SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS by the Sheriff’s communications assistant drew the attention of KZYX’s Program Director Alicia Bales Friday morning:
BALES: “There was a social media post this week. It appears that one of the contractors in the Sheriff's office who manages their social media communications, someone named Liz Barney, has posted a number of extreme right wing conspiracy theories on her own social media page. One of these posts calls mask wearing a symbol of Antifa and says mask wearing for coronavirus has no medical value. Several of the posts claim that Trump actually won the presidential election and claim that this is a war and we are going to battle because Trump’s victory was stolen. The worst post calls for the assassination of Palestinian American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib by the Israeli Mossad. People who want to see these posts can find them on Liz Barney's page on Parler, which is sort of a new social media site. Her site is called AskForLiz. Although the Mossad part has been removed, it came to light because the Board of Supervisors is revisiting this person's contract to work for the county on Tuesday. I'm just kind of flabbergasted by the real problem of credibility for the department to have someone managing their online communications who publicly advocates these wacko right-wing conspiracies. Especially about public health right now. This is one of the things that is coming up that I think is fairly significant to grapple with.”
MS. BALES is also circulating the following from some other lib lynch mob member: “Good lord! What is up with far right extremists in our county government?? Someone who works for the county, apparently running social media for the Sheriff's Department, posted shockingly racist things on her Parler account, and seems to believe mask wearing is a plot by ANTIFA. This person is employed by the county to do their public messaging? Her contract is being revisited by the Board of Supervisors next week.”
MS NOTES: We attempted to look at these posts but Liz Evangelatos-Barney’s Parler page is by invitation only, you have to ask her for permission to get in. Which, to me, mitigates the situation. We have since learned that Ms. E wrote no such thing, a fact Ms. Bales might have discovered herself if Ms. B hadn’t been so eager to defame Ms. E.
ED NOTE: Having met Ms. E and talked with her in her professional capacity many times over the years, and aware that she's married to the Sheriff's Department's Shannon Barney, I say her opinions are her business, and so long as they don't impinge on her work with the Sheriff's Department, she's entitled to them. I find it ironic that Ms. Bales, of all people, a censor in her bones working as “program director” for a lockstep lib radio station complete with its legacy blacklist, whose programming does not and never has represented anything like the free speech they advertise themselves as, is in such high dudgeon.
BIDEN stumbled through an announcement today (Tuesday) that he would get 100 million coronavirus vaccines distributed to Americans within his first 100 days in office, also promising that he will require masks for those 100 days anywhere he can legally order it. “This team will help get at the latest - at the last 100 million COVID-19 vaccine “ at least 100 million COVID vaccine shots into the arms of American people in the first 100 days,” Biden said, quickly clarifying, “100 million shots in the first 100 days.”
IN OTHER NEWS, Melania said she hoped people would be kind over the holidays; pollsters claimed that only 55% of Americans will take the covid vaccine; the growing China hysteria was fanned by reports from dubious sources led by John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, that the Chinese are "gene-editing" some citizens with a view to creating super soldiers; there have been 1400 shootings so far this year in New York City, twice the number at this time last year. The cops blame "bail reform." An elected Texas yobbo filed a brief to overturn the election that he hoped would be heard by the Supreme Court. Trump immediately tweeted the move was "heroic." The Supremes refused to hear it.
WATCHING THE SUPES today along with — max — 44 other zooming thrill seekers, I asked myself out loud, “These people make $84,000 a year, which works out to about $40 an hour based on an 8-hour work day, five day work week. How many of them would I pay $40 an hour to do anything?” My colleague, The Major, unprompted, shouted, “One, Williams.” I agreed, “But only if he didn't wear a bow tie.”
