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Letters To The Editors


To ICO Reporter Chris McManus:

It is unfortunate you didn't attend the board meeting in Manchester in May for my interview process. So, I will give you a brief summary of what took place that day. Prior to the meeting, I informed County Superintendent of School Mr. Paul Tichinin I would be a few minutes late because I was working. However, when I arrived at the meeting Leah (the contracted principal at the time) came running out, introduced herself and said to me, “Great your here, we are just getting to your interview.”

The board then interviewed me and questions were asked. Since Mr. Tichinin was in attendance I asked if he had any questions. He replied, “I am only here to make sure protocol is followed.” After the interview nothing was said. So, I asked if they were going into closed session and was informed they were. Mr. Tichinin told me he would call me later that night (which he did not) to let me know the board’s decision.

You see, I believed the decision was made in closed session. But I found out the following day, through Tichinin, that the decision is made, “according to protocol in open session,” following the interview process. Yet, this was not done and I was not informed it would be discussed later that night nor was I told that prior to my arrival the item on the agenda (my school board candidate interview) had been changed to later that evening. The board with Tichinin in attendance to oversee protocol had my interview as it was originally on the agenda. I would have returned to the meeting if I had known all this went on prior to my arrival. Thus, Tichinin who was only there to “make sure protocol is followed” did not and let me be interviewed without the decision rendered at that time.

I regret you did not contact me (I asked you to, if you had any questions) to find out what had happened in May which made me decide to make a statement at the meeting.

During my interview Virgil Knoche, president of the board, was the only board member to ask me about my involvement in Point Arena. However, because of the agenda being rather significant I did not elaborate on it which in hindsight may have been a mistake. I did tell him it would take me some time to discuss my involvement and how it began but I would be happy to share it at some point in time. He stated he would like to hear it but approved of my answer regarding my involvement as a community advocate to our students which, as I told him, I believe there should be more like me in the community coming to board meetings. He agreed.

Later I was informed that Trustee Susan Levenson Palmer was the member whom did not believe I should sit on the board because of what I have put in the paper. Since Palmer has only lived fulltime on the coast for a short period of time, I thought she needed (along with Virgil) to know exactly how my advocacy started in Point Arena. Therefore, I approached Trustee Vasquez and asked if she would have Superintendent Gonzalez add me to the next agenda which she stated she would. Thus, the statement I presented at the board meeting. It was the proper time because there was only one item on the agenda.

I regret the statement lasted “several minutes” but I actually did cut a lot out. However, unless you attend board meetings on a regular basis it is impossible to give an accurate picture of what transpires which in the ICO you did not. There are times things are stated at board meetings that are not reported at all. We have a failing elementary school and now a failing high school. At a board meeting when principal Paula Patterson was going over the failing student benchmarks, she turned and looked at the high school principal, Warren Galletti, and commented, “Yep, that’s what you’re getting next year — good luck with that.”

However, was this ever reported? No. I am aware it is not entirely the fault of teachers, it starts with the leaders — the board, the superintendent, the principal and trickles down.

You were at the meeting and, yet, I am wondering if you really were. First, I NEVER EVER objected to not having further discussions after my statement. So, I am not sure why you reported it. Also, Virgil Knoche (a gentleman) would have let the discussion go forth if Tichinin had not vehemently told Trustee Vasquez, “THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION ITEM” and one time turned around to me and stated, “AND THIS IS IN BROWN ACT LAW, IS IT NOT?” Which, in my email to Tichinin copied to the ICO, you know this statement was incorrect and Trustee Vasquez had every right according to Brown Act Law to ask a question and/or make a statement. Yet, this was never reported in your article. This was also the only time I made a statement (since he posed the question to me) and said, “You are here tonight to assure protocol is being followed but why didn’t you at the May meeting?” As you know, he did not answer my question because he couldn’t.

Mr. Tichinin is the county superintendent who should be a model to ALL district superintendents. As county superintendent, he should know (not me) the “complexities of California’s enormous Education Code” along with Brown Act Law and State Board Bylaws but he does not or he wouldn’t have legal counsel on speed dial to answer a question which seems Trustee Vasquez already knew the answer to.

Also, you reported my “displeasure with the Manchester School” Board which was, again, not factual. My displeasure was only directed to Tichinin because he tried to humiliate a board trustee and I found it to be offensive especially since he was wrong and had no right to do so. Yet, is this reported in your article? No, it is not!

