have traction and you guys are not part of that because it is a crime against humanity what you’re doing.”
[Note: According to a June 26, 2019 letter from John Sakowicz: “Ms. Howe’s lawyer is John C. Rarick at 107 West Perkins Street, Ste 16, Ukiah, CA, 95482-4855. Very capable guy. Georgetown University. He will win reinstatement for Barbara Howe.”]
(4) Danielle Brassfield: “You are making decisions based on a virus that has a 99% survival rate for most people.” And on unsubstantiated fears. Says masks decrease oxygen in lungs and that the virus works better with less oxygen. Says masks can cause upper respiratory infections. “So stop wearing masks immediately, and stop forcing children to wear masks in school which I consider to be a form of child abuse. The shot gives you no protection from infections. They only react if something gets into you. They don’t keep anything out. Etc. The shot enhances your chances of getting sick. This will continue to get worse if you keep trying to jab people while a virus that is trying to spread.” Says vaxed people get the virus and that varients are emerging from the vaccinated population. Says the vaccine is experimental and emergency use only, not FDA approved. “You can’t force people without adequate trials. You are in violation of the Constitution and the Nuremburg code. You will be held accountable. Please rescind the mandates and open the Board to the public.”
THE BOARD CLERK then ended public expression on that topic as the ten minute maximum on one topic had elapsed.
The 38th annual Chestnut Gathering will be on October 30th at the Zeni Ranch on Fish Rock Road from 10-4. Covid rules will be followed. No potluck this year but you can bring a lunch and enjoy one of the picnic areas.
There will be adult and kids’ costume contests, and pumpkin carving. If you cannot bring a pumpkin to carve, some will be available. For sale will be fresh raw chestnut honey, Zeni Ranch T-shirts, and nut sacks. Chestnuts are $3.50 a pound if you pick and $4.50 a pound if already picked. Call or text Jane Zeni 707-684-6892 for more information.
GRETTA KANNE, Willits City Council: “Are you ready for some good news? Prior to last weekend's storm our water capacity at the city reservoirs was 56%. At last night's Council meeting, the water department announced we are now at 83% capacity. Our reservoirs captured 364 acre feet of water during the downfalls, which amounts to about 4 months of summer (peak) usage. Hallelujah! Of course it's always important to be mindful of our water usage, no matter the time of year, but it sure is nice to know we're in good shape after a long, dry summer.”
COAST ADVENTIST, the discussion continues (Coast Listserve):
Adventist Health - The Problem is Housing
(1) At the Mendocino Coast Hospital District Board meeting last night, it was revealed that Adventist Health Mendocino Coast has over 50 unfilled positions. When I ran for the Board in 2018, the hospital had a similar problem. Good doctors and nurses would accept jobs here, arrive, sometimes with families, and find themselves unable to find a home. After several months in hotels or campgrounds, they would leave. The primary reason our hospital cannot attract quality long term providers is housing.
Vacation rentals are the reason housing is a problem on the Mendocino Coast. Mendocino County collected Transient Occupancy Tax last year on 541 parcels on the coast. This includes everything from hotels and motels to vacation rentals. The vast majority are vacation rentals. 390 of the parcels paying TOT are zoned Rural Residential. Some may be grandfathered on non-conforming hotels and inns, but the majority are single family homes converted into vacation rentals.
The reason we don't have enough quality housing for doctors, nurses and other professionals is that our housing stock is being bought up by investors from as far away as Atlanta, Georgia, taken off the housing market and rented for profit to vacationers. Think what a difference it would make if even 200 of these houses, nice attractive homes, were available for the professionals we need!
The Mendocino Coast is not the only community being negatively impacted by vacation rentals. It is happening all over the country. And communities are rearing up and striking back. The Supervisors considered regulating vacation rentals several years ago, but more than 80% of the vacation rentals are in the 4th and 5th Districts, and County Government in Ukiah likes the TOT revenue more than it is concerned with the impact on the Coast economy and quality of life. For anything to happen, a third Supervisor needs to step up and make this an important issue. A few phone calls from wealthy investors the last time killed any chance. We cannot let that happen again.
Vacation rentals are back in the news, and with enough support from voters, the Supervisors might be persuaded to take action this time. If you care about health care, contact your supervisors, Ted Williams and Dan Gjerde on the Coast, and also talk to the inland Supervisors. In tourism dollars, the Mendocino Coast is a cash cow for Mendocino County. Mendocino County needs to take care of the people taking care of the tourists.
(2) In re: Adventist communications. Just want to add that the ophthalmologist's office has suffered with the admin takeover. All telephone calls now go through hospital first and they cannot transfer calls properly (due to bugs in the new system). I had an issue when I phoned the number provided, getting the hospital, same woman twice. Third call I noted the "box is full message" still played. When questioned if there was another number available she hotly replied something about not walking across parking lot. Not having a good day. Have had several appointments with Dr. Miller's office over the last few months and have listened to their very pleasant and efficient staff deal with the shortcomings of the hospital's new systems. Be patient. You may have to give new information for their files. There was a mixture of old information in my hospital file. New information was deleted for some patients when data was "transferred".

Fresh Chanterelles!!!
$15 per pound or trade for local caught fish! Tuna, salmon etc.
4 pounds for $50
Beautiful mushrooms loaded with vitamins and minerals And fiber!
Let me know how many pounds you would like. And where you are located.
Meet up in Fort Bragg is ideal as I live in Inglenook
Reply off list
— Billy, your local Mendocino Mushroom hunter
"Obsidian Monarch" <>
CA DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL to begin Phase 1 cleanup for properties impacted by the 2021 Hopkins Fire on Nov. 2nd, 2021
The Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC), along with their contractor and County of Mendocino staff will be performing assessments and removal of household hazardous waste (HHW), bulk asbestos and e-waste from Hopkins Fire impacted properties from 11/2/2021 to 11/6/2021.
The Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC), along with their contractor and County of Mendocino staff will be performing assessments and removal of household hazardous waste (HHW), bulk asbestos and e-waste from Hopkins Fire impacted properties from 11/2/2021 to 11/6/2021.
The DTSC Emergency Response Program oversees the cleanup of hazardous waste that is released after wildfires ravage residential and commercial properties. DTSC assists local, state, and federal agencies after major disasters, including wildfires and flooding, to remove household hazardous waste and other harmful substances, such as e-waste found on parcels and properties.
