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- Muhasibi Shalom
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COOL TEMPERATURES will continue today along with decreasing showers. Patchy frost is possible tonight across parts of the interior. Warmer and drier conditions will return early next week. Light showers are possible along the Redwood Coast by late in the week. (NWS)

by Maanvi Singh (Oakland) & Nina Lakhani (New York)
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets on a day that saw grief and determination punctuated by moments of levity.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets, in big cities and small towns, from coast to coast, marking one of the the most expansive mobilizations yet in the nationwide protests against police violence and systemic racism sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Demonstrations, now in their second weekend, were largely peaceful – and included moments of levity and jubilance. It was a notable shift from the weekend prior, when police beat back demonstrators with force, using teargas and pepper spray to suppress the unrest.
Mourners paid their respects to Floyd in North Carolina, his birthplace and final resting place. Hundreds filed past his coffin, lining up outside Free Will Baptist church in Raeford in the searing heat to say a last goodbye.
In Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed, marchers asked city officials to defund the police, a rallying cry at protests across America that has begun to gain concrete pledges. The city council voted on Friday to ban officers from using chokeholds and neck restraints, but Mayor Jacob Frey would not commit to defunding the police. “I do not support the full abolition of the police department,” Frey told protesters. They responded by booing him away, chanting “Go home, Jacob, go home” and “shame”.
Meanwhile, thousands gathered in New York’s Central Park and hundreds more gathered in Harlem for prayers and protest.
Demonstrators chanted “get off our necks” and “racism is America’s original sin” as they marched uptown from the National Black Theater in Harlem. Pastors and other faith leaders gave rousing speeches outside the theatre and other celebrated spots, including the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture – an internationally renowned archive for information on people of African descent.
“Harlem is extremely significant when it comes to talking about the disproportionate impact on black and brown communities of so many things – for example, Covid-19 and police surveillance,” said Jacquelyn Martell, 33, one of the protest organizers. “But part of this movement is to bring communities together and ameliorate divisions brought forth by systemic racism and bring some healing as well.”
In the nation’s capital, more than 10,000 people poured into the streets, gathered near Lafayette Square by the White House, marched down U Street’s historic Black Broadway, and coalesced at the feet of Abraham Lincoln at his giant marble memorial.
Although the White House remained fortified behind newly erected metal fencing, there were markedly fewer tanks and heavily armed federal officers around the city – following widespread outcry over the presence of militarized law enforcement over the past week.
The words “Black Lives Matter” had been painted in bright yellow letters along a street near the White House, where just days before protesters were brutally dispersed by police using teargas so Trump could have a photo op in front of a church.
Nearby, demonstrators painted an additional message on the streets: “Defund the police.” Trump, who has threatened to send in the military to quash demonstrations, tweeted on Saturday to praise various branches of law enforcement.
In Philadelphia, which saw one of the largest mobilizations of demonstrators in the city since protests began, activists demanded that the mayor cut at least 10% from the police department budget, which is due to receive more money even as other programs face cuts. The showing came as the top editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer resigned, following an uproar over a headline bemoaning property damage that read: “Buildings Matter, Too.” Local residents had also been shaken by a showing of an armed group of mostly white men in the city’s Fishtown neighborhood on Monday.
Among the Philadelphians who rallied on Saturday were members of the 76ers basketball team and a couple who married amidst the demonstration.
In Louisville, a city mourning the police killing of Breonna Taylor and David McAtee, the civil rights leader Jesse Jackson called on lawmakers to pass an anti-lynching law and eliminate protections for police officers from lawsuits.
In California’s Simi Valley, where four white Los Angeles police officers who brutally beat and killed Rodney King were acquitted in 1992, sparking riots, about 2,000 people marched to the city hall, demanding an end to police violence.
Thousands of demonstrators flooded on to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge with the acquiescence of authorities. Tow trucks held off car traffic in both directions, and police directed vehicles caught in the middle of the bridge to go around protesters.
In Denver, players and coaches from the Broncos football team joined a march from the state capitol to Civic Center Park downtown. “Your voice is heavy, and it matters,” the fifth-year safety Justin Simmons told the crowd. The NFL in 2016 sidelined Colin Kaepernick – the former quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers – for leading protests against police brutality. But as more players spoke out following the killing of Floyd, the NFL commissioner issued an apology.
Protesters in Denver were also joined by a brass band on the first day of protests since a federal judge ordered police to cease the indiscriminate use of chemical weapons and projectiles against peaceful protesters.
Officials have also ordered police to scale back the use of teargas, which public health experts warn could exacerbate the spread of coronavirus, in Portland and Seattle. “Our community has serious concerns about the use of CS gas for crowd management, particularly during a time when we’re battling a pandemic,” the Portland mayor, Ted Wheeler, said in his statement on Saturday. “Gas should not be used unless there is a serious and immediate threat to life safety, and there is no other viable alternative for dispersal.”
