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COOL AND CLOUDY CONDITIONS will persist along the coast, with a few hours of afternoon sun expected each day. Warm and dry conditions will continue in interior areas, with patchy smoke expected from local wildfires. (NWS)

By Jim Shields, District Manager, Laytonville County Water District
Because our monthly Board meeting occurs on Tuesday nights, the same night that’s deadline for the Observer, I can only give you a very brief report on our water shortage emergency.
I gave our Water Board (Mike Davis, Kary Foltz, Deber Dodd, John McCaffrey, and Tim Henry) a one hour report on the shortage, why it happened, and what the plans are to fix what needs fixing.
Tune into my radio show this Saturday at noon on KPFN 105.1 FM, also streamed streamed live: http://www.kpfn.org for the full report I gave the Board. In fact tune in every Saturday and you’ll learn everything that’s happening that’s important locally, at the state, and the nation.
Anyway, here’s what’s going on, the water as always is safe to drink, it’s very good water, our only problem is right now we’re in short supply of it.
On Friday night around 8:30 p.m. a lateral pipe or pipes in one of our two filtration vessels broke, causing filtration media (basically specially milled, fine gravels and sand) to exit the vessel and clog and plug filtration equipment and pipes. The broken lateral meant that non-harmful iron and manganese, that normally is trapped in the filter’s media was pumped out into the distribution system and some customers water was discolored, which is not a health hazard, but it will stain laundry if someone was using their washing machine at the time. Other than that there was no harm done to anybody or anything.
The real harm was done back at the water plant because we had to take the vessel with the broken lateral out of service. Which means since Saturday, we’ve been operating the plant with just a single treatment vessel. That situation means that we can only produce one-half of our normal water output, which has led to the current water shortage.
Laterals are located on the bottom of treatment vessels under 13.25 tons of filtration media. In order to repair and/or replace broken laterals, all 13.25 tons of media have to be removed from the vessel, so the repair can be made, and then new media or the existing media has to be loaded back in to the vessel.
Without going into all the details, this process could take up to a month before the second vessel can be put back on line.
Our problem right now is customers are not complying with the District’s water conservation policy thereby causing this emergency to be worse than it should be. Right now we’re operating below 25 percent of our normal water storage levels. So instead of having nearly a million gallons of capacity, we only have approximately 250,000 gallons. That is not an adequate supply of water in the event that during the peak wildfire season we’re in right now, if a fire breaks out, we’d be in extremely dangerous circumstances.
That has to change immediately.
The District is asking all our customers to drastically reduce the amount of water they are using right now.
Under our current, permanent water conservation policy, no outdoor irrigation/watering can occur during the hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. But too many people are not paying attention to that rule. That non-compliance must stop immediately, otherwise we are going to find ourselves in a very dangerous place.
At the Tuesday, July 28 meeting, the Board unanimously approved a second, more severe water policy that will be implemented if there is no improvement in current conservation. None of us want to see this policy go into effect because it will prohibit outdoor irrigation/watering to just 2 days per week, and violators will be assessed fairly harsh fines.
The District has already prohibited bulk water haulers from taking water 7 days a week during the hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout this emergency. If the crisis deepens, the District may suspend their hauling privileges for the duration.
Speaking for the District, I want to thank our many customers and ratepayers who have been complying with the existing conservation order, we truly appreciate you.
Here’s the new conservation policy that will be implemented if there is no change for the better by those not complying with our current policy.
Laytonville County Water District
Restriction Limiting Outdoor Irrigation/Watering
Prohibition On Outdoor Irrigation/Watering With LCWD Potable Water
Effective immediately, twice-a-week outdoor watering/irrigation is allowed only on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
1. Outdoor Irrigation/Watering is not allowed on any other day of the week, without exception.
2. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, outdoor irrigation/watering is prohibited from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
3. Outdoor Irrigation/Watering is allowed on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 5:01 p.m. to 10:59 a.m.
4. Outdoor Irrigation/Watering is only allowed on these days and during these hours.
5. For purposes of this policy, “outdoor” includes irrigating and watering inside outbuildings, greenhouses, and “hoop” structures.
Violation Procedures:
For violations of the Restrictions On Outdoor Irrigation/Watering, the following progressive steps of warning and fines shall occur:
• A first violation will result in the customer receiving a verbal warning (confirmed in writing), along with a copy of the Outdoor Irrigation/Watering Policy.
• A second violation will result in a fine of $100.
• A third violation will result in a fine of $500.
• A fourth violation will result in the customer’s water service being shut off for up to 30 days.
ANDERSON VALLEY EMERGENCY PERSONNEL were dispatched to an initial report of a pedestrian being hit by a vehicle on Highway 128 south of Yorkville early Tuesday afternoon. But after driving all around the area, they couldn’t find evidence of any such incident. However, the Sheriff’s office appeared in several vehicles in the same area, off Highway 128 at Elkhorn Road, and ended up arresting two people, one of whom was a highly intoxicated naked woman, the other an as-yet unidentified “high profile individual.” Sources said neither of the arrestees were local residents. The AV Ambulance ended up taking the intoxicated woman to into their care because of her level of intoxication, then delivering her to the Ukiah hospital separately. The people we spoke to after the incident said they assumed booking log entries and a Sheriff's press release would be forthcoming with, we're hoping, full identification of the "high profile individual."
UPDATE: THE HIGH PROFILE INDIVIDUAL has subsequently been identified as Casey William Hardison, 49, lately of Santa Cruz, formerly of Wyoming, and formerly a resident of England but an American citizen.
Hardison was apparently being sought by outside jurisdictions. He has a long history of drug offenses and is considered dangerous by law enforcement. The Sheriff's Department received a tip that Hardison was staying in the Elkhorn area of Yorkville. Both Hardison and the nude woman, still not identified, were placed under arrest. The nude woman was considered medically vulnerable from an apparent overdose and was removed from the Elkhorn Road address by ambulance.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casey_William_Hardison
- maps.org/news/bulletin/articles/385-bulletin-spring-2014/5585-prison-education-from-the-inside-out-an-interview-with-casey-william-hardison
- vice.com/en_us/article/wd43v5/casey-william-hardison-psychedelic-chemist-254
by William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital
Last week, the County Board of Supervisors appointed Andy Coren, MD, as the new Public Health Officer. Dr. Coren is Board Certified in Family and Community Medicine and has been in practice in Ukiah since 1988. He has served on the county’s Public Health Advisory Board. His strengths include strong leadership skills, communication and team building.
I asked Dr. Coren about his plans for dealing with the outbreak at our local nursing home, Sherwood Oaks. He told me that he has been in touch with Dr. John Cottle, the Medical Director of Sherwood Oaks, and that their biggest challenge right now is finding adequate staffing. “They have lost several of their staff due to being out on leave from turning positive or from simply being afraid to come to work,” he said. “We need to work with the State Health Department to give them the support they need to safely staff their facility.”
Sherwood Oaks continues to take isolation measures designed to slow the spread of the virus. A total of 14 residents have tested positive, with 9 becoming ill. Four have been hospitalized here at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast, of which one has made a full recovery and returned home to Sherwood Oaks. Three remain in our hospital and an additional four residents have died.