The contaminated debris is cleaned up and contained as quickly as possible to minimize exposure to emergency personnel, the public, the environment, and workers involved in restoration efforts.
Staff from DTSC’s Emergency Response Unit oversees contractors who remove household hazardous waste (HHW), asbestos, and e-waste from properties, impacted areas, or designated drop-off locations.
What is Household Hazardous Waste?
Examples of HHW include lead-acid and household batteries; compressed gas cylinders; bulk pesticides, fertilizers, and pool chemicals; paints, thinners, and aerosol cans; asbestos siding, pipe insulation, and tiles.
What is E-Waste?
E-waste can include cathode ray tubes (CRTs) from televisions, computers, and other electronic devices.
For more information, please contact the Disaster Recovery Team at (707) 234-6303 or

THE HAWK: I’m sitting here in Cucina Verona cafe in Fort Bragg reading the AVA and about baseball, stealing home etc. In about 1988 I worked for a group home in Sebastopol and I was in charge of six boys. I took them to Candlestick Park to watch the Giants play the Reds. In the bottom of the 9th I watched as Roger Craig sent home Bret Butler on a suicide squeeze for the walk off win. The boys and I were thrilled. To this day it is one of the most exciting things in sports I have ever seen.
Laytonville, Ukiah & Willits - Month of October 2021 - Multiple non-permitted commercial cannabis locations identified; plants abated after Code Enforcement engagement.
Post Date: 10/29/2021 2:03 PM
Action Dates: 10/22/21 - 10/29/21
In the month of October 2021 the Mendocino County Code Enforcement Division conducted investigations regarding non-permitted commercial cannabis cultivation at the listed locations below in the Laytonville, Ukiah and Willits areas. Any cannabis cultivation over the Medical or Adult Use exemption limit (as defined in Mendocino County Code Section 10A.17.030) is considered to be commercial cultivation. Please see the Mendocino County Code (MCC) Section 10A.17 for additional information.
Code Enforcement investigations confirmed that commercial cannabis cultivation was taking place at these locations without either a County Cultivation Permit or a State Cultivation License, and/or cultivation was taking place in violation of MCC Sec. 10A.17 requirements. It was determined that there were significant community quality of life concerns in these neighborhoods. The responsible parties abated the cannabis plants after Code Enforcement engagement.
10/22/21 - 22600 Block of East Side Road - 252 Cannabis plants abated
10/22/21 - 3900 Block of North State Street - 17 Cannabis plants abated
10/28/21 - 41300 Block of North Highway 101 - 617 Cannabis plants abated
10/29/21 - 4500 Block of Lakewood Drive - 12 Cannabis plants abated
Code Enforcement intends to take additional action as needed to achieve compliance with any non-permitted structures at these locations.
The Code Enforcement Division receives all Cannabis and General Code Violation complaints within the unincorporated areas of Mendocino County. Complaints can be made by visiting our website at and filing an online complaint. You can also file a complaint by email at, or by phone to (707) 234 6669. Cannabis specific complaints can also be filed by calling the Cannabis Complaint Hotline at (844) 421-WEED(9333)
Dear Editor,
Am I the only one to notice the high price we muct all pay for a gallon of gas? Since early summer northern Californians have been paying well over $4.30 per gallon at the pump. And none of the experts on the oil industry are predicting that the consumer will get a break anytime soon.
One has to ask, “Are not the big oil companies, Exxon Mobil, Shell, and Chevron charging the public too much?” The CEOs of the big oil companies speaking before the House refused to take any blame for global warming. While it is true that Saudi Arabia and the other countries of OPEC, including Russia and Iran, manipulate the price of a barrel of crude every day, another reason is the fact that the US is now not bringing as much crude up to the surface as it once did under the Trump Administration.
However with Chevron stock now selling at more than $114 a share, is there any doubt now what is happening? The US. per capita, is the world’s worst contributer to global climate change. While China leads the world in pollution due to its continuing reliance on coal, at least China has the most electric vehicles. We have a long way to go.
Frank Baumgardner
Santa Rosa
CATCH OF THE DAY, October 29, 2021

GUILLERMO AVINA, Santa Rosa/Ukiah. Domestic abuse, criminal threats to commit crime resulting in death or great bodily injury.
ROBERT BELL, Laytonville. Elder abuse with great bodily injury, child endangerment, resisting by threatening officer, resisting by taking firearm from peace officer, removing to take away any weapon other than a firearm from a peace officer, obstructing public safety radio.

ROBERT HOLBROOK, Ukiah. Domestic battery.
NAHU JUAREZ-SIXTOS, Stockton/Willits. DUI, no license, controlled substance, bringing controlled substance into jail.
RITA LAVENDUSKEY, Fort Bragg. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, paraphernalia.

CHRISTOPHER LOPEZ, Ukiah. Domestic battery, resisting.
SHEVELLE PERKINS, Fort Bragg. Grand theft of access card, stolen property, probation revocation.
DEANNA RENFORT, Willits. Failure to appear, probation revocation.

JACOB SELLMER, Ukiah. Under influence.
CYNTHIA TIERNEY, Ukiah. Robbery, Attempt to aid, counsel or procure arson.
JACOB WALTRIP, Ukiah. Probation revocation.
To the Editor:
There are glimmers of hope for the climate crisis to improve eventually. One of those glimmers happened when California passed a law that all new single family and multi family dwellings up to 3 stories high must include solar panels as of Jan. 1, 2020. Something good!
Half of the new solar now being installed is going into millions of middle and working class homes that will save the residents money on energy costs and clean up the air. Rooftop solar’s energy efficiency caused the state to scale back over 20 power projects saving nearly $3 billion. But, there’s still plenty of room to do better.
Installing solar has been a perfect way to reduce our carbon footprint. Solar residences, businesses, schools, etc. have been able to cut their energy costs and have solar pay for itself. Even as solar installation costs decrease, it’s still a large investment by the building or homeowner. But many have decided that solar, as a clean energy source, is worth the cost because there are no gas emissions that warm our planet and seriously affect normal life, such as fires, floods, hurricanes, drought, extinctions. When considering installing solar the low monthly energy rates and credits, if the solar owner generates more power than they used, makes a lot of sense.