BUT to be a little less unfair, I can imagine knocking back a few drinks with Carre, forty bucks worth; Haschak? Tough guy to place at that kind of money, but he could probably be trusted to separate out the recyclables for maybe 15 an hour and to keep a rubberstamp inked. Gjerde, with appropriate training, would look good in a doorman's uniform. Forty? With tips, maybe. McCowen earns his forty, but not as supervisor. He spends many hours of his free time at the Sisyphean task of keeping trash away from the Ukiah Valley's battered waterways. Worth 40 an hour? Yes. There are also a few capable department heads, but broadly speaking Mendo is overdue for large-scale re-set we're unlikely to get short of revolution.
REVERSE SEXISM? CEO Angelo, almost in passing, mentioned that Planning and Building boss, Brent Schultz, had resigned and was moving out of state. And that was it for ol' Schultzie. But when Tammy Moss Chandler retired recently, Tammy Moss was wafted out of the building on a virtual tsunami of Whereases, none of them earned.
SENSIBLE REMARK OF THE DAY: “It's not because the public is irresponsible; it's because they are losing trust in public health officials who put out arbitrary restrictions,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious-disease specialist at UC San Francisco. “We are failing in our public health messaging.”
HERE IN MENDO, where’s the Spanish-language covid warnings as more than half of all cases are Spanish-speaking people? This remark was flagged as “racist” by a roving doer of good who wandered in last week to bring us up to date on the catechism. So I sez, “Well, having been ordered by the little woman to pick up a flat of chicken broth in the vastness of Ukiah CostCo the other day, once inside, lost and confused, I asked an Asian woman where I could find it, knowing that she would know because chicken broth is a staple of Asian cooking. Tell me o righteous one, am I a racist?” Close, he said. A wobbler. I’ll think on it. And he laughed and I laughed. Typically, the left-fascists are irony-challenged, and absolutely humor-deficient.
HAIM ESHED was the head of Israel's space security program for nearly 30 years. Retired and now in his late 80s, he is in the news with a description of a “Galactic Federation” operating as partners with the US out of an underground base on Mars. Eshed says that mankind, given its corrupt ways, is not ready to absorb this information. Eshed said his big news — the biggest ever — won't be revealed in any detail until mankind shapes up, which means… When he retired in 2011, Eshed was described in Israeli media as “the father of Israel's satellite program” and lately as a man who “believes that the human race is not alone in the universe, and that it must fit into the harmony of the great plan.”
REDWOOD VALLEY: A former San Francisco real estate lawyer and broker is embroiled in a land dispute that has the owners of a historic Northern California cemetery scrambling to find next of kin for more than a dozen people buried there more than a century ago. Michael Pecherer bought a vineyard on the border of the Redwood Valley Cemetery in Mendocino County in 2014. He sued the cemetery owners in 2017, saying a fence enclosing the cemetery encroaches on his property and that the land likely contains several burials. But cemetery officials say the contested property has always been part of the burial ground, and it’s public land. “This is not just a cemetery. It’s a pioneer cemetery. It’s the people who built Mendocino County,” said Mark Velasquez, an attorney with Best, Best & Krieger LLP, the firm representing the cemetery and its owners, the Redwood River Cemetery District.
HER MANY FRIENDS in Fort Bragg will be saddened to learn that Carol Milliman has died in Oregon. Gary Milliman is a former Fort Bragg City Manager. After leaving Fort Bragg, the Millimans settled in Brookings, Oregon, where Gary Milliman served as the town's manager.
AMERICANS who rate their mental health as “good” or “excellent” has declined 10 percent amid the pandemic, a new Gallup poll reveals. It's the worst rating Americans have given their mental health since 2001, when Gallup began checking US for 5150 quotient.
BREAKDANCING & SKATEBOARDING, along with surfing and rock climbing are among the new Olympic sports to be introduced in the Paris Games in 2024. The International Olympic Committee says they're putting a “strong focus on youth,” as if the existing contest line-up favors the geriatric.