Another item not factual in your article is the part that states, “and her inquiry as to how many applied for the Manchester Board vacancy.” I specifically gave you a copy of my statement and NOWHERE does it state this. So, why did you? You should have taken the time to read the statement because that is why I gave it to you.

What your article did was make Tichinin out to be more than he is for not following or knowing protocol, the Education Code or the Brown Act Law; and vilify me. I’m not sure why but it is fine. If he did know protocol in the first place, none of this would have happened but let’s not put any responsibility on the right person who failed to do a job we pay him to do.

The ICO needs to lift the blinders and stop painting the picture to the public that everything is wonderful in Emerald City when it isn't. The children in our community desperately need more advocates on their side to truthfully report the injustices of what is happening in our schools. I just don’t understand why the ICO isn't being more accountable to the public as to what is really happening in our failing schools. After all, the taxpayers pay a major portion of how our students are being educated.

I stated in my letter to the editor, that ICO Editor Steve McLaughlin never sent his children to the Point Arena Elementary School. So I am not sure why he doesn’t want to see change happen so community members, like him, don’t have to drive all the way to Mendocino or so that they could feel proud about sending them to Arena Elementary instead of the Charter School. Why he is so afraid to have me sitting on a board when I only want to help bring change that is so drastically needed to a district to help our students achieve their goals?

Again, please feel free to call me with any questions regarding what I have emailed you.

Susan Rush





Mendocino Abalone Watch demonstration at coastal court to demand stiffer penalties

Volunteers from the citizen-formed Mendocino Abalone Watch are calling for a demonstration at 11:30 a.m. next Tuesday, July 31 at the Ten Mile Courthouse to urge county judges to enhance the penalties for those caught poaching abalone on the Mendocino coast.

Many of the MAW members believe that a tougher stance is required to deter poaching by penalizing poachers with enhanced fines and even minimum jail terms. Presently, those caught taking one abalone over the three allowed are fined approximately $1675, that includes state penalty assessments.

But a second, third or fourth abalone over the limit nets only an additional $114, at a time when the black market value of an abalone is at least $100. Repeat offenders rarely get any jail time, unless they have poached more than 4 abalone. Even then, a brief jail term can be “served” by participating in a work-service alternative that keeps poachers from ever seeing the inside of a jail cell.

Demonstrators will be asking for reform in the administration of penalties, so that every person who takes over the limit or undersized abalone gets treated equally but sternly in order to deter future violations and send a clear message to abalone divers.

This demonstration will mark the beginning of MAW’s petition drive and the collection of signatures asking that the local judiciary toughen its approach. Petitions will be available for signing at the demonstration and subsequently at various locations in Fort Bragg and Mendocino.

Bruce Leaman





I would personally like to say a BIG thank you to Tom Towey at the Buckhorn. Tom was so generous in letting us host our Ice Cream Social on the patio of the Buckhorn last Tuesday evening. Opening his doors for our guests to use the bathrooms and even having staff on hand for anything we needed. Thank you Tom!

Also, I would like to thank the community of Anderson Valley for your generous donations and support. We couldn't have had such a successful event without you! We appreciate your continued support.

Jessica Johnson




Greetings Mr. Anderson and Mr. Scaramella:

1. Devastated by the death of Alexander Cockburn. He once wrote in an article called “Honor the Wikileaks”:

The Wikileaks documents show that the picture of the international business of the United States offered by the U.S. media to the public is an infantile misrepresentation of reality...."

Alex himself did a damned good job of revealing this bitter truth.

2. Please ask Steve Hellig not to tear up and discard the letter I’ve sent him. I liked his article on Silent Spring a lot and say so in the letter. I also sent him an article about an appalling law in Pennsylvania that permits doctors to obtain information about chemicals used in fracking, but prohibits them from sharing the information with their patients.

3. Is anyone collecting money for that ex-marine who’s in danger of being evicted from his dilapidated house?

4. Thanks for introducing me to Jim Tully. One hell of a good writer. And he never had the opportunity to attend the Columbia School of Journalism!

I see his influence in the writing of Damon Runyan, Ring Lardner, Norman Mailer, and Jimmy Breslin. I enjoyed the two articles you printed and his pithy comment about the people of this great country that appeared among the comments that adorn the margins of AVA.

Siempre adelante.

Louis S. Bedrock

Roselle, New Jersey




Another naked confession: The closest thing I ever had to a grand ambition in journalism, was to be recognized or at least acknowledged by Alex Cockburn. He was the top of the game, as Les Paul and Chet Atkins were the top of the guitar game. As in most things, the greats are gone. Through a series of emails, I sort of achieved this ambition, by sub rosa contributions to the Tumbrils series, and his use, verbatim, of a bit I sent him relating to overpopulation. Even at this level, I feel honored to have had the involvement.