Following nearly two weeks of unrest characterized by police violence and misconduct against protesters, several cities have scaled back law enforcement.
Jersey City police did not wear riot gear and a peaceful atmosphere prevailed though the sweltering afternoon. Protesters handed out water and snacks, and nearly the entire crowd wore face masks. Demonstrators chanted the names of people killed by police in recent weeks, including Floyd and Taylor, as well as “no justice, no peace”.
Curfews, which civil rights experts said give officers broad leeway to arbitrarily and unequally violate protestors rights to free speech, were also lifted in most of California, Dallas, San Antonio, and Atlanta. But they remained in place in many US cities, including New York, where two police officers were suspended without pay after being filmed inflicting violence on protesters. One officer was caught pulling down a demonstrator’s mask before dousing him in pepper spray.
Two officers in Buffalo, Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski, were charged with assault on Saturday, prosecutors said, after a video documented them shoving a 75-year-old protester during recent demonstrations causing the man to fall hard onto the cement sidewalk. Police in Buffalo, however, have stood by their colleagues. On Saturday, a crowd of off-duty officers, firefighters and others gathered outside the courthouse in a show of support for the McCabe and Torgalski and cheered as the accused left the courthouse after being charged and released without bail.
Demonstrations have sprouted far beyond the US. Saturday brought the largest protest in London thus far, where thousands braved the rain to meet in Parliament Square. In France, hundreds of Parisians gathered in defiance of a ban on large protests.
The week had seen incremental victories in the Floyd case, with charges announced against three former police officers who were present at his death, while charges against the officer who knelt on his neck were elevated to second-degree murder. In Minneapolis, marchers were joined by the US congresswoman Ilhan Omar. “The Minneapolis police department is rotten to the root,” she told the crowd, “and so when we dismantle it, we get rid of that cancer and we allow for something beautiful to rise.”
MUHASIBI SHALOM was born on May 5, 1942 in Brooklyn, New York and died of kidney disease on May 25, 2020 in Davis, California. She is survived by her husband, Antonio Andrade, daughter, Samara Andrade, son Noah Andrade, daughter-in-law, Courtney Connolly and granddaughter Grace Andrade, brothers Robert Spiegel and Musawwir Spiegel, sister-in-law Yasmin Spiegel, niece Eva Spiegel, great nephew Lars Spiegel, nephew Malik Cogswell and wife Michaela Cogswell. She was preceded in death by her parents Belle and Sidney Spiegel and son-in-law Terry Hundley. Being born during World War II had a profound influence in shaping Muhasibi's views about racism, inequality, and the devastation created by war. At an early age she felt committed to helping create peace in the world and believed that peace started inside oneself. With the achievement of a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, Muhasibi started a private therapy practice in Ukiah. Her practice was dedicated to treating individuals and couples who felt stuck in repeating old survival patterns that limited their deepest potential growth as a human being. Utilizing a variety of approaches, including EMDR for trauma resolution, and group therapy, Muhasibi supported and empowered clients on their courageous path towards growth and authenticity. Her belief that "peace is an inside job," guided her work with clients and was core to supporting the transformation of their internal landscape, creating peace in individuals and families. Muhasibi derived great joy from life, becoming a "Foodie" and enjoyed expressing love by creating delicious food for friends and family. Her artistic inspirations were expressed through studying and creating watercolor paintings. Painting scenes of Nature's beauty, she loved the way watercolors ran together to create mystical hues and tones that enhanced how we see nature, easily pulling one's attention to the Sacredness of Nature's infinite beauty. Her love of artistic community endeavors led her to serve for many years as publicist for the Mendocino County Art Association
Though she endured years of a debilitating case of undiagnosed Lyme disease, followed by several orthopedic surgeries throughout her sixties, Muhasibi continued to contribute much to the Ukiah Valley community. She trained medical staff on the body/mind/emotional aspects of physical illness, started the first breast cancer support group in Ukiah with Dr. Lynne Coen, served on the Mendocino County Mental Health Advisory Board, and at the request of former Mendocino County Library Director, Henry Bates, revived a dormant Ukiah Valley Friends of the Library. Most of Muhasibi's adult life was devoted to spiritual exploration and practice. Her philosophy in life could be expressed best by her cars' license plates, BENOW and BGENRUS.
Due to the devastating outbreak of COVID-19, Muhasibi's last months and days limited her opportunity to personally visit with loved ones and friends dearest to her heart. However, she did receive wonderful letters, cards, deep and meaningful communications that filled her spirit. She also engaged in zoom calls to say goodbye to her dearest friends. Muhasibi decided to do a green burial at Purissima Cemetery in Half Moon Bay. Once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, a Celebration of Life will happen in Ukiah, surely with champagne and dark chocolate as per her request. In lieu of flowers, please donate to Yolo Hospice or the Inland Humane Society of Mendocino County.
To Plant Memorial Trees in memory, please visit our Sympathy Store.
Princess is an exuberant, happy dog. She loves to play with toys and enjoys the company of people. Princess needs a guardian who has time to spend with her—having fun and working on training. Princess is very excited to meet and play with new dogs. She has a very rough and rowdy play style, so a new canine friend with the same energy and play style would be a great match for her. Princess is a year old and weighs in at a svelte 51 pounds.

