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A FRONT WILL MOVE EAST across the region this evening resulting in a period of gusty south winds and moderate rainfall. Drier weather will develop behind the front during Saturday afternoon, followed by another chance of rain during Sunday morning. (NWS)
Just in: re Attack that Killed Iranian Bigwig Military Leaders

Baghdad — Gen. Qassim Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, was killed in an airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport Friday, Iraqi television and three Iraqi officials said.
The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, or PMF, the officials said.
Their deaths are a potential turning point in the Middle East and are expected to draw severe retaliation from Iran and the forces it backs in the Middle East against Israel and American interests.
The PMF blamed the United States for an attack at Baghdad International Airport Friday.
A senior Iraqi politician and a high-level security official confirmed to the Associated Press that Soleimani and al-Muhandis were among those killed in the attack. Two militia leaders loyal to Iran also confirmed the deaths, including an official with the Kataeb Hezbollah, which was involved in the attack on the U.S. Embassy this week.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said al-Muhandis had arrived to the airport in a convoy to receive Soleimani whose plane had arrived from either Lebanon or Syria. The airstrike occurred as soon as he descended from the plane to be greeted by al-Muhandis and his companions, killing them all.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject and because they were not authorized to give official statements.
The senior politician said Soleimani’s body was identified by the ring he wore.

Soleimani had been rumored dead several times, including in a 2006 airplane crash that killed other military officials in northwestern Iran and following a 2012 bombing in Damascus that killed top aides of embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad. More recently, rumors circulated in November 2015 that Soleimani was killed or seriously wounded leading forces loyal to Assad as they fought around Syria’s Aleppo.
Earlier Friday, an official with an Iran-backed paramilitary force said that seven people were killed by a missile fired at Baghdad International Airport, blaming the United States.
The official with the group known as the Popular Mobilization Forces said the dead included its airport protocol officer, identifying him as Mohammed Reda.
A security official confirmed that seven people were killed in the attack on the airport, describing it as an airstrike. Earlier, Iraq’s Security Media Cell, which releases information regarding Iraqi security, said Katyusha rockets landed near the airport’s cargo hall, killing several people and setting two cars on fire.
It was not immediately clear who fired the missile or rockets or who was targeted. There was no immediate comment from the U.S.
The attack came amid tensions with the United States after a New Year’s Eve attack by Iran-backed militias on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. The two-day embassy attack which ended Wednesday prompted President Donald Trump to order about 750 U.S. soldiers deployed to the Middle East.
The breach at the embassy followed U.S. airstrikes on Sunday that killed 25 fighters of the Iran-backed militia in Iraq, the Kataeb Hezbollah. The U.S. military said the strikes were in retaliation for last week’s killing of an American contractor in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base that the U.S. blamed on the militia.
U.S. officials have suggested they were prepared to engage in further retaliatory attacks in Iraq.
“The game has changed,” Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Thursday, telling reporters that violent acts by Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq — including the rocket attack on Dec. 27 that killed one American — will be met with U.S. military force.
He said the Iraqi government has fallen short of its obligation to defend its American partner in the attack on the U.S. embassy.
The developments also represent a major downturn in Iraq-U.S. relations that could further undermine U.S. influence in the region and American troops in Iraq and weaken Washington’s hand in its pressure campaign against Iran.
(Gassim Abdul-Zahra, Associated Press)

'At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.
'General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months - including the attack on December 27th - culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.
'This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.'
"THE QUESTION IS THIS - as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?" (Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut)
IN A MORE EXPLICIT STATEMENT, Sen. Tom Udall of New Mexico said, "President Trump is bringing our nation to the brink of an illegal war with Iran without any congressional approval as required under the Constitution of the United States." He added: "Such a reckless escalation of hostilities is likely a violation of Congress' war making authority -- as well as our basing agreement with Iraq -- putting U.S. forces and citizens in danger and very possibly sinking us into another disastrous war in the Middle East that the American people are not asking for and do not support."