Dr. Coren and I also spoke about the need to expand community surveillance testing on the Coast. He agreed that the main challenge is that nationally there simply isn’t adequate availability of tests and that the laboratories that run them are overwhelmed. “This is a problem not just here, but for the entire nation. It is frustrating that some lesser developed countries have done a better job at this with less technology than we have,” he said. “And with some turn around times stretching out to ten or more days, it doesn’t even become an effective tool for contact tracing. The bottom line is that we cannot rely upon our technology to save us. It is the simple things that every person can do that will make the greatest difference. Of course, I am talking about the importance of wearing masks, washing hands and socially distancing ourselves.”
“I am excited about the chance to start work on the Coast,” Dr. Coren adds. “One of my first priorities will be to come out there and make a site visit to Sherwood Oaks, plus see your hospital. I want to meet with community leaders and make sure that the Health Department is taking an active role in what is going on out there.”
Dr. Coren is replacing Dr. Naomi Doohan who has served as the interim Health Officer. She will stay on as a consultant to provide support for Dr. Coren as he takes on this very important role for our county. His expected start date is the end of August.
Well, folks, it’s getting to be that time of year again. It’s hot, dry and as soon as it gets windy, PG&E will consider implementing a Public Safety Power Shutoff (also referred to as a PSPS). These events are weather dependent, which means we’re never sure exactly when they’ll occur, but it may affect everyone in the County.
It’s easy to get angry at PG&E for this inconvenience, but with the huge wildfires that have threatened California in the last few years, it’s become a necessity.
A PSPS is an intentional shutdown by PG&E due to the combination of extreme winds and low humidity. By shutting off power, they hope to prevent downed power lines from sparking and igniting dry brush which can quickly spread to our beautiful forests and residential areas. Although power outages are an inconvenience to us, it’s done in an effort to save lives and property.
The best thing we can do is prepare in case of a power outage. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting information with the hope the reminders and tips and resources we share will help you and your loved ones get through this year’s potential PSPS easier than before.
PG&E has assured us they have improved their notification plans and, depending on the weather and other factors, will make several attempts to send alerts to customers through automatic calls, text messages and emails at 48 before and again at 24 hours before, and one more time, just before the power shut off.
In addition, we’ll be in contact with PG&E representatives and share information we receive from them to you.
As I mentioned earlier, we will be posting resources and reminders so we can all be better prepared this year, but one thing you should absolutely do right now if you use medical equipment that requires power is to contact PG&E immediately to notify them at 1-800-743-5000.
Make plans with your health care provider and loved ones so they know how they can help you as well. Check with your provider and see if they have devices that are battery operated that you could purchase ahead of time.
We’re happy to answer as many of your questions as we can, but you should also follow PG&E online on whichever platform you feel most comfortable using and feel free to speak to them directly.
Be sure to visit PG&E at pge.com/en_US/residential/your-account/account-management/manage-your-account/alerts-and-notifications/update-your-contact-information.page and make sure you’re signed up for their PSPS alerts.
Remember, we’re #StrongerTogether.
Thank you.
BOURN'S LANDING [north of Gualala]
As I am sure you know, the Legal Notice for the AVCSD election was published in the July 8 edition of the Beloved Advertiser. The Legal Notice from the County Clerk-Recorder's Office however, was published one time only. So…
Will there be some kind of announcement forthcoming in the web edition? Quite a few readers subscribe to the web site, but do not receive the paper edition.
Because Anderson Valley is not incorporated the definition of the AVCSD is "quasi-corporation." Meaning they are not incorporated and cannot take actions or make decisions similar to a corporation. California CSD law strongly encourages the turnover of new members every four years thereby the representative community will eventually be heard, and also to avoid self-interests and ingrained clan-like decisions.
The deadline for interested members of Anderson Valley to sign up for the election is August 7th (5 PM). Three openings are available - this is probably one of the most critical elections regarding the AV district in many, many years. Some members of the board have been continually appointed by the Board of Supervisors in lieu of an election because no one signed up to run in an unknown election. No election in years - some appointed positions go back before 2011 according to Mendocino LAFCo. Basically, Anderson Valley Community Service District directors have been reappointing themselves or like-minded members year after year after year!
If no one applies by August 7 for the election then another 4 years will be added to current members' appointed term; that could possibly total over 13 years or more!! No mention who is up for reelection or appointment as the case may be from the local service district. In the Legal Notice it states three directors - Long Term (meaning four years).
Three members equals a quorum, future critical decisions are in jeopardy if no new members are seated. The pending Developer fees up for consideration August 5 will substantially cripple new development in the Valley. Available housing is a huge issue - developer fees impact all new building in addition to the mandatory sewer/water plan that charges new development $10,000 for hook up to mandatory sewer/water.
Candidates wishing to file for board membership may contact the Office of the County Clerk, located at 501 Low Gap Rd, Room #1020, Ukiah 95482. Phone 234-6819.
The only qualifications are the candidate must be a registered elector (voter) residing in the district. The district encompasses Yorkville, Boonville, Philo and Navarro.
This board is long overdue for some new input, experienced ideas, intelligent foresight, and at the very least capable of respect, honesty and dignity when dealing with the public over the mandatory municipal sewer and water issue.
The associated CSD services are in excellent hands; they provide life saving, fire and other important services to the community, their integrity is beyond question and very much appreciated.
However, we desperately need new representation on the Anderson Valley Community District Board of Directors. Now is the time to step up and fill out the paperwork. August 7 is only a few working days away! Please!!!
Joan Burroughs

FOR SOME REASON, WE WERE NOT ON THE DISTRIBUTION LIST for the Mendocino County Climate Action Advisory Committee’s recent press release announcing: “Board of Supervisors recognizes climate change.”
“At their regular meeting on July 21, Mendocino County’s Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted a Climate Emergency Resolution proposed by their appointed Climate Action Advisory Committee (MCCAAC),” the Presser proudly declares.
Committee Chair Marie Jones noted “This is an important first step as the board has formally recognized the importance of both climate change and climate adaptation for our community. This action sets the stage for Mendocino County to become a leader in climate change policy in Northern California. The Advisory Committee looks forward to assisting the board as it seeks to incorporate climate into its decision-making process in order to move the county onto a more climate friendly path.”
We had missed Board’s big Climate Action decision last week because it so important that the Board approved it on the consent calendar after a few minor wording tweaks from Supervisor McCowen. Nobody made any formal announcement about how wonderful the resolution was or how great it was that the Board “recognized climate change.”
The resolution drones on at great length with boilerplate climate change statements having nothing to do with Mendo in particular and with no proposals that might make a dent in official Mendo’s microscopic contribution to global warming.
If you’re having trouble sleeping you can find the full “emergency” resolution (which took almost a year to prepare) on the Supervisors agenda webpage at the County’s website.
The declaration concludes with this meaningless paragraph: “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors commits to addressing the climate implications of all policies and actions that come before the Board that have the potential to impact greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration, and disaster preparedness within the County; and the Board of Supervisors commits to drawing on the deliberative work, research, and public outreach of the Mendocino County Climate Action Advisory Committee when considering such policies and actions.”
