[Dec 8]
Yes folks, it's coming up sooner than we all think. The Holiday Community Dinner: Sun. Dec. 8, 5:30, AV Grange. Sponsored by the Foodshed and the Grange, our yearly FREE gathering for one and all. Started in the late 80's it's become a wonderful tradition. Come have a delicious dinner, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing provided by Grange and Foodshed and all the extras provided by everyone else, ie. a monster potluck with you bringing desserts , salads, drinks, vegetarian options and if you can swing it your own utensils. There's a kids zone, Lynn on the white grand piano with dinner music and perhaps some caroling, and a long line where you get to hang out with friends and neighbors. As always there is much need for volunteers to cook the turkeys, mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing before the event AND folks to pitch in, run the kitchen, serve, set up, decorate, clean up and on and on. Helping out is a great way to meet and greet both new and old members of our community. If you want to help out before or during the event please call or email Cap Rainbow 895-3807, captnrainbow@pacific.net Don't be square, be there! All are welcome.
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