CHRIS SKYHAWK NOTES: Trump vs. Dems — I can hardly stand much about, certainly not the preening of, our current WH resident. but watching the Dems fawn over representatives of the security apparatus of our empire as though they were near saints appalls me deeply. I certainly favor impeachment, but one thing you can say about Trump — at least he is without artifice.
It is a serious and shortsighted mistake to think that closing OB will help this hospital and this community. Obstetrics by itself at any hospital is never economically self sufficient, but in remote, rural hospitals it is particularly medically critical. The hospitals where closing an OB department was successful all have in common that obstetric services were available within a few minutes at a nearby hospital. That is not the case here. Closing OB here will result in serious medical, ethical and economic harm. Medically there will be a small but continuing number of dead and/or permanently disabled babies and mothers. Ethically a hospital in this kind of remote location should not countenance actions which will predictably hurt women and children, as well as the entire community. Economic damage will occur with changes in local demographics without adequate local obstetric and gynecologic care. Family and emergency care are not viable substitutes. The solution is not to close OB, but to re-enable the successful situation we had with three ob-gyn doctors who were kept busy for many years. That is, recruit and expand the services to include a full range of obstetric and gynecologic services and surgeries.
Peter Glusker, MD
MD-PhD, FAAN, FACP Neurology and Sleep Disorders Medicine
Fort Bragg
The scanner said (9:22 am) first responders were dispatched to an area near the intersection of Highway 128 and Flynn Creek Road for the report of a "38-year-old male possibly electrocuted, worker shocked by power lines."
Among the first responders are an MCDH ground ambulance from Fort Bragg and air ambulance CalStar 4.
UPDATE: No serious injury.
AV FIRE CHIEF ANDRES AVILA CONFIRMS: The victim was a local “bucket man” on a tree trimming crew on Flynn Creek Road. Avila added that he seemed ok but "shocked" when they arrived so he went to Coast Hospital for check out as a precaution. The Chief assumed he'd be back to work shortly. Could have been worse. It's dangerous work. No info on how it happened. No airlift used.
(italics = new/changed/added)
“Status reports from ad hoc committees shall be made to the Board at each regular meeting, and submitted to the Clerk of the Board in writing, whenever possible.”
Board of Supervisors and Miscellaneous (Includes standing agenda item for Supervisors’ Reports. Reports shall be in writing, whenever possible.)
While a member is speaking, no member shall engage in or entertain a private discussion. Members shall refrain from using cellular phones will [sic] the Board of Supervisors are in Open Session.
ISABEL GONZALEZ’S FIRST MEMO as Measure B Project Manager:
Board Agenda for Tuesday, January 7, 2020, Item 5h:
5h) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Approval of Request from Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Advisory Committee for Board of Supervisors to Direct County Counsel to Conduct Legal Evaluation, Research Analysis, and Assessment of Adventist Health Partnership Legality; Including Restriction, Necessary Control, Implications, and Compliance Regarding the Possible Use of Public Tax Dollars to Fund Operations of a Private Entity (Sponsor: Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Advisory (Measure B) Committee)
DATE: December 24, 2019
TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Isabel Gonzalez, Measure B Administrative Project Manager, via the Measure B Committee
SUBJECT: Measure B: Adventist Health Partnership Legality
This memo is in response to the letter submitted by President/CEO of Adventist Health, Jason Wells, to the December 10, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting. Outcome of Adventist Health Proposal discussed by the Board of Supervisors during the December 10, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting provided direction for County Executive Office to perform an operational feasibility study of Adventist Health proposed facilities; to determine Adventist Health operational costs of mental health facilities.
On December 18, 2019 the Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee expressed concerns to use public tax dollars to fund operations of a private entity. The Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee created and directed a subcommittee to draft the following questions for the Board of Supervisors to and/or review, direct, request County Counsel conduct legal research and analysis evaluation of Adventist Health Partnership legality.
If Board of Supervisors directs or requests County Counsel to do so, requested legal analysis and evaluation should address the below questions but not be limited to the below questions. Measure B Committee requests Board of Supervisors reviews outcome of research and analysis during a separate Board meeting.
- Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee Inquiry: Can the County use or give Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act funds to the Adventist system to run or operate an Adventist mental health facility?
- Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee Inquiry: If so, what kind of covenant restrictions can be imposed to ensure that it remains a mental health facility for X amount of years into the Future?
- Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee Inquiry: What are the necessary controls to oversee the development and ongoing maintenance and management of the facility(ies)?
- Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee Inquiry: The hospital facility in Fort Bragg is leased. What are the additional implications, if any, to using public funds to develop a private facility that is leased?
- Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee Inquiry: What if Adventist Health goes out of business or sells to another hospital? Is there a way to protect the County’s Investment?
- Measure B Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee Inquiry: Is this legally consistent with the Measure B ordinance?
AV FIRE DEPARTMENT would like to reiterate that we have no reason to suspect arson in connection to the multiple recent structure fires in Anderson Valley. Chief Avila has an upcoming interview with KZYX, in which he'll share the facts of these events - stay tuned for more information about the time and date. This is a time of grief and hardship for several local families. Please avoid harmful speculation. There are many factors that can increase the risk of fires. Take a look at the attached graphics and evaluate your home for hazards. If your home's electrical system or heat-producing appliances are not recently installed, consider professional evaluations or upgrades. Here's to increased fire safety and awareness in the new year.
(AV Fire Department)
MSP heard from a viewer that attended the arraignment of fatal Mendocino hit & run driver Gina Bean and accomplice Ricky Santos last Tuesday. Both pled not guilty and both will return to Superior Court Thursday, January 9th, then have a preliminary hearing Tuesday, January 14th.

The viewer informed MSP of the arraignment Tuesday, "She seemed really worried. Ricky was laughing with a friend telling jokes like it was nothing serious. It was pretty upsetting." There were 8 - 10 supporters (in the courtroom) of Calum Hunnicut, the beloved 21-year-old struck down and left to die on Highway 1 in Mendocino last July 18th.
Discussion and Possible Action Including Possible Direction to Executive Office to Perform Assessment of Economic Development and Financing Corporation (EDFC), Documenting Total County Contributions and Return on Investment
(Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)
Recommended Action/Motion:
Direct the Executive Office to perform assessment of EDFC, documenting total County contributions and return on investment.
Summary of Request:
EDFC was founded in 1995 through the efforts of the County of Mendocino and the four incorporated jurisdictions: Willits, Ukiah, Point Arena, and Fort Bragg. Mendocino County has maintained significant monetary contributions. $883k from the County combined with sizable contributions from the cities justify an analysis of return on investment. For the greater than $1M of local public funds utilized since EDFC inception, what have we accomplished? Has EDFC met our condition of satisfaction? If not, what needs to change in the partnership and charter? Is EDFC mature enough to stand on its own and if not, what’s the roadmap for reaching this critical milestone?