HEALTH AUTHORITIES WARN that California hospitals are close to reaching their breaking point. 27 million people have received text alerts telling them to stay home. Governor Newsom says he's bringing in hundreds of hospital staff from outside the state and will re-start emergency hospitals created but barely used when the coronavirus surged last spring. The seven-day rolling average for new cases has doubled over the past two weeks to 23,000 a day. California's hospitalizations are now at record levels with more than 10,900 patients currently being treated for covid.
NORTH COUNTY WAGS are chortling about the excitement in Laytonville last night (Tuesday) where a fleeing dope bandido crashed into the Park 'N Take It liquor store and took out the community Christmas tree. As one wit put it, “Who needs fake news?” And when the cops’ bolo said the perp they were looking for was “cleancut” another joker commented, “Cleancut? He'll really stand out in Laytonville.”
FANG FANG AND DING DONG. California congressman Eric Swalwell has refused to say whether he had a sexual relationship with a Chinese honeytrap spy called Fang Fang. Swalwell said he couldn't comment because of “national security” restrictions. Ms. Fang Fang apparently bang-banged several “liberal” big shots, including the East Bay blatherer.
BOB DYLAN has always been among the first to recognize the zeitgeist just before it fully appeared. He said recently that he thought the coronavirus was “a forerunner of something else to come … maybe we are on the eve of destruction. I think about the death of the human race. The long strange trip of the naked ape. Not to be light on it, but everybody’s life is so transient.”
ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ SAYS Joe Biden’s cabinet lacks a "cohesive vision" as Biden announced Thursday that more Clinton-Obama people will join him at the helm of the SS Doomed, with former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to head up his domestic policy shop. "What is the agenda?" AOC demanded. "What is the overall vision going to be? I think that's a little hazy."
NOTHING HAZY about it, me luv. You, Bernie, the NYT, Rachel Maddow, the whole gang from lib to lab, stampeded a big vote for Biden because he wasn't Trump, and now you're surprised that Biden is Biden?
BIDEN isn't even in office, but already lots of Trump-quality scandals are, as the hacks say, "swirling around him," what with the mainstream media's conveniently delayed reporting on Hunter Biden's "consulting" business with the Chinese finally being reported, not to mention the lad's after hours adventures which, seems from here, none of anybody's business, but still.... And Biden's brother is also under investigation for financial shenanigans large enough to attract law enforcement attention. Out here in covid-wrecked California, Governor Newsom, a guy with his eye on the White House, and fresh off his unmasked $350 dinner at the French Laundry, is revealed as a magic beneficiary of federal bailout money. So, like, tell me again who exactly are the deplorables?
THE ORANGE GOLFER got off a fine mixed metaphor the other day when he said now that there's a vaccine, covid rates "will plummet like a rocket."
JIM ARMSTRONG has collected responses from our congressman, Jared Huffman, master of sincerity. One would think he would be a little better at disguising his blanket contempt for his constituents, but why should he? The congressman enjoys a snugly gerrymandered safe seat, lush funding and votes from his home area of Marin and the Northcoast's wine industry, while lockstep Democrat media hails him as the best thing since Bosco.
ARMSTRONG: Pick an issue.
HUFFMAN: “Thank you for contacting me. I always appreciate hearing from my constituents, and I will respond to your message as soon as I am able. Thank you for your patience.”
Huffman sent that to me on 10/28/20.
And I got this today:
HUFFMAN: “Dear James,
Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts and concerns. I appreciate hearing from you on this matter.
I want to express my thanks for the great honor of representing you in Congress. Also, thank you for actively participating in the democratic process. Each term of Congress, I receive tens of thousands of emails and letters, thousands of phone calls, and I meet with many of you in person at town halls, office meetings, and various public forums. Your ideas, input, and feedback not only help me in the work I do; they serve as a reminder that I represent some of the most well-informed and engaged citizens in the country.
I am determined to work with my colleagues to find solutions to pressing issues facing our nation like COVID-19, climate change, access to education, and improving health care for all, along with many others. While I am willing to work with anyone from any party to accomplish these goals, I will never abandon my core principles and values, nor the core principles and values of our district.