To see our canine and feline guests, and for information about our services, programs, events, and updates about the county covid-19 closure and the shelter, visit: mendoanimalshelter.com We're on Facebook at: facebook.com/mendoanimalshelter/
For information about adoptions please call 707-467-6453.
CONGRATULATIONS and well wishes are in order. Starting Monday, Community Service Officer Colin McHugh will begin a six month Police Academy at the Santa Rosa Public Safety Center.

While law enforcement has always been a difficult profession, now more than ever it is a challenging time for our Nation and our Peace Officers. We are humbled by Recruit McHugh's willingness to step up and serve his community during difficult times. The community is encouraged to send or drop off cards and letters at the Fort Bragg Police Department in support of Recruit McHugh.
(Fort Bragg Police presser)

COVID -- preparing for lodging reopen
As the state announced on Friday, California will soon allow greater leisure travel. I anticipate a Tuesday announcement of changes to our county order, to be effective on ~Friday. I've asked the lodging industry to assemble and provide the county with a consensus about how they'd like to structure reopening. All at once, against advisement of public health, or incrementally, to ensure we don't go backwards, needs to come from the lodging industry rather than be dictated by government. There are pros and cons to each approach. There are community health and economic risks with either approach.
(FaceBook post from Fog Eater Café)
This Sunday in Downtown Mendocino! Show your solidarity with Black Lives Matter and ending Police Brutality.
Join us in a march through town to Friendship Park. Meet at Gallery Books, tomorrow Sunday June 7th at 3PM
Social distance. Wear Masks. Bring signs