1st District: Glenn McCourty – John Sakowicz – Jon Kennedy – James Green
IF I WERE BETTING, I'd bet McGourty and Kennedy in a run-off. The 1st District is the least lib-dominated district in the county, which isn't to say there aren't lots of them out there thinking their infallibly good thoughts. But the Farm Bureau, especially its Potter Valley presence, has dominated the 1st's Supe's seat for many years. McGourty and Kennedy are both more than acceptable to the FB, and both would seem to be in the Jim Eddie tradition, which is a good thing when we're talking supervisors because Eddie was a smart, principled guy who always at least seemed to view the issues dispassionately. Which is as it should be given that the Supervisor position is supposed to be non-partisan. Eddie, though, like Johnny Pinches in the wild North County of the 4th 3rd District, enjoyed support from both libs and the more conservative sectors of the population. We think McGourty and Kennedy, both of whom are well-known, will split the traditional Potter and Redwood Valley Farm Bureau vote with, perhaps, the seemingly ubiquitous and, uh, splendidly divisive John Sakowicz picking up voters who consider themselves lib-pwogs, among whom Sako, as he's widely known, is also controversial. Candidate James Green, is a newcomer to county politics and thus a longshot, the longest shot of the three others in this race. (Pinches, btw, absolutely terrified the Farm Bureau types when he suggested Mendocino County re-visit inland water arrangements, especially Mendo's water deal with Sonoma County, via which SoCo owns almost all the diverted Eel water piled up in Lake Mendocino. Pinches couldn't even get a second to discuss it from his fellow supervisors, which gives you an idea of the body's cringing malfunction. Lately, though, with the 5th District's Ted Williams as catalyst, the supervisors have been marginally more engaged, a little bolder, a little smarter, a little more on-task.) Whoever wins the 1st will likely improve the overall functioning of the Supervisors.
2nd District: Mari Rodin – Mo Mulheren – Joel Soinila
The two female candidates are veterans of the Ukiah City Council, which seems from here fairly major handicaps given the civic dysfunction of our big-boxed County seat. That might be a little too cynical even for us. But anybody who's paid attention over the past decade knows that Ukiah's leaders have engaged in a lot of pure wackiness and even purer incompetence, not to mention their wild over-compensation of City Manager Sangiacomo, for whom they even created an assistant city manager, all this for a town of 16,000 people? (Easy to spend that dough when it isn't yours, right lib labs?) We won't even get into the Sewer District fiasco, but anybody who's had recent responsibility for Ukiah has some serious 'splaining to do. Anyway, and be this as it is, Mulheren enjoys a broad (sic) base of support, including that of freshly retired and wildly popular Sheriff Allman, who has already announced for Mulheren. The Embittered Women's Vote? Who gets that crucial twenty percent who vote for any woman over any man. (If the Manson Girls were up against Abe Lincoln, or even Jesus, the Manson gals would get the nod.) Rodin and Mulheren will split the gender-fascist vote, while Soinila will probably get that same percentage from the oinkers — men who don't think women should vote, let alone hold public office. Call the gender vote a wash, Mulheren will run strong but probably not quite strong enough to outright defeat newcomer, Joel Soinila, a newcomer only in the public sphere but scion of an old Mendo family and well-known inland. Rodin managed to annoy darn near everyone as a city council person, and a lot of people are wondering why she's in this race, but there she is, and we shall see what we shall see. It's wayyyyyy early, but it already looks like Mulheren and Soinila in a run-off, or Mulheren going over the top in the first round. She's the person to beat, for sure. (Retiring 2nd District Supervisor McCowen, voters might be interested to know, has carped about Mulheren for years, so he'll be working behind the scenes, wayyyyy behind knowing him, against Mulheren. We think McCowen weenied out of running against Mulheren because… Well, the guy does a commendable job cleaning up after the homeless in the Ukiah Valley.)
4th District: Incumbent Dan Gjerde – Lindy Peters
So far, pure elementary school politics in this one as a straight-up popularity contest. "I like Dan because he smiles at me." Or, "I like Lindy because he's a Niner's fan." Gjerde's positively weird website is as vague as his incumbency. Two terms in office and, like, dude, this happy talk is all you can come up with? (Gjerde's web presence looks like it was devised by the usual Demo Party masterminds who run all Northcoast lib candidacies, and Gjerde is joined at the hip to the Huffman-Bosco-Wood-McGuire-Binah Press Democrat Axis who brought us Trump in 2016.) Over his two silent terms as Fort Bragg's (mostly Fort Bragg) representative to Mendocino County, Gjerde has simply signed off on whatever CEO Angelo has shoved in front of him. Only since Lindy Peters announced he'd oppose him for 4th District Supervisor has Gerde come alive — half alive given his sad media presence. Lindy? No one that we know of has ever heard the guy on any issue beyond the Fort Bragg city limits. This one will be close, with the flab glabs (Lindy) battling the lib labs (Gjerde) to see who can out-trivialize the other. Uh, Lindy's the taller candidate if that helps.(Note: Known both these guys forever and like both of them but, jeez, let's pick up the pace here, boys.)
UKIAH - When Proposition 64 was passed by the voters in 2016, it contained provisions that not only prospectively reduced or eliminated many marijuana law violations, but it made those changes retroactive.
This meant people with felony or misdemeanor convictions for marijuana-related offenses that were changed by Proposition 64 became legally entitled to petition the courts to expunge (dismiss) or downgrade those prior convictions.
To participate in this new form of marijuana-related amnesty, all one had to do was file a simple written form request for Prop 64 treatment with the Superior Court in the county where the conviction had been entered.
From November 8, 2016 through December 31, 2019, 130 individuals with prior marijuana convictions entered in the Mendocino County courts have taken advantage of Prop 64 to have their prior conviction(s) expunged or reduced.
However, requiring an individual (or his or her attorney) to initiate the Prop 64 process as approved by the voters was deemed still "not good enough" by the California Legislature. “The majority of eligible individuals have not gone through the process of petitioning the courts,” complained one legislator.
To "fix" the apparent lack of interest, Assembly Bill 1793 was passed by both houses of the California Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in November 2018. AB 1793 required the California Department of Justice to sift through its criminal records database to determine which prior marijuana convictions still remained unchanged and which of those marijuana convictions may still be eligible to be expunged or reduced. Under AB 1793, the legislative analysts predicted that as many as 218,000 marijuana convictions could be revised.
The criminal records database information developed by the Department of Justice was provided to the local district attorneys on or about July 1, 2019. Without additional monies to fund the effort, each district attorney was required on or before July 1, 2020, to review each local marijuana conviction to decide on an individualized case and defendant basis whether a prior marijuana conviction was eligible for expungement, some kind of revision, or reduction. AB 1793 does not require that the person with a prior marijuana conviction be contacted for input and/or consent or, for that matter, that he or she even still be alive.
Locally, while understanding that he had a full year to review all of Mendocino County's marijuana convictions pursuant to AB 1793, District Attorney Eyster put his local analysis on a fast track, using to his advantage his own in-house data management system, a system known as Justware.
In half the time allotted by law (from July 1, 2019 through December 26, 2019), the DA and his staff completed their multi-year review of all marijuana convictions entered in the Mendocino County courts from 1973 to present.
What does this mean? The DA has filed written AB 1793 motions with supporting spreadsheets with the Mendocino County Superior Court in 3,311 cases. Each of the DA's written motions identify the cases in which the DA believes Prop 64 treatment is warranted and further recommends what that treatment should be, pursuant to the changes in the marijuana charging statutes and other guidelines originally established by Prop 64.
When and where those motions will be heard and whether or not the Prop 64 relief suggested by the DA for each case will be granted is still to be determined.
Designated by law as the de facto "attorney of record' in all AB 1793 cases, the Mendocino County Public Defender has been granted more time by the court to review the work product served on the Public Defender on a weekly basis for the last six months by the prosecutor's office.
The DA thanks his hard-working team for taking care of local business in more than a timely manner. He added, "When I was a young prosecutor there used to be a thing known as finality of judgments. That important legal concept seems now to be a thing of the past."
Eyster said, "Let's not forget that Prop 64 also granted the same reduction relief to defendants convicted at the felony-level of simple possession of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and other controlled substances. I wonder when those felony convictions are going to likewise be addressed by the Legislature, if only to treat people equally and in a fair manner."
(District Attorney’s Office Presser)
On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at approximately 8:00 PM, Mendocino County Deputy Sheriffs were dispatched to a 911 hang up that originated from the area of the 21000 block of North Petaluma Avenue in Fort Bragg. Deputies arrived and began checking the area for signs of distress. Deputies located three juveniles (age 9 years, 23 months, and 7 months) screaming and crying from within a residence. Deputies entered the residence to check the welfare of the children and could not find a parent or guardian within the home. Deputies confirmed the 9 year-old male called 911 for assistance. Deputies observed that the conditions in the home were unsanitary, unsafe, and posed life safety hazards to the children. Deputies determined the children had been left, unattended, for an extended period of time. Due to the hazardous conditions the children were found in, Mendocino County Child Protective Services Social Workers arrived and took emergency protective custody of the children. Deputies were able to identify the parents of the children as Angela Ariaz, 35, of Fort Bragg, and Joshua Shaun Ethier, 39 of Fort Bragg.

