Paul Hobbs, internationally renowned winemaker with headquarters in Sebastopol, is described in his web site biography as a “trailblazer” and “prospector.” Those are fitting designations, if not always in the ways his publicist intends. Formerly the winemaker at two of the most prestigious wineries in the country, Opus One and Simi, Hobbs currently “crafts” — to use the term of trade — numerous acclaimed vintages under his own self-titled label, also working as a consultant on 30-35 other wines at a given time, in as many as six countries spanning three continents. By advertising Hobbs' association with their brand, those who hire him automatically see a boost in sales.
Kenneth C. Wilson, real estate capitalist and winemaker with headquarters in Healdsburg, is not the first person wine industry observers would typically associate with Hobbs. Whereas Hobbs is widely regarded for his winemaking artistry, as a veritable winemaker's winemaker, Wilson is better known as an opportunistic investor. The latter has built his own “mini wine empire” — to quote Wines and Vines magazine —- across northern Sonoma and southern Mendocino counties in recent years, largely on the strength, it seems, of superior access to wealth.
Yet, the two men's activities are closely linked, if only by a single factor: their zeal for deforestation. The practice of clear-cutting is common to vineyard development across the Central Coast, North Bay, and North Coast regions of California. The land clearances Hobbs and Wilson have conducted stand out, however, largely owing to an impressive feat: Each man ran afoul of the law, in spite of the preferential treatment the state and county regulatory apparatus has for so long bestowed on the wine industry.
During the end of April through the beginning of May, Hobbs oversaw a 10-acre clear-cut on a 160-acre parcel he owns in Pocket Canyon, just east of Guerneville, known as Hillick Ranch. The deforestation took place even though Hobbs had not established an erosion control plan nor set forth what portion of the property he would place in a conservation easement, as he was required to do under an agreement with the California Department of Forestry. He also had not bothered to obtain a grading permit or use permit from the County of Sonoma.
It appears that Hobbs had grown tired of waiting for the permitting process to play out, so therefore took a gamble that he would not face any punitive measures if he took matters into his own hands, speeding things along toward installing yet another parcel of grapes to source for his wines.
The clear-cut is in close proximity to Pocket Canyon Creek, where erosion would — and perhaps already did — further damage this fragile waterway, thereby only adding to the cumulative destruction activities of this sort have wrought on the Russian River basin, where the sight of a living fish grows increasingly rare. Owing to complaints by residents, a forester for the Sonoma-Napa-Lake unit of CalFire named Kimberly Sone came to the site and issued a stop-work order based on Hobbs' failure to attain the adequate permits.
“CAL FIRE was not notified regarding the start up of timber operations as required by the Forest Practice Act,” Sone stated via e-mail. “After conducting a field inspection and reviewing the plan, I requested the Licensed Timber Operator and Registered Professional Forester to stop operations.”
She also stated, reassuringly, that “logs are on the ground and logging debris is still on-site, thereby reducing significant amounts of erosion.” That would seem to be a tacit acknowledgment, however, that some significant degree of erosion has either occurred or is in danger of occurring.
The Hillick Ranch clear-cut has even escalated into a rare instance of county officials being at odds with a vineyard developer. John Roberts, a member of the Sonoma County Water Coalition and the Atascadero-Green Valley Creek Watershed Council, is one of various West County residents who has been active in trying to put a halt to Hobbs' clear-cutting. Roberts met with Sonoma County Fifth District Supervisor Efren Carrillo on May 18th to provide him documentation on the environmental destruction Hobbs and other vineyard developers have wrought, as well as try to compel him to take action to rein in the star winemaker.
“Efren was aware of the situation and was able to say that based on the visit by officials, enforceable actions took place on the property,” Roberts says. “Since it is under investigation, he could say no more, except that he and many others are very unhappy with Hobbs.”
Hobbs' action is especially significant because it is the first serious test of Sonoma County's Timber Conversion Ordinance, which ostensibly governs felling of designated timber land to make way for winegrapes and other “agriculture.” The Board of Supervisors passed the ordinance in 2006. It requires that all timber-to-agriculture conversion projects set aside at least 75 percent of a given parcel in a conservation easement. That's as opposed to an outright ban on such conversions, as regional environmentalists originally sought. The conservation easement provision is widely seen as having been shaped by Premier Pacific Vineyards, the massive vineyard development corporation run by the infamous William Hill and Richard Wollack, who are attempting to clear approximately 1,700 acres of forested land in the Gualala River basin, on a 20,000-acre parcel, to install miles of grapes.
Ironically, Hobbs has been in the spotlight across recent weeks not because of his precedent-setting Hillick Ranch clear-cut, but because of his court-sanctioned fleecing of Sebastopol neighbor John Jenkel. The saga has attracted a pair of stories in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, though the North Coast's paper of record has failed to mention several significant details of the story, while framing others far too leniently toward Hobbs. Jenkel's side of the story, though entirely absent from the pages of the PD, is worth considering in detail, particularly since it sheds considerable light on the sort of mindset that drives people like Hobbs, whose sense of entitlement seems to be so overwrought that it even surpasses his renown as a winemaker.
A grove of roughly 60 douglas firs stood adjacent to the property line shared by Hobbs and Jenkel just outside of Sebastopol. A few years ago, Hobbs drilled a well roughly 200′ from Jenkel’s existing well, presumably to nourish the thirsty grapes he had planted on the site. Jenkel had a sand filter installed by a pump co. that was supposed to purge itself on a periodic basis. Soon after Hobbs drilled his well, Jenkel’s well started drawing sand for the first time in its many years of service.
The filter malfunctioned, however, and water ran continuously for a few months, with the deluge seriously damaging the root systems of two trees on the Hobbs parcel and affecting six others. A tree blew down and clipped a corner of one of Hobbs' buildings. Hobbs then took what was apparently, in his mind, the logical next step: he removed the entire grove of trees, claiming all of them were compromised . That's in spite of the fact that Jenkel had already identified and corrected the malfunction in his pump.
Next, Hobbs sued Jenkel for the cost he incurred in removing the trees. Not only did the judge side with Hobbs, but the winemaker received a judgment of $360,000 — more than twice what he originally sought. Jenkel, who sought to defend himself in the case, is notoriously clumsy in court, making him easy picking for Hobbs. The winemaker has since poured a foundation 50 feet in length for future buildings exactly where the doug fir grove previously stood.
The story is especially intriguing given Jenkel's notoriety around Sonoma County. The 72-year-old former San Francisco candy maker is perhaps best known for his bizarre rants at Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meetings, where he can typically be heard touting implausible conspiracy theories, many of which center on former San Francisco Mayor and State Speaker of the Assembly Willie Brown. Jenkel accuses Brown, for instance, of being a mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
So far, Hobbs has purchased three out of Jenkel's four Sonoma County properties at auction. He has obtained them for far below market value: $60,000 combined. Thus, Jenkel still owes Hobbs roughly $300,000. Ironically, this asset-stripping at the hands of Hobbs might qualify as exactly the sort of cold-blooded conspiracy Jenkel has so often accused various governmental factions of carrying out, except this time with an overzealous winemaker acting the part of Willie Brown, who Jenkel personally blames or having stripped him of a bus he formerly owned when he lived in San Francisco.
Even assuming he is not engaged in a cold-blooded conspiracy to take away Jenkel's property, but instead was merely “defending” himself against a neighbor he labels as overly aggressive, Hobbs' actions reveal a degree of ruthlessness that is considerably at odds with his image as an artisanal winemaker. For example, Hobbs could have elected to place a lien on the elderly Jenkel's properties, collecting his more than $300,000 during probate, rather than stripping Jenkel of the parcels outright.
If nothing else, Hobbs has capitalized on the circumstances at hand. Naturally, he felled all of the trees that previously adorned the former Jenkel property off of Highway 116, sparking outrage from local residents. Hobbs is moving immediately to install grapes there, further expanding his ever-increasing wine fiefdom. The California Dept. of Forestry determined that the redwoods and doug Firs on the Jenkel property were landscape trees, so his felling of them was perfectly legal. Agriculture is exempt from California state laws governing Wild and Scenic Corridors.
Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether the Environmental and Consumer Protection division of the Sonoma County District Attorneys office will pursue an enforcement action against Hobbs. Calls to the Sonoma County DA's office were nor returned as of press time. Environmental activists and local residents did meet last week with Ann Gallagher White, who heads the environmental protection division of the DA office. White reportedly promised to “look into it” but did not commit to taking action.
Ken Wilson, for his part, is no stranger to action by the DA in connection with his vineyard development schemes. He has the distinction of being the only such developer in Sonoma County ever sentenced to a jail term stemming from environmental damage he caused in the process of installing grapes. Wilson clear-cut forested land and removed the trees' root systems across roughly 50 acres off Scagg Springs Rd., 13 miles west of Healdsburg, in 1997. The result was a mind-boggling 18,000 cubic foot landslide into House Creek, a tributary of the Gualala River, in early 1998. That figure comes courtesy of the Department of Fish and Game.
“It was an act of God coming in, the mountain slides down the hill and suddenly he is in the middle of a criminal case,” Wilson's attorney, Chris Andrian, said at the time, referencing the run-off prompted by heavy winter rains.
Wilson served a 90-day suspended sentence for failing to perform erosion control on the site, also paying the largest fine ever in such a case — $50,000. But the penalties scarcely curbed his appetite for vineyard development, nor for deforestation. Three years later, Wilson was dubbed Farmer of the Year at the Sonoma County Harvest Fair. Across the last five years, in particular, his winery holdings have rapidly expanded — in spite of the sluggishness of the industry as a whole.
In 2009, Wilson applied to build a 20,000 case winery — a very large facility, in other words — and new tasting room in the Alexander Valley, on a parcel that he has already deforested large portions of, installing terraced vineyard blocks. The parcel is located at 19,583 Geyserville Ave., across from the River Rock Casino. In coming weeks, the proposed new buildings will come up for review at a meeting by the Sonoma County Permit and Resources Management Department's Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA). Nearly all such proposals are subject to little more than a rubber stamp by the BZA, members of which are appointed by the county's perennially wine-friendly supervisors.
As one of Wilson's neighbors wrote in an e-mail circulated in mid-May, “They've already cut down several 100+ foot coastal redwoods while clearing for a terraced vineyard. The parcel contains many thousands of mature large redwoods, firs, oaks and madrones. In order to squeeze in such a large facility, our concern is that they will cut many more trees.”
Strangely, the Wilsons received a $10 million loan guarantee from the Obama administration's stimulus bill, aka the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to help fund their various vineyard and winery expansions — including the one currently slated to occur in the Alexander Valley. Specifically, the investment came courtesy of the US Department of Agriculture, which doled out a portion of the Stimulus Act funds. It was the second largest loan guarantee the USDA issued as part of that particular round of stimulus funding, with only an agribusiness outfit in American Samoa receiving more.
According to the USDA press release in connection with the loan, “The funds are targeted to create and retain quality jobs and serve difficult-to-reach populations and areas hardest hit by the economic downturn,” a classification which hardly seems to apply to Wilson's vineyards.
The May 2009 edition of the lifestyle magazine Wines & Vines said thus of the Wilsons' budding vineyard and winery portfolio: “Their collection of wine properties brings to mind Jess Jackson's penchant for acquiring family-owned and boutique wineries.”
Wilson is not only a major investor in the wine industry. He also owns a famous building at Pt. Reyes, in the coastal town of Inverness, West Marin County, called the Grandi Building. Wilson is controversial around West Marin for attempting to develop the mixed-use, brick building — a historic landmark — into a trendy, even more upscale hotel. According to a source who has had close contact with Wilson, his fortune derives from the Wilson Sporting Goods family, which also ran one of the largest Chicago meatpacking operations around the turn of the 19th century into the 20th century.
Wilson not only owns five vineyard and winery parcels across Sonoma County, but also one of the most prominent winery and vineyard estate in the Ukiah Valley: Jaxon Keys, located right off of Highway 101 north of Hopland. It is one of those Wine Country properties that closely reflects the ties between the wine industry and other extravagant financial interests. The property was first developed by Georgia banking mogul Robert S. Jepson in 1985. Jepson was bought out by the investment group Dbon Mendocino, LLC, in 2005, the latter being backed by the enormous New York City investment firm Fortress Investment Group — one of the most controversial firms on Wall St., which has roughly $42 billion currently under management.
The hedge fund moguls at Fortress purchased the property with the intention both of renovating the winery and developing a series of subdivisions across several hundred of the roughly 1,000 acres, essentially as part of a bid to convert Hopland into a popular homebase for the sorts of people whose ideal homebase is a hyper-gentrified portion of rural Wine Country. Fortress lost patience with this plan in the wake of the real estate market collapse in 2008, however, selling the parcel to Wilson. Mendonesians, be forewarned: if the Wilsons' record is any indication, they may soon develop the remaining acres on this site, deforesting as they go — ironically, it seems, enabled by funding from Barack Obama's famous stimulus bill.
The fact that Obama administration would bestow so much largess on one of Sonoma County's foremost scofflaw vinters is telling. Destructive vineyard developers are rarely held accountable for the destruction they cause. In many cases, they are only rewarded. The most destructive companies, whether they be part of the wine industry or any other field of extractive enterprise, are also most often the wealthiest and best connected. It is one of the present economic system's fatal flaws that it systematically rewards sociopathic behavior.
On a smaller scale, this permissive culture surrounding anything the wine industry does is precisely why Paul Hobbs took a gamble with his unauthorized clear-cut. He knows the odds are he will never be penalized. Unfortunately, the North Coast wine industry, as I've described in over a dozen articles across recent months, did not grow so huge, nor has it caused so much ecological and human wreckage, because the regulatory system is designed to limit its activities in any significant way.
What a great piece of writing and research. Thank you
‘Da vexing 9-11 Truth Campaign to end 64 years of Murder & Squander for Fascist Gain by Shock & Shame.
June 31, 2011, Abuse News #4835 by John Jenkel, ‘da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, 800-500-7083, 9-11bountyhunter@att.net
Clean up their acts
In this article, Will Parrish, of the Anderson Valley Advertiser, distracts his congressionally betrayed readers, hides corruption, and defames 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel apparently for: 9-11 attempted wife killer George w. Bush; or former side show Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; elected dictator Barack Obama; martial lawman Joe Biden; China’s doll Dianne Feinstein; Hillary (Mrs. Taliban) Clinton; pretend constitutionalist John Boehner; worst mistake maker Harry Reid; 2,629 New York murder cover boy Charles Schumer; and their criminal profiteering sponsors, which includes the Paul Hobbs Winery Limited Partnership. If Will corrects his libelous statements, the above 9 dirt bags can be forced to flee the country, face death sentences, or clean up their acts by ending martial law and unconstitutional undeclared U. S. wars of congressional choice.
Will Parrish: Paul Hobbs & Ken Wilson —
Wine Country’s Clearcutting Crooks
From WILL PARRISH on June 2, 2011. Anderson Valley Advertiser, Laytonville
Paul Hobbs, internationally renowned winemaker with headquarters in Sebastopol, is described in his web site biography as a “trailblazer” and “prospector.” Those are fitting designations, if not always in the ways his publicist intends. Formerly the winemaker at two of the most prestigious wineries in the country, Opus One and Simi, Hobbs currently “crafts” — to use the term of trade — numerous acclaimed vintages under his own self-titled label, also working as a consultant on 30-35 other wines at a given time, in as many as six countries spanning three continents. By advertising Hobbs’ association with their brand, those who hire him automatically see a boost in sales.
Kenneth C. Wilson, real estate capitalist and winemaker with headquarters in Healdsburg, is not the first person wine industry observers would typically associate with Hobbs. Whereas Hobbs is widely regarded for his winemaking artistry, as a veritable winemaker’s winemaker, Wilson is better known as an opportunistic investor. The latter has built his own “mini wine empire” — to quote Wines and Vines magazine —- across northern Sonoma and southern Mendocino counties in recent years, largely on the strength, it seems, of superior access to wealth.
Yet, the two men’s activities are closely linked, if only by a single factor: their zeal for deforestation. The practice of clear-cutting is common to vineyard development across the Central Coast, North Bay, and North Coast regions of California. The land clearances Hobbs and Wilson have conducted stand out, however, largely owing to an impressive feat: Each man ran afoul of the law, in spite of the preferential treatment the state and county regulatory apparatus has for so long bestowed on the wine industry.