FROM THE INTRODUCTORY NOTES in CEO Angelo’s proposed 2020-2021 budget, for review at Tuesday’s Supes meeting:
“Going forward in FY 2020-21, the Mental Health Treatment Act Citizens Oversight Committee will continue to provide the Board of Supervisors with crucial recommendations regarding options associated with the development of a Crisis Residential Treatment (CRT) Facility and a 24-hour Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) that would provide a safe and therapeutic environment for individuals experiencing a mental health related crisis. Other plans, strategies, and projects may be explored in addition to the aforementioned.”
THE CEO declined to list the “crucial recommendations” that the Committee has already provided.
“As the Board is aware, there are many uncertainties in disaster recovery, especially FEMA disbursement of funds. Disaster Recovery is requesting a $2.5 million allocation for fiscal year 2020-2021 to cover for the County’s 25% non-federal match requirement for FEMA eligible activities and costs for ineligible, yet important activities.”
THE CEO declined to say what those “ineligible yet important activities” are.
YOU’D THINK that if they’re so “crucial” and “important” that the CEO would at least say what they are and take some credit for them.
(Mark Scaramella)
CATCH OF THE DAY, June 6, 2020

OSCAR BERNAL, Ukiah. Stolen property, paraphernalia, smuggling controlled substance or liquor into jail, probation revocation.
JERMIE BURGER, Kelseyville/Calpella. Controlled substance.
KEVIN GALLAGHER, Point Arena. DUI, unlawful display of registration.
TRAVIS HUMPHREY, Redwood Valley. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)

JONNA MABERY, Fort Bragg. Domestic abuse.
STEVE MAROS, Santa Rosa/Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.
ZACKARY MEADOWS, Hopland. DUI-alcohol&drugs, controlled substance, addicted driving a vehicle.

JAVIER MENDEZ, Mendocino. Domestic abuse, protective order violation, probation revocation.
CEBRAM ROSTON SR., Nice/Redwood Valley. DUI-alcohol&drugs.
SETH SMART, Willits. Stolen property, controlled substance, petty theft with priors, conspiracy.

OSCAR SOTO-BARRON, Ukiah. DUI, child neglect/abandonment.
STEPHEN SUTAK, Ukiah. Vandalism, throwing substances at vehicles, under influence, controlled substance.
JAMIE TURNER, Fort Bragg. Domestic battery, probation revocation.

I am of an age where I have witnessed too many wars and had my fill of pandemics and losses from fires, but never have I been so affected as I am now witnessing so many of our youth turned into rampaging mobs spewing hatred toward law enforcement and our country.
We have been headed toward this for too many years, pandering to our children and allowing others to instill their values on impressionable minds. No wonder many of them equate sex with love, shun religion, seek fulfillment in mob rule and show a lack of common decency.
The death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer was horrendous, but the officer’s superiors are intent on making him pay for it. It, however, doesn’t mean that cities and citizens need to have their stores trashed, looted or burned and streets turned into sewers.
The mob seems to be well equipped with smartphones and loves shoving vulgar signs and gestures at the media, which spend inordinate time on their antics.
The young are supposed to represent our future. I cannot help but shudder.
Barbara Cuneo

WITH SO MANY clear-headed people in the streets, how about staying out in the streets until Biden agrees to a reform platform consisting of UBI, Medicare for All, a federal jobs program, subsidized housing, free college for anybody who wants to attend. Go for it, America, or the lives of us all will continue not to matter. You can't eat righteousness.
SHERRI HANSEN WRITES: The committee of folks working on the All Year Reunion [Anderson Valley High School] exchanged thoughts and have decided to cancel the event for this year. Details will come later this year regards a Better-than-Ever reunion next year. See you all in 2021!"
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL is a reliable guide to Big Money's thinking. The mass protests have them nervous, so nervous that on Saturday the venerable paper published the craziest article this casual reader has seen there, and I would have missed it if a reader hadn't sent it to me.
CALLED "Violent Protest and the Intelligentsia" one of the paper's editors interviews "scholar Gary Saul Morson" who "sees disturbing parallels between Russia before the Revolution and contemporary America." The scholar's scholarship seems pretty far off, but his specialty is Russian literature, not Russian history, but all this demonstrating he sees on tv has rattled his teacup. The prof's analogy is off, I'd say, way off. The only resemblance between the demos underway in the tottering USA and the uprising that brought down the Russian czar is their popularity. Lenin, genius that he was, seized the Russian day in 1917, although as it turned out the Bolsheviks, post-Lenin, would become more efficiently murderous than the Czar's apparatus had ever been. And if the Czar hadn't hanged Lenin's brother, and if Trotsky had succeeded Lenin as Lenin wished rather than Stalin… Russia might not have evolved into Putin.
THE WSJ and the prof veer off into total unreality: "Perhaps the most striking difference is the rationalization, and sometimes full-throated defense, of violence from left-wing elites: the glorification of havoc, the vilification of cops and their middle-class admirers, highfalutin defenses of vandalism. The sense of revolution and class warfare was everywhere this week: the cognoscenti and underclass arrayed against the petty bourgeois shop owners; the elite and those they claim to represent against everybody else."
LEFT WING ELITES? Who's that? And where are they to be found? CounterPunch, I guess, and a few other places un-read by 99 percent of Americans, and all the left analyses I've seen simply explain this mildest of historical uprisings, so mild that so far there isn't even a program, a list of demands of the Or Else type have stated the obvious — American society is economically unfair. And there are sure as hell no Lenins out there. As our oligarchy has looted US for years, waging economic war on the large majority of us, and never so relentlessly as the last decade, the faintest whisper that it isn't fair, the obscenely rich and their media start screaming "class warfare."
PROFESSOR Gary Saul Morson says "he has no special insight regarding police actions and the death of George Floyd. But he does have a provocative thesis about America’s current political moment: “To me it’s astonishingly like late 19th-, early 20th-century Russia, when basically the entire educated class felt you simply had to be against the regime or some sort of revolutionary."
IF THERE'S one word that characterizes the present demonstrations it would have to be “kumbaya,” not “kill the bastards and burn their mansions down." There is little to no similarity between the Russian educated classes of 1917 and our educated classes; it is another characterization that doesn't work because the two societies are unlike to the max. It's probably true that most literate Americans would agree that black people have a legit beef, and that some serious re-tooling of our society is long overdue. But the only way our "intelligentsia" would become revolutionary is if college tenure were eliminated. The barricades would go up the next day. As it is, American left-intellectuals of the revolutionary type are so zealously kept off stage by the oligarch-owned media that even if they were pumping for revolution they'd only be talking to each other.
THE ONLY TRUE paragraph in the WSJ fantasy was this brief one: "Of course we have freedom of speech. We just don't allow people to lie."
THERE IT IS, the professor's little joke about the left-libs but, and right now I'm circling back to NorCal where the joke is reality at almost any venue controlled by the lib-left.
BY THE WAY, and speaking of Lenin and Marxism, which Lenin modified to deploy as, basically, the idea that a "vanguard" of Marxist revolutionaries like himself would run the society in the best interests of everyone else because everyone else was too stupid, too irresponsible to be entrusted with the controls, is hardly even a remote possibility in this country. The criminal class — the people who show up to loot and burn after the Nice People have called it a night — are what Lenin called the "lumpen-proletariat." They are not typical of the demonstrations underway. The lumps are either shot outright or locked permanently away in the communist society as organized along Leninist lines. When the communists took over Shanghai in '49, then considered among the most corrupt and criminal city in the world, the communists gave the criminals one warning to stop being criminals. The warning was largely ignored and many thousands of criminals were simply executed. Even today, persons found guilty of major crimes in China are jogged out back and shot, their organs harvested for sale abroad, which is a recurring allegation but, I believe, unsubstantiated.

