- Chilly Nights
- V Movie
- Ed Notes
- Snowy Grapevine
- Piver Tournament
- Sioux Photos
- Free College
- Bowl Games
- Yesterday's Catch
- Keyboard Commandos
- Narragansett Beer
- Mass Delusion
- Class Rules
- Elected Lunatics
- Lantern Bearers
- Circle Dance
- Henry Miller
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Found Object
DRY CONDITIONS AND CHILLY OVERNIGHT LOWS are expected through most of Saturday. Light rain and high elevation snow will be possible Sunday. Dry weather will return early next week. (NWS)
Good morning, happy day after to everyone.
The link below will take you to a recently posted video which talks about the hack and squirt toxics on our county forestlands, and the reluctance our county government has enforcing Measure V, an effort to reduce fire danger passed in 2016 by about 62% yes.
Chris Skyhawk
THE SOCO BOARD of Supervisors has agreed to spend roughly $11 million on hurry-up housing for the "homeless," the catch-all term that includes a tiny minority of what you might call legitimately homeless people who don't earn enough money to live, but consists mostly of people whose addictions and/or behavior has put them out on the streets.
SONOMA COUNTY says it will spend $11 million to set up two sanctioned indoor-outdoor camps with "on-site services" and buy or lease homes for up to 80 people. Well, good, but what's missing from the plans to spend huge amounts of money on very difficult people is compulsion, that it will all just sort of work out without compelling the walking wounded to leave their impromptu communities of like persons for shelter and "treatment."
BEFORE we lost our way in America, circa 1967, there was a consensus that people unwilling or unable to care for themselves were placed in state and federal hospitals until they were competent. Or they went to jail. But now, even the mention of words implying mandatory evoke a coordinated howl of opposition from the people paid to "work with" the homeless. ($330 million in San Francisco last year, and look at San Francisco.) If any candidates — local, state or federal — are even talking about hospitalization or incarceration (shooting up dope behind the Ukiah Safeway is illegal, right?) they've escaped our notice.
HERE in Mendocino County a lot of public money and time has been spent on the homeless, little of it clarifying, none of it aimed at anything other than more of the same — shelter in the winter months, meals here and there, housing for the tiny number of people who qualify for what there is of low-cost indoors — all of it adding up to enabling drug-addicted men (mostly men but a few women), wandering around Ukiah and Fort Bragg committing petty crimes to get money to get drugs.
EXPAND existing jails to house and treat the addicted, set up FEMA units for the working or trying to work, homeless.
HERE IN MENDO, the County Jail is being expanded to accommodate the new realities of social collapse, and credit Sheriff Allman again for his far-sightedness.
LONG TERM housing (for a few people anyway) could be established at the old Point Arena Radar Station, an abandoned little village complete with bowling alley and gym high on the ridge east of downtown PA, which has sat uninhabited for years. How many other abandoned properties, or County-owned properties, are there that could be converted fast to trailer parks and tiny house sites, as per the unanswered suggestion by former supervisor, John Pinches? But the wandering population of Thanatoids, drug addicts and mentally ill require sequestration until they can cope, if they aren't so damaged they'll never cope, and there's an ever-larger population of the Nevers.
SONOMA COUNTY'S emergency allocation of $11 mil will not do anything about the free range drug people because it doesn't come with mandatory, and beyond the public statement that SoCo will allocate the money, the plans are vague to non-existent.
AN HYSTERICAL story prevalent in recent media claimed that feral pigs, big ones with big teeth the better to eat you with, have established themselves throughout the United States. The local angle: As late as the 1930s, commercially raised porkers were dog-herded to Ukiah and Cloverdale where they were packed onto southbound trains for Bay Area slaughterhouses. Some escaped to form today's thriving Mendocino County colonies. Source? The late Wayne McGimsey of Boonville, who told me he'd herded pigs "over the hill" as a kid. Wild turkeys were re-introduced into the Anderson Valley in the early 1970s via U.C. Davis and, today, are as omni-present as feral pigs, and both are more than plentiful, especially east of 128.
THIS ON-LINE COMMENT resonated with me: "Sensible folks eschew weed in favor of being clean and sober! Life is better when you are not loaded all the time. Try it for a couple of years, and you may agree too… I can't smoke modern cannabis, the smallest amount is too damn strong, and I have worked at the hospital, so I have seen the drug-wrecks of Humboldt and Trinity and Mendo Counties, up close, so thanks for your contribution to the North Coast Drug Paradigm… You cured your counties of having available services."
DON'T KNOW about "available services" unless the writer is saying dope-related people have overwhelmed public help for "straight" citizens, but we worked with a guy who smoked the new, improved bazooka, famously commenting, "This new Mendo stuff knocks me out for three or four hours. It's great!" Prob was we had a certain number of necessary daily tasks to complete, and MIA for hours at a time meant more work for everyone else.
BACK IN THE DAY, when a lotta hippies were taking advantage of welfare programs, the hippies got blamed for sucking up too many public services…

This year is the fifth anniversary of the infamous "I Can't Breathe" Fort Bragg basketball tournament incident. The Mendocino girls varsity basketball team wore t-shirts during "warm-ups" and were unceremoniously tossed from the tourney — only to have the incident go national which led to their reinstatement — which they declined.

MSP received a LOT of national attention covering this - one example is at this link at "Buzzfeed:"
Rumors were circulating last week the Mendocino girls team was STILL banned from the tourney - and that's why the boys are playing in the tourney this year - and not the girls varsity team.
Not so.
MSP reached out to Tim Anderson at Fort Bragg High who is on the tournament committee asking him if the Mendo girls were still banned for the "I Can't Breathe" incident.