At approximately 10:10 PM, Deputies responded to a bar in the 100 block of East Redwood Avenue in Fort Bragg, where they located Ariaz who was highly intoxicated. Ariaz was arrested for Felony Child Endangerment, without incident. At approximately 10:15 PM, Deputies responded to a bar in the 300 block of North Franklin Street, Fort Bragg, where they located Ethier, who also had been drinking. Ethier was arrested for Felony Child Endangerment, without incident. Due to the severity of this investigation, a Mendocino County Superior Court Judge was contacted and briefed on this investigation. The Superior Court Judge ordered a bail enhancement, which was set at $150,000 for both Ariaz and Ethier. Ariaz and Ethier were booked into the Mendocino County Jail where they were both to be held in lieu of $150,000 bail.

We are a locally inspired and managed non-profit organization. Our mission is to help older adults remain active, connected, and independent in the place they call home while enhancing the quality of life in our community. See what's new in the valley.
AV Village Update
We currently have 54 members and 31 trained volunteers ready to lend a hand. Thank you!
AV Village Monthly Gatherings & Volunteer Training
See these AV Village and other local events listed on the Events Calendar on our website: andersonvalley.helpfulvillage.com/events
This month’s gathering "Disaster Preparedness and Emergencies!" on Sunday January 12th 4 to 5:30 pm at Lauren's will look at the power outage, the impact and how we the Village/ our community can better navigate it and look after each other. Refreshment provided. We are always looking for people to bring finger food, if you would like to bring food to this gathering let us know — thank you!
Next month’s gathering will be Sunday February 9th — topic TBD, we are always looking for suggestions.
AV Village Volunteer Training: We also have a volunteer training Sunday January 12th 3 to 4 pm (right before our monthly gathering) at Lauren’s — we ask each new volunteer to complete this short training; please RSVP with our coordinator (contact info below) if you can attend. Thank you!