During the end of April through the beginning of May, Hobbs oversaw a 10-acre clear-cut on a 160-acre parcel he owns in Pocket Canyon, just east of Guerneville, known as Hillick Ranch. The deforestation took place even though Hobbs had not established an erosion control plan nor set forth what portion of the property he would place in a conservation easement, as he was required to do under an agreement with the California Department of Forestry. He also had not bothered to obtain a grading permit or use permit from the County of Sonoma.
Correction #1, by corruption fighter John Jenkel:
Paul Hobbs probably does not own the clear-cut 10 acres on the Hillick Ranch. Paul Hobbs fronts for the Paul Hobbs Winery, L.P, a California limited partnership, which is run by an anonymous general partner, not Paul Hobbs. I am its neighbor who made the mistake of granting the limited partnership a 30 foot wide restricted commercial easement over my horse farm in 2002. The limited partnership needed a commercial easement so it could obtain a use permit to build a single structure winery, as shown on the submitted Site Plan for Sonoma County Use Permit UPE 01-0128, Exhibit A, on its landlocked 19 acres, in return for its preserving 60 historic douglas fir trees, and other valuable considerations, most of which it destroyed, nullified the easement agreement.
The attractive wood barn-like single structure presented to me and the neighbors in 2002 by Paul Hobbs and his brother Matt and the site plan,
Exhibit A, in order to get my grant of a restricted easement, turned out to be bait for a super UGLY four structure concrete and steel compound, which I call Stalag 116. The limited partnership built this multi-mllion dollar monster with cash. This well connected gang of criminal profiteers cheated and defrauded me while I helplessly watched it unlawfully spend millions, destroy the environment, and buy off my county representative Mike Reilly, and now Efren Carrillo.
I suspect the anonymous limited partners use the limited partnership to launder organized crime profits made from smuggling Northern California marijuana to Argentina and heroin back in wine shipments. Its “superior access to wealth” in a growing deeper recession could also be Homeland (false) Security hush money, or blood debt stimulus money, which is being used all around me to maintain mass murder, quiet descent, and drive me insane, at the expense of we the congressionally betrayed people. Crook Ken Wilson got a $10 million stimulus loan, as Will Parrish uncovers below.
If the reader objects to losing your democracy in favor of fascist agenda, hopefully you will fine three means to recover our democracy in these corrections of Will Parrish’s half truths. They are:
1) cease fires in unconstitutional wars of congressional choice under MARTIAL LAW installed by 136 members of the current 533 member Congress; or
2) end MARTIAL LAW, which was installed by 136 members of the current 533 member Congress in the 107th Congress under democracy ending Public Law 107-243 on October 16, 2002; or
3) fix-it Governor Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown, Jr. using his supreme executive power to see that Section 5, Authority I, in our DECLARATION OF RIGHTS in our Constitution for, not of, the $153 billion dysfunctional and $152 billion congressionally robbed State of 643 elected dictator murdered Californians, hereinafter referred to as CC, is faithfully executed. Section 5 mandates: “The military is subordinate to civil power. A standing army may not be maintained in peacetime.”
WP ~ It appears that Hobbs had grown tired of waiting for the permitting process to play out, so therefore took a gamble that he would not face any punitive measures if he took matters into his own hands, speeding things along toward installing yet another parcel of grapes to source for his wines.
The clear-cut is in close proximity to Pocket Canyon Creek, where erosion would — and perhaps already did — further damage this fragile waterway, thereby only adding to the cumulative destruction activities of this sort have wrought on the Russian River basin, where the sight of a living fish grows increasingly rare. Owing to complaints by residents, a forester for the Sonoma-Napa-Lake unit of CalFire named Kimberly Sone came to the site and issued a stop-work order based on Hobbs’ failure to attain the adequate permits.
“CAL FIRE was not notified regarding the start up of timber operations as required by the Forest Practice Act,” Sone stated via e-mail. “After conducting a field inspection and reviewing the plan, I requested the Licensed Timber Operator and Registered Professional Forester to stop operations.”
She also stated, reassuringly, that “logs are on the ground and logging debris is still on-site, thereby reducing significant amounts of erosion.” That would seem to be a tacit acknowledgment, however, that some significant degree of erosion has either occurred or is in danger of occurring.
The Hillick Ranch clear-cut has even escalated into a rare instance of county officials being at odds with a vineyard developer. John Roberts, a member of the Sonoma County Water Coalition and the Atascadero-Green Valley Creek Watershed Council, is one of various West County residents who has been active in trying to put a halt to Hobbs’ clear-cutting. Roberts met with Sonoma County Fifth District Supervisor Efren Carrillo on May 18th to provide him documentation on the environmental destruction Hobbs and other vineyard developers have wrought, as well as try to compel him to take action to rein in the star winemaker.
“Efren was aware of the situation and was able to say that based on the visit by officials, enforceable actions took place on the property,” Roberts says. “Since it is under investigation, he could say no more, except that he and many others are very unhappy with Hobbs.”
Hobbs’ action is especially significant because it is the first serious test of Sonoma County’s Timber Conversion Ordinance, which ostensibly governs felling of designated timber land to make way for winegrapes and other “agriculture.” The Board of Supervisors passed the ordinance in 2006. It requires that all timber-to-agriculture conversion projects set aside at least 75 percent of a given parcel in a conservation easement. That’s as opposed to an outright ban on such conversions, as regional environmentalists originally sought. The conservation easement provision is widely seen as having been shaped by Premier Pacific Vineyards, the massive vineyard development corporation run by the infamous William Hill and Richard Wollack, who are attempting to clear approximately 1,700 acres of forested land in the Gualala River basin, on a 20,000-acre parcel, to install miles of grapes.
Ironically, Hobbs has been in the spotlight across recent weeks not because of his precedent-setting Hillick Ranch clear-cut, but because of his court-sanctioned fleecing of Sebastopol neighbor John Jenkel. The saga has attracted a pair of stories in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, though the North Coast’s paper of record has failed to mention several significant details of the story, while framing others far too leniently toward Hobbs. Jenkel’s side of the story, though entirely absent from the pages of the PD, is worth considering in detail, particularly since it sheds considerable light on the sort of mindset that drives people like Hobbs, whose sense of entitlement seems to be so overwrought that it even surpasses his renown as a winemaker.
Correction #2, by court-betrayed 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel:”
There was no “court-sanctioned fleecing” of John Jenkel. Nobody fleeces John Jenkel! I was betrayed and silenced by California Superior Court Judge Gary Nadler. His dishonor conspired with Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership through its attorney to cheat, defraud, and deprive me of my constitutionally protected and guaranteed inalienable rights to defend myself. Judge Nadler’s betrayal helped side show Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger maintain the corruption of our now $153 billion dysfunctional State of over 650 congressionally betrayed and elected dictator murdered Californians.
As a direct result of my being treasonously rendered defenseless by judicial traitor Gary Nadler, my land was confiscated by my $2.3 billion congressionally robbed County of Sonoma based on Judge Gary Nadler unconstitutionally issuing an absurd $320,158.00 judgement against fabricated defendants, not me, for water running down hill.
Then I received no due process of supreme laws that mandate a court of constitutional law must compel my County of Sonoma to seize my real properties only upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, in order to lawfully collect on the bogus and constitutionally defective judgment. Instead, the attorney for Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership, John A. Holdredge of Geary, Shea, O’Donnell, Grattan, etc. in Santa Rosa, conspired with California Supreme Court Chief Justice-assigned retired judge Dean A. Beaupré to use pretense of legal authority without regular process against me, in violation of California Penal Code Section 146, Authority II.
So far the county has gotten away with its abuses of executive power and confiscations of real property under elected dictator-enforced MARTIAL LAW installed by Joseph Biden, John Boehner, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, David Drier, Dianne Feinstein, Orrin Hatch, Duncan Hunter, Kay Hutchison, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, the late Tom Lantos who regretted it, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, John D. Rockefeller, Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, Olympia Snowe, Ellen Tauscher, and 354 other treasonous members of the 107th Congress. However, I have yet to hear from my childhood playmate, fix-it constitutionalist and peoples’ Governor Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown, Jr. All His Honor has to do is exercise his supreme executive power to see that Section 5 in our DECLARATION OF RIGHTS is faithfully executed, and, bingo, my problems go away, AND, so does MARTIAL LAW.