Now, though, PG&E is asking the California Public Utilities Commission to allow a significant rate hike, Net Metering 3 (NEM3), which would charge $50-$90/month for residential solar customers and $950-$3400/month for businesses, schools, county buildings, farms, churches and apartment buildings with solar. And credits to solar customers for more energy production than they used would be reduced by 77 percent.
Do you find yourself questioning as I do how penalizing solar customers will lead to more clean energy? Who is going to install solar when costs are so high? Why are the energy companies against solar when it’s such a simple energy solution? Losing or reducing solar installations creates a gaping void for clean energy and profoundly increases climate change impacts .
It’s not too late to do something. You can contact Governor Newsom who has strong influence with the California Public Utilities Commission that will be ruling on this rate hike soon. An easy avenue to send a letter to the Governor is through The Solar Rights Alliance is a group that is actively soliciting everyone in California to write to the Governor. AARP is in favor of these rate hikes, so consider contacting them as well. TURN, The Utility Reform Network, is also supporting PG&E. The only way to defeat this proposal is to be vocal.
Even if you do not yet have solar on your house you must know that it is a major contributor to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and certainly should not be thwarted in its ease of delivering clean energy and helping us survive on our planet. Please share this information with everyone you know. Nothing changes in the political sphere without an outcry from the public and this is a place where that outcry is imperative for addressing the dire threat of climate change.
Eileen Mitro
BIDEN’S REMARKABLE PASSIVITY as his political agenda is demolished from within by two lightweight senators from his own party is not a sign of his mental feebleness. It’s endemic to the post-Carter Democratic Party. They don’t fight for anything, except their own reelections and now they don’t even seem much interested in fighting for that. Look back to one of the original “new Democrats,” Al Gore, who refused to fight for his own election as president, as it was stolen right in front of his eyes. Gore showed the same listlessness as Biden.
Of course, Biden’s pledge to become the new FDR was always hollow, almost comically so for those who’d paid the slightest attention to his career in the US senate. When the “new Democrats” finally took power and Clinton began dismantling what remained of FDR’s political legacy, Biden ran interference for him on the Hill, helping to smother what little internal resistance the Democrat’s put up to Bubba’s drive to “end the Era of Big Government.” It takes a politician more gifted than Biden to authentically fake fury at the shriveling of policies that he never really believed in to begin with.
— Jeff St. Clair
[1] Well, as COP26 commences, we’re getting a first hand look at what life can be without fossil fuels in Lebanon and Haiti. No hot showers, no electric lights, no gasoline to run automobiles, no heat or AC, hospitals closing, food spoiling due to lack of refrigeration, no diesel to run trucks, explosive interpersonal violence on the streets, vicious gangs controlling what little resources remain, IOW, the unravelling of civilization, Hell on Earth, not the utopia Captain Planet — John Kerry, Climate Czar — describes when he admonishes us to “abandon fossil fuels”, and “leave it in the ground.”
[2] I watched a video yesterday of Russian President Putin calmly and intently listening to a professor ask 2 long and complex questions and then spontaneously answer both of them in detail. And, then I thought ‘What an embarrassment it is for the United States to be nominally represented by a man who can’t even answer prepared questions.
Like the Chinese say…
Want to live forever ?
Have a child, write a book, plant a tree.
I volunteered at the Coast Botanical Gardens to learn from the experts there.
To me I viewed it as a war of attrition on a mass frontal assault.
So, like Operation Barbarossa, Michael moved east.
I created HUGE burn piles and I mean HUGE
Then planted Redwoods every 10 feet
The cool thing was when I found a pile of obsidian
Obsidian is not native to this area
But looking around, it was an obvious place for a Native American campsite.
Flat land, fresh water source and a quarter mile from the ocean
The Pomos here traded Abalone shells for obsidian.
Cool find.
But looking behind me to see all the Scotch Broom and English Ivy cleared along with the dead trees and the Redwoods planted in the cleared areas and figuring how it would look in 40 years when they were ready to be harvested was a cool feeling.
Lot of work, but I like to huff heavy stuff, so I enjoyed the work.
CAPTAIN WILLIAM ANDERSON "DEVIL ANSE" HATFIELD, photographed here later in life, is shown with an unknown individual, at right.
By the time this professional portrait was taken, Anse was already a well-known national figure due to the coverage given the Hatfield-McCoy Feud in newspapers worldwide.
Devil Anse, a real mountain man, was an unparalleled hunter and deadeye with a rifle or handgun, a successful timber business tycoon, Civil War veteran (Confederate), storyteller, and proud family patriarch of the feudin' Hatfields of Logan Co. He was also the undisputed leader of the Hatfield Gang at the height of the Hatfield-McCoy vendetta.
Although he looks every bit the business man in this particular scene — dressed up in his Sunday best and ready to be photographed— he is still likely carrying at least one pocket pistol in his trousers. He was always aware, as was his sons, that old feud warrants awaited him and other family members on the Kentucky side of the Tug River.
Anse was born in 1839 in Logan County (now Mingo County). He married Levicy Chafin in 1861, just before leaving to fight in the War Between the States; and together, Anse and Levicy eventually had 13 children.
California Attorney General Rob Bonta today issued a consumer alert warning Californians of cannabis-infused edibles that are being packaged and sold as copycat versions of popular food and candy products. These illegal and unregulated edibles may contain dangerously high-levels of THC and be sold in packaging nearly identical to those of popular brands, such as Cheetos, Fruity Pebbles, and Sour Patch Kids.
Attorney General Bonta today reminds all Californians against consuming these illicit, potentially dangerous cannabis products and urges them to report these products if they come across them.
“While cannabis-infused edibles packaged to look like our favorite brands may seem harmless and fun, the dangers of consuming unregulated and untested cannabis products are high, particularly for children and teens,” said Attorney General Bonta. “The fact is: here in California, we have a safe, regulated, and legal cannabis market. But if a product is being marketed to children, mimicking a well-known consumer brand, and advertising sky-high levels of THC — it’s not likely to be a part of it. I urge all Californians to look carefully at the packaging of the products they are purchasing and report these copycat products if they come across them.”
Identify Lookalike Products: Cannabis-infused edible products are being made to mimic major brands, including Oreos, Doritos, Cheetos, and more.