Thank you again for sharing your views on this issue. The people of California’s 2nd District are the most important voices I listen to while serving in Congress. Please do not hesitate to contact my office if I can be of assistance to you in the future.
Sincerely, (s) Jared Huffman”
ARMSTRONG: How’s that for a quick and detailed response. At least he is consistent; this is the fourth such since he has been there.
“OH COME ON. A General and on the Raytheon board?” said Danielle Brian, the executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, in a Twitter post about Biden’s naming of General Austin as Defense Secretary. “Possibly the worst of all options. Bad news for civilian control and any real distance from the military-industrial- complex.” And, as Ron Wilkins, a friend and long-time activist in Los Angeles' Black community going back to the early Sixties would have put it, as he did when challenging the Black members of Pacifica Radio's board as it accepted the NPRization of the network and purging of KPFA's and KOFK's radical programmers, "another paint job." — Jeff Blankfort
'MENDO HISTORIAN' comments on the Redheaded Blackbelt site: "Working girls still walking the 101 Corridor on the South Side of Willits, Willits Motels are full of them on Friday and Saturday nights. It’s a drugs and sex trade still very much alive South of the tracks in Willits, the strip is known locally as "Miracle Mile". The County Sheriff and Willits Police allow it to go on and continue in broad daylight. Nothing has really changed. Women are financially strapped, and men are strapped for sex. Unless there is human trafficking involved, there is no real problem, a fair exchange!"
ED NOTE: This may be wishful thinking by the commenter. We doubt that public prostitution on the outskirts of Willits is likely, especially given the much safer and private options for commercial sex assignations available electronically.
RE PROSTITUTION IN WILLITS, a reader writes: “It's called Miracle Mile because of what kind of businesses are there — the usual gas stations and supermarkets and fast food and tire shops — as opposed to the old downtown. “Miracle Mile” — I never heard that applied to an area with prostitution before. Sounds like somebody just making shit up, to be honest. The County Sheriff would have nothing to do with “allowing it” inside the City of Willits. Whoever wrote that doesn't have a clue about how things work, obviously. Bad stories I've actually heard about WPD and drugs are from many many years ago.
Oddly enough, when I think of the motels, the funkier motels are actually NORTH of the tracks, north of Highway 20 / Main Street intersection. The idea that “south of the tracks” means “the poor side of town” is not really correct. If you're going to use the railroad tracks as some kind of social divider, it's really more like “east of the tracks” is the poor side of town.
What's south as far as motels is Best Western, Baechtel Creek, and the Old West, none of which I'd believe was involved in any regular prostitution scheme. Best Western and Baechtel Creek are intent on being “the nice places” in town, higher prices, and Old West being owned by a guy on the Chamber of Commerce board. I think the bars are ALL north of Highway 10 / 101 intersection too. Am I saying nobody ever sells their body for sex in Willits? Well, obviously not, how would I know? I'm sure it happens. But the idea that there's a miracle mile in Willits with female prostitutes flaunting themselves on the side of the old highway and selling drugs where cars are driving by at 35 / 40 mph seems really off to me.”
RE PROSTITUTION IN WILLITS, another reader writes: “Prostitution in Willits…? When I arrived in Willits in the early ’70s, timber and lumber were King. There were more bars than churches, and if you wanted a job, you could find one by noon. Hunter’s Inn and the Van Hotel had working girls. I knew one of them a little. She went by Mama Linda, I never had sex with her, but I did buy her a drink now and then at Al’s or John’s. Then AIDS hit. I heard Linda caught it and died in Eureka.
As to this tale of sex and drugs on the so-called “Miracle Mile”?
That area is the current business district of Willits. They’re open and busy, retail, food, and the better motels.
But there are a couple of sketchy old motels still out there.
Willits’s old downtown has gone the way of many small towns. It’s dried or drying up, similar to Ukiah. I would expect that stuff there, if anywhere in Willits.