Section 5, Article I, CC mandates: “The military is subordinate to civil power. A standing army may not be maintained in peacetime.” The robbery of $153 billion of California’s resources to maintain a standing army in peace time will end with our Governor doing his sworn duty under oath and contract to see that Section 5 is faithfully executed. This will also end 213 years of United States mass murder in 229 unconstitutional undeclared wars of congressional choice for fascist gain. A proposed order to execute Section 5 is Exhibit B.
There were 373 members of the 107th Congress who violated their Oaths of public Offices and breached their public employment contracts with we the betrayed people, by authorizing the President of the United States “to use” armed forces, including local law enforcement, against anybody, including any of we the people, “as he determines to be necessary” under democracy ending Public Law 107-243, ‘da MARTIAL LAW act of October 16, 2002, Exhibit C.
My county’s third unreasonable seizure of my property on April 21, 2011 was a purely executive act. After seizing my real property without any writ of possession, writ of sale, or any kind of court order that compelled seizure, my corrupt county then sold my confiscated property that it never possessed, and clearly had no right to sell, in a third fixed auction to only criminal profiteers in Paul Hobbs Winery, L.P., for pennies on the dollar under MARTIAL LAW.
All three seizures of my real property were executive acts under the pretense of legal authority and without a regular process, which includes a writ of possession or a writ of sale, in violation of California Penal Code Section 146. All were perversions of justice and due administration of the laws, in violations of Penal Code Section 182 (a) (5), Authority III, and Section 186.2 (25), Authority IV, which is the California Control of Profits of Organized Crime Act.
All three unreasonable seizures were blatant confiscations under MARTIAL LAW. Two Presidents, the former Governor of California, the former Supreme Court Chief Justice, and four Superior Court judges conspired with nine local elected public officers and agents for Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership to embezzle, cheat, defraud, and steal from me, 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel, under Public Law betrayal 107-243, while Judge Gary Nadler deprived “JOHN JENKEL, and DOES 1 through 15, inclusive, Defendants” of their constitutionally protected and guaranteed inalienable rights to defend themselves from the Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership’s groundless allegations in its five year harassing Sonoma County tort Case No. SCV-238697.
“DOES 1 through 15, inclusive” are ‘da 9-11 Truth Campaign.
His dishonor is ripe for a death sentence under United States Code Title 18, Section 241, Conspiracy against rights, Authority V. His dishonor allowed plaintiff, ‘da Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership, to defraud the court by alleging that well water occasionally running down a 13% grade in winter killed eight 125 year old perfectly heathy giant Douglas fir trees in six months.
By depriving yours truly, 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel, of real property three times in violations of my constitutionally protected and guaranteed inalienable rights, 16 public servants conspired three times to give aid and comfort to enemies of the $153 billion dysfunctional State of over 650 congressionally betrayed and murdered Californians, and helped maintain mass murder in unconstitutional undeclared wars of congressional choice for profit. In the process, public officers Dean A. Beaupré, Valerie Brown, George w. Bush, Efren Carrillo, Bill Cogbill, Steve Freitas, Ronald M. George, Paul Kelly, Mike Kerns, Mike McGuire, Barack Hussein Obama, Gary Nadler, David Rabbit, Elaine Rushing, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Shirley Zane, conspired to violate 27 federal or state constitutional laws, and 21 federal or state criminal codes.
The violated federal code is United States Code Title 18, Section 241, conspiracy against rights. One of the violated state codes is the law against treason, which is California Penal Code Section 37, Authority VI. This is another capital offense that carries death sentences. There is no statute of limitation for prosecuting capital crimes. What will constitutionalist Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch do with this well documented, very public, and shocking information?
No citizens, except 9-11 Truth Campaigners and the 16 public servants listed above, were aware of this conspiracy by 16 under-oath and public contract-elected public officials listed above to violate 27 of my constitutionally protected and guaranteed inalienable rights, and to perpetrate 21 crimes against me, until agents of ‘da Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership killed 43 beautiful redwood trees along a California scenic corridor, which ‘da County of Sonoma agreed to maintain. Every day, Gravenstein Highway travelers have a disgusting front row view of the desecration of my SANCTUARY by criminal profiteers in ‘da Paul Hobbs Winery limitless parasite in favor of organized crime, the highest level of which is mass murder in unconstitutional United States wars of congressional choice, NEVER necessity..
Unless the 16 corrupt public officers listed above, including judicial traitor Gary Nadler who conspired with the other 15 dirt bags, to embezzle, cheat, defraud, and steal from treasonously held defenseless yours truly, 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel, do not compel the County of Sonoma to quitclaim all three confiscated real properties back to unconstitutionally deprived horseman and corruption fighter yours truly, John Jenkel, 14 of those public dirt bags are punishable by death sentences for treason under Penal Code Section 37 in any California court of constitutional law. All I have to do is find one honorable state judge. Public dirt bags Bush and Obama are subject to treason charges in the States of Texas and Ohio. All I have to do is find one citizen to file a complaint with their local district attorney.
Also, unless the 16 public officers who conspired to embezzle, cheat, defraud, and steal from yours truly, 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel, while judicial traitor Gary Nadler held me defenseless, do not compel the County of Sonoma to quitclaim all three confiscated real properties back to unconstitutionally silenced horseman and corruption fighter yours truly, John Jenkel, all 16 public dirt bags are punishable by death sentences under United States Code Title 18, Section 241 for conspiring against my inalienable rights, in ANY California court of constitutional law. All I have to do is find one honorable state judge.
My County of Sonoma confiscated my private property in favor of organized crime. The accountable supervisors and sheriffs should pay with their lives under constitutional law. All I have to do is find one honorable judge in Sonoma County.
If Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch does not provide due process of law, by upholding the one constitutional law, one federal law, and four penal codes cited herein, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, I have no doubt that no nonsense constitutionalist California Attorney General Kamala Harris will step in, and fix-it Governor Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown, Jr. will help us find an honorable state judge in Sonoma County. Any other attorney in California that publicly helps me or any other member of ‘da 9-11 Truth Campaign, will be professionally starved by my friend, Grand Intimidator Willie Brown, and his dying Brown/Green Gay Chinese Wine, Religion & Sex Machine.
WP ~ A grove of roughly 60 douglas firs stood adjacent to the property line shared by Hobbs and Jenkel just outside of Sebastopol. A few years ago, Hobbs drilled a well roughly 200′ from Jenkel’s existing well, presumably to nourish the thirsty grapes he had planted on the site. Jenkel had a sand filter installed by a pump co. that was supposed to purge itself on a periodic basis. Soon after Hobbs drilled his well, Jenkel’s well started drawing sand for the first time in its many years of service.
The filter malfunctioned, however, and water ran continuously for a few months, with the deluge seriously damaging the root systems of two trees on the Hobbs parcel and affecting six others. A tree blew down and clipped a corner of one of Hobbs’ buildings. Hobbs then took what was apparently, in his mind, the logical next step: he removed the entire grove of trees, claiming all of them were compromised . That’s in spite of the fact that Jenkel had already identified and corrected the malfunction in his pump.
Correction #3, by tree lover John Jenkel:
There was no “deluge.” The 125 year old stand of 60 “TREES” that the County of Sonoma specified “TO REMAIN” on Use Permit UPE 01-0128 was on a 13% slope, as shown in Exhibit A, and detailed in Exhibit D. No amount of water running down a 13% slope can “seriously damage the root system” of 125 year old trees. Apparently eight trees were poisoned to make an otherwise groundless tort case to support a $320,158.00 blindly issued judgment,
Exhibit E, for fabricated damages against defendants who did not exist!!!!!!!
WP ~ Next, Hobbs sued Jenkel for the cost he incurred in removing the trees. Not only did the judge side with Hobbs, but the winemaker received a judgment of $360,000 — more than twice what he originally sought. Jenkel, who sought to defend himself in the case, is notoriously clumsy in court, making him easy picking for Hobbs. The winemaker has since poured a foundation 50 feet in length for future buildings exactly where the doug fir grove previously stood.