The products are primarily sold online and at unlicensed shops, are marketed to children and teens, and often boast levels of THC at many times the legal limit.
At first glance, the packaging for these illegal products appear nearly identical to those of major brands, but no major candy or food companies manufacture or sell cannabis or CBD products. Californians should look for copycat packaging with language that indicates that the product contains cannabis — such as “medicated”, “THC,” “CBD,” “keep out of reach of children and animals,” and/or an image of a cannabis leaf.
In California, legal cannabis products must be affixed with the universal symbol.
If you see indications of copycat packaging or do not see the universal symbol, the product is illicit — and may be dangerous.
Know The Health Risks: Illegal cannabis products present a risk to public health and safety. Children can experience a variety of delayed symptoms upon ingesting cannabis edibles, including, but not limited to difficulty breathing, lethargy, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination. Illegal products made with synthetic cannabinoids may pose additional health risks. Synthetic cannabinoids can be highly toxic and are illegal in the state of California. Side effects of consuming synthetic cannabinoids include rapid heart rate, agitation, vomiting, trouble breathing, psychosis, among others.
In recent years, California has seen an uptick in pediatric exposure and ICU visits related to cannabis edibles, as well as an increase in children as young as 12 who are intentionally using cannabis products. In 2020, there were 1,173 calls to the Poison Control Center for services related to children age 0-19 ingesting cannabis products. This is up from 404 calls in 2016, with the biggest increase for children age 0-5.
California has also seen a rise in emergency room visits related to cannabis poisoning among young children. In 2016, there were approximately 21 visits per one million Californians age 0-5. In 2020, there were approximately 113 visits.
If you suspect that your child has accidentally consumed these illicit products, monitor them for symptoms of intoxication. California’s Poison Control System has a 24-hour hotline available for immediate assistance. The toll-free phone number is (800) 222-1222. Language interpreter services are offered in over 200 different languages and calls are kept confidential.
Report Illegal Products: The manufacture and sale of cannabis-infused edible products made to look like major brands is illegal. These products are sold by unlicensed operators, often contain extremely high-levels of THC beyond the legal limit, and are advertised to youth in violation of the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act.
If you encounter lookalike cannabis-infused edible products, please file a complaint with our office at and with the Department of Cannabis Control at or at
JULIAN ASSANGE shouldn’t be released from the dank chambers of Belmarsh Prison because the CIA contemplated assassinating him. He shouldn’t be released because a key witness against him admitted to fabricating his deposition. He should be released because he didn’t commit the crime for which he is charged and a country that treats journalism as a crime against the state shouldn’t have legal standing to bring extradition requests in the courts of nations that consider themselves democracies.
— Jeff St. Clair
by Dave Zirin
With much fanfare, “Colin in Black and White,” a new show about Colin Kaepernick, premieres Friday on Netflix. Created by Kaepernick and acclaimed filmmaker Ava DuVernay, the show, according to Netflix, “chronicles Kaepernick’s coming of age story, tackling the obstacles of race, class, and culture as the Black adopted child of a white family.”
In other words, this will not be a story about a quarterback leading a team to the Super Bowl or later taking a knee during the national anthem, confronting the entire power structure in the country’s most profitable sports league and then being blackballed. The story instead is about a biracial adoptee in suburban California and the beginning of his journey toward becoming all those things.
Each of the six episodes is narrated by Kaepernick himself. The former NFL quarterback is profoundly media averse (even social media averse) but now, like athletes from Tom Brady to Naomi Osaka, he is controlling the message, just like a football coach who scripts the first 20 plays of a game.
It is no wonder that in an email interview with the Los Angeles Times Kaepernick wrote of the project, “I want Black and brown communities, particularly youth, to know we will face racism, we will face white supremacy, we will face oppressive systems, but we have the power to overcome them and the power to change them.”
“I want them to know we don’t have to accept the status quo, and ultimately, I want them to be their full selves and to stand firmly in their full power,” he wrote.
It would be remarkable if he and DuVernay were able to achieve such a lofty goal with Kaepernick’s biography. His story is one of adoption, suburban wealth and a personal reckoning with the realities of racism while being raised by a white family.
We’ve had great examples of sports biopics that focus on athletes who played a role in their era’s freedom struggles, including “42” about pioneering baseball player Jackie Robinson and “Ali” about three-time heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali. In those films, we get to see the subjects’ childhoods through the prism of the injustices that surrounded them. In this series, we should look to see how DuVernay and Kaepernick accomplish that, especially since this work will remain focused on Kaepernick’s upbringing and — unlike the above-mentioned films — won’t focus on his political awareness as an adult.
It remains to be seen if there’s an audience for this kind of intensive bio, but my hope is that this is just the beginning. I would like to see a work about the entirety of the social justice movement of the last five years in DuVernay’s capable hands. I’d like to see her depiction of Kaepernick demonstrating without flinching for four straight months during the 2016 NFL season. I’d like to see her depicting Kaepernick somehow playing some of the best football of his life despite the scrutiny, the boos and the death threats. I’d like to see DuVernay and Kaepernick then give dramatic treatment to the courage displayed by the hundreds upon hundreds of younger athletes who, inspired by his actions, took a knee during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” in protest of police violence and racial inequity.
This latter subject is of particular interest to me, as the book I just wrote, "The Kaepernick Effect," is less about Kaepernick than the countless young people he inspired. In their stories, you can see the blueprint of a movement that led to the summer of 2020 when the police murder of George Floyd resulted in the largest protests in this country’s history. In their stories, you can also see the harbinger of the backlash and violence that has become a hallmark of the post-Donald Trump era as white supremacist organizations grow and go to war over what they often misrepresent as critical race theory. I hope those young people’s stories merit equal treatment in a forthcoming biographical series because it is important that we not see the last five years as being encapsulated by one individual.
The push for a racial reckoning has been a collective, grassroots movement that also included the professional athletic fields of the United States. We need artistic works that emphasize widespread participation in these protests, or the actual history will fall prey to celebrity culture, passivity will rule the day and people will wait for the next “great person” (usually “great man,” in history’s telling) to come down from Planet Hero and save the day.
The reality of social movements is always more messy, often more dramatic and certainly more empowering. DuVernay did a brilliant job in “Selma” of showing that the people we know as great leaders — including Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis — depended on grassroots protesters turning out en masse and that those grassroots protesters created the conditions that allowed a figure like King to rise. Kaepernick is not King, of course, but like the civil rights leader, he was a part of a movement, not the founder of it.