Jeff Costello




Dear Editor,

I don’t know about the rest of your readers, but I feel lost, absolutely lost. Expunging Penn State football victories, expunging reality, this is NCAA wisdom? Wait a minute. You’re signing off wholesale on another sexual deviation, homosexuality, and failing to recall that pederasty was to the ancient Greeks as ok as eating olives? I’m becoming more and more confused.


Ralph Weinstein




Dear Editor and Readers of the AVA,

July 26, 2012 — Explanation Of The Application Of Herbicides In The Comptche And Rancho Navarro Areas

Recently, some neighbors and members of our community expressed their concerns to Mendocino Redwood Company (MRC) about our use of herbicides; specifically, application of herbicides in the Comptche and Rancho Navarro areas. Those who contacted us had safety concerns and were disturbed by the sudden view of a lot of hardwood trees turning brown.

Here’s what happened. In our overall planning for the scope of this herbicide treatment, we underestimated the visual impact to the general public, as well as to our neighbors. We understand and appreciate the concerns raised, and the fact is we likely could have minimized concern by better communicating our plans with our neighbors and modifying our treatment to reduce the visual impacts. This is an extremely important lesson for us, and as a result, beginning last week we implemented the following procedures so as to communicate and provide information much earlier in our planning process.

1. All future Timber Harvest Plans (THPs) will include: a. A more detailed assessment of the visual impacts when these types of herbicide applications are being contemplated.

b. Where feasible, descriptions of mitigation will be provided to reduce foreseeable visual impacts.

2. Existing Timber Harvest Plans (THPs) will be reviewed by MRC staff for potential visual impacts, and where feasible, implement actions to lessen visual impacts.

As an example of mitigation for the above area of concern, we implemented intensive fuels reduction work on herbicide treated areas close to some of the property lines near Comptche-Ukiah Road between July 17th and July 20th, 2012. Further work may be undertaken in the near future during cool or wet conditions. These efforts were designed to reduce the immediate visual impacts of the herbicide application and reduce fuel concentrations.

Our extremely careful applications of herbicides have always been carried out under strict, rigorous and long-standing existing internal policies and controls. These controls, along with government approved restrictions, include:

• Applying herbicides manually on a plant-by-plant basis with fully-trained applicators who report herbicide usage to the County Agricultural Commissioner.

• Applying herbicides only to outside watercourse protection zones of Class I and Class II streams and more than 25 feet from a Class III watercourse.

• Providing treatment setbacks from County and private roads that we mutually share with other forest landowners.

• Leaving sufficient “green space” between treatment areas to reduce fire hazard.

• Intensively monitor winter water quality of downstream watercourses to detect the presence of chemicals.

Herbicide use has been an important and necessary tool in the replanting and restoration of the natural balance on more than 60,000 acres of MRC forestlands and the establishment of nearly six million redwood and Douglas fir trees that otherwise would not be on the land. This is a commitment Mendocino Redwood Company made at the company’s inception in 1998.

Today, there are areas of the forestlands that still contain a much higher proportion of hardwoods to conifers than is natural (including the area just treated). This is a result of poor harvesting practices and fires that predate our ownership of these lands. Herbicides are a crucial tool to restore the conifer balance. Once this balance is achieved and properly managed, the use of herbicides will no longer be necessary except for rare circumstances to fight potential incursions of exotic species.

Over the years, we have continued to research potential alternatives to the use of these chemical herbicides. Testing of alternative processes and compounds began in 2000. Various alternative compounds and procedures have been tested including eucalyptus oil, vinegar, shading out stumps, and others. These studies continue today with tests including stripping bark on girdled and cut tanoaks and inoculating cut tanoak stumps with spores from local mushrooms (oysters and turkey tails). Ideally, we will someday find a cost-efficient alternative to the application of herbicides to reduce tanoak density. Until that time, continued restoration activities will require some herbicide use.

As always, we would encourage and enjoy taking anyone, anywhere on our forestlands to view, discuss, question or challenge any aspect of our forest management. We genuinely appreciate feedback from everyone in the community who bring their comments and concerns to our attention. We are committed to responding promptly to any inquiries we receive.

General information regarding our activities and practices can be found by visiting our website at For specific inquiries or if you are interested in reviewing our forest management in the woods, please contact MRC directly at (707) 463-5110.