Correction #4, by “notoriously clumsy” John Jenkel:
The $360,158.00 judgment was taken by default against defendants “JOHN JENKEL, and DOES 1 through 10,” Exhibit E, who do not exist in this frivolous case, as filed on May 19, 2006, Exhibit F. “Notoriously clumsy” fabricated named codefendant John Jenkel was silenced by judicial traitor Gary Nadler at his dishonor’s “peril,” Exhibit G. Consequently, his dishonor is now ripe for death sentences under Penal Code Section 37 and under United States Title 18, Section 241.
WP ~ The story is especially intriguing given Jenkel’s notoriety around Sonoma County. The 72-year-old former San Francisco candy maker is perhaps best known for his bizarre rants at Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meetings, where he can typically be heard touting implausible conspiracy theories, many of which center on former San Francisco Mayor and State Speaker of the Assembly Willie Brown. Jenkel accuses Brown, for instance, of being a mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Correction #5, by “Notoriously clumsy” “candy maker” John Jenkel:
I am not a former “candy maker.” I inherited a building where See’s Candy started. See’s Candy is controlled by top Enron-speculator Warren Buffett who made so much money after the Enron-sponsored and Bush-botched organized crimes on 9-11 that he had to give the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation $31 billion to stay out of prison for the rest of his life! Had 9-11 gone as desperate Enron builder Ken Lay apparently planned, his California energy bandit pal, Wizard of Deception Willie Brown, would have been appointed Vice President of the United States.
Wiz Willie was NOT the mastermind of 9-11. Evidently Ken Lay was. But as usual for ‘da wiz, he would have been ‘da top benefactor. Enron needed a pipeline through the sacred Hindu Kush Mountains in Afghanistan to deliver Turkmenistan fossil fuels to Communist China to manufacture more of Macy’s merchandise with slave labor. ‘Da wiz has been Communist China’s top foreign agent since 1980.
WP ~ So far, Hobbs has purchased three out of Jenkel’s four Sonoma County properties at auction. He has obtained them for far below market value: $60,000 combined. Thus, Jenkel still owes Hobbs roughly $300,000. Ironically, this asset-stripping at the hands of Hobbs might qualify as exactly the sort of cold-blooded conspiracy Jenkel has so often accused various governmental factions of carrying out, except this time with an overzealous winemaker acting the part of Willie Brown, who Jenkel personally blames or having stripped him of a bus he formerly owned when he lived in San Francisco.
Correction #6, by “cold-blooded conspiracy” exposer John Jenkel:
‘Da Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership has purchased three stolen properties from my county at pennies on the dollar that never owned them and are still legally mine. I have never owned “a bus” or “lived in San Francisco.” I don’t owe “Hobbs” a dime, and never did. ‘Da L.P. owes me a small fortune, which eventually a jury will determine, after Paul Hobbs and Gary Nadler are in jail.
WP ~ Even assuming he is not engaged in a cold-blooded conspiracy to take away Jenkel’s property, but instead was merely “defending” himself against a neighbor he labels as overly aggressive, Hobbs’ actions reveal a degree of ruthlessness that is considerably at odds with his image as an artisanal winemaker. For example, Hobbs could have elected to place a lien on the elderly Jenkel’s properties, collecting his more than $300,000 during probate, rather than stripping Jenkel of the parcels outright.
If nothing else, Hobbs has capitalized on the circumstances at hand. Naturally, he felled all of the trees that previously adorned the former Jenkel property off of Highway 116, sparking outrage from local residents. Hobbs is moving immediately to install grapes there, further expanding his ever-increasing wine fiefdom. The California Dept. of Forestry determined that the redwoods and doug Firs on the Jenkel property were landscape trees, so his felling of them was perfectly legal. Agriculture is exempt from California state laws governing Wild and Scenic Corridors.
Correction #7, by “elderly” and stripped John Jenkel: The agricultural exemption is in dispute by “Notoriously clumsy” John Jenkel. Stay tuned!
WP ~ Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether the Environmental and Consumer Protection division of the Sonoma County District Attorneys office will pursue an enforcement action against Hobbs. Calls to the Sonoma County DA’s office were nor returned as of press time. Environmental activists and local residents did meet last week with Ann Gallagher White, who heads the environmental protection division of the DA office. White reportedly promised to “look into it” but did not commit to taking action. ~
Ken Wilson, for his part, is no stranger to action by the DA in connection with his vineyard development schemes. He has the distinction of being the only such developer in Sonoma County ever sentenced to a jail term stemming from environmental damage he caused in the process of installing grapes. Wilson clear-cut forested land and removed the trees’ root systems across roughly 50 acres off Scagg Springs Rd., 13 miles west of Healdsburg, in 1997. The result was a mind-boggling 18,000 cubic foot landslide into House Creek, a tributary of the Gualala River, in early 1998. That figure comes courtesy of the Department of Fish and Game.
“It was an act of God coming in, the mountain slides down the hill and suddenly he is in the middle of a criminal case,” Wilson’s attorney, Chris Andrian, said at the time, referencing the run-off prompted by heavy winter rains.
Wilson served a 90-day suspended sentence for failing to perform erosion control on the site, also paying the largest fine ever in such a case — $50,000. But the penalties scarcely curbed his appetite for vineyard development, nor for deforestation. Three years later, Wilson was dubbed Farmer of the Year at the Sonoma County Harvest Fair. Across the last five years, in particular, his winery holdings have rapidly expanded — in spite of the sluggishness of the industry as a whole.
In 2009, Wilson applied to build a 20,000 case winery — a very large facility, in other words — and new tasting room in the Alexander Valley, on a parcel that he has already deforested large portions of, installing terraced vineyard blocks. The parcel is located at 19,583 Geyserville Ave., across from the River Rock Casino. In coming weeks, the proposed new buildings will come up for review at a meeting by the Sonoma County Permit and Resources Management Department’s Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA). Nearly all such proposals are subject to little more than a rubber stamp by the BZA, members of which are appointed by the county’s perennially wine-friendly supervisors.
As one of Wilson’s neighbors wrote in an e-mail circulated in mid-May, “They’ve already cut down several 100+ foot coastal redwoods while clearing for a terraced vineyard. The parcel contains many thousands of mature large redwoods, firs, oaks and madrones. In order to squeeze in such a large facility, our concern is that they will cut many more trees.”
Strangely, the Wilsons received a $10 million loan guarantee from the Obama administration’s stimulus bill, aka the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to help fund their various vineyard and winery expansions — including the one currently slated to occur in the Alexander Valley. Specifically, the investment came courtesy of the US Department of Agriculture, which doled out a portion of the Stimulus Act funds. It was the second largest loan guarantee the USDA issued as part of that particular round of stimulus funding, with only an agribusiness outfit in American Samoa receiving more.
According to the USDA press release in connection with the loan, “The funds are targeted to create and retain quality jobs and serve difficult-to-reach populations and areas hardest hit by the economic downturn,” a classification which hardly seems to apply to Wilson’s vineyards.
Correction #8, by “Notoriously clumsy,” “elderly,” 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel: We the congressional betrayed people’s blood debt for:
a) the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that we borrowed from the top United States creditors, Communist China and Japan, without one of we the 340 million people approving our additional debt;
b) “the Obama administration’s” people-guatanteed stimulus loans; and
c) the funding of United States mass murder for fascist gain in undeclared wars of congressional choice, never necessity, are blatant corruption to hide 2,798 unplanned murders during the apparently Ken Lay-planned, certainly Enron-sponsored, and certainly President Bush-botched attempted assassinations and insurance scams on 9-11.
Bad Boy Born-again Bush caused 2,798 unplanned murders on 9-11 by trying to become a bachelor to enhance his affair with Hoover Fellow Condoleezza Rice.
Homeland (false) Security hush money, recovery money, and stimulus money are all blood debt that 136 traitors in our current Congress use to either cover up the true facts about ‘da Enron-sponsored organized crimes and Bad Boy Born-again Bush-caused 2,798 unplanned murders on 9-11, and/or to cover up mass murder in unconstitutional wars of congressional choice triggered by those power freak Bush-caused deliberately unsolved unplanned murders. “The Wilsons” and ‘da Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership are exploiters who help Congress maintain the cover up.
WP ~ The May 2009 edition of the lifestyle magazine Wines & Vines said thus of the Wilsons’ budding vineyard and winery portfolio: “Their collection of wine properties brings to mind Jess Jackson’s penchant for acquiring family-owned and boutique wineries.”