But back to the Hookers, recently I have not heard anything about that kind of stuff. Then again, I’m past the age and stage of pay to play, but I’ll ask around. Some of my younger friends might know something.
Like they say, “You find your comfort where you can”…
TRUMP'S about out of options, a fact leading to a lot of wild speculation that his congressional allies will try a 12th Amendment end around or some combination of rightwing militias and martial law. But the militias are camo-clad fantasists who, to put it gently, lack leadership, and there aren't that many of them given that their friends and neighbors rightly regard them as lunatics. The American military leadership, apart from a few General Flynns, don't like Trump and are committed to democratic principles as they romanticize them in the real context of the pay to play plutocracy run out of the White House. And the multi-ethnic rank and file military aren't about to support an all-white coup. Trump will shuffle off to his Florida golf course crying about how his second term was stolen until his cheeseburgers finish him off. Biden, weighed on the Comparative Crook Scale, is more corrupt than Trump, the latter being after all merely a real estate swindler and minor show biz figure prior to his miraculous elevation because the Democrats ran the only person in the country who could lose an election to him. Thanks to the New York Times and on down through CNN's Situation Room for withholding the Biden family's multi-million dollar deals with foreign governments until after the Biden election, Biden is president. All of this, plus the economic disaster unleashed by covid and its grotesque mishandling by government at all levels, including Mendo's dependably incompetent government, means civil chaos from here on.
ALEX JONES, who has parlayed fascist comedy into a fortune for himself, told the Trumper crowd massed Saturday in DC, “We will never back down to the Satanic pedophile, globalist New World Order and their walking-dead reanimated corpse Joe Biden, and we will never recognize him.” Which would be funny if so many millions of yobbos and yobb-ettes didn't believe it.
A COMMENTER on the essential Redheaded Black Belt, asks, “Does anyone know the history of the pink house in the Juan creek drainage that you can see from 101? Have always been curious about that house. Looks pretty old.”
DAVID HELLER: I personally don’t know about it, a quick google search found a real estate add with some good photos, just said historic…. which might not mean that old, the last mill there burned down in 1944.
ERNIE BRANSCOMB: Yes, I can tell you all about it. It was the Juan Creek Inn. It was a bar and hotel. When I was a kid we would buy gas there for our trip home from Juan Creek. I remember the gas pump was one that had a pump handle on the side. There was a glass tank on the top where you could see the gas you pumped. You would pump as much gas as you wanted, then drain it by gravity into your tank.
Juan Creek was the most popular campground on the coast north of Fort Bragg. It was like a summer-long party there. I think that the convenience of the bar had something to do with it. It was a place that you could almost always catch surf fish.
The local Indians would catch surf fish there and you could buy salted smoked surf fish for next to nothing from them. My dad would always buy a big paper bag full. I would eat so many that I couldn’t eat dinner.
Then… there were the two cute little blond twin girls that were in my Grammar school class who would often be there… A lot of the people from Laytonville and Branscomb would go there on weekends to get away from the summer heat.
Highway 1 used to go to the east of the pink building. It was right on the side of the road. When the highway road department built the new Juan Creek bridge it ruined the surf fishing and destroyed the Campground and the access to the bar was lost to traffic. Now all that is left is some great memories of a carefree youth.
LOLITA, the novel. I was surprised and pleased to see Ian Frazier in the current New Yorker “Rereading Lolita.” I read it in my callow youth and thought it funny as hell. Then, in callow middleage, a female friend who teaches lit at the University of Chicago advised that I should give Nabokov's masterpiece another look because, in her opinion, the novel is creepy and obviously the work of a perv. I read it again. She was right. It is creepy and pervy to the max, but remains funny as hell which, I was pleased to see that is what Frazier also concludes.
SUPERVISOR McCOWEN: “Mendocino County works closely with Senator Mike McGuire and Assemblymember Jim Wood at the State level who have been very effective advocates on our behalf, and with Congressman Jared Huffman at the Federal level. Mendocino County also actively participates in the Rural County Representatives of California and California State Association of Counties and less so in the National Association of Counties.”