We should appreciate the effort to bring Kaepernick’s coming-of-age story into our living rooms. But there’s so much more to his story and to the stories of the people Kaepernick inspired. So let’s hope there’s a sequel.
Coast Democratic Club Meeting
Our mission is to elect progressive democrats
Let's get to work! What do you want to do?
Come to the club meeting on nov 4, 5:30-7:30 pm
Jughandle farm meeting room
With proof of vaccination and wearing a mask
Doors will remain open for ventilation and there will be social distance seating
Please rsvp by replying to this email so we will know how many to expect for seating
Let's talk about:local races
Candidate filing period: february 14 - march 11, 2022
Primary Election Day: June 7, 2022
Board of Supervisors District 5 - Incumbent Ted Williams
Fort Bragg City Council - 4 Incumbent Seats
- Jessica Morsell-Haye
- Tess Albin-Smith
- Lindy Peters
- Marcia Rafanan
Hospital District Board - 3 Incumbent Seats
- Jessice Grinberg
- Amy McColley
- John Redding
Mendocino County Sheriff - Appointed Incumbent Matt Kendall
Mendocino County District Attorney - Incumbent
C. David Eyster
Hold the house/ hold the Senate
Jughandle Farm Driveway is across from the North Caspar entrance and from the South, the next driveway after Fortunate Farm; at the STOP sign, turn left to the meeting room in the green building and park in the field.

Department Transportation
Category Request for Proposals
RFP Number 210071
Start Date 10/29/2021 8:00 AM
Close Date 11/30/2021 4:30 PM
RFP Post Status Open
On-Call Appraisal Services
Please see full Request for Proposal for more information.
Project Summary
The Mendocino County Department of Transportation (County) seeks a consultant or consulting firm to call upon on an “as needed” basis for assistance with real property appraisal related to the purchase of real property interest for a variety of public road projects located throughout Mendocino County.
Submission Information
Consultants must submit 3 copies of their proposal. The proposal must be formatted in accordance with the instructions of this Request for Proposal. Promotional materials may be attached, but are not necessary and will not be considered as meeting any of the requirements of this Request for Proposal. Proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope or package, clearly marked “2021 On Call Appraisal Services” and delivered by November 30, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. local time to:
Mendocino County Department of Transportation
340 Lake Mendocino Drive
Ukiah, CA 95482-9432
Attn: Howard N. Dashiell
* * *
Department Transportation
Category Request for Proposals
RFP Number 210070
Start Date 10/29/2021 8:00 AM
Close Date 11/30/2021 4:30 PM
RFP Post Status Open
On-Call Right-of-Way Services
Please see full Request for Proposal for more information.
Project Summary
The Mendocino County Department of Transportation (County) seeks a consultant or consulting firm to call upon on an “as needed” basis for assistance in a number of disciplines related to the purchase of real property interest for a variety of public projects located throughout Mendocino County. The County anticipates contracting with the consultants for the following services:
Appraisal Review
Coordination with staff and consultants on specific projects
Submission Information
Consultants must submit 3 copies of their proposal. The proposal must be formatted in accordance with the instructions of this Request for Proposal. Promotional materials may be attached, but are not necessary and will not be considered as meeting any of the requirements of this Request for Proposal. Proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope or package, clearly marked “2021 On Call Right of Way Services” and delivered by November 30, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. local time to:
Mendocino County Department of Transportation
340 Lake Mendocino Drive
Ukiah, CA 95482-9432
Attn: Howard N. Dashiell
RE ZUCKERBERG: "Sadly, I'm thinking that Mark saw the recent movie "Ready Player One", and fancies himself a real life "Nolan Sorrento", and to a certain degree he's probably right... both are a magnificent wastes of skin...I hope in attempting to dodge his own greed and moral corruption, Mark succeeds in making himself and his business obscure footnotes in what made the world more violent and unstable."
— Marie Tobias
by James Kunstler
Do you marvel, as I do, at this malignant hive organism — arguably worse than the Covid-19 chimera virus — that calls itself “Joe Biden?” The personage of that name is a mere effigy, of course, like one of those grotesque mummies hoisted above the mob in a religious procession from some primitive cannibal kingdom. It’s the mob itself that actually matters, though, the twerking parade of Woke-Progressive Democrats, because it is bent absolutely on rooting out, punishing, and torturing its perceived enemies, which in this case are about half the people in the country. That’s really all it seeks to do. It has never been about anything else, because, get this: the Woke mob is insane.
But now this other half of the country has raised a war cry, “Let’s go Brandon,” in objection. In case anyone does not know what the phrase means, peruse the actual lyrics from one of four rap chants topping the Apple music charts right now: this ditty by entertainer Loza Alexander:
Let’s go, Brandon (fuck Joe Biden)
(Let’s go, Brandon, fuck Joe Biden) you know what they sayin’, hoe
Let’s go, Brandon (fuck Joe Biden)
(Let’s go, Brandon, fuck Joe Biden) you know what they sayin’, hoe
Is that too subtle for anyone? Do you catch the drift? (Know what they sayin’?) The sentiment is timelier and apparently more popular than “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was in 1963. America has had enough of the Woke religious cult and its cavalcade of depravities. America is about to bum-rush the darn thing, seize the ghastly mummy from its skull-bedecked palanquin, and knock the living sawdust out of it.
Doings in the Loudon County, VA, school board lately became the rectified essence of the wild, irresponsible, Woke derangement overtaking the land. The board authorized a sex education booklet that instructed teenage boys how to perform oral sex on each other — with explicit illustrations of one boy on his knees servicing another boy standing — while the board backed the sowing of maximum gender confusion among high schoolers who, under the best conditions, have a tough time adjusting to the hormonal storms of adolescence… all in the name of promoting a Woke brownie-point-collecting exercise called “Pride Week.”
And guess what? The parents of Loudon County began to object to this… meshugas. And then the school board proceeded to squash and evade their objections, and even enlisted that degenerate troll Attorney General Merrick Garland to intimidate objecting parents with the FBI and federal writs against “domestic terrorism.” For his trouble, Mr. Garland was unmasked as a prevaricating tool in a US Senate hearing this week, nicely captured by the TV cameras so the citizenry could see him in weaselly operation.