You're on a mission to save people who don't want to be saved. There's a discussion going on on the Healdsburg Nextdoor.com right now and this is a post that was made yesterday by the mom of a (former) homeless person:
"I have a son who is a recovering drug addict. His drug addiction started when he was 17. Almost died many times. 31 years old now by the grace of god. We have spent as a family tens of thousands of dollars trying to get him straight and save his life. And countless hours out of our lives, calling, researching help. A really intelligent young man. Just would break all of our hearts as a family. The last large expense that we covered for him was having every tooth pulled out of his mouth because the infection from decayed teeth was affecting his heart, but only after he checked himself into a sober living program called Westcare. I believe that they are federally funded and exist across the US. My son is in Fresno. After 3 years of in and out he finally graduated. They have, through the federal government many housing options, and health services options to people in this situation. President Trump is anti opioid and helping our citizens who have become addicted. I am amazed at the services, beds, food, health care available out there. The problem is that in order to even get a bed for the night with a hot meal, the homeless have to follow rules, and for whatever reason, they don’t want to and choose the streets. I had to allow my son to go through homelessness, in Fresno, in the winter to try to get him to choose sobriety. He was stabbed, beaten up multiple times. Drugs were more important to him. He has a daughter and that finally turned his life around. It’s a tough life, but bottom line, a great many resources are available to them. But you can’t make someone do what they are not willing to do."
I have a similar story. Took care of a drug addicted homeless family member. We spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get and keep him clean and sober. He finally went to prison for drugs, which actually was the best thing that ever happened. He got clean, made it to the Fire Camp crew, which changed his life. Found work and an apartment after his release.
The current laws of Housing First with no Behavioral Expectations, as well as the free needle paraphernalia program, enables this self destructive behavior and has only made the homeless issue significantly worse. https://thehill.com/opinion…
HOW MANY people are homeless? At last official count 151,278 individuals are homeless in California, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. That’s the highest number since at least 2007, and represents a nearly 17% uptick since 2018. The number of unsheltered Californians — living on the streets or in cars — has surged the past year. (Cal Matters)
FIRST DISTRICT SUPES CANDIDATE JAMES GREEN WRITES: An informative article to start 2020 off about the continued struggle of homelessness here in our beloved state. If we are all behind the idea that we need immediate housing solutions for Mendo County homeless, and Measure B is just the start, then let’s all keep talking about it, which is why I think this particular FB group is beneficial to be a part of. This article in particular mentions Prop 1 and 2 passed in 2018. Hopefully, Mendocino County can solicit funds from these and we can put it to good use. As what usually happens, NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) will play a role as to where any solution is implemented, but I have faith we call can get passed this concern and do what is logistically, and economically best to address this.
MARILYN DAVIN WRITES: That federal “oversight” job! What a travesty. I think you should pitch Mendo’s experience to the NYT.
CATCH OF THE DAY, January 2, 2020

JOSE ACOSTA-MURO, DUI, disobeying court order, probation revocation.
THOMAS COOK, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alohol.
MARCO DAVILA, Point Arena. Probation revocation.

DAVID DOTY, Ukiah. Failure to appear.
ARION KELSEY, Fort Bragg. County parole violation, failure to appear. (Frequent Flyer)
MATTHEW PATEREAU, Willits. Child endangerment, probation revocation.

ALEX SANCHEZ-ACOLTZI, Fort Bragg. Battery with serious bodily injury, probation revocation.
LORRAINE SMITH, Fort Bragg. Disorderly conduct-alohol, probation revocation.
DONALD WRIGHT, Santa Rosa/Ukiah. Failure to appear.
BERNIE SANDERS LEADS Democratic field by raising $34.5 million in last three months of 2019, but Donald Trump tops him with $46 million and boasts on Twitter about $10 million impeachment money-bomb.
NEW MONTHLY EVENT: Progressive Work Parties, every Second Sunday at Harbor Lite in Fort Bragg, 2pm to 4pm. Multiple local groups will have projects to work on or learn about. Everyone's welcome. Bring snacks if you want, but feel free to just show up. Please help spread the word.
This story of civilizational decline is in part a story of the road to Hell and what it’s paved with. And the paving stones we’re walking on depend in part on where we’re at geographically. Europe, including Russia, engulfed itself in multi-generational madness with its wholehearted embrace of various isms, fascism and communism chief among them, and proceeded to self-immolate in two gigantic wars, with revolutions and catastrophic blood-lettings in between. So much for the superiority of the White race.
The folk on the other end of the Eurasian land-mass are no better, Japan deciding it’s the done thing to send its army onto the mainland to kill fifteen or twenty million people and then to bomb Pearl Harbor. Such was its hubris that it couldn’t conceive of American aircraft getting to the main Japanese islands and doing a number on them, demolishing hundreds of square miles of urban areas, killing maybe a million civilians, tens of thousands at a go, and that was before the nukes.
And then there’s China with its own brands of lunacy, bred in societal insularity, disdaining the barbaric outer world, but then descending to worse barbarisms than those of the barbarians it disdained.
As for the New World, well what can you say? Failed states, failing states, its academies, as far from bastions of reason and learning and civilization as they can be, incubators for the most preposterous propositions, the crazier the concept, the farther removed from reality the ideology, the greater the renown for it and its creator.
The north end of it has its own legacy of blood, the USA embroiled in a 150 year Cold War between its main constituent parts, North and South, part of the historical imprint on culture and society of that most odious of human institutions that was the most proximate cause of the disagreement between them. And let’s not forget the origin of this enterprise, the root of it the greatest heist in human history, the conquest of the Americas from the original owners. Not a great start for the country considering itself the indispensable nation.
So here we are in the societal and economic wreckage of the 20th Century. And what was the road to Hell paved with? Not just good intentions, but bad ones, mainly bad ones, the paving stones we’re currently laying down as bad as the ones of our forefathers. The best thing you can say is that we’ve hardly heard a peep from Germany or Japan since 1945. I guess that has to count for progress. And that particular ism that defined and defiled decades of the previous century, notwithstanding the insistence of our most – cough – educated, is nowhere to be found. Do people learn from history? Maybe sometimes we do. That has to count for something too.