Ok Fort Bragg friends and Family: totally crazy thing happened today as I was scrolling through Facebook. I found someone here were I live now (Southern California) that has posted many items for sale (that he found in an old estate) that are from a Charles Lincoln Boyce from Fort Bragg. It even includes his FBHS diploma from 1941.

There also appears to be mention of family members with the last name of Graves. Anyone by any chance know of a family connection? Just think this would be a wonderful set of things to get back to the family. Help me find them!
Danielle Jones
(via MSP, to reply go to MendocinoSportsPlus/facebook)

by Bruce Anderson
A stern visage, the picture of 19th century rectitude, looks down on passersby from a banner at the corner of McAllister and Larkin, fin de siècle San Francisco. The banner celebrates the adjacent law school, which is named after Serranus Clinton Hastings, born in New York, law degree in Indiana, on west to Iowa where he was Iowa's first congressman and first chief justice, then out to California during the Gold Rush where he became Chief Justice of the California State Supreme Court.

Hastings, through his term as a congressman and founding legal father of the state of Iowa, was already a nationally-connected Democrat when he arrived in California in 1849, looking to add to the small fortune he'd made in Iowa real estate. He knew the Gold Rush also meant a land rush as thousands of Americans made their way into the under-populated state to make their fortunes. But Hastings preferred to look around for likely real estate and legal sinecures rather than pan for gold; and as he prospected for free land he also got himself a seat on California's early supreme court as its chief justice.
The Mendocino Indians soon had the judge sitting on them in Eden Valley, near Covelo, which the judge had appropriated for himself as a horse and cattle ranch, remarking that he'd found the place “uninhabited except for some Uka Indians.”
The foreman of Judge Hastings' Eden Valley ranch was a giant Texan named Hall, “Texas Boy Hall” as he was known, and a giant at 6'9” and 280 pounds, a doubly intimidating presence to the Indians who were still trying to adjust to the lethal unpredictability of ordinary-size white men when they first encountered Texas Boy, a recreational Indian killer who showed up with the first wave of white settlers in the Round Valley area in the middle 1850s, and may have killed more Indians than any other single American, including Kit Carson, the generally recognized champ.
While Hall ran Judge Hastings' ranch in Eden Valley, Hastings built himself a big house in Solano County, a remove which would later lend the judge what he seemed to think was plausible deniability when his foreman became a little too notorious for his freelance retaliatory rampages against the Indians on the judge's behalf, and the judge reluctantly let him go; a psychotic baby killer, after all, was an unseemly sort of employee for a state supreme court judge. Texas Boy, though, soon got a paid job killing Indians with Jarboe's Eel River Rangers.
The Indians had been casually murdered in every part of Mendocino County since the Gold Rush. And every year saw new and larger expeditions of both settlers and Army units sent out to kill them. But Judge Hastings, Texas Boy Hall and Walter Jarboe, in California's first public-private partnership, managed to convert dead Indians to cold cash in expeditions against the Indians of the Eel River drainage, from Covelo to Hayfork, public funding arranged by Judge Hastings.
“A little more than a year ago, Hall of Eden Valley employed 13 Indians in place of pack mules to go and pack loads from Ukiah City to Eden Valley, and promised to give each one a shirt in payment; the distance, I think, is about 40 miles. The Indians commenced complaining at not receiving the shirts, and he, Hall, whipped two of them, to keep them quiet; he said he never gave them the shirts after he whipped them.” (Indians War Files)
In retaliation for not getting their shirts from the judge and Texas Boy, the Indians, knowing exactly on whose behalf Texas Boy was acting, killed Judge Hasting's $2,000 stallion.
At the time, no one in Mendocino County was in danger of drowning in the milk of human kindness, but Judge Hastings and Texas Boy Hall were extreme even by the frontier standards of 1856.
In retaliation for the death of Judge Hasting's stallion, neighboring rancher William T. Scott would testify, Texas Boy got up a gang of his friends and “commenced killing all the Indians they could find in the mountains; when Hall met Indians he would kill them. He did not want any man to go with him to hunt Indians who would not kill all he could find, because a knit (sic) would make a louse. Mr. Hall said he had run Indians out of their rancherias and put strychnine in their baskets of soup, or what they had to eat.”
Scott related another incident when Hall, having killed all the adult males among a group of Yuki Indians he'd encountered near Covelo, took some women and children into his custody with the apparent aim of taking them in to the reservation at Covelo. “I think all the squaws were killed because they refused to go further. We took one boy into the valley, and the infants were put out of their misery, and a girl ten years of age was killed for stubbornness.”
But Judge Hastings was still unhappy about the Indians killing his stallion, and he seemed to consider Texas Boy's random revenges inadequate pay back for the loss of the horse. The judge wanted all the Indians of inland Mendocino, Humboldt and Trinity counties permanently gone. On July 11, 1859, the judge called 16 Covelo-area settlers together who all signed a declaration selecting “Walter S. Jarboe as Captain of our Company of Volunteers against the Euka Indians.”
Of course Texas Boy Hall was first among Jarboe's Rangers. Texas Boy would be paid to kill Indians, for him the best of all possible worlds, and Hastings, the state's number one judge, had no trouble persuading the state legislature to pay Jarboe and his Rangers to empty inland Mendocino County of all the Indians Jarboe's Eel River Rangers could find to kill.
The Indians didn't have horses and they didn't have guns. Jarboe and Hall and their Rangers would typically ride down on Indian rancherias at dawn, slaughtering men, women and children right down to infants. The only casualties the white warriors suffered was an occasional non-combat injury unrelated to their one-way war. Bows and arrows were no match for dragoons, and certainly no match for the Chief Justice of the California State Supreme Court.
The newspapers of Northern California regularly urged extermination of the Indians, so when news of large scale murder drifted out of the seemingly infinite recesses of an area larger than some states, an area which is today bordered by I-5 to the east and 101 on the west, Clearlake to the south, and the Trinity mountains to the north, they were blithely reported like this:
“Massacre of Indians in Mendocino — Captain Jarboe's Rangers attacked an Indian ranch eight miles from Indian Valley, Mendocino County, lately, killing quite a number. Hall, the 'Texan Boy,' 6 feet 9 inches high, and weighing 278 pounds, who is the dread of all red skins, a week or two ago killed two Indians in a fair fight…” (The Napa Reporter, August 22, 1859)
By the end of the Civil War, and certainly by 1870, the Indians were finished. They'd fought back as best they could without the horses and guns their enemies possessed, but they'd been hit so hard and so fast all they could do was fight on the run, retreating right on into extinction.
Judge Hastings, attorney, jurist, rancher, real estate developer, and mass murderer is memorialized as the Hastings School of Law, San Francisco. Pioneer Ukiah made Walter Jarboe the town's first law enforcement officer. A man named James Jarboe is contemporary America's domestic terrorism section chief for the FBI, which may or may not be of histor-genetic significance, as may or may not be a very large Covelo horseman named Hall, as in Texas Boy Hall, who is presently confined to the state hospital at Napa. A New Age impresario calling himself TimoThy is trying to buy Eden Valley to convert it to an “Earth Village sustainable community” featuring “a straw bale roundhouse” and cabins for TimoThy's followers that would be called “earth arks.” For $33,000 you can buy in.
Funny thing is, Eden Valley fully sustained people for 12,000 years before Judge Hastings and Texas Boy moved their horses and cows in on them and started killing them. Eden Valley was already an earth ark.