Wilson is not only a major investor in the wine industry. He also owns a famous building at Pt. Reyes, in the coastal town of Inverness, West Marin County, called the Grandi Building. Wilson is controversial around West Marin for attempting to develop the mixed-use, brick building — a historic landmark — into a trendy, even more upscale hotel. According to a source who has had close contact with Wilson, his fortune derives from the Wilson Sporting Goods family, which also ran one of the largest Chicago meatpacking operations around the turn of the 19th century into the 20th century.
Wilson not only owns five vineyard and winery parcels across Sonoma County, but also one of the most prominent winery and vineyard estate in the Ukiah Valley: Jaxon Keys, located right off of Highway 101 north of Hopland. It is one of those Wine Country properties that closely reflects the ties between the wine industry and other extravagant financial interests. The property was first developed by Georgia banking mogul Robert S. Jepson in 1985. Jepson was bought out by the investment group Dbon Mendocino, LLC, in 2005, the latter being backed by the enormous New York City investment firm Fortress Investment Group — one of the most controversial firms on Wall St., which has roughly $42 billion currently under management.
The hedge fund moguls at Fortress purchased the property with the intention both of renovating the winery and developing a series of subdivisions across several hundred of the roughly 1,000 acres, essentially as part of a bid to convert Hopland into a popular homebase for the sorts of people whose ideal homebase is a hyper-gentrified portion of rural Wine Country. Fortress lost patience with this plan in the wake of the real estate market collapse in 2008, however, selling the parcel to Wilson. Mendonesians, be forewarned: if the Wilsons’ record is any indication, they may soon develop the remaining acres on this site, deforesting as they go — ironically, it seems, enabled by funding from Barack Obama’s famous stimulus bill. ~
The fact that Obama administration would bestow so much largess on one of Sonoma County’s foremost scofflaw vinters is telling. Destructive vineyard developers are rarely held accountable for the destruction they cause. In many cases, they are only rewarded. The most destructive companies, whether they be part of the wine industry or any other field of extractive enterprise, are also most often the wealthiest and best connected. It is one of the present economic system’s fatal flaws that it systematically rewards sociopathic behavior.
On a smaller scale, this permissive culture surrounding anything the wine industry does is precisely why Paul Hobbs took a gamble with his unauthorized clear-cut. He knows the odds are he will never be penalized. Unfortunately, the North Coast wine industry, as I’ve described in over a dozen articles across recent months, did not grow so huge, nor has it caused so much ecological and human wreckage, because the regulatory system is designed to limit its activities in any significant way.
Correction #9, by 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel:
The constitutional, criminal, “ecological and human wreckage” alluded to above is designed to cover up “the present economic system’s fatal flaw” of: a) 2,798 unplanned murders on 9-11; and
b) ‘da continuing mass murder and world terrorism in unconstitutional undeclared United States wars of congressional choice, never necessity, in favor of fascist agenda, population management, genocide by the Christian right, and all levels of organized crime, for criminal profiteers in the wine industry, the addiction industry, or “any other field of extractive enterprise.”
‘Da MARTIAL LAW-armed Obama administration has bestowed the blood debt “largess” of we ‘da congressionally betrayed people on more than one of Sonoma County’s “scofflaw vinters.” “Sociopathic” behavior by ‘da Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership is being rewarded by the gifts from my “sociopathic” serving county of over a million dollars worth of my sanctuary to criminal profiteers 300 feet from me as I write this missive.
The highest level of organized crime is Hoover Institute-advised mass murder and world terrorism in unconstitutional undeclared United States wars of congressional choice, never necessity, against CIA-fabricated enemies. Since the Enron-sponsored attempted assassinations, Bush-botched insurance scams, and US Air Force attack on the US Navy on 9-11, the victims of these highest level of organized crimes include two murdered Americans per day, including over six murdered Californians per month. That is human wreckage that no amount of blood debt can cover up. Thanks to the sacrifice of 43 defenseless trees along a Sonoma County scenic corridor, there is no way to hide the ecological wreckage by sociopaths in organized crime.
Funding and covering up the highest level of organized crimes that resulted in open and obvious “ecological and human wreckage” in unconstitutional wars is costing Americans over $3.4 billion in blood debt per day, and Californians over $300 million in blood debt per day, that our grandchildren’s grandchildren will be paying IF we do not become communists under a one world fascist state that will murder 90% of today’s world population, as is the goal stated by Ted Turner at Iron Horse Winery on April 17, 2011.
For over 20 years, I provided authentic horse drawn touring to Iron Horse Winery. Iron Horse Winery is 3 miles away from my confiscated horse farm where 43 organized crime-killed redwoods have focused national attention on the desecration by ‘da Hobbs gang. This evil was designed to destroy me and mine in order to conceal:
a) the betrayal by 136 MARTIAL LAW traitors in the current Congress; b) 2,789 unplanned murders on 9-11; and
c) continuing mass murder for population management and genocide by the Christian right in optional military interventions legalized by Public betrayal 107-243 authorized by Joseph Biden, John Boehner, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, David Drier, Dianne Feinstein, Orrin Hatch, Duncan Hunter, Kay Hutchison, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, John D. Rockefeller, Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, Olympia Snowe, and 356 other traitors in the 107th Congress, 136 of whom are in the currant congress, all of whom remain ripe for death sentences.
California phantom governor and Wizard of Deception Willie Brown, who protects all levels of organized crime with his sinking machine, wants nothing to do with United States mass murder and world terrorism. Grand Intimidator Willie Brown is not a killer, and mass murder cuts into the profits of his protected clients! Dead people don’t buy or perform slave labor.
Had 9-11 gone as apparently Wiz Willie’s energy bandit pal Ken Lay apparently planned, 17,000 American troops, 23,000 NATO troops, and 25,000 British troops in Operation Essential Harvest would have invaded Afghanistan and aided Enron/CIA operative Osama bin Laden secure a route through the sacred Hindu Kush Mountains for Bechtel of San Francisco to build a pipeline to deliver Turkmenistan fossil fuels to ‘da wiz’s top protected client, energy starved Communist China, for manufacturing more of Macy’s merchandise with slave labor.
Also Wiz Willie’s protected clients in Big Oil would not have had to promote undeclared war in Iraq because CIA agent Saddam Hussein would have been selling Iraqi oil for dollars, not euros. There would be no undeclared United States wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there probably be MARTIAL LAW in the United States under Emperor Willie Brown.
Will Parrish: Where do you stand in this matter? With organized crime fronted by embezzler and con artist Paul Hobbs and the desecration of sacred property, or with we, the congressionally betrayed People of the $153 billion dysfunctional State of over 650 elected dictator-murdered Californians, fronted by “notoriously clumsy” yours truly, and my obviously all-to-effective 9-11 Truth Campaign.
Naturally, John Jenkel Date: June 29, 2011
List of Exhibits
Exhibit A: The submitted Site Plan for Sonoma County Use Permit UPE 01-0128 which allows the Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership to build a single structure winery on its landlocked 19 acres, in return for its preserving 60 historic douglas fir trees, as specified “TREES TO REMIAN,” and other valuable considerations for its commercial easement. ALL of said valuable consideration, except a dedicated combined-use trail easement along the limited partnerships property line with Gallo Vineyards, Incorporated, have been destroyed, voiding the easement agreement. As a result of Use Permit UPE 01-0128, ‘da limited partnership was able to unlawfully invest over $4 million cash in a four structure winery, Stalag 116. Therefore, the valuable consideration destroyed was worth over $4 million. The actual amount will eventually be determined by a jury trial in technically dismissed groundless 5 year old tort Case SCV-238697, “PAUL HOBBS WINERY, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, Plaintiff,” against “JOHN JENKEL, and DOES 1 through 15, inclusive, Defendants,” who are defended by named coequal codefendant, yours truly John Jenkel, ‘da 9-11 Bounty Hunter. I am the “notoriously clumsy” barnyard lawyer who has a gang of criminal profiteers, eight judicial officers, 136 traitors in Congress, and the President and Vice President of the United State by their short hairs.