One year ago, the American people sent House Democrats to Washington with one mission: fight #ForThePeople. Looking ahead into 2020, I am more determined than ever to fight #ForThePeople in defending our democracy and protecting our planet for future generations. #HappyNewYear
Congressman Jared Huffman
The Yorkville Olive Ranch is offering a discount on the remaining 2017 Tuscan Field Blend olive oil to make room for the 2019 oil that has just been milled. The discount prices are $10 for the 750m ml bottle and $20 for a gallon. Those buying a gallon or more will need to provide their own container(s). The oil can be picked up at the Ranch, 23401 Hwy. 128 in Yorkville, mile marker 38.29. Call or e-mail to make an appointment or get more information. Tel. (707) 894-0530 rhysolive@yahoo.com
Help needed in my human and bee food gardens in Boonville. The job has become too large for me alone. Please email Cindy at wildeacre@gmail.com or call 895-2949.

by Dave Zirin
Over the past year, I’ve been teaching a class called The History of Sports in the United States at Montgomery College. When we get to the 1980s, I show a slide of Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan and David Stern to explain the explosive growth of the NBA. I ask the class if they can name all four people on the screen. Invariably, they can name Magic, Bird, and Jordan, but Stern’s face has been unrecognized. By the time we’re done with the unit they understand that David Stern influenced the game more than anyone who didn’t wear shorts. Now that the longtime NBA commissioner has passed away at the age of 77, it’s critical for us to understand his towering legacy.

