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Mendocino County Today: May 1/2


• PRESIDENT: There's no choice. Both candidates represent the concentrations of wealth that have brought us to where we are, which is rolling, unaddressed catastrophes negatively affecting every area of American life. We suggest a vote for Rocky Anderson, former mayor of Salt Lake City, whose positions on the issues are what we want — a fair system of taxation, single payer healthcare, an immediate end to the futile wars on the Mohammedans. ROCKY ANDERSON FOR PRESIDENT

• UNITED STATES SENATOR: Not incumbent Dianne Feinstein, for God's sake, and not her for the same reasons that Obama should not be re-elected President. The Democratic Party incumbents are the other half of an ongoing conspiracy against the welfare and well-being of most Americans except the One Percenters. In fact, Obama and Feinstein represent the One Percent. There are 23 other persons running for Feinstein's seat. Pick one. Us? We'll vote for Marsha Feinland, a retired teacher, running under the grand old auspices of the Peace and Freedom Party. FEINLAND FOR US SENATOR

• UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: Back in the 1960s, the Northcoast was represented by a liberal, Kennedy-esque Democrat named Clem Miller. He was the last Congressman we've had that might be described as “progressive.” Since Miller's death in a plane crash, which did not prevent him from winning re-election, the first dead man to pull that one off, the Northcoast has been interchangeably represented by corporate hacks of the Mike Thompson variety, of which the Thompson- annointed Jared Huffman is one. Norman Solomon would take us back to a Clem Miller-like future in that Solomon will represent the interests of the every day people of the Northcoast, not the wine and war votes of Mike Thompson. SOLOMON FOR CONGRESS

• STATE ASSEMBLY: Not Wes Chesbro, a career officeholder out of Arcata who has never held a job other than elected office. Ever wonder why Mendocino County suffers major boondoggles like the heavily tax-subsidized Mendocino Transit Authority? Wes Chesbro. He stays in office by diverting public funds to his Democratic Party allies like the ones at the MTA and other County non-profits; in return the people employed in the power slots at the Northcoast's non-profits beat the drums for Wes. Called by its right name, this is corruption. A vote for Chesbro is a vote for More of the Same. Dump Chesbro for Tom Lynch, also a Democrat but a Democrat of the better type. A small businessman out of Sonoma County, Lynch knows what it's like to survive in the free enterprise jungle created by the bi-partisan political monopoly. TOM LYNCH FOR ASSEMBLY

• PROP 28 — TERM LIMITS. Of course. Yes on 28. The people opposed are the hackeroos who want their stays in public office prolonged — forever, if they can manage it. This bill would limit the number of years people like Wes Chesbro could stay in the state legislature. YES ON 28.

• PROP 29 — TOBACCO TAX. No. The constant raising of the smoke tax occurs in lieu of fair taxation on the rich, few of whom inhale anything other than cocaine. NO ON 29

• SUPERVISOR, 2ND DISTRICT. JOHN McCOWEN. McCowen has been a conscientious, non-partisan supervisor. His opponent, Andrea Longoria, a County worker, may be well meaning but it's more likely she's been shoved into the breach by the SEIU, the bumbling Sacramento-based union that botched County pay cut negotiations and is still unhappy with the Supervisors' necessary budget cutting. McCOWEN FOR SUPERVISOR

ECOLOGY ACTION will hold a GROW BIOINTENSIVESM Sustainable Mini-Farming Tour in Willits, CA, on May 19, June, 2, from 10am to 4pm and June 24, August, 4, 2012 from 9am to 3pm. This will be an exciting opportunity to learn of GROW BIOINTENSIVE® philosophy and techniques, which have been developed by the Ecology Action staff over a 37-year period. GROW BIOINTENSIVE Sustainable Mini-Farming makes high “Green Revolution"-type yields possible organically, while using open-pollinated seeds and just a fraction of the water, fertilizer and energy resources of other agricultural methods. Presenters of the tour will be John Jeavons, Director of Ecology Action and author of the best-selling book How to Grow More Vegetables (now in its 8th edition and at present translated into seven languages, including Braille), Ecology Action staff, apprentices and interns of Ecology Action. GROW BIOINTENSIVESM tours have been very popular since they began in 1982. People from all walks of life and levels of experience—farmers, hobby gardeners, teachers, and representatives of large and small organizations—find the tours informative and useful. The tour will consist of a discussion, and demonstrations on Compost, Double-Digging, and Seed Propagation—as well as the perspective and whole-system approach, which tie all these topics together. The tour will be fun as well as instructive. Registration on-line ( The cost of the Tour is $25/ person. It is best to register well ahead off time. Ecology Action is rediscovering the scientific principles behind this resource-conserving, life-giving method that is based on successfully tested agricultural techniques that are thousands of years old. These techniques can be the first step towards achieving food self-sufficiency while living more gently on the Earth. In a world with as little as 50 to 100 years’ worth of soil productivity remaining, this efficient food-raising approach that works with nature will be important! For more information, please contact: Ecology Action, 5798 Ridgewood Road, Willits, CA 95490-9730. (707) 459-0150 · (707) 459-5409 (fax). (This workshop requires pre-reading and pre-registration.)

ALTHOUGH MANY might be kinda balky

For some Dems it might even take saki

But you really can't vote

For "Money" or "Hope"

So you must cast your feint fate with Rocky.

One Comment

  1. Harvey Reading May 1, 2012

    Agree, except on term limits. They are nothing more than the panacea of the pseudolib yuppie class, the lazy person’s (non) solution. I want the right to keep sending a good representative (if such a thing exists any more) back as many times as the person chooses to run. The state legislature in CA was not better after term limits were imposed in the early 90s than it was before. In fact, it was worse.

    If you want a real initiative on your ballot out there, get behind repeal of Article XIII B (the part of Prop. 13 that wasn’t publicized much back in ’78) of the state constitution, which allows for minority rule in the legislature on matters of taxation, the major reason the wealthiest state in the union finds itself in its embarrassing fiscal situation. Repealing that putrid amendment would actually do some good for working people … unlike term limits.

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