It also came out that twice this fall a teenage boy wearing a skirt — ostensibly gender-confused in exactly the way promoted by the school board — committed two rapes of teenage girls in the girls’ bathrooms of two Loudon County schools, to which he was granted access as someone pretending to bethink himself a girl — though it turned out he knew quite well how to deploy his male generative organ. The crimes were reported to the Loudon County Sheriff’s Office and shared with the County School Superintendent, who covered it up… not a smooth move, as things turned out, because now the country can see exactly how criminally dishonest the Wokesters are.
And as all this rolled out, Woke-Progressive Democratic candidate for Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, made the supernaturally doltish utterance that “parents shouldn’t tell schools what to teach.” His campaign even put out roadside signs under his name repeating the statement-of-principle, in case anyone missed it. The result: McAuliffe dropped about eight points almost overnight in the polls. The voters are about to pop him out of the political universe like a watermelon seed between their fingers.
Meanwhile, the mummy known as “Joe Biden” has ventured abroad, first to Rome to be feted, his handlers thought, by the Pope. But his excellency Pope Francis ordered the TV cameras turned off, apparently unwilling to be seen consorting with the inanimate, disintegrating graven image of a US president — anymore than he would want to be caught conversing with a statue of the Medici Pope Leo X in his Vatican garden.
Also meanwhile, the stage managers back at the White House, Chief of Staff Ron Klain and Susan Rice, shadowy Director of the Domestic Policy Council, floated an initiative to give half-a-million dollars to each family member of children and parents who had gotten separated while attempting to enter the US illegally. That ought to warm the hearts of US citizens thrown out of their jobs and their livelihoods.
Now, cue the Mother of all Migrant Caravans marching north to the wide-open US / Mexican border — because “Joe Biden” wants it that way — just what millions of broke, thrown-out-of-work, soon to freeze and starve US citizens will be treated to watch on their flat-screens before the cable service is switched off for non-payment. “Joe Biden” just wants to rub their faces in it, or rather the folks behind him pulling his strings want to do that. Maybe the time has come to cut “Joe Biden’s” strings. And just maybe it’s time to put an end to the Woke march through our history.
“Woke” is dog-whistling for “Own the Libs.”, a thoughtless knee-jerk substitution for substantive political discourse. Ad Hominem attacks are a superficial waste of time and talent.
Mr. Kunstler has become the Tucker Carlson of your newspaper, and you, and your readers, deserve a slightly more elevated nature of discourse, methinks.
For the uninitiated, a President is merely a figurehead. The real measure of an administration is in the Cabinet, and staffers. Those are the people who get the real work done. What? You thought Sleepy Joe — I use the term affectionately — sits at the Resolute desk all day long pouring over charts and graphs sorting out policy memos?
The factor which makes Sleepy Joe’s administration far superior to that of his predecessor is that his administration consists of highly competent players, while the former President’s administration had one of the most rapid and frequent turnovers in the history of the office. Unprecedented turnover. As Jeb Bush said, “He is going to be the chaos president.” And he was. Remember? Now he is the chaos ex-President. And so it goes.
Has Biden made mistakes? Of course he has. If you’re seeking the Messiah, American politics simply isn’t the shopping mall for you. Sorry. Try something else.
Instead of grousing, I’d appreciate Mr. Kunstler’s short list of what he truly wants Sleepy Joe to do. Victimhood can take you, or your readers, only so far. And then what?
Just sayin’.
It’s nice to see how Kunstler has joined the ranks of the sane in the last year, better late than never. Millions of Americans are doing the same thing, and we welcome you all with no hard feelings. Just like Trump drained the swamp low enough to expose all the creatures, two years of forced homeschooling opened the eyes of parents to what is being taught in our schools. No one in the Trump administration ordered schools to be closed during the pandemic, including Dr. Frankenstein (Fauci). Instead Woke Governors who pander to the Teacher’s Unions ordered the schools closed. What’s happening in Loudon County is just the begining and AG Garland’s threat to treat involved parents as domestic terrorists is backfiring on the Teacher’s Unions and Biden Administration faster than the speed of light.
What’s happening now in Virginia resembles what made our nation great in the first place, the American Revolution.
“Virginia—the largest and most populous colony—played a major role in winning independence and determining the values and aspirations of the new nation. At both the start and end of the Revolutionary War, Virginia became a battlefield.”
Do you have school aged kids? Did you home school them last year? If yes, you have a leg to stand on. If no, then you have no clue what you are talking about.
Dude, I worked with kids and their parents for over 20 years as either a Child Welfare Social Worker or Mental Health Specialist, both adults and children. I even worked as a School Social Worker in Sacramento at Hiran Johnson High School working with high risk youth along side of the famous teacher Jaime Escalante in 1996 (Stand and Deliver fame). No I don’t have a kid that I homeschooled during the school shutdowns of 2019-2020, but I have an eleven year old granddaughter who struggled terribly and daughter who almost pulled all her hair out. The damage that school administrators, Unions and Woke politicians have done to our youth and families just might be unrepairable. I’m glad that parents are finally speaking up.
PS This year my granddaughter’s paternal grandmother paid to have her placed in a private school. I am so glad to have her out of the public school system where she will be taught a STEM curriculm free of woke indoctrimation.
I see just as much damage and confusion coming from the grandparents who think they know better than the parents on how to deal with all this BS. Particularly the grandparents who think there’s bill gates tracking devices in the vaccine and that the kiddos will be forced to wear hijabs soon. The extreme nonsense doesn’t help. But you do in fact seem to have a leg to stand on. And teachers ain’t the problem. They are a big part of the solution. Unions aren’t really a factor any more in America thanks to Reagan
Public employee unions are the base of the Democratic Party.
“Dude, I worked with kids and their parents for over 20 years as either a Child Welfare Social Worker or Mental Health Specialist, both adults and children.”
Horrifying thought!
Well, it’s a service to give platforms to the mentally and emotionally disturbed voices out there, right? They even took notes on the public comments at the last Supes meeting! From folks who I’m sure would make great columnists like Kunstler in demonstrating the signs of a growing psychosis in the land.