Oh really? “…commits to addressing the climate implications of all policies and actions that come before the Board that have the potential to impact greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration, and disaster preparedness within the County…”
That sounds a lot like the much ballyhooed (at the time) Precautionary Principle which the Supes also unanimously approved years ago with a grand “commitment” to apply the PP to all County decisions. Guess how many times they actually have? (Hint, it’s less than 1.)
According to the presser, Climate Action Committee member Susan Sher, who guided the preparation of the resolution, noted “We are gratified that our county government is on record in support of taking fast and effective action to reverse the effects of climate change. We now join over 1,700 other jurisdictions in 30 countries that have made climate emergency declarations.”
After the consent calendar was approved the Board continued with business as usual and nobody asked about the “climate implications” of anything.
However, the presser also notes that, “In their July 14 meeting, the Board of Supervisors took a major step toward a decarbonized future by choosing a more expensive to install but cheaper to run all-electric heat pump alternative to the natural gas system originally proposed by the architects and engineers. Again, the reasoning for adopting the more expensive alternative was provided by MCCAAC, whose members consulted with local experts to determine the most carbon neutral and cost-effective technology for the 30-year life of the project. MCCAAC’s Jail Expansion Energy Brief cited the expected rise and scarcity of natural gas that contrasts with expected improvements in the carbon-free sourcing of the City of Ukiah’s electricity.”
Never mind that the Board would have made this decision regardless of what the Climate Change Committee did or said, and there’s nothing in the months worth of Committee’s minutes about the all-electric heat pump at the jail.
(Mark Scaramella)

FORT BRAGG has extended its eviction moratorium until September 30th on a 4-1 vote, Bernie Norvell dissenting. It's probably not safe to assume the county will also extend its moratorium on evictions but, given the grim economic news, many more Mendo people will not be able to pay rent and the supervisors should act to avert as much local suffering as is within their power to avert. Congress's delay in enacting additional national bailout assistance adds another layer of anxiety to that millions are already feeling, as they watch the ship of state heading for the rocks, its captain crazy, his crew drunk
IF CONGRESS doesn’t act to extend an extra $600 in weekly benefits for unemployed Californians, state legislators say they’re ready to jump in to help. The expanded federal unemployment benefits, which began in April, are set to expire Friday. That will reduce the average jobless payment in California to about $338 a week. (Mendo rent averaging $1200 a month…) The House passed a coronavirus relief bill in May that would extend the $600 weekly checks through Jan. 31, but the Republicans propose to cut the aid to $200 a week.
MORE AND MORE TALK about Trump not leaving office. And more and more looking like even an unfit character like Biden poised for a landslide victory in November because even hardcore Trumpers are deserting their orange hero.
TODAY, Attorney General Barr refused to answer a House Judiciary Committee question about the authority of a sitting president to move the election date. Barr replied, “I haven’t looked into that question, under the Constitution.” Asked if he believed the election will be “rigged,” Barr said he had “no reason to think it will be” but claimed there is a high-risk that mail-in voting will lead to voter fraud.
WHICH IT WON'T. Think about the mail ballot process then try to figure out a way to corrupt it. It might be possible to swindle a Mendo school board election where a hundred votes can determine an election outcome by applying for ballots in the names of non-voters or even non-existent voters. You've got the ballots. Then what? Think about the logistics of even minor voter fraud with all its hassle of collecting the ballots, forging signatures to them and sending them in. Imagine doing that several million times for Trump. Not possible. In the recent history of elections in this country there has been almost no detectable mail-in fraud. What there has been is a few individuals voting for deceased relatives on the basis of, "It was his dying wish."
THIS ISN'T TO SAY there won't be trouble. There's a shortage of poll workers, which means lots of people probably won't be able to vote in person, and a big covid-caused mail-in vote will take time to count, with that delay resulting in the Trumpers jumping up and down with their pre-programmed suspicions that Orange Man is being jobbed.
ACCORDING to federal law (and Wikipedia), Trump can’t cancel, postpone, or move the November election—even by executive order stating a national emergency or martial law. It’s a decision only Congress culd make by altering the federal statute passed in 1845 that agreed states should appoint their electors in the first week of November. In the most extreme scenario in which the electoral college doesn’t vote in November, Trump’s term would still expire on Jan. 20, 2021 at noon—and the control of the presidency would go down the line of succession.
by Fred Gardner
In my SFDA ACT-UP SF file is a July 2000 letter from Drs. Donald Abrams and Paul Volberding, leading AIDS specialists at SF General Hospital, to colleagues treating patients in the Bay Area:
As many of you know and have experienced, the local group calling itself ACT UP San Francisco has long been engaged in a campaign of disruption and denial. You have probably heard how they have disrupted educational forums whether presented by community groups or by your peers in the medical community. You've heard of how they have repeatedly disrupted meetings of the Public Health Department and how they poured urine and feces-laden cat litter in the hair and face of Pat Christen of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. And more recently, you've probably had to spend time with some of your patients who have been caught up in their “AIDS is over, the drugs are poison” polemics.
After a period of relative quiet brought on by the AIDS Foundation's restraining order against them, they recently renewed their disruptive tactics at a meeting sponsored by Survive Aids and Project Inform where Steven Deeks was the lead speaker. This event resulted in the injury of a woman on the staff of Project Inform. Project Inform responded quickly and has already secured a temporary restraining order, while the DA’s office has filed battery and trespassing charges against them.
You may have heard through the local community papers that they are currently taking in roughly one and a half million dollars per year from the sale of medical marijuana. It seems strange indeed for them to sell medical marijuana to help with the disease they claim does not exist.
We are writing for two reasons. One is to provide you with the attached set of materials you might find helpful in dealing with patients who question whether HIV causes AIDS or whether the treatments are “poisons.” You are free to copy and distribute these however you wish.
Secondly, we are writing to make a suggestion as to what you can do about this situation, other than show your support for people and groups who are attacked. You have complete discretion over whom you wish to refer patients seeking medical marijuana. While ACT UP SF is indeed one such source, there are several others in the city, none of whom use their sales to foment denial and violence against and among your patience.
In March 2001 the DA’s office prosecuted the three men who disrupted the Project Inform / Survive AIDS meeting (which focused on how to best use protease inhibitors). Pasquarelli was one of the three men charged. He was found guilty of riot and disturbing the peace and given a one-year sentence. He appealed and was out on bail when he took part in the actions with Petrelis that led to the arrest in November with bail set at $600,000. As Reg Smith of the DA’s office told the LA Times, “They have been jailed before. They’ve been released. They’ve been admonished not to do anything. And they’ve done it again.”
LANE’S FLAT [Piercy]

Dear Editor:
Re: Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance
Some on our Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, like most of the elected officials in the United States, seem to make their decisions based only on money. Who will make how much and what’s in it for me?
Never mind that this single-minded policy has brought our planet to the brink of disaster, with our forests on fire and microplastics in our children’s blood, let’s just pay lip service to all that nonsense about environmental catastrophes and get on with business.
Right now a significant and growing portion of the business in our county is governed by Chapter 10A.17 of the Mendocino County Code, the Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance. And Supervisor John McCowen (District 2), apparently joined by Supervisor Ted Williams (District 5), wants to throw out the environmental protections provided by that ordinance and, as Supervisor McCowen stated in his proposal on the Board’s June 10 agenda, focus on where marijuana is grown and not on how it is grown.