When Stern became commissioner in 1984, the league was just five years from having its finals shown on tape delay. Stern understood that the NBA would only go as far as its players and he relentlessly marketed the new generation, turning them into icons. He also wasn’t shy about integrating an exploding 1980’s musical form, hip hop, into the marketing of the league. In other words, he used black culture to fast-track the NBA’s growth. And it worked, bringing the ailing league to the cutting edge. NBA franchises went from being valued at between $10 and $20 million to over a billion dollars today. Players’ salaries have risen dramatically as well, as the league became a global brand.
Stern also oversaw the formation of the WNBA and diversity initiatives that branded the NBA as a progressive, forward thinking institution. He handled Magic Johnson’s 1991 announcement that he was HIV positive with incredible love and grace. As current NBA commissioner Adam Silver, who was mentored by Stern, said upon learning of his death, “David took over the NBA in 1984 with the league at a crossroads. But over the course of 30 years as Commissioner, he ushered in the modern global NBA. He launched groundbreaking media and marketing partnerships, digital assets and social responsibility programs that have brought the game to billions of people around the world. Because of David, the NBA is a truly global brand—making him not only one of the greatest sports commissioners of all time but also one of the most influential business leaders of his generation.”
This is all true, but Stern however wasn’t all sunshine and gingerbread. He was unapologetically ruthless when it came to both negotiating with the players’ union and protecting the league’s image as a safe sport for white, middle class consumption. This dynamic ramped into high gear following the 1998-1999 players lockout. Stern won the battle against the union after canceling almost half the season. He proceeded to project himself as a king of the sport; biting, sarcastic and more brazen about enforcing his will on the players.
This was often executed in a ham-handed patronizing manner, utterly insensitive to how a majority black league would perceive his directives. The 2004 “Malice in the Palace,” the fight between members of the Indiana Pacers and white fans of the Detroit Pistons, only stirred up more of Stern’s fears that the league was pushing away white audiences. The brawl made Stern reactive and even, one might say, reactionary.
It was Stern who then instituted the much despised “dress code” in 2005, where players were monitored and subject to fines based upon what they wore when not on the court. He raised the age limit for when players could enter the league, preventing 18-year olds from entering out of high school, having to wait until they are 20 (that has since been amended to one year out of high school.). This was also perceived by some players as racially motivated. As NBA player Jermaine O’Neal, who came straight from high school, said at the time, “In the last two years, the rookie of the year has a been a high school player. There were seven high school players in the All-Star game, so why we even talking an age limit? As a black guy, you kind of think that’s the reason why it’s coming up. You don’t hear about it in baseball or hockey. To say you have to be 20, 21 to get in the league, it’s unconstitutional. If I can go to the U.S. army and fight the war at 18, why can’t you play basketball for 48 minutes?”
David Stern also did nothing, at best, when NBA rebels Craig Hodges and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf were driven out of the sport for acts of political resistance. This is all part of his legacy.
The aforementioned 1998-1999 players lockout also pushed Stern much closer to NBA ownership, with deleterious results. For reasons that are still unknown, Stern never moved to push then Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling off his perch and force him to sell his team. Sterling’s bigotry both as a franchise owner and in his private business affairs as a slumlord were an open secret, yet Stern never saw handling this as a priority. Sterling’s racism burst out into the open in 2014, the year that Adam Silver took over as league commissioner. Silver acted decisively – partly to stem a player’s revolt – and forced Sterling to sell his precious team.
Then there was the close relationship between David Stern and then Seattle Supersonics owner Clay Bennett. Of course, the Sonics are no more. Stern facilitated their move to Oklahoma City because the people of Seattle refused to vote for a new publicly funded arena. Stern also was never shy about rubbing Seattle’s nose in the move, as if he was warning other fan bases to not get between the league and their tax dollars. It was an altogether punitive and ugly response towards a fan base that had loyally supported the Sonics for forty years. As the loving remembrances of Stern come cascading downwards from establishment media, the people of Seattle must be remembered, their love of NBA basketball torn apart because Clay Bennett and David Stern wanted a few hundred million dollars more.
I will continue to teach about David Stern and his legacy. He should be studied and remembered by anyone who cares about sports. We need the perspectives of Adam Silver, Michael Jordan, former WNBA commissioner Val Ackerman, and all the sports cable entities in broadcast agreements with the NBA. But we also should listen to Craig Hodges, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, the fans of Seattle and everyone who was injured under the weight of his reign.
SOMETIMES AT THE DINNER TABLE Sylphid even tries for a couple of minutes to listen to what Ira is saying. And he thinks: It was the shock of my arrival. That's all it was. Because he is Ira, because he doesn't give in, because he doesn't quit, because he explains everything to everybody 62 times, he believes he's got it licked. Ira demands respect from Sylphid for her mother and he believes he's going to get it. But that is just the demand that Sylphid cannot forgive. As long as she can boss her mother around she can have everything she wants which makes Ira an obstacle right off. Ira shouted, Ira yelled, but he was the first man in Eve’s life who never treated her decently. And that's what's Sylphid couldn't take. Sylphid was beginning to play harp professionally and she was subbing as second harpist in the orchestra at Radio City Music Hall. She was called pretty regularly, once or twice a week, and she'd also got a job playing at a fancy restaurant in the East 60s on Friday night. Ira would drive her from the village to the restaurant with her harp and then go and pick her and the harp up when she finished. He had the station wagon and he'd pull up in front of the house and go inside and have to carry it down several flights of stairs. The harp is in its felt cover, and Ira puts one hand on the column in one hand in the sound hole at the back and he lifts it up, lays the harp on a mattress that they keep in the station wagon, and drives Sylphid and the harp uptown to the restaurant. At the restaurant he takes the harp out of the car and, big radio star that he is, he carries it inside. At 10:30, when the restaurant is finished serving dinner and Sylphid is ready to come back to the village, he goes around to pick her up and the whole operation is repeated in reverse. Every Friday. He hated the physical imposition that it was — those things weigh about 80 pounds — but he did it. I remember that in the hospital when he had cracked up he said to me, "She married me to carry her daughter's harp! That is why the woman married me! To haul that fucking harp!"
— Philip Roth, “I Married a Communist”