He replied:
"It has absolutely nothing to do with 'Can't Breathe.' I was supportive of their movement. The Varsity Girls have not wanted to come back until this year. Ask your Mendo representatives, it has not been us keeping them out, it has been a loaded tournament where they have not wanted to participate.
We fill the tournament in February and March and have a waiting list several teams deep, including Roseland Prep who has participated in the past. They let me know in February they were not coming back and within a week their spot was filled. They then reconsidered, but it was too late and they were put on the waiting list.
We also have Foothill, Mckinnleyville and a couple others on the girls side.
The boys side, for whatever reason, has not been so easy to fill. We are not sure why, but Jim Young was also asked every year if he would like to return. He chose not to. Jen Saunders only expressed interest in entering our tourney this fall which is too late.
If we have another opening, Mendocino will seriously be considered and most likely taken. We have wanted them back, it is good for business, more gate and more fans in the gym. I hope this clarifies why the Mendocino Girls have not been in the Fort Bragg Holiday Classic.
If you have other questions or concerns please let me know. Thanks."
THE SIOUX are one of the many Native American nations that lived in the Great Plains. There are many smaller tribes united in the Sioux tribe and are often referred to as the Seven Council Fires.

They were all known for their hunting and warrior culture, and for fighting fiercely against the U.S. Army. In the past, they lived on the territory of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Montana, Illinois, and Nebraska.
MENDOCINO COLLEGE is invested in student success and as a part of our efforts to make college affordable and attainable to all, we offer the Mendocino College Promise. By completing at least 12 units each semester (fall/spring) of the first year, students could have all enrollment fees covered by a combination of grants and other funds. To learn more visit www.mendocino.edu/promise

It's another holiday season, a part of which for me includes following the college football old games. I began following college football in the early 70s when I was a boy. Back then the four major bowl games were the Rose, Cotton, Sugar and Orange Bowls and they were all played on New Year's Day. Beyond that there were only five or six other bowl games before January 1.
Now, including the FSB (Football Bowl Subdivision) National Championship game, there are 41 bowl games. 78 out of 130 total FBS (the higher of two Division I levels) teams (60%) go to a bowl game, and a 6-6 record is all it takes to qualify.
I found out a few days ago in a local community newspaper that my former pastor’s son is playing football at Southern Methodist University in Texas. Today, SMU is playing in the Boca Raton Bowl in Boca Raton, Florida — "Boca Raton" meaning "rat's mouth" in Spanish. Currently, this bowl is the only one named after a rodent's body part, but who knows? That could change in the next few years.
Almost all the bowl games have corporate sponsors as part of their official name. My favorite corporate bowl name of all time was one that took place about 15 or 20 years ago: the Poulan Weedeater Bowl. Even the most traditional Bowl game, the Rose Bowl, usually has a corporate sponsor's name before "Rose Bowl."
ESPN and ABC, both owned by Disney, deserve a lot of credit (?) for the plethora of bowl games since they televise about 35 of the 41 games including all six of the New Year's Six (the most prestigious) Bowl games, only two of which actually are played on New Year's Day.
As a college football TV consumer, I do think ESPN does a better job broadcasting college football than the other networks (Fox, FS1, CBS and NBC).
Two of the New Year's six bowl games every year host the two semifinal games of the four team playoff to determine a national champion, the four teams chosen by a "playoff committee." Until the mid-1990s the national champion was chosen after the bowl games by both a media poll and a coaches poll. Seemingly fans would be satisfied with a four-team playoff, but there are those who now demand an eight-team playoff, proving to me that there is always a segment of the population who will never be satisfied no matter how much you try to please them.
Anyway, for those readers who will partake in some or only one or two of this season’s bowl games, have a happy bowl season.
My prediction for the national championship: LSU over Ohio State in the championship game.
Keith Bramstedt
San Anselmo
CATCH OF THE DAY, December 26, 2019

DANIEL GRIFFITH, Eureka/Ukiah. DUI-alcohol&drugs.
BENJAMIN KIMPTON, Willits. Controlled substance, failure to appear, probation revocation.
LEVI MCCANN, Redding/Willits. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.
BOBBY ROSTON, Ukiah. Parole violation.
All these keyboard commandos talking about shooting someone. Do you really have what it takes to shoot someone? In a stressful situation, are you able to calmly reach for your weapon, un-safety it, aim center mass and drop someone in a matter of seconds? With a weapon most likely already aimed and ready to fire in your face? Are you able to deal with the aftermath of feeling that small kick, see a hole open up on a person see the blood gush out of the open wound about 2 seconds after the body figures out its been shot. And what if you're shot in the process? Are you able to remain calm and follow through with the assault? All of you are talking violence, but do you honestly have it in you to begin, intercept and finish with a horribly traumatic situation? It’s not like the movies. Doesn't play out like the movies, the blood stress and gun powder smells real, unlike the movies, and it won't end like the movies.

I am a feminist and I do not buy into the Trans-insanity. In fact, I find the whole dick in a dress pantomiming ‘Woman’ beyond distressing. Cultural appropriation has nothing on what these faux-women are attempting to make their own and erasing the entire biological female sex while they do it. So relieved to know that the most difficult thing about being a woman is not the threat of rape or access to safe abortions but deciding what to wear!
You know that society is circling the bowl when your Gynecologist can’t say ‘Pregnant Woman’ but must say ‘Pregnant Person’ and agree that Trans-women have periods and send out reminders for pap-smears to people who don’t and never will have a cervix!!!!
This mass-delusion needs to be knocked back before our legal system and society are damaged beyond the point of no return.
Check my logic: California jails became overcrowded, and the courts couldn’t keep up with sentencing, so they put Proposition 47 on the ballot, and voters reduced some felonies to misdemeanors. This increased the crime rate, making victims and businesses pay for all the losses.