I'D SAY that Huffman, Wood and McGuire have been at least as effective on Mendo's behalf as McCowen and the Supervisors.
[1] I was 24 years of age in 1975, “When a man could still work and still would” (Merle Haggard) All of the seeds of our current reality had been planted and were beginning to sprout. The populace of the United States had been systematically lied to about their nation’s activities in Southeast Asia for twenty years starting from 1955. Thirty years of consumption lay ahead before we would reach the peak for conventional petroleum production. The phrases “America, Love it or Leave It” and “My Country, Right or Wrong” were easily available as bumper stickers. The events at Kent State and the “Hard Hat Riot” in Manhattan were behind us. Elvis was still alive, the first “Test Tube Baby”, the Jonestown Massacre and the Hostage Crisis in Tehran lay ahead. One thing was true above all others — every word that came out of Washington D.C. was couched in half truths. Stated plainly everything that was in the media was a lie, a very comforting lie, still a lie. Let us look at the world for a 24 year old citizen of the United States at this moment “When a man can’t work and won’t” “Vote Blue, No Matter Who” The complete and total corruption of our political system has been exposed and the populace is divided into camps based solely on which lie is most comforting to their fragile ego. “No evidence of fraud” or “The Democrats want to destroy our nation” Simple strokes for simple folks. “The modern Little Red Riding Hood, reared on singing commercials, has no objection to being eaten by the wolf.” ~ Marshall McLuhan
“Standing next to me in this lonely crowd
Is a man who swears he’s not to blame
All day long I hear him shout so loud
Crying out that he was framed” (Dylan)
Destroy a thing to save it? Bullshit now as it was in the day of Calley.
[2] Do you remember when you were in Middle School, and you confided in a friend you trusted that you thought a certain girl was pretty? You swore that friend to secrecy, but to your everlasting mortification, when you came to school the next day Everyone knew about it, even the Janitor and the Tray Line Lunch Ladies. People Can’t, Won’t, and Don’t keep secrets. So the idea that “scores of elected officials, at both the State and Federal level, Senators, Congressmen, Governors on down” were all involved in a huge conspiracy for years, and somehow adhered to a code of silence and secrecy like a Medieval Monastic order, is not based on any rational assessment of actual human behavior. I really don’t think this could plausibly have happened. People get drunk, and wag their tongues. People get into gambling and financial trouble and sell information to the media for money. People confide secrets in spouses, then go through bitter divorces. People have staff members Privy to information who hate them leak sensitive information. People like to sound really important, so they tell that trusted friend they” have a really big secret-but you can’t tell anybody.”
[3] The Supreme Court will not interfere with election results and Uncle Joe will take office on Jan. 20. Trump will continue efforts to question the results and delegitimize the Biden administration and further his aims, whatever they might be. The Republicans will be glad to be rid of Trump and try to move on from his spell. The next four years will see even more deconstruction of the ‘Republic’ and life will be even more tenuous for the public. Then, there will be a very serious implosion of the global financial system and all bets are off. To borrow a quote from Monty Python, “Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition.” Things stay the same, until they don’t.
[4] I am just a little confused about where we want all this to take us;
Result #1– Trump presents evidence of treason by Democrats and proves widespread election fraud. Election is awarded to Trump.
Outcome#1–Approximately half of the electorate did not vote for Trump. They perceive that the election has been stolen from them, and they are very upset. They start acting out in ways that are sometimes violent.
Result #2– It turns out that there is actually no evidence of election fraud. With the support of some of the US Military, Trump attempts to seize power.
Outcome#2–Lasting civil war in the US leads to lasting violent conflict, the complete destruction of the US economy, and loss of US influence throughout the world. Foreign powers find it in their interest to fund certain sides of the new Civil War.