Michael Jani , Mendocino Redwood Co.





I watched the PG&E meter guy drive down the road to read all of our meters. I know most of us are opted out here but PG&E is still reading non Opted Out folks while they charge us for this special privledge and charge us for the smartmeter system as well. With the Parks debacle I got to say I am more and more not trusting government.

Now that CPUC has stalled through the roll-out or roll-over of the smart stuff, they have responded to many claims by simply saying they are unacceptable. Great justice huh. Well Sandi Maurer is one determined lady and she has our respect and support. I'll be sending some dinero her way to support the lawsuit and you can do that online at her website Ms Maurer is an Electrically hypersensitive person. She lives very carefully with most of her power off, caring for her family and paying attention to the CPUC continuous response to monopolies by acting in the same vein. Now that the GougeMeters are in, and the lies of how much irradiation is occurring is coming literally home, folks will find their lives changing with expensive energy, damaged property and health issues. It was at one of the last CPUC meetings that SmartStuff makers admitted that the power was a bit higher (twice the wattage) and more frequent (many times a minute.)

Greg Krouse





Another highly disturbing scene from somewhere in this country. Not quite sure why Hollywood with their magic wand continues to escape blame for the hyper-violent content that seems to have pervaded the consumer market. Seems like only the religious people talk about that because of their obvious fixation with content. Guns are kind of like cars, we got so many of them its a wonder they don't cause much more death and destruction than already. So what's the reason for this flash of senseless violence? I'm not a mystic or anything but there certainly must be some perverse inverse relationship between the death and destruction we visit upon others in the world and when it rears its ugly head here at home. That still sounds moralistic. Okay, we are a society that creates, exports and fantasizes about a great deal of violence. We are a hyper-sexed society that is prudish and anti-social at the same time. All of the desires are stimulated, yet none of them are fulfilled. That seems to get more at the heart of it.

That brings me to the appropriateness of things some may consider cruel or unusual. Well I was listening on the radio to interviews of eyewitnesses, relatives and friends of victims of the Aurora Cinemas Shooting. It occured to me that these tear-jerking interviews should be piped into the cell of the shooter for him to listen at extended periods of time and soak in some of the reality of his actions. Making him listen to these tapes will probably be a part of the mental health anlysis. From where I sit, it looks to me like the guy was a colossal loser feeling extra sorry for himself because of all the unfulfilled promises of being white, well to do, from San Diego, big university education, as well as all of the other desires and promises for a promising white child. I gather to say that James Holmes was privileged, entitled, spoiled loser who failed to see the humanity of those he considered lesser people. I bet if his parents made him work 300 hours in a soup kitchen growing up, he would not have done that.

“Cruel & Unusual Appropriateness,” ah yes tales from behind bars can be tear-jerkers as well as satisfyingly cruel and unusually appropriate. What a great segment always, the crime reporting by the esteemed Bruce McEwen. It always makes me give thanks for life and limb whenever I read the crime stories in the AVA. I tell you what: it’s good to know that the great north of this state can be a lawless and dangerous place. The soap opera content seems endless. Bruce McEwen, are you working on a book? Also, to the AVA, has 'Spy Rock Road Memories' been released? All the northcoast history associated with this paper and its contributors is priceless. An update on the news of such released local lore would be appreciated.

Back to the article, I read on up until, “Mr. Sin had been caught with 85 abs, and is rumored to be the Mr. Big of organized ab poaching, although several round eyes are thought to be bigger.” At that point I quickly looked 'round eyes' up as I don't recall hearing the term any time recently.

round eye — Slang invented by GIs during the Korean War and later popularized by Hollywood as a slang used by Asians and Asian Americans to describe the "white man" or Americans of European racial background. The claim that Asians or Asian Americans use this slang to refer to "white" folks is completely without merit. This slang is primarily used by White Americans and never by Asian Americans.

Good use of language always in the AVA. I might be visiting the newsstand in the weeks to come, but I will certainly be reading.

Cheers All!

Nate Collins


Ed note: “Spy Rock Road Memories” is getting close, and we've got a collection of true crime stories called, “Behind The Green Curtain” that will be out by the end of August. As for the descriptive “round eyes,” I think it's correct that the term is rarely applied by Asians who, at least Chinese among Asians, and speaking here purely from my own experience, prefer, “red haired devil, long nose monkey” and variations thereof.



Malcolm MacDonald,

Thank you for your kind words in last week's AVA.