by Alexander Cockburn (August, 2009)
Time bombs tossed seemingly casually in the past month by his vice president and his secretary of state disclose President Obama, in the dawn of his first term, already the target of carefully meditated onslaughts by senior members of his own cabinet.
At the superficial level Obama is presiding over an undisciplined administration; on a more realistic and sinister construction, he is facing mutiny, publicly conducted by two people who only a year ago were claiming that their qualifications to be in the Oval Office were far superior to those of the junior senator from Illinois.
The great danger to Obama posed by Biden's and Clinton's “time bombs” (a precisely correct description if we call them political, not diplomatic time bombs) is not international confusion and ridicule over what precisely are the US government’s policies, but a direct onslaught on his presidency by a domestic Israeli lobby that is so out of control that it renders ridiculous Obama’s puny attempt to stop settlements — or to curb Israeli aggression in any other way.
Take Joe Biden. Three weeks ago he gave Israel the green light to bomb Iran, only to be swiftly corrected by his boss. At the time it seemed yet another, somewhat comical mile marker in a lifetime of gaffes, perpetrated in the cause of self-promotion and personal political advantage.
But Biden’s subsequent activities invite a darker construction. In the immediate aftermath of Obama’s Moscow visit, the air still soft with honeyed words about a new era of trust and cooperation, Biden headed for Ukraine and Georgia, harshly ridiculing Russia as an economic basket case with no future. In Tbilisi he told the Georgian parliament that the US would continue helping Georgia “to modernize” its military and that Washington “fully supports” Georgia’s aspiration to join NATO and would help Tbilisi meet the alliance’s standards. This elicited a furious reaction from Moscow, pledging sanctions against any power re-arming Georgia.
Georgia could play a vital, enabling role, in the event that Israel decides to attack Iran’s nuclear complex. The flight path from Israel to Iran is diplomatically and geographically challenging.
On the other hand, Georgia is perfectly situated as the take-off point for any such raid. Israel has been heavily involved in supplying and training Georgia’s armed forces. President Salakashvili has boasted that his Defense Minister, Davit Kezerashvili and also Temur Yakobashvili, the minister responsible for negotiations over South Ossetia, lived in Israel before moving to Georgia, adding, “Both war and peace are in the hands of Israeli Jews.”
On the heels of Biden’s shameless pandering in Tbilisi, Secretary of State Clinton took herself off to Thailand for an international confab with Asian leaders and let drop to a tv chat show that “a nuclear Iran could be contained by a US ‘defense umbrella’,” actually a nuclear defense umbrella for Israel and for Egypt and Saudi Arabia too.
The Israel lobby has been promoting the idea of a US “nuclear umbrella” for some years, with one of its leading exponents being Dennis Ross, now in charge of Middle Eastern policy at Obama’s National Security Council. In her campaign last year Clinton flourished the notion as an example of the sort of policy initiative that set her apart from that novice in foreign affairs, Barack Obama.
From any rational point of view the “nuclear umbrella” is an awful idea, redolent with all the gimcrack theology of the high cold war era, about “first strike,” “second strike,” “stable deterrence,” “controlled escalation” and “mutual assured destruction,” that has been used to sell US escalations in nuclear arms production from Kennedy and the late Robert McNamara (“the Missile Gap”) to Reagan (“Star Wars”).
Indeed, as one Pentagon veteran remarked to me earlier this week, “the Administration's whole nuclear stance is turning into a cheesy rerun of the Cold War and Mutually Assured Destruction, all based on a horrible exaggeration of one or two Iranian nuclear bombs that the Persians may be too incompetent to build and most certainly are too incompetent to deliver.”
The Biden and Clinton “foreign” policy is: 1) to recreate the same old Cold War (with a new appendage, the US versus Iran nuclear confrontation) for the same old reasons: to pump up domestic defense spending; and 2) to continue 60 years of supporting Israeli imperialism for the same reasons that every president from Harry to Dubya (perhaps barring Ike) did so: to corner Israel lobby money and votes. Regarding the latter, Obama did the same by grabbing the Chicago-based Crown and Pritzker family money very early in his campaign and by making Rahm Emanuel his very first appointment (the two are hardly unrelated).
So right from the start Obama was already an Israel lobby fellow traveler. The (Senator George) Mitchell appointment and the toothless blather about settlements were simply cosmetic, bones tossed to the increasing proportion of the American electorate that's grossed out by the ethnic cleansing of the Arabs from the Holy Land. Obama does have a coherent strategy: keep the defense money flowing and increasing, but without making so much noise as the older generation did about ancient Cold War enemies (e.g. Russia and Cuba).
The F-22 — to date, the one and only presidential issue on which he's shown any toughness at all — is in no sense a departure from keeping the money flowing, since he is indeed increasing the defense budget, in part by using the F-22 cancellation to push spending on the even worse F-35 and to hide his acquiescence to all the other pork in the Congressional defense budget.
The window for any new president to impose a decisive change in foreign policy comes in the first three months, before opposition has time to solidify. Obama squandered that opportunity, stocking his foreign policy team with tarnished players such as Ross. As the calculated indiscretions of Biden and Clinton suggest, not to mention the arrogance of Netanyahu and his political associates, the window of opportunity has closed.
Would it have been that hard to signal a change in course? Not really. Obama could have excited the world by renouncing the Bush administration’s assertion, in the “National Defense Strategy of the United States” in 2005, of the right and intention of the United States to preëmptively attack any country “at the time, place, and in the manner of our choosing.” As William Polk, the State Department’s middle east advisor in the Kennedy era, wrote last year: “As long as this remains a valid statement of American policy, the Iranian government would be foolish not to seek a nuclear weapon.”
But Obama, surrounded with Clinton-era veterans of NATO expansionism and, as his Accra speech indicated, hobbled with an impeccably conventional view of how the world works, is rapidly being overwhelmed by the press of events. He’s bailed out the banks. He’s transferred war from Iraq to Afghanistan. The big lobbies know they have him on the run.
Hence, Biden and Clinton's mutinies, conducted on behalf of the Israel lobby and designed to seize administration policy as Obama's popularity weakens. When the results of the latest Rasmussen presidential poll were published, showing Obama's declining numbers, there were news reports of cheering in Tel Aviv. And remember two useful guiding principles: first, it is impossible to underestimate the vanity of politicians, particularly of Joe Biden. Maybe he secretly entertains some mad notion of challenging Obama in 2012, propelled by Israel Lobby money withheld from Obama. Maybe Bill is reminding HRC that he reached the White House in 1992 partly because the Israel lobby turned against George Bush Sr.
Second principle: there is no such thing as foreign policy, neither in democratic governments nor in dictatorships. As Thalheimer’s Law decrees. All policy is domestic.
(I was introduced to Thalheimer’s Law by his nephew, Pierre Sprey, himself a valued friend and advisor to our website CounterPunch.org on matters ranging from statistics to weaponry (he was one of the designers of the A-10 and F-16 before the aerospace profiteers got their mitts on them) to high-end sound. Go to his website, www.mapleshaderecords.com/.)
Pierre writes, “Dr. Siegfried Thalheimer was a brilliant political historian (and art historian), much published in Germany and France. Among many extraordinarily interesting books, he wrote the finest history of the Dreyfus Affair in print — one of the very few that makes clear that anti-Semitism had nothing to do with the heart of the affair, showing instead that it was, in fact, one of the earliest military-industrial-political conspiracies of the modern era.”