Do any of us really want either of these two outcomes? Before World War I, the French and the Germans both assumed that they were inevitably headed for war, to the extent that French freight cars were stenciled ’40 men or 8 horses.’ The conversations here sort of have that look and feel. Can Civil War II be avoided?
Of course there are other possibilities–
Result #3– Trump’s election initiatives go nowhere. Biden is sworn in as US President, but without violent protest.
(Most Likely) Outcome#3–
Biden and Harris create policies that speed the collapse of the US Economy (and with it the Global Economy) that was going to happen anyway. The resulting hardships are attributed to Democrats and Progressives.
Would Result #3 really be so bad?
[5] And what’s the evidence for your conspiracy, Trumpers? I have tried to chase down some of the evidence that gets cited here and elsewhere. It’s always some sketchy internet video and with some fact-checking it all melts away. It’s also easy – if you will look outside the echo chamber – to find some great explanations of why the accusations about Dominion machines are highly implausible given the way the machines function.
But hey, you don’t need to rely on internet sources. Look at the way the Trump legal challenges have gone. The first giveaway is his legal team. Do you think there aren’t fleets of good lawyers who’d run any even halfway plausible argument before courts? Why do you think none would act for Trump? Rudy and Sidney Powell are not the lawyers you get if you have a strong case. They are bottom of the barrel hucksters. (I am talking 2020 Giuliani here – clearly he once had some facility – long since departed).
His challenges have been met with defeat after defeat. The judgements have often been humiliating. The arguments have been nonsensical and the witnesses often blatantly crazy.
There’s not some conspiracy here. There’s just a petulant loser not accepting defeat and his GOP enablers muddying the waters. Which – given the enthusiasm being shown for military intervention by a lot you – takes you to very scary places.
Take a deep breath, get out of the echo chamber, and look around. This stolen election stuff is crazy.
[6] Trump Spokespeople said, based on nothing, that after Nov. 4th the talk about COVID will stop. Instead, it is almost now all we are talk about as things turn nightmarish while waiting for a vaccine.
Trump spokespeople, based on nothing, said masks were not necessary, and restrictions on gatherings were an affront to our freedom. Instead most of Trump’s non-mask wearing staff and lawyers have COVID, and non-mask wearing states like South Dakota (also hosting motor cycle rallies) have the highest per capita COVID cases in the world.
Trump spokespeople said that they were sending out the lawyers to expose all the vote fraud in the election – with no evidence. Instead, all but one or two cases were thrown out of court, along with stinging criticism, even from Trump appointed judges.
Trump spokespeople, and JHK, based on hearsay, kept saying that there would be a bombshell from Judge Durham before the election. Didn’t happen.
Now we are expected to believe, based on speculation, that the Supreme Court will invalidate the votes of hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania citizens based on one theoretical statistical analysis. While I have no doubt that Alito, as partisan a hack as ever to be on the court, might do such a thing, it’s tough to see SCOTUS overthrowing an election without HARD evidence.
It’s instructive to remember that the same people promoting this theory are the same ones who were entirely divorced from reality in the above examples. It’s not a Dem vs Rep thing, but a recognition of reality vs fantasy, no matter how badly one wants the fantasy to be true.
Alecia Bales, on behalf of KZYX, recently woke me from sleep at 5:30 a.m.: A fund-raising call!!
Got a mean steak, that one. .. strident.
Also, please KZYX, move the COVID report around a little to various times of the day… Not just afternoon “drive time”.
Every Wednesday, one of KZYX’s best programs, “Redwood Soul Shakedown”, is cut short for the COVID report, starring Alecia Bales. So I turn off kzyx and listen to RSS on his other satellite program unrelated to KZYX.
Yah, the covid info is important, but why aim for one particular time of day to report it always? If kzyx is aiming at informing the Latino population locally as to covid stats, (and she’s up that early), why not have Alecia Bales do a 5 a.m. show in Spanish for the farmworkers, who work that early? Give 3pm a break.