And, if Supervisor McCowen has his way, it could be grown in any amount anywhere in the vast rolling hills of Mendocino County zoned as rangeland. Pesticides and fertilizers in our streams and rivers? Never mind. Increased fire threat on our tinder-dry hillsides? No problem.
Mendocino County voters considered just such an unregulated approach to cannabis cultivation in 2016 when Measure AF was placed on our ballots; we voted it down by substantial majorities in every supervisorial district. Now Supervisors McCowen and Williams are running interference for their big-time grower buddies and trying an end run around our 2016 vote.
The county spent about a year crafting our present Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance that provides for legalized cultivation with strong environmental protections. About 300 small, “legacy” operators have complied with the ordinance, received their permits, and paid their fees and taxes. Under the proposed unregulated plan, their future would be uncertain in the gold-rush atmosphere Supervisor McCowen would create.
Granted, the present version of the Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance is far from perfect, but it would be a serious mistake to throw out this baby with the bathwater. County staff is overburdened and the resources for enforcing the ordinance are inadequate. To remedy this, the county needs to put the folks who labored to write the present ordinance back to work to revise and fine-tune it rather than replace with the wide-open gold-rush approach proposed by Supervisor McCowen and the big-time growers eager to invade our rangelands.
If you agree with me, you need to let the Board of Supervisors know. As near as I have been able to determine, Supervisor McCowen’s proposal will come back before the Board at its meeting on August 4. Unfortunately, I cannot be sure of that date. When I called the phone number listed on the Board’s website and asked when the item would be back on the agenda, I was told that I could not find out until the Friday before the Tuesday meeting when it would be discussed. Squawk as I might, that was the best answer I could get.
It seems the Board prefers to go about its business without us looking.
But I will be looking, and I hope you will too. Our Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance may seem insignificant compared to the monumental problems facing our planet, but preserving it is something we can do right here to protect our little corner of the Earth. Let’s do it. You can email the supervisors at bos@mendocinocounty.org.
Josef Knight, Willits
CATCH OF THE DAY, July 28, 2020

HAROLD BRITTON III, Covelo. Negligent discharge of firearm.
JORDY HERNANDEZ, Ukiah. DUI, no license.
JEREMY LAWSON, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.

MEGAN MOON, Fort Bragg. Failure to appear.
JOSEPH MORALES JR., Reno/Ukiah. Failure to appear.
TRAVIS WEATHERLY, Arbuckle/Fort Bragg. Suspended license (for DUI0, no license, failure to appear, probation revocation.
JEFFREY WRIGHT, Fort Bragg. Use of tear gas for other than self-defense.
AH, THE OLD QUESTIONS, the old answers, there's nothing like them!
— Samuel Beckett
America used to have a healthy and robust hobo culture. If you can’t get a job or find a way to get by in one place, you just hopped a freight and went somewhere else. Along the way you met lots of other nice folks just like you hoping to get by. Get a meal here or there. Sleep in a barn. Swing a broom a bit. Then move on.
Today, the rail lines have been decimated and the freights that do run carry what’s left of that cheap labor crap from that Land of the East. Today’s freight trains have been militarized and they run too fast to catch up to when you’re running on foot. That destroyed an entire successfully-working American culture.
If we’re really going to Make American Great Again, we’ve got to bring back the rail lines and hobo culture. Soon, we’ll ALL be hobos without jobs and places to live. Millions of us will need a way to beg a meal somewhere and to move about after our homes have been foreclosed on, our cars repossessed, our bank accounts seized, our credit cards cancelled, and our smartphone battery goes dead and we throw the damn thing into the ditch along the tracks.
Hobo Culture is America’s 21st Century Future. Get out those old hobo and railroad songs. Find your old harmonica and brush up. Tear some holes in your shirt and pants and socks if they don’t yet have any. Who says we don’t have a future?! We are Woke And We Are Broke™! Happy days are here again!
RED LINE FOR A HUMANE SOCIETY: 360+ DNC Delegates Vow to Oppose Democratic Platform If It Doesn't Support Medicare for All
Democrats who understand the profound need for Medicare for All don't want a pat on the head. We want a genuine political commitment to healthcare as a human right.

Regarding Louis Bedrock’s surprisingly naive assertion that transexuals are “essentially homosexuals in dresses,” the situation on the ground is more nuanced. Many born as biological men transexuals are heterosexually oriented and take or keep women as partners and wives after their gender transitions. Furthermore, Mr. Bedrock overlooks the many biological women who transition to men. Not all of them are lesbians. In the 1990’s, there was a bearded and handsome woman to man transexual bartender at San Francisco’s Lone Star Saloon who was popular, shall we say, with some of the queer men clientele. It is unlikely that anybody would undergo the demanding regimen of a sex change procedure to have access to a “homosexual” partner considering that same-sex relations have been legal in the USA for many years.
Gender has been viable as a choice and not as destiny at least since Shakespeare allowed Rosalind to choose to be a boy in the Forest of Arden in As You Like It. Virginia Woolf’s Orlando transitions from man to woman in the 19th Century. As usual, James Baldwin said it best, “There is a man in every woman and a woman in every man. Sometimes this is reorganized only when the chips are, brutally, down — when there is no longer any way to avoid this recognition. But love between a man and a woman, or love between any two human beings, would not be possible did we not have available to us the spiritual resources of both sexes.”
If old hippies want to reduce gender fluidity among the younger generation, they should keep quiet about it. Objectively speaking, long hair looks awful on most men. How many of you old dudes would have kept your hair long if it didn’t make your parents’ generation angry?
On the other hand, consider supporting gender fluidity among the younger generation if you want to be taken seriously as an Anti-Fa Elder. Trump’s exclusion of transexuals in the military and escalating hate crimes against transexuals are wedge issues among liberal and leftist Millennials. Check out Taylor Swift’s “You Need to Calm Down” video on YouTube and Ryan Murphy’s Pose on Netflix to appreciate that for many idealistic 21st Century Youth, drag queens and transexuals are almost the new Sidney Poitier.
Richard Russell
San Jose

Please get this... there is no "Antifa" as a distinct thing...
Like there is no "Millennial Snowflakes" or "Religious Snowflakes" or "Gravy Sucking Bankers" as a thing.
It's an attribute, the nature of a group of people with certain elements in common. Antifa doesn't have a clubhouse, or a handshake, or a special decoder rings... It's just all those folks who are against fascism. Some have been active since the 1930s and get their passion from fighting fascism in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. These are older and more respectable organizations. Some are loud and crazy (most not). In the same way that 99.9% of environmental organizations are responsible and have consistent respect for all life including humans (most even put human life at the top of the list, though not all.) That said there's a tiny fringe of environmental whackaloons who feel the extinction of humanity will save life on the planet, not understanding that sentience is important, and with it, we could actually prevent the planet from becoming a dead cinder in the face of a violent and indifferent universe. Doh!
So blaming the Simon Wiesenthal Center for violent protests simply because they're antifascist would be a bit of a stretch, yes? Enough with "Antifa"... try this, come up with your own Acronym for these violent asshats. Here's a chance to get creative. DHORKS, Destructive, Hypocritical, Onerous, Retarded, Kooks, Shouting... this is a poor example, but you hopefully get my drift.