NB: Johnny Pinches represented the wild North County 3rd, not 4th, District.
Fog eater Politics
RE: Over his two silent terms as Fort Bragg’s (mostly Fort Bragg) representative to Mendocino County, Gjerde has simply signed off on whatever CEO Angelo has shoved in front of him.
———> NOVEMBER 26, 2019
Coastal fog linked to high levels of mercury found in mountain lions, study finds
by Jennifer McNulty, University of California – Santa Cruz.
At least one lion studied had mercury levels known to be toxic to species like mink and otters, and two others had “sublethal” levels that reduce fertility and reproductive success. Credit: Sebastian Kennerknecht.
Marine fog brings more than cooler temperatures to coastal areas. Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have discovered elevated levels of mercury in mountain lions, the latest indication that the neurotoxin is being carried in fog, deposited on the land, and making its way up the food chain.
Concentrations of mercury in pumas in the Santa Cruz Mountains were three times higher than lions who live outside the fog zone. Similarly, mercury levels in lichen and deer were significantly higher inside the fog belt than beyond it…
Led by Peter Weiss-Penzias, an environmental toxicologist who has pioneered the study of pollutants in coastal fog, the study is the first to trace the atmospheric source of super-toxic methylmercury in the terrestrial food web up to a top predator.
“Lichen don’t have any roots so the presence of elevated methylmercury in lichen must come from the atmosphere,” said Weiss-Penzias. “Mercury becomes increasingly concentrated in organisms higher up the food chain.”
Although mercury levels in fog present no health risk to humans [sic] , the risk to terrestrial mammals may be significant. With each step up the food chain, from lichen to deer to mountain lions, mercury concentrations can increase by at least 1,000 times, said Weiss-Penzias…
The source of fog-borne mercury
Mercury, a naturally occurring element, is released into the environment through a variety of natural processes and human activities, including mining and coal-fired power plants. “Mercury is a global pollutant,” said Weiss-Penzias. “What’s emitted in China can affect the United States just as much as what’s emitted in the United States.”
As atmospheric mercury rains down on oceans, it is converted by anaerobic bacteria in deep waters to methylmercury, the most toxic form of mercury. Upwelling brings some methylmercury to the surface, where it is released back into the atmosphere and carried by fog. At high concentrations, methylmercury can cause neurological damage, including memory loss and reduced motor coordination, and it can decrease the viability of offspring.
“Fog is a stabilizing medium for methylmercury,” said Weiss-Penzias. “Fog drifts inland and rains down in microdroplets, collecting on vegetation and dripping to the ground, where the slow process of bioaccumulation begins.”…
Fog is present in coastal areas that border oceans, environmental “hotspots” that are also home to high concentrations of humans…
In-custody certified organic corrections rehabilitation for criminal minds and the mentally challenged.
———> Cilantro is best used in conjunction with chlorella, which is a kind of green algae and together they act as a perfect tool for body detoxification.
The leaves of the cilantro plant has potent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antimicrobial and significant chelating properties, that bind to heavy metals that are removed from the body through our excretory system.
Chlorella with cilantro need to be taken 3 times a day for up to 3 months. According to various studies that heavy metal chelation using cilantro and chlorella can naturally remove an average of 87% of lead, 91% of mercury, and 74% of aluminum from the body within 45 days.
What about those stringy looking clouds that come out of the ass ends of jets with super clean burning engines? What’s in that stuff? Geoengineering look it up.
LOL. Y’all can pick your reps almost as well as we can here in the backward state. Fortunately, we have only three…two too many.
Since you can, maybe you should go back to sleep for another year. Now would be good.
The truth hertz, donut?
By the way, the heading of the comment was a heading from one of the topics on MCT today… Just in case you missed that with your snide conservative (democrat?) comment.
Hey, you suggested it. I simply agreed.
You are very, very confused.
No, we need Harv to reminds us, everyday, of the depth of the modern liberal mind. Harv, I am not with you, but support advertising your every grumble.
Thank Allah that you’re not with me! I would fear for my sanity if you were. As it is, I am reassured. Srayed any plants, lately, George? How much did you spray on yourself…don’t worry though, it’s harmless, as I’ve been assured by the prezudint of the farm bureacracy.
Just in: re Attack that Killed Iranian Bigwig Military Leaders
Trump is simply honoring the fine Amerikan tradition of killing dark-skinned people in far-away lands. I’ll bet Obama killed even more of them.
Whadda country! Bastion of democracy! Beacon of peace and liberty! Oops, forgot about the Espionage Act, FISA, the Patriot Act, and the REAL ID Act. My bad.
“The Brookings Institution, in November 2019, reported: “53 million Americans between the ages of 18 to 64—accounting for 44% of all workers—qualify as ‘low-wage.’ Their median hourly wages are $10.22, and median annual earnings are about $18,000.”
Yessir, that trumpo’s a real doozy, and cares deeply for common people… And the democrats, for all their lies to the contrary are just as bad.
Found Object
Wow, that’s Louise Lasser, naked…
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman!
As always,
Dear Editor,
Regarding your comment in “Mendocino County Today”, January 3, 2020, that I am “divisive”, please know there’s “divisive”, and, then again, there’s “divisive”.
Donald Trump is divisive in a bad way. He divides and polarizes. Trump is intentionally toxic. He makes for a climate of tribal politics.
Then, there’s me. I may be divisive, as you say, but I try to speak “Truth to Power”.
What does “Truth to Power” mean?
It means I speak my truth about county politics, as I know it, based on my intimate experience of county politics for over 20 years.
Twenty years.
Twenty years living in Mendocino County since moving here in 2000.
Twenty years collectively working with the AmeriCorps – the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, the Deputy Sheriff’s Association, the School of Developing Virtue and Instilling Goodness at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Mendocino County Grand Jury, the Mendocino County Employee Retirement Association, the Successor Agency to the Mendocino County Redevelopment Authority, the Ukiah Valley Sanitation District, the Board of Directors at KZYX, the Board of Directors at the Mendocino Environmental Center, the Mendocino Cannabis Alliance, and as the host and producer of a popular public affairs radio show at KZYX, KMEC, and now KMUD.
Not intentionally divisive…but the truth as I know it.
The truth as I know it as a county worker, volunteer, grand juror, teacher, father, husband, poet, and cannabis farmer.
I love Mendocino County — the place, and its people.
Thank you.
John Sakowicz, Candidate, Mendocino County 1st District Supervisor
John, there is a new and progress oriented crew at KZYX. Ask your show be reinstated. I will do same.
H.H. Heller,
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll ask that my show be reinstated, as you suggest.
To whom do I make this request, I wonder? The GM? The Board Chair? The chair of the Program Committee?
I know for certain the Program Director has no great love for me or my show. Why? Because she is the very same person for whom Supervisor John McCowen was attempting to create a highly paid patronage job as program manager of the Climate Action Advisory Committee before he was busted. After the fallout, she ended up as Program Director at KZYX.
I would love to support KZYX again.
John Sakowicz
H.H. Heller,
I forgot to add that KMUD, where our show, “Heroes and Patriots” now airs, has been wonderful to us.
KMUD provides a volunteer engineer for every show, allowing my co-host and I to focus on content instead of production.
Also, at KMUD we skype with all of our guests. Hence, production quality is pristine.
KMUD also archives all of our shows, which facilitates our podcast.
Catch our show at: https://heroespatriots.org/
As a final note, it’s pretty cool broadcasting our show from a radio station — KMUD — that was featured a few times during the award-winning Netflix’s documentary, “Murder Mountain”.
John Sakowicz