Santa Rosa has 3,000 vagrants, the overwhelming majority of whom are drug addicts and criminals. They camp illegally on the Joe Rodota Trail, making it unsafe to use by citizens. The police tried to tell them they couldn’t camp there, so some lawyer got a judge (one person) to say asking them to leave is cruel and unusual punishment.
County and city bureaucrats are now planning to spend millions of our tax dollars providing these criminals with free housing, no drug testing and no rehabilitation. They will also provide free medical services and food for the people who are committing crimes and ruining our community and making it unsafe.
What this adds up to is this: Our elected lunatics are running the asylum.
Lisa Lauren
Santa Rosa

Join us this Sunday, December 29th, 3-6:30 pm for our special Return of the Light & New Years Circle Dance Celebration
Come join us at the Mendocino Recreation Center, School and Pine Streets in Mendocino, from 3-6:30 pm. Candles will light the darkness at this New Years/Winter Solstice celebration and there will be a break for holiday snacks. Bring finger food to share if you can. If you want to dress the part wear a white outfit under a black or dark over garment so you can embody the darkness and the rebirth of the light! But no dress-up is necessary, and Gwen will bring extra white and black garments if you feel moved in the moment!
No experience or partners necessary! All dances are taught before each dance. There will be a wealth of dances, some very simple, some beautifully layered and complex. Please tell your friends to come. Not dancing is totally fine. This is a very nice place to be to nurture and celebrate Community and the hope that comes with the lengthening days and a new year. A small donation is requested to help with the room rent. For further information, contact Devora at 937-1077 or drossman@mcn.org or Gwen at gwen@mcn.org or 964-2411.
Circle Dance groups are a grass roots phenomenon. There are hundreds of dance circles in The US, England, and throughout the world. The Mendocino group has been dancing every month for 15 years. As one dancer put it, “We are doing what people have been doing for millennia, on beaches, in forest glens, around campfires-- dancing together in circles to express their joy, their passion, their solidarity, their pain, their faith.” For further information visit our website at: http://www.circledancing.com/
"The earth is not a lair, neither is it a prison. The earth is a Paradise, the only one we'll ever know. We will realize it the moment we open our eyes. We don't have to make it a Paradise-it is one. We have only to make ourselves fit to inhabit it. The man with the gun, the man with murder in his heart, cannot possibly recognize Paradise even when he is shown it."
Writer Henry Miller was born on 26 December 1891

by Mark Scaramella
Chapter 1. ‘The Nose Gear Is Stuck’
“Major Crowley can't get the nose wheel down!” shouted Chief Johns as he jogged by my office. “Something's wrong with the nose gear!”
It was the spring of 1970 and I had been robo-signing the morning pile of routine 601b equipment requests. But the sight of the hulking Chief Master Sergeant jogging past my office window shouting about nose gear got my attention. Chief Ralph Johns almost never jogged.
I jumped from my desk and followed the Chief down the steps, out of the hangar and on to the flightline where a small crowd was assembling near one of the flight shacks where the flightline maintenance crews worked. Several dozen T-28s were buzzing around, flying patterns, doing touch-and-gos, and a few were taxiing, getting ready to take off — the usual cacophony over which everyone in the area had to shout. Maintenance people near the runway had Mickey-Mouse ear protection.

Several senior pilots were in the small crowd, shouting into their hand-held radios trying to find out what the hell the problem was.
“Get Wilkins out here!” shouted Johns to a nearby Flight Line sergeant as he jogged to the edge of the runway.
Master Sergeant Bill Wilkins was Chief of our "Aero Repair Shop," the shop that did heavy aircraft maintenance in the hangar. Chief Johns had personally recruited him from the flightline a few months earlier because Wilkins knew more about T-28s than anyone else at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi.
I walked up to one of the pilots without a radio and asked what was going on.
“All I know is, Major Crowley was lowering the landing gear, getting ready to land, when the nose gear stuck just as the panel was opening up,” the pilot replied. “We're trying to figure out what to do.”
Major Crowley was our most experienced check pilot who had been finishing up a check flight after a major phase (scheduled) inspection and engine change when he realized that the T-28's nose gear was stuck partway down as he began his runway approach.
Colonel Rollins, the Flight Operations Commander came running out of the flight ops building and immediately called the tower and ordered all other aircraft to land and clear the runway.
Rollins grabbed one of the radios from one of his pilots and asked Crowley, “How much fuel you got left?”
“Maybe two hours or so,” came Crowley’s crackled reply.
“Ok, we've got time to try to deal with this,” Rollins replied. “Did you notice anything out of the ordinary during your pre-flight inspection?”
“No. But I thought I felt a bump or something when the gear came up right after take-off. I'm going to crawl up to the front seat and try to get a look at the nose gear,” Crowley continued. “I might be able to open up some panels with my multi-tool pocketknife and see what’s causing it to jam.”
Within minutes the lanky red-headed Sergeant Wilkins arrived in the Aero Repair Shop's big blue maintenance bread truck and immediately started discussing the situation with Chief Johns.
I walked over to listen in.
“We've never had a problem with the nose gear sticking,” Wilkins told Johns. “The nose wheelwell is basically a big metal box with wires, fuel lines and hydraulic lines that the gear folds up into. The problem could be hydraulic. It could be mechanical. I guess it could even be electrical,” Wilkins said.
“Get them all out here, then!” barked Johns.
Wilkins ran back to the bread truck, called Maintenance Control and told them to dispatch the shop chiefs from the hydraulic shop and the electrical shop, along with his own Aero Repair Shop shift supervisor.