We fought WWII to end fascism, it's a good fight, these knuckleheads don't deserve to share in the good karma.
— Maria Tobias

Dear Community,
Just heard that Peter Wells has passed away. So sad, so very sad. Just wanted folks to know.
Peter, one of the greats of our coast. A truly brilliant and welcoming host at Albion River Inn, raconteur and spiritual adventurer, bold and happy theatrical creator, musical explorer and family man.
Love to his family and all who knew and worked with him and loved him.
Marco McClean:
Peter Wells wrote a play called Blue Dove, about the life of Krishnamurti, and put it on in the metal building Gloriana moved to for awhile on North Franklin when Cotton Auditorium was being renovated.
That was 2002. He didn't haggle about paying the various techies and support people; he offered decent money, promptly paid what he promised to pay, and he was relaxed and patient about the whole process, his first play, which involved a lot of people, and the play came off without a hitch, was educational, interesting, and moving, and filled the seats for the whole run. None of that is usual for a self-production.
He put it on again in other places later on, I heard. I don't remember whether it ever got recorded on video but it probably did. That would be a great thing to show on Vimeo or YouTube. If you know anything about that and have a connection with the family, please suggest it.
Speaking of family: condolences to Peter's kids about his death.

I was finally prompted to write about this because I’ve had a higher than usual engagement with the health care system over the past few weeks. It’s gone the way it always goes: it’s massively inefficient and prone to errors, most of which end up falling on patients to fix.
There’s the hours spent on hold making appointments. There’s the constant checking for medication errors. There’s the endless arguing with insurance companies. There’s the back-and-forth process of telling doctors what some other doctor said because they never talk to each other. There’s the miscommunications caused by the fact that doctors typically know nothing about the actual operation of their own industry, etc.
These are all things we’re familiar with, and they’re basically elements of the health care system that are outsourced to patients themselves. It never gets accounted for, but for all practical purposes the health care system relies on the unpaid labor of patients to keep itself in operation. It’s a real cost, but it’s hard to measure...
Kevin Drum, Mother Jones

How did you like your four-day baseball season? Was it lovely and distracting and oh so much fun? It shouldn’t continue much longer because the concept of an unquarantined sports season in the middle of a raging pandemic has been dangerously flawed from the start.
by Jim Gibbons
Ed was a stocky 150-pounder I used to train with back in 1979-80. He figured the reason I ran faster than him was because I was skinnier. I tried to tell him that 150 or perhaps 145 might be just the right weight for him, but then I'd beat him in another foot race, and he'd get even more bound and determined to run more miles and lose more weight.
He kept building up his mileage ... 60, 70, and in too short of time got up to 80 miles a week, but only dropped five pounds -- and worse yet, still couldn't beat me.
"If I could just lose fifteen more pounds ... " Ed would say.
We did the 1980 Boston Marathon together. Well, not exactly together, as Ed was 40, making his 2:45 qualifying time good enough to be "seeded" up front in the "masters" division, while my 2:37 was just a middle-of-the-pack time for a 35-year-old "submaster." Marathon officials wouldn't let me past the rope that separated the seeded runners from the mid-pack folks, so Ed got a head start on me.
I had realized from the 96-degree, 12 noon start that it was too hot for any personal records, so I took it easy. My goal was just to finish. I finished. Ed didn't.
Ed said later that he "flamed out at about 17 miles doing a 5:45 pace.” That's a 2:30 marathon pace, which would have been a 15-minute PR!
Not realistic, considering the heat, but he told me that at least he "went for it," which seemed to suggest that I chickened out by pacing myself. To make matters worse for Ed, since our photo was in the Willits News just before we left, everyone kept asking the same question: "Did you finish?"
Then I didn't run with Ed for a while. I like to take time off after marathons. I've found that you come back faster over the long haul if you lay low for a few weeks after a 26-miler, but Ed kept running. He wanted to break the national master’s marathon record, which was a 2:22 held by Santa Rosa runner Jim Bowers. I did not think that was realistic, but kept my mouth shut.
Then one day Ed invited me over for breakfast and a long run afterward. His wife made pancakes without oil or butter. They had eliminated fats from their diet, including all dairy products, all meat, white flour, sugar, and alcohol.
My first reaction was, "Just what the hell do you eat?" But of course, the answer was mostly fruits and vegetables.
He said he lost five more pounds, but still had ten to go. Losing ten more pounds would put him in at 130. I weighed 130. According to his logic, he then would be able to beat me.
We went for a run, and I started talking as usual, but he kept pushing the pace, making it difficult to converse. After ten miles I knew he wanted to see who would drop first. I didn't really plan on this to be a competition. I just wanted to suggest we turn back, but he seemed to take that as a sign of weakness. He knew he had me now, and kept pushing, while I dropped a step back, observing his effort. Indeed, he was intense, which made me think of my own intensity, or lack of it. I loved racing, but my daily runs were my meditation, my daily dose of endorphins. I preferred to save that intensity for races. What was he trying to prove?
Let’s just have an enjoyable run and talk about stuff like we used to do.
I finally let up and told him I was going to take it easy the last few miles. I hadn't been doing my long runs and didn't want to overdo it. He reluctantly slowed with me, and we talked. He said someone accused him of being a fanatic, and his reply was, "If that's what it takes to be the best, so be it!"
Then a few weeks later Ed showed up at my place with his camper full of his belongings. He wanted to show me something before he left town. He took an unsteady step into his camper and fell to one knee. He was shaking. He seemed weak. I asked him what was wrong?
He said he was fine but had run twenty miles that morning so he could get in his third straight 100-mile week and felt a little tired. His cheeks seemed badly sunken, emphasizing the tight skin around his facial bones, giving his eyes a deeper, more intense look. His shirt hung on his once-burly shoulders as if on a hanger. His arms looked skinnier than mine. He took occasional deep breaths, as if he couldn't get enough oxygen just breathing normally.
When we finally got inside, he pulled out an old bathroom scale. He got on and told me to look for myself. He was 130 fully clothed. I got on and weighed 131. He smiled and shook my hand, as if to say, "I guess I won this round, but don't feel bad, I've worked harder than you."
He said he was going to run the national masters 25K in San Francisco the next weekend, and then follow the racing circuit in his camper. He was leaving his photography business to follow his dream of winning his age division at Boston. He felt the locals didn't appreciate him anyway, and told me if I stayed in Willits, I would never reach my true running potential. And then he drove away.
Jim Bowers won that 25K in a national master’s record. Ed was nearly ten minutes back.
A few months later I read in the National Masters News that Ed ran another 2:45 in the Phoenix Marathon. And that was it. I never saw Ed's name again in any race results. And to this day I have no idea where Ed is or what happened to him.
Author’s Note: This article was published in the October 1990 issue of Running Times, and they paid me $150. They changed my title, “Skinnier Isn’t Always Faster,” which was first published in the Willits News and the Anderson Valley Advertiser, to “How Skinny Is Too Skinny?” It was accompanied by a photo of a skeleton with a bib number on his chest.

I think McCowen (aka “River”) realized that his pot ordinance was just way over the top and wanted to rectify his screw up before he and the County ended up being sued by every “Mom and Pop” legacy grower who took it in the end in their attempt to leave the black market and get legal. It was clear from the beginning that McCowen wanted to limit the amount of grows in Mendo as to “save the environment” but still bilk folks for everything the County could.