We are in the midst of an unfolding story that could be called Childhood’s End. I have no idea if that will eventually be a story entitled Species End. Doesn’t really matter. Relaxing concerns for how it will turn out is probably the key to having the energy and capacity to artistically engineer a new basis for the human culture that erases this insane 7000 year old model.
Finally, a comment I can agree with.
Biden is in a pretty deep hole. With Trump there was always an unrealistic hope that he would just shut up and take the win, and there were many. What is going on at the our southern border is completely bazaar. Unbelievable. That’s completely on Biden, and the story gets worse by the day. Biden’s energy policy is. bazaar as well. Let’s go back to depending on Russia, and the Middle East? I am not sure Afghanistan would have been much different, regardless of who the president was. The supply chain problem isn’t directly Biden’s either, and we would be better off if he doesn’t try to fix it. But substituting an economy with money does cause inflation, and that is on Biden. I have had hope for the current VP in the past, but boy, imagine her as president. People are losing confidence in our central government, and it is no wonder. This is an ugly picture, no matter how it’s painted.
Brain-dead Biden is sleep-walking and serving his only constituency: the wealthy scum of this country. It’s what he has been doing thoughout his whole political career. That made him a perfect match for Obama. The Senator from Citibank is now the Prezudint from Citibank. Enjoy!
Right on, Lee.
Hate to reply to my own posting, but Mr. Kunstler asserts, “…but His Excellency the Pope ordered the TV cameras turned off…”.
If this is so, Mr. Kuntsler, then how was I able to view TV extended coverage of Sleepy Joe and the Pope’s meeting on UTube last night?
Here’s where this alt-right reporting really begins to twist my knickers: when they start LYING ABOUT FACTS. Kunstler’s just lied about a fact to (perhaps) embellish his narrative. Hey, James, this isn’t fiction you’re writing. You are posting it as commentary/reporting. Aren’t you?
So what are the rules of the road when a commentator/reporter LIES ABOUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED? As Kunstler has therein.
This style all comes from the Master. Our most recent Ex-President has set a bar for truthful and civil discourse so low, telling/writing lies with a straight face has become normalized.
Not a good indication for the future of either our politics or the viability of our Republic.
Just Sayin’
Yes, Lee, you are right, and. Kunstler actually lies a good deal in his “work.” He is not a trustworthy source, writes in a hyperbolic fashion to distract and enrage and embellish, just, as you say, like Trump. This practice, so common now, as you also note is bad for America.
Check this out from Townhall, Kunstler might be right:
Trent was on the “like it or not” podcast, Ep. 63 w/Trent James, good stuff on Pete Hoyle and more. Go to the 49 minute mark.
Like it or Not Podcast
Nor Cal based podcast show and weekly dose of spiritual and practical discussions.
I found it interesting that NBC News has interviewed him, however, I was aware that they were working on a documetary on issues raised in the Zeke Flatten RICO lawsuit against High Ranking Mendocino County Law Enforcement Officials.
I wasn’t surprised to hear him say that there is currently a heavy presence of Federal investigators in Mendocino County also looking in the high level corruption as well.
Under President Trump:
The USA #1 producer of oil/gas
Iran boxed in and under control
Afghanistan quiet
Several hundred thousand guns and helicopters were not gifted to the Taliban while attempting to take our guns away
China in check and not openly belittling our attempt to “speak from a position of strength ”
Southern border under control
Historic Arab peace deals
Cheap gas prices
Ships were unloaded and goods delivered
The President didn’t run from the press
Despite Lee’s assertion, it’s obvious to this observer that the President is more than a figurehead.
Let’s go Brandon
And now Biden wants to pay each seperated person that illegally crossed the border $450 000
The illegals don’t have to be vaccinated but we do
I didn’t want the jab, but I got it to make things a bit easier for work and travel and obviously for the assumption that it was the prudent thing to do. But the prudent thing is insanely polarized, particularly in Murica.
I think all the comparisons to Nuremberg are frankly nuts, especially considering that my grandparents fled their Baltic homeland as the Russians invaded and killed all their relatives.
There’s a lot of nonsense being thrown around with the vaccines. I don’t know who’s more annoying: the officials who insist that I vaccinate my 8 year old for a virus that has almost zero chance of harming them or the ding dongs who say masks are killing our children.
The people that are least likely to admit they are wrong;
1) Politicians
2) lawyers
3) doctors and drug companies
But people are willing to give these people control over their bodies?
Ummm. Go ask a teenage girl in Texas who was raped how she feels about those wonderful policies in that supposed bastion of American liberties
You forgot to add – by a family member – after raped.
“Uncle Daddy” and “Grampa Daddy” are common southern terms of address… And Texas is southern to the core, cow farmers included.
Global supply chains are getting sketchy. Become energy independent by going off grid . When the last freighter from China is unloaded how many dollars will it take to buy a pair of shoes? Americans need to start making, at least the basics, of what they use every day. The politicians are not coming to save us .
More hoarding runs to Costco in the near term. Then what?
I guess we will get to figure it out won’t we? Don’t forget seeds.
I often wonder how much of this amazing and absolutely benevolent Mendocino herbal medicine has gone into making THC-enhanced Doritos
It’s possible that many of the angry irrationals recently berating the Soups for their facist covid policies are also folks who are suffering from the shift in the cannabiz. For years they have lived in the mendo bubble, isolated from market forces and insulated from most vaccinations due, in part, to the lax Mendo County gubmint. Now that world is changing and, as the traditional weed market collapses the bubble pops and reality starts to sink in. So these folks have an easy scapegoat: they can blame the Soups for the failure of the local cannabiz AND for the perceived medical tyranny. How convenient.
Could be a good percentage of them, but I’m pretty sure everyone in the county is feeling the impact of the exodus of the over supply of out of state farmers in Mendoland.
Christ, there is plenty of dope available throughout the country, has been for decades. Most people never even heard of the clearcut triangle growers except as some sort of myth. I haven’t heard, or read of, of any shortages of dope in the country. As usual, the triangulates over estimate their own importance.
“+ How many of the rightwingers skewering Fauci over the vile medical experiments on beagles have said a single word about the gunning & gassing of wolf pups in their dens now taking place in Idaho–a “pupicide” perpetrated by wildlife killers working for Biden’s Dept of Agriculture?”
Good question…Wildlife “Services” should be abolished. They’re the assholes in the Department of Agriculture who do the murdering at the behest of welfare livestock farmers. Humans are the species worthy of extinction. We are absolutely worthless; filth personified.