Colonel Rollins was now talking to Lt. Col. Buck, the chief of pilot training. They were both on the radio with Crowley.
While we were waiting for the shop chiefs to arrive, I asked Johns and Wilkins about the last phased inspection.
“No problems,” said Wilkins. “That plane went in to the hangar last Thursday and we finished it this morning. As far as I know Major Crowley had no problems taxiing out and no problems taking off.”
Sergeant Adams, the hydraulic shop chief showed up.
“Could this be a hydraulic problem?” asked Wilkins.
“Don't think so,” replied Adams. “That's not the way hydraulics fail. It sounds like the gear is stuck in a fixed position. What's the hydraulic pressure?”
As soon as Colonel Rollins heard this he radioed Crowley.
“Hydraulic pressure is normal,” replied Crowley.
“Anything funny about the electrical system?” asked Rollins.
“Not that I can see,” answered Crowley. “Battery’s good. No malfunctions indicated.”
“It's probably mechanical,” said Wilkins.
“Maybe the gear mechanism is bent or something,” I guessed.
“You're full of shit, Lieutenant,” barked Johns. “There's no way any of that structure would be bent short of a collision or a crash. We'd never miss something like that.”
“Hard landing?”
“Those have to be reported. We’d see it,” Johns insisted.
“Just guessing,” I said.
“Guess again,” said Johns.
“Is there anything in there that could interfere with the mechanism?” I asked.
“Get the technical order and let's take a look at this,” replied Johns.
Wilkins had Jones grab the TO out of the bread truck while he and Johns went over to look into the nose wheelwell of a T-28 that was parked nearby.
Wilkins, Johns and I crowded into the nose wheelwell looking at the compartment full of electrical conduit, fuel lines, hydraulic lines, tubes, struts, braces, bolts, brackets, manifolds, etc. — it looked like a metal box of metal and rubber spaghetti surrounding the opening that the gear folded up into.
“I don't see how any of this could cause the nose gear to stick,” said Johns.
Wilkins stepped back out.
“Get that jack over here,” Wilkins shouted to a nearby airman who immediately wheeled a tripod style jack over to the parked T-28.
“Okay, let's run this baby up and watch this gear move,” said Johns.
“Just a minute,” said the crew chief. “You can't move just the nose gear, you have to put jacks under the wings first.”
“But if we run it up on jacks it might literally fly off the jacks,” I said.
“Not if we hook up a tow line to the tail skid,” said Wilkins. “Besides, we’re not going to engage the prop.”
“Okay, let's see if we can get this set up in a hurry,” said Johns.
“Get the base safety officer out here,” demanded Rollins.
“And the fire crew,” added training officer Lt. Col. Buck somewhat ominously.
Jacks were put in place under the wings and the nose by the flightline crew chief Sgt Mack and his crew.
A tow line from the tail skid was attached to a nearby tiedown.
Sgt. Mack removed the flagged safety pins from each gear, then climbed into the cockpit and started the engine.
“There's an interlock,” said Wilkins. “You can't raise the gear on the ground without disconnecting the altimeter and overriding the altimeter safety switch.”
Mr. Hobbs, the civilian electric shop chief, opened up a panel just behind the engine cowling and disconnected a couple of wires.

“Okay, raise the gear!” Johns shouted over the roar of the engine. The nose gear came up toward the rear and into the wheelwell and the wheelwell doors closed.
“I didn't see anything,” I said. “It moved too fast.”
“Okay bring the gear down again,” Johns shouted.
The doors opened and the gear came down.
“Is there any way to slow this actuator down or stop it partway?” Johns asked.
Wilkins asked Adams if he had any ideas.
“I guess we could put a smaller line in the hydraulics there where it comes through the bulkhead,” said Adams. “That would restrict the flow, but we'd lose some hydraulic fluid. And it would take a while.”
“What about just drilling a hole in the hydraulic line and leaking out some of the pressure?” asked Wilkins.
“That might work,” said Adams, “but you'd get a lot of hydraulic fluid spraying out under pressure. It would be hard to control. And of course we’d have to replace the line.”
“If I covered the hole with my finger,” said Wilkins, “I could control the pressure, right?”
“It'd cut right through your finger,” said Adams, “that's well over 1000 psi.”
“Ok, how about if I put a metal sleeve over the line where the hole is and hold it?”
Adams nodded. “I'll get on it.”
Adams ran to the bread truck and came back with some fuel line pieces and an hydraulic drill hooked up to the bread truck's external hydraulics.
Wilkins opened the panel outside the wheelwell and drilled a hole in the hydraulic line. Adams had slit the fuel line lengthwise so it could be fitted over the hydraulic line. Wilkins slid the short piece of sleeving over the newly leaking hydraulic line. Then Johns had the crew chief run up the engine again.
It worked. By squeezing down on the sleeve Wilkins could roughly control how fast the nose gear went up, although the line was leaking hydraulic fluid onto the tarmac.
“You're leaking fluid on the taxiway,” I noted.
Johns scowled at me.
Although the hydraulic line trick worked, it didn't help. We still couldn't tell what might be hanging up the gear.
By this time Major Crowley had reported that he had checked beneath the cockpit floor panels but had been unable to see what was causing the gear to stick.
“You got any other ideas?” asked Rollins.
“I guess I could try a pullout,” said Crowley. “I might be able to pull enough Gs to free the gear.”
“Okay,” replied Rawlins, “but be careful. Make sure you have plenty of elevation.”
“And don't go over about five Gs,” added Wilkins walking up to Colonel Rollins. “We don’t want the wings to crack.”
“I know, Sergeant,” replied Crowley over the radio.