I haven’t pulled up the video yet but I remember that just a few weeks before she retired, former Interim Ag. Commissioner Diane Curry went toe to toe with McCowen at an open board meeting about the County taking money from folks for fees knowing that they would never be approved no matter what they did or how much money they spent. Eventually people caught on and just gave up, which leaves the County where they are today, a failed program with not one State license, and most likely many lawsuits to come. That door is now wide open now.
As is stands now, with that lawsuit being filed in federal court a few days ago, I doubt that the Board will resume talks to do away with the ordinance as it would probably be construed as an “admission of guilt” if they did. The lawyers will now take over.
James Marmon MSW
“A records check confirmed the property had no state license to cultivate commercial cannabis,” wrote Janice Mackey, Public Information Officer for the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The property, however, had a permit from Humboldt County.”
I once knew an Englishmen named Peter Wells who at the time lived east of Laytonville and for a time had a business in Willits. His wife, I have forgotten her name, was pregnant at the time. I worked for a while on his property near Laytonville, but I was young and dumb and eventually moved on.
Interestingly, I ran into him at the “No Name Bar” in Sausalito a couple of times. He was always the same, friendly, and encouraging.
He was momentarily in Willits. He tried his hand at a Rock and Roll Club in a place that had a reputation for fighting, south of town. He renamed “Andy’s”, “Clementines”. That venture was short-lived though.
Over the years I would see him in Mendocino. I recall he once owned the old house on the coast side of Main Street, it was near “Dick’s Place”. I think it’s currently a visitor’s center.
Rest in Peace Peter Wells, and thank you.
As always,
Oh, what a surprise! Susan Sher, she of the campaign to tar, feather and run Tommy Wayne Kramer out of town on a rail, is a member of the crazy-ass and utterly ridiculous Climate Action Committee. Just another reason to ignore her – and her committee.
Climate change is real it’s been happening since the earth began .
George Carlin;
The planet isn’t going anywhere… we are! We’re going away! Pack your shit folks! We’re going away and we won’t leave much of a trace either, thank God for that… maybe a little styrofoam… maybe… little styrofoam. The planet will be here, we’ll be long gone; just another failed mutation; just another closed-end biological mistake; an evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas, a surface nuisance. You wanna know how the planet’s doing? Ask those people in Pompeii who are frozen into position from volcanic ash how the planet’s doing. Wanna know if the planet’s all right? Ask those people in Mexico City or Armenia or a hundred other places buried under thousands of tons of earthquake rubble if they feel like a threat to the planet this week. How about those people in Kilauea, Hawaii who build their homes right next to an active volcano and then wonder why they have lava in the living room?
From the Daily Caller;
An Atlanta family’s dead pet cat received a voter registration card in the mail Wednesday, Fox 5 News reported.
Ron and Carol Tims’ cat Cody died 12 years ago, but when they checked the mail Wednesday, the couple said they found a voter registration application for their deceased pet.
“How did this happen?” Carol Tims told Fox news. “I mean it’s not reality … he’s a cat. Here he is,” she said, holding up the green box where the family keeps Cody’s ashes. “And he’s been dead for a long time.”
“There’s a huge push” to get people out to vote this election, Carol said, “but if they’re trying to register cats, I’m not quite sure who else they’re trying to register.”
“I don’t know if they’re registering dogs,” she added.
Joe the Plumber strikes again, this time with another story planted by Trump lackeys. The Daily Caller is a right-wing news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C. It was founded by now Fox News host Tucker Carlson and political pundit Neil Patel in 2010.
They have a nice picture of the registration document at fox5atlanta.com but since it’s “right wing” it has to be false. Keep watching CNN, the New York Slime if all you want is propaganda. Liberals don’t need facts they just need to be part of the herd, it’s a feel good thing you know. Don’t worry you are all safe not many bad right wing folks out to get ya around here. if CNN tells you mail in voting is all good it is, right?
To quote an old Blues song, “Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.” I don’t watch CNN or any TV news or commentary, and the only newspaper I read is The AVA. But I know a fraud when I see one.
“Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.”
“But I know a fraud when I see one.”
I guess that says it all doesn’t it
Best to ignore “Joe”, the AVA’s latest cowardly anonymous troll. These guys show up, post like crazy (literally) for awhile, then fade away once everybody realizes it’s just garbage graffiti. Pay him no mind. There’s no “there” there.
So when are you going to start ignoring me?
Confused Adventist Health Hospital Chief of Staff, and now Mendocino Public Health Officer, omits Vitamin D3 testing sunlight advocacy and Vitamin K2 fermented vegetables intestinal health, from COVID-19 ‘main challenge’ to Planetary Life Matters.
RE: Dr. Coren and I also spoke about the…
main challenge is that nationally there simply isn’t adequate availability of tests and that the laboratories that run them are overwhelmed…
It is frustrating that some lesser developed countries have done a better job at this with less technology than we have,” he said.
“And with some turn around times stretching out to ten or more days, it doesn’t even become an effective tool for contact tracing.
The bottom line is that we cannot rely upon our technology to save us. It is the simple things that every person can do that will make the greatest difference.
Of course, I am talking about the importance of wearing masks, washing hands and socially distancing ourselves.”
(William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital)
—>. May 1, 2020
In quest for vaccine, US makes ‘big bet’ on company with unproven technology.
One by one, vaccine developers at a White House roundtable convened by President Donald Trump in early March pitched their product as a viable solution to the coronavirus.
Stéphane Bancel of Moderna Inc. glanced across the table at the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and said he is “very proud to be working with the US government and to have already sent, in only 42 days from the sequence of the virus, our vaccine to Dr. Fauci’s team at the NIH.”
Bancel went on to say that he needed just “a few months” to start phase two of a three-part clinical trial of the sort that typifies vaccine development. (The entire process often takes more than a decade.)…
The FDA allowed Moderna’s RNA vaccine … to essentially gloss over the animal-testing that typically precede clinical trials in humans. [Moderna’s former director of chemistry Dr. Suhaib] Siddiqi said this is cause for alarm. “I would not let that [vaccine] be injected in my body,” he said. “I would demand: Where is the toxicity data from the lab?”
—>. May 26, 2020
Taxpayers paid to develop remdesivir but will have no say when Gilead sets the price.
The drug that buoyed expectations for a coronavirus treatment and drew international attention for Gilead Sciences, remdesivir, started as a reject. To make progress, Gilead needed help from U.S. taxpayers. Lots of help.
Three federal health agencies were deeply involved in remdesivir’s development every step of the way, providing tens of millions of dollars of government research support.
Federal agencies have not asserted patent rights to Gilead’s drug. That means Gilead will have few constraints other than political pressure when it sets a price…
Watchdog groups … have documented the large taxpayer-funded contributions toward the drug. Public Citizen estimates public investment at a minimum of $70 million. An independent organization that measures the cost-effectiveness of drugs said Gilead could be justified in charging up to $4,500 for a 10-day course of treatment for a single coronavirus patient.
But advocates, citing a study by academic researchers on what it costs to make the drug, have said Gilead could break even by charging $1 per dose.