Last Day To Pick Up Sudden Oak Death Sample Envelopes
Saturday, June 6th and Sunday June 7th are the last days for homeowners, citizen scientists, and the general public to pick up their SOD (Sudden Oak Death) sample envelopes for mailing samples gathered here along the North Coast to the UC Berkeley pathology Lab for testing. The pick-up station is located at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens parking lot between 10-11 AM.
This annual UC Berkeley Sod Blitz Project lab testing of Bay Laurel and Tan Oak leaves is free collected to determine the Statewide spread of this pathogen.
For more details go to: www.suddenoakdeath.org and www.sodblitz.org.
Contact DKY Education Chairman Mario Abreu abreu@mcn.org for questions regarding the envelope pick up or the program.

Martial law is the only way to get this country back to normal the righteous way. I knew right away when Mark Esper was nominated as Secretary of Defense that he was a cull. He would turn on the United States in a heartbeat. I don't know how President Trump hired him, no idea. I bet he regrets it.
You will never get rid of the mob looting until you get rid of guys like George Soros, Midget Mike Bloomberg and Bill Gates and others, so rich they can't count their money. They are putting on classes to rip America off, funding antifa, putting the country in turmoil to get Trump out of office, that's their only goal. They only care about power, not people. Socialism. Now they don't want policemen, no cops. The military can't intervene when the mobs attacked the White House.
Martial law is the only solution. Send the military to every state and remove every blue state governor and mayor out of office and put this country back the right way. Respect the flag, the Constitution, other people's rights, law enforcement, the military, the Bill of Rights and everything else we got from our forefathers which we need back or this country is in trouble.
God bless Donald Trump.
Jerry Philbrick
PS. Martial law and the military should go into every college and rip them apart and get rid of the liberals who take money from the government to go to college and then turn back on it with knives and billy clubs and smash apartments and tourist stores and everything they can during the riots. Millions of dollars in trouble for poor people who are trying to stay in business. Get rid of all the liberals and kick them out on their asses or send them to a different country. You can bet your monkey ass that large corporations are laughing with glee.
“CAN I BORROW 50¢ PLEASE?” There’s one bum who’s asked me that so many times, and I’ve said yeah a few times too, that when I see him standing at the corner I know his line by heart.
“Can I borrow 50¢ please?” always with the emphasis on “borrow,” as if anyone believes it’s a loan, and always with the please on the end.
Don’t know why I’ve ever given him anything. Usually I’m dang stingy, but he’s got a little smile and a hopeful look in his eye that sometimes cracks my uncaring urban armor.
And there he was again, standing at the corner on my way to Walgreen’s. Across the parking lot, I could hear him saying his familiar line, “Can I borrow 50¢ please?” to an old couple, who walked right by and into the store without answering.
As I came closer, I steeled my will.
He wasn’t getting a dime from me today; I had only four bucks on me, barely enough for the groceries I needed. I am poor, god damn it. When I got to the door, he held out his hand expectantly, and I waited for the words.
“This is for you,” he said, when I noticed there were two dollars in his hand.
“For me?” I asked, trying to figure what scam he was pulling.
“Yeah,” he answered, “for helping me out when I needed it, man. Four times you’ve given me 50¢.”
Speechless, it took a long moment to comprehend he was actually repaying a debt, and it took a little longer for me to realize I probably needed the two bucks as much as he did.
I smiled, took the cash, stuffed it in my pocket, and said, “Thanks.”
“Don’t be thanking me,” he said good-naturedly. “I be thanking you, for helping out when I was broke.”
I nodded, smiled again, and went into the store. With the two extra bucks, I treated myself to a can of Nine Lives and a small jar of mayonnaise.
I slipped the borrowing beggar two quarters on my way out. Call it a karma investment. Smiled at the guy, and it felt like a genuine smile.
There’s something I haven’t done much lately…
— Doug Holland, in San Francisco, 1998

"There's a reason you separate the military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people." — Admiral Adama
The recording of last night's (2020-06-05) Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show on KNYO-LP Fort Bragg and KMEC-LP Ukiah is right here: https://tinyurl.com/KNYO-MOTA-0387
Furthermore, at https://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find a fresh batch of dozens of links to not necessarily radio-useful but nonetheless worthwhile educational items I set aside for you while gathering the show together. Such as: This is like something Simone Giertz would make. The video only shows one cycle, but it's made to go and go. (Though if Simone Giertz had made this it would spin as fast as an electric fan and the flame would strobe on and off like an old movie projector.) (And if Survival Research Labs made one it would be thirty feet tall, weigh seven tons, go around thirteen times, unscrew itself, and fall apart, the massive parts crashing down to stop just inches before the feet of the audience.) (I think everyone in Survival Research Labs' crew has had some kind of traumatic injury-- deafened or lost a hand or an eye or has a plate in his head or something.) https://laughingsquid.com/the-conflicted-candle/
Trigger warning: blood spills out of the tall, gentle old man's ear after a policeman shoves him down so he hits his head on the pavement. Another officer seems for a moment to want to help him, but he's pulled away to continue to march to menace some people to camera-left. Later, when called on all this, the police claimed the man tripped. You know, he just tripped over his own big stupid feet. Why didn't you help him, then, you know? Protect and serve? Here: "...During that skirmish involving protestors, one person was injured when he tripped and fell." (After internet outrage, two officers were temporarily suspended from duty, with pay, over this. Such shabby disrespect of their brothers in blue incensed the other 57 officers in the squad, and caused them to resign from police-riot duty in a huff. Because every day is upside-down day now.) (Click the sound on.)
Ad for Old Spice after-shave liquid. (Well, let’s see what it's made of… It turns out to be mostly two kinds of alcohol that you can’t drink because they’re poison, a little propylene glycol, some tap water, a few molecules of color, and then, according to the company's website, "It opens with spicy, citrusy top notes: nutmeg, lemon, orange, star anise & aldehydes. Then the floral heart becomes apparent with carnation, jasmine, geranium, cinnamon, heliotrope, & pimento. All this is laid on a base of ambergris, benzoin, cedar, vanilla, tonka bean, and musk."
And I suddenly remember: in an office where I used to work, the young woman at the front desk, a single parent of a small boy, told me, for some reason, that she was always really attracted to men who smell like after-shave. I said, "Did your father smell like that?" She looked surprised, narrowed her eyes and said, "Yeah." I said, "Do you think that might be why?" She said, "Why what?" https://misscellania.blogspot.com/2020/06/hungry-like-wolf.html
And I don’t usually repost a link to a reddit thread, but you might get a kick out of browsing through this. For instance, in the bible-contact-juggling photo op, three items down, you’ll notice the top of Trump’s hair has become a golden ferret curled into a tam o’shanter hat, a lenticular foam frisbee, a cough drop, or a button that if pressed down on by a big finger would make an airy squeak and you'd look up to the sky and say, "Press it again. Harder." https://tinyurl.com/LafayetteSquareLesson
Marco McClean, memo@mcn.org,https://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com

I AM ONE who doesn’t believe in deluding myself. I’m not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner. Sitting at the table doesn’t make you a diner — you must be EATING from that table. You’re not a diner unless you eat some of what’s on that plate. Being in America doesn’t make you an American. Being born in America doesn’t make you an American. Why, if birth made you American, you wouldn’t need any legislation, you wouldn’t need any amendments to the Constitution, you wouldn’t be faced with civil rights filibustering in Washington DC right now. They don’t have to pass civil rights legislation to make a Polack an American.
— Malcolm X