Crowley was going to try a steep dive then a sharp pull up thinking that perhaps the maneuver might force the nose gear down by gravity and inertia.
We watched as Crowley took the T-28 up and almost out of sight and put it into a steep dive. About halfway to the ground he pulled back on the yoke while pushing on the landing gear’s down lever, yanking the nose up sharply.
Nothing moved. The gear wouldn't budge.
“Anything else?” asked Rollins over the radio.
“I might have to do a gear up landing,” replied Crowley.
“Have you ever done one?”
“I've practiced them in the air during touch-and-gos, but I don't think anyone would approve of me actually landing with the gear up,” replied Crowley sarcastically.
I had heard about a gear up landing a few years earlier when a student pilot literally forgot to put down the gear. He crashed hard. He was lucky to survive.
“If you're going to try it,” said Rollins, “better stay up there until all your fuel is burned up.
“Okay,” said Crowley, “anybody else down there have any ideas?”
“What’s the stall speed of the T-28?” Rollins asked.
“Depends on the weight,” replied Crowley. “If I burn most of the fuel and fly from the rear seat, it’s probably as low as 70 knots [about 82 mph]. But that will be hard to maintain without keeping the nose up, which will obstruct my vision in front.”
“Don’t do anything stupid,” said Rollins. “Your own safety is more important than saving the plane.”
“Right,” said Crowley. “But I think I can do a safe gear up landing without doing much damage either.”
“Why don't you bail and see if you can get it to soft-crash in the Back Bay?” asked Rollins. (Most of the Back Bay of Biloxi is about 15 feet deep.)
“No, no no. No way,” replied Crowley. “I know I can pull off a gear-up landing. If I try to get it into the Back Bay, I'd have to bail at at least 1500 feet to allow for the chute to open. And that would mean it would be too hard to control where it finally crashed.”
Colonel Rollins reluctantly agreed that a gear up landing was probably better than trying to down the plane in the Back Bay of Biloxi.
Then Rollins called for the fire crews to position themselves alongside the runway and instructed them to prepare to foam the runway in anticipation of the sparks which would be generated by a gear up landing.
Sergeant Johns wanted to know who worked in the nose wheel well last.
Sergeant Wilkins said it was probably one of his guys but he wasn't sure which one.
“Get me the records then,” Johns said.
Within minutes the nearby flight shack's records binder for tail number 9327 arrived.
“Okay, looks like we had an engine change and a major phase inspection,” said Johns. “What do they do to the nose gear during a major phase inspection?”
“Not much,” Wilkins replied, “the gear has to be removed for an engine change, then reinstalled and cycled in the hangar. Then it's inspected, buttoned up and signed off. All routine stuff we do all the time.”
“If this nose gear was cycled, how could it be sticking now?”
“I don't know,” replied Wilkins. “Maybe it wasn't cycled, even though it says here it was cycled according to the technical order.”
“Better bring out whoever worked on this,” Johns demanded.
Staff Sergeant Abraham Lowry had signed off as supervisor of the phase inspection. Sergeant Wilkins radioed back to the Aero Repair shop to find out where Sergeant Lowry was. Sergeant Lowry worked the night shift and was not on duty.
“Send someone to the barracks to pick him up then,” said Wilkins.
We all craned our necks as Major Crowley made several low-altitude passes in front of the assembled crowd as several pilots with binoculars tried to get a look at the stuck landing gear. There wasn't much to see. The nose wheelwell panel was nearly closed.

“What's going to happen to the plane when you try to land with the gear up?” asked Colonel Rollins over the radio.
“I assume I’ll just skid down the runway on the belly of the fuselage,” Crowley replied.
Colonel Rollins walked over to the nearby T-28 on the ground where we gathered near the spilled hydraulic fluid. He walked around it, still talking to Crowley on his radio.
“What about the propeller?” asked Rollins.
“Not sure,” replied Crowley. “I’ll kill the engine and feather the prop during final approach and I’d guess that the propeller blades will simply break off when they hit the runway. They should break off underneath, and probably won’t get near the cockpit.”
“It will probably depend on the position,” Rollins replied, gazing at the nose of the T-28 on the ground. “These propeller blades seem to extend below the level of the fuselage. But if they're feathered as you approach it’s hard to tell what will happen.”
“I'll try to keep the nose up as long as possible,” said Crowley, “to minimize the amount of time the prop blades touch the runway.”
Sergeant Lowry soon reported to Sergeant Johns somewhat nervously. He was in civilian clothes having been awakened in his barracks room.
“Did you supervise the last Phase inspection of 9327?” Johns quickly asked.
“Yes sir,” replied Lowry, tentatively.
“Did you cycle the landing gear?”
“Yes sir.”
“And it cycled fine?”
“Yes sir, as I recall. Didn't I check that step in the checklist?”
Johns looked at the forms. He had. “You know what's going on here?”
“On the way here Sergeant Robinson told me that Major Crowley can’t get the nose gear down.”
“Right. Do you have any idea how that could happen?”
“No sir. Not really. Like I said, it cycled clear.”
“Clear? What do you mean? Clear?”
“No hitches. No noise. Smooth. Like always.”
“Take a look here in this nose wheelwell and tell me if you have any idea what the problem could be.”
Sergeant Lowry bent over and stooped over into the nose wheelwell nearby and looked around for awhile. “No sir, I can't imagine what the problem could be. But this isn’t the plane I worked on.”
“This is unbelievable,” said Johns. “How could the nose gear stick if it cycled okay in the hangar?”
“I don't see how it could,” Wilkins replied. “I don't think anyone touched it between the time it was cycled and this morning when Crowley took off.”
Major Crowley reported that he still had about an hour's worth of fuel remaining and that he planned to make a few more practice passes at the runaway before actually attempting the gear-up landing.