Note: According to this CNBC article Gilead is charging from $2,000 to $3,120 per patient despite huge subsidies. Gilead is the same company which developed Tamiflu and licensed it to Roche. Aggressive sales of Tamiflu to governments around the world brought profits of over $1 billion yet almost none of the doses sold were ever used, as described in this Reuters article.
The study that is being used to tout Remdesivir was conducted by none other than Gilead. Could there be conflict of interest here? For more
Correct links for above comment on Planetary Life Matters. ES
The cabal says you must obey and take the vaccine.
Democrats say they want more “inclusive” voting practices. They fail to mention just how inclusive their plans are: sending ballots to dead voters.
Nevada is a case study of the lengths Democrats will go to secure a voting edge.
First Marc Elias and Perkins Coie sued the state on behalf of Democrat groups, demanding election officials break laws against ballot harvesting, ignore signature verification requirements and send ballots to inactive voters the state believes moved away. They demanded more in-person voting locations while arguing voting in person was too dangerous for the June 9 mail-in vote primary.
The message was sent, and Democrats in Clark County got in line. A new voting plan was reached “shrouded in mystery,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Officials would now increase the number of in-person voting locations in the Democrat-heavy region, mail ballots to all “voters” and allow “field registrars,” commonly known as ballot harvesters, to pick them up. All at the expense of taxpayers of $323,000, and the rule of law.
The result has made Clark County look more like Tammany Hall. What is unfolding should concern every American.
Weeks before the election, live ballots are piling up at apartment complexes. Others are found in the trash. The Review-Journal reported one postal worker has already found thousands of ballots that are “no good,” just “sitting in crates with no additional safeguards.” Jenny Trobiani, who has worked for the U.S. Postal Service for over three decades, said the ballots were for residents who “had all moved or died.” She even received one in the mail for her deceased mother.
Dozens of ballots are being found pinned to community bulletin boards. “From Friday to Monday, I could have voted 20 times,” said one resident of an apartment complex in Las Vegas. “That’s what’s so concerning about all this.”
Who is to stop a Democrat “field registrar” from picking them up, signing them and dropping them off? That sounds outrageous. But it is what Democrat groups are seeking in their lawsuit.
That’s election fraud (committed by politicians) not voter fraud, which is practically nonexistent in the country, no matter how fascio-conservatives and their ignorant lap dogs may bay to the contrary. Fascio-conservatives thrive on lies and bet on the ignorance of a public propagandized by a lying nooze media and lying fascio-conservative politicians into believing those lies.
I’ve voted absentee for decades in both CA and WY. It is a simple process, and it works well. Plus, you don’t have to stand in lines, often containing in-your-face fascio-conservative thugs. REAL election fraud is shutting down precincts so people have to stand in line for hours to vote, often choosing to go home. Let people vote by mail, you fool. Don’t fall for the lies peddled by Trump and the rest of the fascio-conservative crowd. They are too stupid to realize that their days are coming to an end sooner than anticipated. People are angry! And rightly so.
Absentee voting is different than vote by mail. There are more safeguards with it. The problem with vote by mail is chain of custody. Once the ballots are in the mail system fraud is more likely. If you simply take the name of a registered voter and mail them a ballot there is a hundred ways that ballot can be abused. Judicial Watched just sued L.A. county to remove thousands of names off of their voter roles that were dead or no longer living in the county and won the suit. They would have all received ballots and your telling me that would not be a problem?
Some folks recently sent to jail for vote by mail fraud;
Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.
Absentee voting IS voting by mail, you idiot. You are so full of BS that you cannot even think straight. You fall for every fascio-conservative lie that they dream up. Guys like you deserve to live under full-blown fascism, which is exactly where that Trump fellow is headed. Hell, my dog has more sense than you.
Absentee voting is prone to fraud, election experts say, but has more safeguards than all-mail voting.
“The main difference is [in] voting by absentee ballot, a voter has to request a ballot in most cases and fill out a form and sign to authenticate the request,” Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission who is a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Signal.
Does This Increase the Chance of Fraud?
In 2005, the Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, and former Secretary of State James Baker, a Republican, determined that absentee ballots were the biggest source of election fraud.
Absentee ballots “remain the largest source of potential voter fraud,” the commission concluded.
I’ve got a “daily signal” just for you. My extended middle finger.
Any means of voting is susceptible to election fraud, which is committed by elected politicians and their cohorts. Absentee voting (which IS the same as mail voting) is no more more vulnerable that in-person voting. The notion of voter fraud, which rarely happens despite fascio-conservative lies to the contrary, is simply a POS con by fascio-conservatives to suppress voting, and cover their own filthy asses while doing so. Guys like you are so gullible that they fall for it…and produce lots of links to half-baked propaganda sites to make their “case”.
Mr Knight, please elaborate on “Pesticides and fertilizers in our streams and rivers?” I don’t see anyone suggesting this possibility. State regulation doesn’t allow it.
Ted, I think you guys are screwed no matter how you move forward, people are going to be pissed and people are going to sue. Your boss Angelo and Conrad McCowen didn’t help things out by treating all those Ag Commissioners the way they did and all. I hope none of them are ever called to testify. Anyway, Risk Management will be taking over all the decision making from here on out, no need for you to fret anymore.
RE: Ted Williams
July 29, 2020 at 12:13 pm
Mr Knight, please elaborate on “Pesticides and fertilizers in our streams and rivers?” I don’t see anyone suggesting this possibility. State regulation doesn’t allow it.
—->. More specifically, a TMDL is defined as the sum of the individual waste load allocations for point sources, load allocations for non-point sources, and natural background such that the capacity of the water body to assimilate pollutant loading (the loading capacity) is not exceeded (40 CFR §130.2).
In other words, a TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. This calculation also includes a margin of safety and consideration of seasonal variations.
In addition, the TMDL contains the reductions needed to meet water quality standards and allocates those reductions among the pollutant sources in the watershed. See the Introduction to TMDLs fact sheet for more information.
Mendocino County Climate Action Advisory Committee cites the, “the expected rise and scarcity of natural gas” in their decision to buy an electric heat-pump.
I’m uncertain if this is willful ignorance or merely a justification to grandstand, but there is no indication of any decrease in the US natural gas supply; in fact, the US has been leading the world in production since 2014.
Talk about an inconvenient truth. If anything, given their purported concern re: climate change, they should seek to reduce reliance upon the electrical grid. In the event they do not understand the processes by which electricity is generated, perhaps they are on the wrong commission.
To: PG&E
Re: Planned Power Outage
A power outage, at this time, would be CATASTROPHIC.
PG&E should have been taken over by the state decades ago.
Yeah, They would all be refusing to go back to work because of covid like the teachers unions. More government, just what the doctor ordered.
I wonder if they’re having Gazpacho, then the fish?
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman…
Be Swell,
How come the high profile individual, Casey William Hardison, isn’t homeless? People that fit the life description of Hardison seldom are able to function and make a living, even growing black market pot.
RE: Coldcrush
July 29, 2020 at 12:22 pm
Mendocino County Climate Action Advisory Committee cites the, “the expected rise and scarcity of natural gas” in their decision to buy an electric heat-pump.