Following a day of watching the mind screech and holler about everything that is worse than evil in postmodern society, and we had a second successful day of Black Lives Matter protest marching, this time from Ala Moana Park to the Federal Bldg. in Honolulu, and then later I rode around for awhile on the air conditioned buses continuing to watch the mind rage on about nearly everything that is insanely fucked in the current global situation, it was with great relief that we had the Plumeria Hostel Alternative Saturday Night BBQ.
As we ate and ate and enjoyed cold beverages and a table full of desserts, I did manage to share that on Wednesday night (with the help of a six pack of Batsquatch IPA), wrote what really needed to be written, entitled “The Total Crazy Fuck Stupidity of the Commodity Spectacle”. This was my full spectrum critique of a civilization that is falling apart, precisely because it is based on a materialistic foundation, without a spiritual identity, and its implosion is going on right now. If you are attached to that, you are f_u_c_k_e_d! Period. On the other hand, if you are watching the mind, and identify with the Spiritual Absolute which we all really are, then you are safe.
I am available to leave Hawaii and go forth and join with others for spiritually based direct action. I would need to get from here to there, and require a stable base (i.e. housing, preferably of the indoor variety, but could with sufficient support work out an alternative situation). I do not want to forever only practice mindfulness and allow the Spiritual Absolute, or the Dao, to work without interference through this body mind complex in Honolulu. I mean, it’s been good here, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. But you know what? We still need to bring in the spiritual mojo. There is a big problem in the United States of America, which is a microcosm of the whole world. This needs a big response, and that is for we spiritual warriors to work our special magic, do our dance, and replace a civilization that is rotten to the core with a brand new civilization based on spiritual reality. That, as I see it, is the larger picture. ?
Craig Louis Stehr
Email: craiglouisstehr@gmail.com
Blog: http://craiglstehr.blogspot.com
Snail Mail: P.O. Box 235670, Honolulu, HI 96823
No Phone
“it was with great relief that we had the Plumeria Hostel Alternative Saturday Night BBQ. As we ate and ate and enjoyed cold beverages and a table full of desserts, I did manage to share that on Wednesday night (with the help of a six pack of Batsquatch IPA),”
Too bad the hard choices in your life are which dessert to consume and whether or not the bus air conditioning is sufficiently cool.
I spent all day watching the mind. “God is the Eternal Witness.” ~Sri Swami Satchidanandaji Maharaj (The Guru who opened the Woodstock Music Festival, August 15, 1969). ;-)
2015 Study Shows Riots Make America Conservative
“Wasow finds that nonviolent civil-rights protests did not trigger a national backlash, but that violent protests and looting did. The physical damage inflicted upon poor urban neighborhoods by rioting does not have the compensating virtue of easing the way for more progressive policies; instead, it compounds the damage by promoting a regressive backlash.”
James Marmon
LOL. What a propagandist you are. This country was fascist and racist from the beginning. What the Skinner box boys and girls peddle is always BS. Their religion is standardized tests.
The night they drove old Dixie down
And the bells were ringing
The night they drove old Dixie down
And the people were singing…(Robbie Robertson, “The Band” 1969)
Be Safe,
“If it feels good do it, who cares if it hurts our own cause.”
Rational Person
If there is a curfew in effect, do I go home or ignore it ?
If a rapid response team is deployed to enforce the curfew do I turn around and obey the legal commands and go home or should I advance towards the team? I’m almost as old as wrong way Charlie, but I’m not sure at what age I can make up my own laws, apparently it’s older than 75.
Haiku (of sorts) for James
Sun wind bugs
Harley singing pop-pop-pop
James in heaven
Good luck with finding law enforcement recruits if ‘qualified immunity’ is taken away from police officers. The job would be too risky. Even CPS workers have qualified immunity, although they fought to maintain what they thought was ‘absolute’. My friend Robert Powell successfully argued before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on several occasions, and it was his case, Beltran v. County of Santa Clara, that made it clear social workers were not entitled to “absolute immunity”, the same as cops.
New House Bill Would Revoke ‘Qualified Immunity’ for Police
A bill that would make it easier to sue police officers and other government officials for violating people’s civil rights was introduced in the U.S. House by two lawmakers Thursday.
“The bill would eliminate qualified immunity, the ability of police officers to argue they acted in good faith when they violated someone’s constitutional rights. It also allows police to be sued for enforcing a law if the law is subsequently changed. The doctrine has come under attack recently by both liberal and conservative scholars.”
James Marmon MSW
P.S. If you call someone’s response to a question or situation a knee-jerk reaction, you mean that they react in a very predictable way, without thinking.
Ever consider placing J. Philbrick comments as a “Found Object”?
Regarding the Boyce/Graves archive. I recently ran into something similar, but for an old-line Anderson Valley family. How nearly 100 years of family photos and other ephemera ended up for sale on-line from a dealer in Humboldt County is a sad mystery.
An undertaker I once knew told me, “Your most treasured positions, in less than a generation, will be somebody else’s yard sale”.
Be well,
The way of the world, made me laugh at the sheer truth of it. Thanks Laz.
“In California’s Simi Valley, where four white Los Angeles police officers who brutally beat and killed Rodney King were acquitted in 1992, sparking riots, about 2,000 people marched to the city hall, demanding an end to police violence.”
Just to set the record straight. I know the mistake is not the fault of the esteemed AVA‘s editorial staff, as it is an article from some other source, but Rodney King was not killed by LA police in 1992. He died 20 years later of accidental drowning enhanced with a plethora of illegal drugs at home in his pool. The LA psychopaths beat the shit out of him in 1992 but stopped a wee bit short of murder.
“WITH SO MANY clear-headed people in the streets, how about staying out in the streets until Biden agrees to a reform platform consisting of UBI, Medicare for All, a federal jobs program, subsidized housing, free college for anybody who wants to attend. Go for it, America, or the lives of us all will continue not to matter. You can’t eat righteousness.”
Hey mr Ed notes aka all lives matter. Looks like you want a lotta things free. They’re just asking the cracker cops to cool
It. ?♂️