Exhibit B: A proposed order, which, IF if signed by fix-it constitutionalist Governor Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown, Jr, will restore my title to three county government-confiscated high profile properties worth over a million dollars. Also, His Honor’s signature could be used by ‘da 9-11 Truth Campaign to end 213 years of United States murder of Americans and the congressional theft and squander of over $14.3 trillion dollars our resources on world terrorism in 232 unconstitutional undeclared wars of congressional choice for fascist gain.
‘Da Vexing 9-11 Truth Campaign to end 62 years of Murder & Squander for Fascist Gain by Shock & Shame.
June 28, 2011, Abuse News #4790 by John Jenkel, ‘da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, 800-500-7083, 9-11bountyhunter@att.net
Proposed Order
State of California
Executive Order by the
Office of Governor
On October 16, 2002, 373 members of the United States Congress, including United States Senator Dianne Feinstein and Representatives Howard Berman, Ken Calvert, David Drier, Elton Gallegly, Darrell Issa, Jerry Lewis, Mary Bono Mack, Howard McKeon, Gary Miller, Dana Roharabacher, Edward Royce and Adam Schiff from California, and President George w. Bush, authorized “the President of the United States to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary,” under Public Law 107-243.
This law is not in pursuance of the Constitution for, not of, the United States and its 27 amendments. Public Law 107-243, under which Congress authorizes “the President to use Armed Forces as he determines to be necessary” converted the Office of the President of the United States into an elected dictatorship and installed MARTIAL LAW in America. As a direct result, California has been robbed of over $153.7 billion of its resources to fund United States mass murder in unconstitutional undeclared wars, and 650 Californians have been murdered by presidents who have criminally and treasonously used armed forces at will.
In the Constitution for, never of, the $153.6 billion dysfunctional and $26 billion insolvent State of California (“CC”), Section 5 of the DECLARATION OF RIGHTS, which is Article I, mandates: “The military is subordinate to civil power. A standing army may not be maintained in peace time.”
Congress has not declared war since the United States declared wars against Japan, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania in World War II. Therefore, the United States and the State of California are in peace time. Consequently, it is my duty as the Governor of the State of California to order that not one cent of California’s resources may be used to maintain any army in peace time. My Office will take action against the United States to recover our stolen property.
It is also my duty to insure that all public officers in California understand that MARTIAL LAW in the State of California is subordinate to CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. I will use my supreme executive power to annul any action by any public officer in the State of California that honors martial law over constitutional law.
Specifically, under the supreme executive power of this State that is vested in my Office under Section 1 of Article V, CC, to “see that the law is faithfully executed,” I hereby annul the unreasonable of seizure of Sonoma County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 130-180-051, 130-180-049, and 130-180-065 that were confiscated under Martial Law. I compel the County of Sonoma to quitclaim these parcels back to the rightful owner, John Jenkel. These parcels were unlawfully taken by the County of Sonoma under the pretense of legal authority in two harassing court cases without due process of law or equal protection of the laws on November 4, 2009, August 25, 2010, and April 21, 2011 under MARTIAL LAW installed by democracy ending Public betrayal 107-243 in order to terrorize my Camp Curry childhood friend John Jenkel and destroy his vitally important 9-11 Truth Campaign. I and the People will not stand for this!
Dated: By_________________________
Governor of California
Exhibit C: Section 3 of Public Law 107-243, which is the root of all current evil in America and the free world. Public Law betrayal 107-243 is THE most murderous and destructive law in history. Constitutionally defective and inferior rule of law in democracy ending and martial law installing Public betrayal 107-243, ‘Da MARTIAL LAW Act of October 16, 2002 treasonously states in Section 3 (a):
“– The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary in Iraq,” Afghanistan, or anywhere including John Jenkel’s horse farm, for domestic enemies, fascist gain, mass murder, world terrorism, population management, religious genocide, criminal profiteering, plain old organized crime, or the agenda of Paul Hobbs Winery, Limited Partners.
This fascist law favored the criminal profiteering sponsors of 9-11 attempted wife killer George w. Bush, China’s doll Dianne Feinstein, MARTIAL LAW Vice President Joseph Biden, MARTIAL LAW Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and 370 other MARTIAL LAW traitors in the 107th Congress.
Public betrayal 107-243 converted the Office of President into an elected dictatorship.
It authorizes the killing of innocent human beings with malice aforethought by the United States which is mass murder.
It is an attempt to place martial law over supreme law of the land.
There are 136 members of the 112th Congress from California who authorized this horror, including Howard Berman, Mary Bono-Mack, Ken Calvert, David Drier, Elton Gallegly, China’s doll Dianne Feinstein, Darrell Issa, Jerry Lewis, Howard McKeon, Gary Miller, Dana Roharabacher, Edward Royce, and Adam Schiff All deserve death sentences for treason under Penal Code Section 37, Authority VI.
Here is how to get rid of the unconstitutional and murderous law.
‘Da Vexing 9-11 Truth Campaign to end 64 years of Murder & Squander for Fascist Gain by Shock & Shame fixes America, May 2, 2011, Abuse News #4799 by John Jenkel, ‘da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, 800-500-7083, 9-11bountyhunter@att.net
This solution is so hot it shut phone circuits down while faxing it to all members of Congress on April 26, 2011!
Members of ‘da 112th Congress: Rescind HJR114-107
or commit treason and face death sentences.
Whereas, Public Law 107-243 states “– The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary in Iraq,” or in Afghanistan, or in Libya, or anywhere he alone determines, including the horse farm of John Jenkel in Sonoma County, California, for the benefit of ‘da president’s domestic enemy sponsors, special interests, foreign or domestic, fascists, the religious right, and/or criminal profiteers like Paul Hobbs Winery partners, all of whom profit from human misery, mass murder, world terrorism, population management, religious genocide, and organized crime, at the expense of we the congressionally betrayed people;
Whereas, Public Law 107-243 deprives people of life, liberty, or property without due process of law in the 5th Amendment that mandates a declaration of war by Congress before one American is ordered in harms way, treasonously converts the office of a duly elected president into an elected dictatorship ending democracy for freedom loving Americans, and installs MARTIAL LAW in the land of the once free and the home of the still brave who now fear martial law officers who carry guns;
Whereas, “the Armed Forces of the United States” included:
a) the killer of 28 year old CIVIC founder Marla Ruzicka of Lakeport, California in Iraq after she and her driver, Faiez Ali Salem, violated the 6 PM to 6 AM curfew enforced by “the Armed Forces of the United States;”
b) Sonoma County Sheriff Deputies who shot unarmed, mace-blinded, and starved 16 year old Analy High School “world savior” Jeremiah Chass 11 times even though he was contained in his stepfather’s van on his family’s property;
c) Sonoma County Sheriff Bill Cogbill who declared the hacked remains of Stanford grad student Mengyao “May” Zhou found in the locked trunk of her locked car in a Santa Rosa Junior College parking lot was the result of “a suicide;” d) California State Police who assisted the County of Sonoma in taking private properties from John Jenkel on November 4, 2009 and August 25, 2010 without specific court orders under trans Afghanistan pipeline investor/Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, but not on April 21, 2011 under fix-it Governor Jerry Brown;
e) the California Highway Patrol that assisted in one of 13 false arrests of John Jenkel by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department;
f) California judge terrorizing 9-11 Truth Campaigners by taking their children;
Whereas, constitutionally defective Public Law 107-243 legalized the mass murder of over 6,000 congressionally betrayed Americans, including over 675 Californians, and over 200,000 of our earth neighbors, as direct result of Congress treasonously evading its duty to protect the inalienable rights of we the people in favor of our domestic enemies who sponsor Congress in order to promote and use public funds for their special interests, fascist and religious agenda, and for criminal profiteers who maintain mass murder in unconstitutional United States wars for profit;
Whereas, democracy ending Public Law 107-243 has caused the squander of over $149 billion of California’s public resources on Hoover Institute-advised unconstitutional undeclared United States wars of congressional choice, never necessity, against CIA-fabricated enemies since the 2,798 unplanned murders, attempted assassinations, insurances scams, and USAF attacks on 9-11;
Whereas, martial law installing Public Law 107-243 was treasonously authorized in the 107th Congress by 373 members and 9-11 attempted wife killer George w. Bush in House Joint Resolution 114. Under the Constitution for the $14.3 trillion dysfunctional United States, martial law is ruled by Congress in clauses 14 and 15, Section 8, Article I. Martial law traitors included Howard Berman, Mary Bono-Mack, Ken Calvert, David Drier, Elton Gallegly, China’s doll Dianne Feinstein, Darrell Issa, Jerry Lewis, Howard McKeon, Gary Miller, Dana Roharabacher, Edward Royce, and Adam Schiff from California, who are ripe for death sentences under California Penal Code Section 37;
Whereas, we the people of the United States ordain by our Constitution that only Congress is the branch of government empowered to lawfully declare war, and that Congress must call the President into actual service of the United States as commander in chief to execute specific defense foreign policy to invade foreign soil created by the majority of both houses of Congress, after finding probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation. Upon completion of such specific DEFENSIVE action, the United States must exit invaded foreign soil;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the House of Representatives and the Senate in the 112th Congress of the United States rescind House Joint Resolution 114-107 and its authority for the President “to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary” because it is constitutionally defective.