“Any other ideas?” Rollins asked me. “We’re running out of time here.”
“No sir,” I replied nervously. “But we’ll keep looking.”
“I have to assume this is maintenance related,” Rollins said, somewhat accusatorily. “There’s no other explanation. I don’t see any way it could be the pilot or a malfunction.”
“True, sir,” I said. “But we just don’t know at this point.”
By this time my boss, Lt. Colonel Smith, Chief of Maintenance, and his boss Colonel Taylor, Commander of the 3380th Maintenance and Supply Group, had arrived.
“What do we have here?” asked Taylor.
“Major Crowley’s nose gear is stuck and won’t come down,” I replied. “Looks like he’ll have to do a gear-up landing.”
“Why’s it stuck?” asked Smith?
“We don’t know,” I replied. “We’ve tried to duplicate it over there [pointing at the nearby T-28] but nothing sticks out.”
“Maybe that’s what you should look for — something sticking out,” said Smith.
“We’ll take another look.”
Johns, Wilkins and the crew chief stepped into the nose wheelwell again.
“I just don’t see how this thing could cycle in the hangar and then stick in the air,” Wilkins grumbled, looking closely at the strut mechanism.
Johns came back over and added, “We just don’t know.”
“We’re out of ideas,” I reluctantly told Rollins, Smith and Taylor. “But we’re still looking.”
The four colonels looked at each other. “Shit,” grumbled Rollins, as they shook their heads angrily and nervously.
The fire crews finished foaming the runway and positioned themselves beside the runway as Major Crowley prepared for his final approach. He cut the engine and an ominous silence descended on what normally would have been the usual clatter of the busy flightline.
The sky was a clear blue, there was very little wind and Major Crowley was ready to bring her down. He glided down to the west end of the runway, pulled up a little and sort of floated quietly just above the runway, barely descending foot by foot with a slightly nose-up flare.
The tail skid under the T-28’s tail was the first to scrape the tarmac. It seemed to drag and spark a little, then the sparking stopped in the foam, then the nose gently lowered and the propeller blades hit the runway.
“Look at that!” shouted Rollins. “The propeller didn't break off!”
The propellers were not lightweight aluminum blades; they were wide heavy tempered steel and Crowley was being so gentle with the descent that the lower two of the three propeller blades were actually holding the plane barely off the ground like an upside-down Y.
We watched as the large bulky two-seater aircraft skidded down the runway basically on its two front propeller blades and the tail skid, barely keeping the bottom of the fuselage from scraping the foamed runway.
“I hope he stops before he reaches the end of the runway,” said Lt. Col. Buck.
“No problem,” Rollins replied.
Crowley had glided pretty far down the runway before touching down, and the foam was acting as a sort of lubricant reducing friction and letting the plane slide. And since the propeller blades and the tail skid were the only things touching the runway there wasn’t much friction and Crowley seemed to be drifting farther down the runway than he meant to.
“I don't like this,” said Buck. “If he skids off the end of the runway and the propeller blades sink into the ground, he could flip.”
“I don't think so,” replied Rollins. “All he has to do is lower the flaps.”
“But he's not lowering the flaps,” said Buck.
“He will,” said Rollins.
But he didn't.
“Lower the flaps!” Rollins shouted into the radio. “Lower the flaps!”
The plane continued to skid toward the end of the runway at a significant speed, gently scraping the runway with the plane’s lower fuselage, spitting up foam as it went.
The two lower propeller blades were worn down and bent backward, but when the plane reached the end of the runway, the nose-heavy aircraft seemed to abruptly stop short as the bent propeller blades caught in the ground. The round nose of the aircraft sunk and dug in, and, as if in slow motion, the tail rose up, and up… and after the tail tipped past vertical, the whole plane somersaulted over upside-down, falling to a hard thump, the fiberglass canopy smashing onto the grass as the tail fin came over and knifed into the soft ground.
(To be continued…)
Posted by Randy Guelph
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Dec 25, 2019 at 7:07 pm
It’s amazing that people will post outright lies on today, Christmas day! Somehow, they expect us to believe that vehicle dwellers are both meth-addicted, undocumented tax cheats (as seen in other comments sections about this topic) AND well-to-do Google employees. Those of you that hate the poor need to pick one narrative and stick to it, otherwise your lies are too obvious.
Residents will vote on the proposed ban on the extended parking of mobile homes on Mountain View streets in November 2020. Originally voted on by the city council, it was added to next year’s ballot after around 100 volunteers from the Mountain View Housing Justice Coalition gathered almost 5,000 signatures petitioning the council to repeal the bill or set up a referendum vote.
Last night I just so happened to tune into Fox News where HUD Secretary Ben Carson was being interviewed about the California homelessness issue. He explained that Newsom wants more HUD vouchers for permanent housing but the Administration does not believe that is a priority at this time and that the vouchers do not address the root causes of homelessness, such as things like high housing costs, drug addiction, and/or Mental Illness. He states that the Trump administration wants to focus more on transitional housing such as indoor/outdoor shelters where services can be provided in a centralized location. He said because of the high price of housing the vouchers are distributed to fewer people. He also believes that California needs to look at our regulations that make building new permanent housing so expensive in the first place. Check it out for yourself, very informative.
James Marmon MSW
Ben Carson: I hoped to find more ‘urgency in the leadership’ in California on homelessness
“First of all, you have a significant number of people with disturbances in their mental capacity. We have drug addiction, and we have people who simply cannot afford to live in a place where you have so many regulations that drive up the cost of everything,” he said.
He dismissed Sacramento’s calls for more HUD vouchers, saying such aid came from a nationwide pool of money that “doesn’t grow because you say, ‘grow it.'”