I'm sending copies to each of my three children. Now they'll know I'm a real rock star!

All my best,

Elias Wolfman, OD

Fort Bragg



Animal and Pet Lovers from the Valley and beyond:

Driving through the Valley over the weekend, for some reason I was suddenly hit with the awful realization that in my “Thank You” letter that had appeared in the AVA, on behalf of AV Animal Rescue to the community, I had somehow forgotten to mention the wineries who had donated so generously to our recent PawFest event at the AV Brewery. The festival raised approximately $4,000, a significant amount of which came from wine sales, and although the wineries were listed by name in the program for the event, they had been somehow overlooked in my letter of appreciation to everyone who had contributed to the success of PawFest 2012.

As someone who in recent years has asked the wineries for donations of wine for many fundraising events in the Valley, and who has been delighted at the response by so many of them, I should have certainly not have overlooked them in my letter to the community. The last thing they should feel is that their donations are taken for granted. They are most definitely not. Like many other businesses in the Valley they repeatedly get asked to contribute and most of them almost always do.

AV Animal Rescue has already sent out formal “Thank You” letters to each of them, as we do every year, but this continual support is very much appreciated and should not go unmentioned to the community-at-large.

So, on behalf of our four-legged friends, many thanks to the wineries of the Valley — the money from the sale of your donated wine will greatly help as together we can continue to save lives.

Steve Sparks, PawFest 2012 Committee





Once again our nation is reeling from the sickening outrage of a mentally ill man perpetrating his own private war, this time upon the patrons of an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. Let's take a wild guess here: James Holmes projected his inner demons onto a crowd of people whom he symbolized as enjoying what he lacked — friends, community, happiness and attention. Many of us like to fantasize destroying the objects of our envy, but when mental illness is part of the picture, normal feelings can become horrifically destructive.

I am beginning to suspect we have a problem even more chilling than the problem of mentally ill people periodically going on murderous rampages. I now wonder if, underneath the enthusiasm of those advocating for the casual sale of weapons of war, there lies an unconscious desire to create another civil war in our country. Those who have trouble adapting to our changing society, with its pluralism and evolving social structures and systems, may be unconsciously thinking that war should come here, and they want to be well armed when the shooting starts.

The incredibly well-funded efforts to promote the selling of weapons of war to common citizens looks to me to be an expression of unconscious aggression and pent-up rage at a world that is changing too drastically for certain portions of our population to feel secure in their way of life. They believe they are being left behind and marginalized, and they are angry.

Until recently, political compromise has been the genius of our way of governance. Should civil society start collapsing because we have lost our pride and creativity in taxing ourselves for the good of the whole country, we will be in deep trouble.

The gun lobby knows that, in the event of war, those with the weapons of war will have the upper hand over those without. If they are not planning for war, consciously or not, they would not be distributing weapons of war to the households of America.

Carol Campbell

Palo Alto



Dear Editor,

Please print the following corrections to my recent article on KZYX published on 7/25. Most importantly, the date of the next Board meeting is on Monday, September 10th in Boonville. The 9th of September is the Sunday fundraiser to the Giants ballpark. The figure 90, in parenthesis, referred to the number of seats available not the price of the club level seats as was indicated. Also, in writing about pledge drives, a typo might have been misread as an attempt at humor. The sentence should have read: In an effort to increase membership, staff and management are examining whether or not to convert to a three per year pledge drive format, not three day format. And apologies to Jeanine of Native Sounds. I called her Jennifer. Sorry. Apologies for any confusion.


Sheila Dawn Tracy




To the Community of the Ukiah and the Ukiah Police Department/Mendocino County Sheriff:

I am writing this letter in hope of reaching all those whom I placed at risk or in danger on July 5, 2012 as a result of my reckless driving and being under the influence of methamphetamine.

I am sorry and greatly regret my disregard for officer Snyder and my following actions: high speed driving through residential areas that endangered the good people within the entire community. By the fortunate grace of a higher power no one was hurt and I pulled over before such happened.

As an addict under the influence of methamphetamine I did a very dumb and stupid thing. I apologize. Looking back on it, it scares me to know I allowed my drug use to become a threat to others and not just my own problem. I would never want my wife and children to be placed in a dangerous situation like I placed others in. I'm so, so sorry and sincerely apologize!

I am sober now I never want to find myself in this situation threatening to our community ever again.

I hope to achieve this by being sentenced to a long-term (one or two year) treatment rehabilitation center to best face my drug addiction and get the stable help I need.