Add Wyoming, Washington and Oregon to Wildlife Services wolficide.
We need an agency to euthanize livestock farmers.
Cautionary note: NOT for the übersensitive! And apologies to Lee Edmundson for, uh, nothing really.
Jeff St. Clair’s comment about Biden and the Democrats is spot on and reminded me of an old saying:
Republicans are pricks and Democrats are pussies. That’s why Democrats are always getting fucked.
The question shouldn’t be “Where’s John Davis” but Who’s John Davis? It seems to me that the over-the-top search response, requesting mutual aid and resources from numerous departments hundreds of miles away, is not indicative of standard protocol.
Hey Kunstler and his fanboys, are any of you keyboard warriors under 70? Do you think anybody in the generations after you boomer hypocrites gives a flying fuck what you think? They are trying to eck out a living in a POS world you are leaving them and don’t have time to navel gaze about the insane crap you over fed Social Security and Medicare receiving back bitters give a shit about. I’m 73 and I’m ashamed of the crap coming out of my generation. On a brighter note, even your fascist hero Trump will be joining you in leaving this planet shortly, but not soon enough.
Couldn’t agree more with your comments. Thanks Boomers
I’m 43…
I’m a 67 year old American, born on the 4th of July. I love America and will stand with other American’s to save our country from China’s destructive ways.
The west is the best.
From the same link I used above.
“+ Meanwhile, a review of 64 recent studies on the efficacy of Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid “suggest that the significant effect of ivermectin on survival was dependent on largely poor quality and potentially fraudulent studies.”
And, I ask myself, how fraudulent are the studies of the vaccines? They come from kaputalist medicos, after all, people who, like the guvamint, have been lying for decades. Screw ’em all.
And, finally. Yes, from the same link.
“+ Scenario: Dick Cheney and Alec Baldwin go dove hunting [write your own denouement]…”
Wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Hey Bruce, did you get the emails I forwarded you about Mimi selling the Roundmountain community and how the remaining residents would like to keep the place?
Here’s the 2nd forwarded message from Kate Marianchild:
Hi Everyone,
If you are interested in the possibility of buying Round Mountain Ranch, please don’t try to find it on your own. It is on private property and you must be accompanied by a realtor to see it. The neighbors and residents are complaining.
I haven’t been able to respond to everyone who has called or written because I have a pressing deadline, but I will get back to you over the weekend or on Monday.
Please write to me if you are interested in buying this land and have the funds to do so. I am especially interesting in hearing from people who would like to conserve the land––not put more structures on it (which you legally can’t do anyway) or grow cannabis (which you also can’t do legally, as it’s zoning category is Rangeland)––and if you welcome me and the other tenants as your future neighbors. If you are such a potential buyer, I’d like to connect with you so I can try to facilitate your purchase.
Also, FYI, this land can’t be subdivided. It is zoned Rangeland 160.
In the meantime, here are links for the realtor listings:
Please forward this to anyone you have already contacted about this.
Thank you for respecting the privacy of our neighbors and the Round Mountain Ranch residents.
Kate Marianchild
“Anyone need a permaculture groundskeeper with knowledge about the land?” -Rye N Flint
And as for the likeability of Mimi as a person, just ask anyone that has ever worked with her in the Healthcare system if they enjoyed their experience… She’s not that nice. I know a handful of people that asked to be moved out of her department after working under her for a month.
My personal experience with her was getting evicted because she said my dog looked scary. While I agree that Rottweiler pitbull mixes do look scary, Hercules is a teddy bear that was one of the first dogs to be allowed to live at Roundmountain community in a long time. Everyone but Mimi loved him, but maybe that is because she never took the time to even meet him. She just showed up one day from Santa Barbara with her husband and purebred pointers, and started making it the Mimi Ranch. “I grew up here, who are you?” were the first words out of her mouth. I believe my response was, “I’m Rye, I just pay rent here.”
Don’t know her personally, but the only “weeping” I’m doing for Dr. Doonothing is for the $100,000+ she’s stealing from Mendo taxpayers. I’m not at all surprised by your experience with her.
I believe she has sequestered over $400,000 total over the last 2 years…
I still don’t know why Kunstler is trying to shoehorn every left minded person into the “Woke Liberal Democrat” shoe? Let’s go Boomers. Keep burning those fossil fuels bro.
Beware the CIA lies
RE: You are going along with deep state, new world order nonsense, the great re-set. It’s not going to work!”
re: COP 2600000125
How many powerful world leaders flew on airplanes to a pointless conference to blow more hot air and do nothing about fossil fuel dependence syndrome?
All things they could do by phone or computer, without flying to peddle their lies.
Same goes for bidness people. They can tell lies to their associates without flying. It was really nice last spring (2020) when the passenger jets were gone. You could see the sky without the abomination of jet contrails everywhere. When they showed up again, I sort of wished I had the money for ground-to-air missiles…
Those bidness people, mucky mucks, and grand poohbas have to get out of town for their periodical gatherings to “press the flesh” on the corporate or tax dollar. Never costs them a cent and gives em a chance to pursue a lil’ alone time away from the battle ax at home. In the era of Zoom meetings that enable face to face time with anyone, anywhere it makes about as much sense to continue this carbon burning waste of resources as cutting an 80 ft fir tree in Humboldt County and driving it all over the US on a giant diesel spewing semi so the do nothing Congress people can have a little Christmas Spirit while they fuck each other and their constituents and do their darndest to get rid of Democracy. Happy Holidays!
Two years to investigate a failed nose gear?
Well why not, with NYSB investigators getting paid from $130 to $200 K for each of those years.
Plus per diem of course.
I wonder which local hotel puts ’em up.
How many people watched Trump and Melania do the Tomahawk chop at the World Series tonight in Alanta? He made the game worth watching for me, even though me and my estranged oldest daughter who is a School Administrator in Northern Georgia don’t see eye to eye, and she hates Trump. She’s an Conservative but she just hates Trump because he reminds her of me.
“….but she just hates Trump because he reminds her of me.”
Some more here to work on in your therapy sessions, James…. It must be said, too–The same thought has occurred to many of us here in this section of the AVA….
Is Dan Crenshaw the guy who wears the shoulder holster on his youtube channel? so performative