He continued, “So, the better thing to do is go and look at the root cause: Why are things they are so expensive? What can be done about them? And then, how can we deal with the mentally ill individuals?”
Washington “recently was given a waiver by HHS so they could use Medicaid dollars for mental illness. California could apply for that same waiver. And, those are the kind of things that have to be done, and they have to be done with the federal, state, local, as well as faith-based, the for-profit, the not-for-profits — we need to work together to get this done; it can be done, absolutely,” Carson added.
What do you think a HUD Voucher in Ukiah or Fort Bragg would cost the Feds? Or God forbid San Francisco, waste of money.
What is a transitional housing program?
Families that are homeless or facing imminent eviction are the primary beneficiaries of transitional housing programs and emergency shelters. … The goal of these various free transitional housing programs are to help families both live independently and move into long term, permanent housing or apartments.
James Marmon MSW
Why the Trump Administration is opposed to handing out billions of dollars of funding for increased Housing Vouchers. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same result. Trump is not insane.
How Section 8 Determines Voucher Amount
Looking at Fair Market Rent, Payment Standard and Family Income
Calculates Fair Market Rent
The first step in determining the voucher amount, is to calculate the Fair Market Rent for the area. Each year HUD comes up with this number for over 2,500 areas of the country.
When calculating this number, HUD looks at all units that have been rented in that specific area over the last 15 months.
James Marmon MSW
Posted on NOVEMBER 13, 2019
New federal guidelines will make it easier for state Medicaid programs to cover mental health services provided in institutions for mental diseases (IMD).
For years, Medicaid regulations greatly limited the ability of states to pay for care – generally, care related to substance abuse disorder treatment – provided in IMDs; this was generally known as the IMD exclusion. The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act, also known as the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, which was passed in 2018, opened the door for more exceptions to these limits, and last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved a section 1115 waiver application submitted by the Washington, D.C. Medicaid program to circumvent the IMD exclusion for specific purposes.
At the same time that CMS approved the Washington waiver application it also issued formal guidance to state Medicaid programs outlining the circumstances and conditions under which it would consider waiver applications for similar circumvention of the IMD exclusion to facilitate the provision of care in IMDs for patients with substance abuse disorders and other serious mental health problems. The CMS guidance memo addresses the types of care for which it might approve a waiver, the types of facilities in which waiver-authorized services can be provided, and the extent to which states could receive federal Medicaid matching funds for services provided to eligible patients through approved programs.
Learn more about the Washington waiver in the Fierce Healthcare article “CMS approves D.C. Medicaid waiver, paving way for broader mental health coverage” and read the CMS guidance memo to states here.
Bring back the “Civilian Conservation Corps”, or a variation of. Don’t know what it was? look it up, Google “CCC Camps”.
My father lived and worked in one, and look what happened to me…Found Object?
As always,
The “Do Nothing Democrats” would need to stop their impeachment bullshit and work with Trump on a “Infrastructure deal”. Roosevelt must be rolling in his grave. Young men actually learned trades witch led to careers.
What were the CCC camps?
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a voluntary public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men. Originally for young men ages 18–25, it was eventually expanded to ages 17–28.
What projects did the CCC do?
The most obvious example is the CCC, or the Civilian Conservation Corps, a New Deal initiative by FDR to provide jobs, food, and housing for young, unemployed men building and fixing parks, roads, and other public works. … The CCC actually did a lot of forest conservation in addition to developing parks.
James Marmon MSW
Yea but if Trump or any other tried CCC here the PC police would cry foul for one reason or another. I can hear them now, forced labor, low wages, class distinction…” the horror, the horror”. 56K homeless in LA?
The Lower Left would rather let them beg on the streets most days, and be left to do their feel-good handouts at Christmas. Meanwhile, the Countries infrastructure falls to pieces, dark ages disease infest the cities, and old drunks die in Home Depot parking lots.
I suspect something major will have to happen to slap reality in the face, maybe the Aliens will finally expose themselves, or Kim Jung-un will…”Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman”
As always,
Ben Carson: Throwing money at homelessness won’t solve the crisis
“California Gov. Gavin Newson (D) is asking the Trump administration for federal housing vouchers, but Carson said that shouldn’t be the only method.
“One thing that we know that doesn’t work is just throwing money at it because the more money you throw at it, the higher the prices go.”
Ben Carson, Housing and Urban Development secretary
“The regulations continue to grow, and you’ll never catch up,” Carson said on ”
The Evening Edit.” “You’re just chasing your tail.”
Carson compared diagnosing the cause of the homelessness crisis to practicing medicine.”
Major, I hope Major Crowley makes it.
Carmel Angelo will never hold Plowshare’s feet to fire because of her deceased partner Anna Mahoney’s vision for Ukiah and the County. ‘mo money’. Her staff, the Board of Supervisors, will not question her motives.
Ana Mahoney
“Longtime Mendocino County resident Ana Mahoney, widely known both as an efficient administrator and an optimistic and effective altruist, died Tuesday of heart failure. She was 68.
“She was a truly remarkable woman. She was dedicated to our community. Rich, poor, fortunate or not, it didn’t matter. If she could help, she would,” said Larry MacLeitch, a board member of Plowshares Peace and Justice Center, which serves meals to people who are down on their luck.
Mahoney had long been involved with Plowshares and was its director for the last year.
“She absolutely loved Plowshares. It wasn’t a job, it was a vocation,” said Carmel Angelo, Mahoney’s partner and Mendocino County’s chief executive officer. “Her heart was there. She wanted to help everyone there.”
Joel 3:10
Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
King James Version
The next thing will be instructions on toilet paper.