I’m uncertain if this is willful ignorance or merely a justification to grandstand, but there is no indication of any decrease in the US natural gas supply; in fact, the US has been leading the world in production since 2014.
—->. July 8, 2020
Yeah, I want to talk about what happened in 2014, because I think, you know, the 2014 to 2016 period when Saudi Arabia and OPEC really decided we want to try to break shale, push oil prices down to a level that those companies couldn’t operate, and hundreds of shale companies went bankrupt, the industry was really in a position where folks questioned whether it could survive…
So, there were a couple of things that were going on. The biggest one is that when the Federal Reserve, really, slashed interest rates in the wake of the financial crisis, that’s what helped enable the capital for the shale revolution, because all of a sudden you had really, really, really cheap debt.
And so, there was a fascinating piece by a guy at Columbia basically saying that cheap capital was the enabler, the financial crisis was essentially the enabler of the shale revolution.
And so that didn’t change in 2014, debt stayed really, really cheap 2015, 2016. So, investors were still willing to put money into things offering an ever so slightly higher yield, because they were in a desperate hunt for yield.
And low rates enabled a lot of troubled companies to be able to refinance their debt. So, that was one big part of it.
The era of low rates also has had this other effect, which is that pension funds have not been able to make the returns on the fixed income markets they once made.
So, they’ve increasingly put money into private equity, and private equity, in turn, became a major funder of shale.
And again, going back to this idea that Wall Street can make money even when the underlying businesses don’t. For a long time, private equity firms did really, really well in the shale industry, because you could take a company public.
And public market investors were willing to buy these companies based on production growth, not underlying profits.
And by the way, the CEOs were compensated based on production growth also. [laughs] So, you see the pernicious effect that this had…
Can shale come back? I think there will be a shale industry in the U.S. I think it will be a lot smaller. I don’t think we’re going to be seeing the gushing headlines about the American shale industry. And I think that’s probably a good thing. I think it’s a good thing for the earth.
I’ve always thought — at the end of my book I turn to Charlie Munger, who made a really convincing arguments about, not only a country’s energy supply, but its food supply still being dependent on hydrocarbons, and if you’re really thinking about long-term national security, you would be leaving some of this stuff in the ground instead of selling it, just pumping it out and selling it as fast as you can, especially at prices that don’t make money…
And then natural gas and oil are two separate things. So, lastly, even David Einhorn, who as you mentioned, famously bearish on the industry, was actually pretty bullish about natural gas versus oil frackers, because it’s fundamentally different to get — I mean, natural gas is just it’s a gas, right, [laughs] it’s not oil. It’s fundamentally different to get it out of the ground than it is to get oil out of the ground.
And even at really low natural gas prices, that industry is closer to making money. And nobody debates that the U.S. is sitting on top of a huge long-term supply of natural gas.
So, in an ideal world, if you could fix some of the environmental problems with natural gas fracking and turn it into something that is sustainability and a bridge to a cleaner future, I could see paths out of this that aren’t the end of the shale industry…
We’ve seen this last decade of U.S. oil production, we really thought that its best days were behind it. We had this surge up from shale that led the U.S. to be the biggest oil producer in the world for at least the time.
You know, when we look back 50 years from now on this decade, this period in time, how do you think we’re going to remember the shale boom?
McLean: I think we’ll remember it as something of a flash in the pan, one of those things that turned out to be unsustainable.
I hope we don’t look at it with profound regret, both, because we wish we had some of those hydrocarbons, particularly if, for example, agricultural production doesn’t easily transition to a renewable world.
And I hope we don’t look back at it with a huge amount of environmental regret, in terms of safeguards for the environment that we could have taken and didn’t.
So, the most … I think of it as a flash in the pan, something that ultimately made some people a great deal of money, and ultimately proved to be unsustainable. And I hope it’s not darker than that.
I wonder in what ways the local Cannabis permit is reflected in the CEQA Initial Study process (and vice versa, I suppose).
In Lake County, an agricultural operator can get a “ministerial” decision allowing the removal of native vegetation for “development” of a new agricultural area, with ZERO assessment of related environmental impacts — especially impact on available water resources.
However, Lake County does have a Cannabis permit process that is apparently effective and relatively non-controversial. Regular Planning Commission agendas included permits that have been successfully completed through the steps required by the Lake County Community Development Department, and with few exceptions are approved by the Commission as received.
So far, areas that are being converted from “traditional” agriculture to Cannabis have not been targeted by increased violent crime — although we will wait to see how this season unfolds (our permitting process is only a few short years old, and there are a limited number of new permits allowed per year).
I would expect that any project plan — whether traditional or not — to review the drainage impacts of any kind of runoff (soil disruption during construction, post-construction erosion control, stored or applied external products for fertilization or pest control, machinery operation and maintenance sites, etc.) under the State Water Resources Control Board orders to meet the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, which has been in effect in our two counties since the early 2000s.
So the shrieking anxiety of how Cannabis agriculture permits might be allowed to subvert those established environmental prohibitions is a mark of confusion, on the part of those who want to stop any kind of non-traditional agriculture — while the super-polluting traditional agriculture operators get away with virtual murder. Open range grazing and timber harvesting are among the sources of bad land stewardship that the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board has had a beneficial effect over the past two decades (look at Stornetta’s, for example), by protecting streambeds and fragile geological features that contribute to sediment loads in annual rainfall runoff.
My real question is whether the Mendocino County Planning & Building Department uses a CEQA Initial Checklist (and appropriate reference documents — perhaps those ought to be looked at for currency and relevance) to determine the capacity of a particular piece of land (i.e., “parcel”) to sustain any kind of agricultural activity. Allowances for “mitigations” in the highly-favored “Mitigated Negative Declaration” process for land use alternations should also be specified for newly circumscribed practices, whatever they might be.
Always looking for enlightenment from thoughtful and conscientious AVA readers, from this side of the Cow.
“If a local government does not adopt a cannabis ordinance prior to July 1, 2019, and that ordinance does not require discretionary review of projects and therefore an analysis under CEQA, then the local government itself will have to conduct the appropriate EIR for their regulatory ordinance. [Technically, the appropriate CEQA review, which is not necessarily an EIR.] And while some counties have done so over the last two or three years– largely as a result of litigation by environmental groups– such a move will create an additional barrier to local governments expanding licensing and the creation of a viable retail market.”
James Marmon MSW
Cannabis – CEQA
Many of the actions of local agencies in the last five years relating to cannabis were taken in reliance on an exemption from CEQA that Proposition 64 added in Business and Professions Code (“B&P”) §26055(h). The Legislature extended this provision to July 1, 2021. This provision was originally set to expire on July 1, 2019.
The first sentence of B&P §26055(h) states,
“Without limiting any other statutory exemption or categorical exemption, . . . [CEQA] does not apply to the adoption of an ordinance, rule, or regulation by a local jurisdiction that requires discretionary review and approval of permits, licenses, or other authorizations to engage in commercial cannabis activity.”
By its express terms, B&P §26055(h) is limited to local agency actions.
This exemption is likely far narrower than many have supposed as a consequence of its second sentence. The second sentence of B&P §26055(h) states,
“To qualify for this exemption, the discretionary review in any such law, ordinance, rule, or regulation shall include any applicable environmental review pursuant to . . . [CEQA].”