My most sincere apologies to the community and to the officers who I put in danger.


Scott Faber

Mendocino County Jail, Ukiah




This letter is about the inhumane treatment in isolation here at the Mendocino County Jail. I addressed, or tried to address, the Ukiah Daily Journal and the Press Democrat which did an article recently on solitary confinement. Those papers chose to ignore comment on this article. I wrote that we need to look first at our backyard before taking on the state. Doctors and research done by professors across the states have concluded conclusively damage is done to a person in solitary. The list is far and above inhumane. Let me say that's all that law enforcement and Corrections decision makers will allow to be seen.

My name is James Kester. I am currently housed in isolation here at the Mendocino County Jail. My neighbor is a man named Justin Quarterman. He is very mentally ill. He has been my neighbor for over two months. In this time the Corrections deputies have not showered him or shaved him or showed him how to shower. His skin is literally peeling off of his face. On top of this the drain here is backed up. Two weeks ago it was backed up with feces and sewage floating under our door. I obtained bleach and cleanser through fits of despair and this poor man is still sitting in the same jumpsuit and socks and so forth that he casually romped around in the sewage in.

Now if anyone knows a state health worker or the president who can come to test the E. coli in this place I can show them where it is.

Folks, I am housed here with no cause. This is the same section of the jail where the poor soul hung himself a couple months back. My neighbors in three cells are wallowing in inhumane conditions and there are only five cells back here in isolation. The Corrections staff have their jobs seriously misconstrued. They will spend two hours tearing up the cards and pictures that my wife sent me, but they won't take 15 minutes to look out for a human being's health. This poor soul eats without a spoon every day and his cell is also infected with ants and bugs and who knows what else. He's so out of touch because as I have witnessed people who just keep kicking him when he's down.

It's very sad. Very sad. The whole state of affairs is very sad.

We are in when a country which promises freedom and innocence until proven guilty with healthcare and no bias — the list goes on and I could write a real-life horror story about this. It is a real-life horror story. The list is endless about my treatment here and solitary confinement is hard time. But as I look at my poor neighbor I realize what are his chances? Where does he go from here? Who would ever care enough to help the poor guy?

Ladies and gentlemen: anyone with the ability to speak out for me — all I have is a pencil and paper. But I would be willing to show and prove that all I say here is true. We need help and my neighbor needs a doctor. Please help me make a stand.

James Kester,

951 Low Gap Road, Ukiah, CA 95482.

Ed note: I talked with Captain Tim Pearce early Monday morning when I received your letter. Pearce conceded that Mr. Quarterman, because of his extreme mental illness, constantly resists the maintenance of ordinary hygienic standards. Pearce assured me, however, that everything possible was being done to make Mr. Quarterman as comfortable as possible in his unhappy circumstances. As you know, the Mendocino County Jail is not designed to house or treat the mentally ill, and programs for people like Mr. Quarterman have been dismantled. It's all going to get worse because, as you probably know, a great swindle is being carried out on all of us by the One Percent as they systematically de-fund the social programs designed to care for Americans who need help. Hunker down, dude, a long hard ride for all of us has commenced. PS. I've looked into your case, and I agree it was self-defense all the way. Good luck to you and Mr. Q.



Dear Editor,

In response to Terry Ryder's correction in last week's AVA, we would like to send some small but important corrections of our own.

While Monica Fuchs was in attendance and Joe Petelle was most valuable working security and ushering in the tent at the recent Kris Kristofferson Hendy Woods Benefit, neither was responsible for publicity for the event. That very important job fell to Monica Landry, who was ably advised and assisted by her husband Joe Rubin. Their thorough work on publicity was largely responsible for the sell-out the concert turned out to be!

In addition, while Margaret Pickens organized the pre-concert reception event at the Mendocino Hotel, the food was prepared/provided by Christina Jones.

Sincerely, Janet Anderson and Deanna Apfel for the Hendy Woods Community, Philo



Mr. Jani,

So wonderful to hear that you understand that it is NOT the TWO TONS of poison you hack-and-squirt into our environment EVERY YEAR that really bothers us, but the VISUAL IMPACT. I don't really care if my child is swimming in a poison cocktail every time she jumps into the Navarro river, or the fact that our precious fresh water supply is being contaminated with carcinogens. All I care about is the view from my deck — having to look at those UGLY BROWN trees every day! What a drag! So glad to hear you have "learned your lesson" about HIDING THIS BETTER FROM EVERYONE.

Elaine Kalantarian


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