As always,
My daughter is homeless, and six months pregnant. She’s not a drug addict. She’s not ill. “A 2 bedroom house is 2250!. A town with abundant resources and land, but reserved for the wealthy.
Studios are going for 1500. We get minimum wage! $80.00 bucks a night for a studio on air b&b.”
Julian Castro
‘Housing is a human right.
In recent years we’ve taken steps backward. Rather than working to eliminate housing discrimination, the Trump administration froze a landmark rule passed during my time at HUD to ensure all communities had the resources needed to overcome historic segregation.
As Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Obama administration, I led a team of 8,000 employees and managed a $48 billion annual budget to create a stronger platform that would lift people out of poverty, and into the middle class.’
But a few of his suggestions…
*Expand and empower the department to investigate the role of corporations, including banks and technology companies, and those who run them, in driving up the cost of housing.
*Prohibit discrimination in housing and denial of access to capital based on previous arrest or criminal records and support reintegration from the criminal justice system, as part of a broader effort to end consideration of criminal history in employment and access to government services.
*Defend housing protections for women by passing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and building on the progress made in 2016 to strengthen its protections for vulnerable women.
BEN CARSON has been a disaster for housing.
Susie de Castro
Are you related to Julian Castro and/or Fidel Castro? just wondering. You all think alike.
Marmon, you are a stupid fascist.
Fair enough.
I don’t agree with everything they say or do.
The Castros are physicians. Caring for, and about people is as natural, to us, as breathing.
Louis Bedrock #1,#2 & #3 – inappropriate. (and anyone that believes #1 was consentual is more than clueless). cancel my subscription
The editor agrees and pleads inattentiveness.
“Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get a heartache when we read those lines written by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own, as the tender shoots which we stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers, our own criterion of truth and beauty. Every man, when he gets quiet, when he becomes desperately honest with himself, is capable of uttering profound truths. We all derive from the same source. There is no mystery about the origin of things. We are all part of creation, all kings, all poets, all musicians; we have only to open up, only to discover what is already there.”
― Henry Miller
December 26. Happy Birthday, Henry Miller!
I believe the Depression era single young men Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) planted black walnut trees along the roadside, in Lake and inland southern Mendocino counties, which were often cut down with road widening or withered in drought the past 20 years, and subsequently not replanted, as some varieties may be imported and thus not necessarily native, slipping under the CEQA vegetation oversight review criteria for roadside snack indigenous food source migration.
Depression era CCC is not to be confused with the currently active California Conservation Corps (CCC), for young men and women gaining paid work credits with a camp base in Ukiah and elsewhere in the State.
What I’m talking about, CCC, is much bigger than some social program. This should be on par with the Manhattan Project!
The country needs to mobilize and put a serious effort into getting control of this major societal problem. Back in the day I would have said put the military in charge, today, I don’t know…maybe?
As always,
Not the military, local law enforcement needs to be part of the solution and demand community participation and buy-in. People like Carmel Angelo, the Schraeders, and the Board of Supervisors should be arrested and convicted for their incompetency’s and/or their refusal to properly do their jobs because of political and/or financial gain.
James Marmon MSW
Now that Allman is gone, and Ukiah and Fort Bragg have new Police Chiefs, Mendocino County has an opportunity to get things straight, it’s really law enforcement’s duty.
Being a conservative social worker has been hard, it led to me losing my career. I wanted to do upstream social work and get at root causes. I used to tell my co-workers and people I supervised “If we did our jobs right, we would run out of work” which I thought was a good thing. That train of thought was met with great resistance from the Schraeder cabal, and here I am today commenting on the AVA.
James Marmon MSW
Former Social Worker V
Mendocino Family and Children’s Services
Louis Bedrock, AVA’s newest columnist, touts prostitution and sexual prowess with a minor. Is John the John or Louis the John mirroring John? What’s next? Jeffrey Epstein’s memoirs?
What’s next? New sexual healing health strategies to escape the clutches of methamphetamine addiction, or just more babes and babies?
Don’t forget hate speech, too. Remember the piece earlier this month on feeding transgendered people to polar bears? (Thanks for removing that gem, AVA). I wish the AVA would stick to reporting local news. This content is deplorable.
…You mention “shared psychosis” while “translating” the portion of Trump’s letter about law professor Jonathan Turley, who argued against impeachment. Are you implying that he suffers from shared psychosis? And can you elaborate on your “shared psychosis” description in general?
“Shared psychosis” is a phenomenon which happens in households or in nations when a sick person goes untreated and healthy members are in close contact.
Rather than the sick person getting better, the otherwise healthy people take on symptoms of the sick person, as if they had the sickness themselves. It is a very dramatic phenomenon that equally dramatically disappears when you remove the sick person from contact or media exposure.
The severity by which others are affected is what induces me to believe that Trump is sometimes truly paranoid and delusional rather than merely lying.
The difference is a matter of degree, and I have enough experience with this dynamic in prison settings to recognize that this is at pathological levels. In this context, almost anyone who actively takes the side of the president is likely to have some degree of the “shared psychosis.”
If you were unaffected, you would be repelled. And this is why we often see a clear split, much like the binary division in our country.
Guess what…you, too, can suffer a single mental health crisis, or two, or three, or be permanently disabled from a steady diet of abuse, and a depravation of opportunity, and basic human rights.
Mental illness isn’t born, it’s made.
Speaking of shaky T-28 landings….
When I was assigned as an advisor to the Royal Lao Air Force, one of their pilots landed with a fused 500 pound bomb still hung under the right wing. The landing jolt freed the bomb, which went porpoising down the runway in tandem with the plane. I promptly kissed the dirt in front of the line shack, to find other advisors amusedly peering down at me. Most embarrassing.