Be it further resolved that the rescission of House Joint Resolution 114-107 previously accomplished renders constitutionally defective Public Law 107-243 without the power of 2/3rds of the United States of America behind it. Public Law 107-243 is hereby declared invalid. Consequently, the use of armed forces as the President alone “determines to be necessary” is no longer a presidential option.
Be it further resolved that the 112th Congress declares cease fires in expensive, unnecessary, and unconstitutional wars of congressional choice.
Exhibit D: Detail of contours where 60 silent giants of truth and beauty stood for over 125 years until ‘da Paul Hobbs Winery limited partnership killed them to drive me insane for 9-11 attempted wife killer George w. Bush and MARTIAL LAW traitors Howard Berman, Mary Bono-Mack, Ken Calvert, David Drier, Elton Gallegly, China’s doll Dianne Feinstein, Darrell Issa, Jerry Lewis, Howard McKeon, Gary Miller, Dana Roharabacher, Edward Royce, and Adam Schiff from California, who are ripe for death sentences under California Penal Code Section 37.
Exhibit E: Constitutionally defective and fraudulent on its face $320,158.00 judgement against “JOHN JENKEL, and DOES 1-10, Defendants,” who do not exist, for “Trespass (water)” that occasionally ran down a 13% slope into plaintiff PAUL HOBBS WINERY, L.P.’S storm drain, and did no damage whatsoever.
Exhibit F: California Superior Court tort Case No. SCV-238697, filed on May 19, 2006 by “PAUL HOBBS WINERY, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, Plaintiff,” against “JOHN JENKEL, and DOES 1 through 15, inclusive, Defendants.”
Exhibit G: Page 4 of the 70 page court transcript of a February 20, 2008 groundless and fraudulent default hearing wherein defendants “JOHN JENKEL, and DOES 1 through 15, inclusive,” who are the extraordinarily persecuted 9-11 Truth Campaign from Sonoma County, California, are represented by at-all-times inclusive named codefendant John Jenkel, ‘da 9-11 Bounty Hunter. It shows on line 20 that barnyard lawyer John Jenkel advises his public servant, Superior Court Judge Gary Nadler, in a publicly recorded California Superior Court hearing, guarded by two Sonoma County sheriff deputies. “Notoriously clumsy” self represented barnyard attorney John Jenkel advised His Honor: “That’s correct, your honor. If you don’t read this, your in peril.”
Because Sonoma County Presiding Judge Gary Nadler did not read a self-represented party’s verified petition to the government for a redress of grievances about an invalid default that was constitutionally and fatally defective, I, John Jenkel, ‘da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, have been deprived of over one million dollars worth of my real property, and over four million dollars worth of my sacred property without due process of law or equal protection of the laws, in violation of 27 of my constitutionally protected or guaranteed inalienable rights, and in violation of 21 crimes, two of which are capital and call for death sentences.
In order to stop 213 years of United States mass murder in undeclared wars for fascist gain, 9-11 Truth Campaigners use ANY lawful means, including citing California Penal Code Section 37 against ELECTED and treasonous California public officers, all of whom who give aid and comfort to enemies of the $153.6 billion dysfunctional State of over 650 congressionally betrayed and elected dictator murdered Californians by serving criminal profiteers at the expense of 34 million congressionally betrayed and endangered Californians.
In order to stop 213 years of United States mass murder in undeclared wars for fascist gain, 9-11 Truth Campaigners also cite United States Code Title 18, Section 241, against any American who prevents or hinders our constitutionally protected or guaranteed inalienable rights to freely exercise our constitutionally protected or guaranteed inalienable rights to stop 213 years of United States mass murder in 232 unconstitutional undeclared wars for fascist gain, population management, genocide by the Christian right, and all levels of organized crime, for 340 million congressionally betrayed and endangered Americans who have lost over 6,050 of our loved ones in optional conflicts of congressional choice, never necessity.
I, 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel, find that THE most powerful man in Sonoma County, Presiding Judge Gary Nadler, and Assistant Presiding Judge, California judicial officer René Auguste Chouteau, give aid and comfort to enemies of all Californians, and conspire against the constitutionally protected or guaranteed inalienable rights of all Americans to freely exercise their rights, and are ripe for two death sentences is any court of constitutional law in California.
ANY Californian who in any way conceals treason by public officers Gary Nadler and/or René Auguste Chouteau is ripe for a sentence in state prison under Penal Code Section 38., Authority VII.
Where do you stand, Will Parrish?
Authority I: Martial law is subordinate to civil law because military is subordinate to civil power ~
Section 5, Declaration of Rights, Article I in the Constitution for, never of, the $152.8 billion dysfunctional, $149 billion congressionally robbed, and $26 billion insolvent State of 675 congressionally betrayed and murdered Californians rules:
The military is subordinate to civil power. A standing army may not be maintained in peacetime. Soldiers may not be quartered in any house in wartime except as prescribed by law, or in peacetime without the owner’s consent.
Authority II: Dispossession of lands under PRETENSE OF LEGAL AUTHORITY is a misdemeanor, except when it belonged to 9-11 Bounty Hunter John Jenkel ~
California Penal Code Section 146 rules:
Every public officer, or person pretending to be a public officer, who, under the pretense or color of any process or other legal authority, does any of the following, without a regular process or other lawful authority, is guilty of a misdemeanor:
(a) Arrests any person or detains that person against his or her
(b) Seizes or levies upon any property.
(c) Dispossesses any one of any lands or tenements.
Authority III. CONSPIRACIES TO PERVET OR OBSTRUCT JUSTICE or the due administration of the laws ~
California Penal Code Section 182 rules:
a) If two or more persons conspire:
(1) To commit any crime.
(2) Falsely and maliciously to indict another for any crime, or to procure another to be charged or arrested for any crime.
(3) Falsely to move or maintain any suit, action, or proceeding.
(4) To cheat and defraud any person of any property, by any means which are in themselves criminal, or to obtain money or property by false pretenses or by false promises with fraudulent intent not to perform those promises.
(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to public morals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws.
(6) To commit any crime against the person of the President or
Vice President of the United States, the Governor of any state or
territory, any United States justice or judge, or the secretary of
any of the executive departments of the United States.
They are punishable as follows:
When they conspire to commit any crime against the person of any
official specified in paragraph (6), they are guilty of a felony and
are punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for five, seven,
or nine years.
When they conspire to commit any other felony, they shall be
punishable in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided
for the punishment of that felony.
Authority IV: Control of CRIMINAL PROFITEERING ~
California Penal Code Section 186 rules:
186. This act may be cited as the “California Control of Profits of
Organized Crime Act.”
186.1. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that an effective
means of punishing and deterring criminal activities of organized
crime is through the forfeiture of profits acquired and accumulated
as a result of such criminal activities. It is the intent of the
Legislature that the “California Control of Profits of Organized
Crime Act” be used by prosecutors to punish and deter only such
186.2. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions
(a) “Criminal profiteering activity” means any act committed or
attempted or any threat made for financial gain or advantage, which
act or threat may be charged as a crime under any of the following
(1) Arson, as defined in Section 451.
(2) Bribery, as defined in Sections 67, 67.5, and 68.
(3) Child pornography or exploitation, as defined in subdivision
(b) of Section 311.2, or Section 311.3 or 311.4, which may be
prosecuted as a felony.
(4) Felonious assault, as defined in Section 245.
(5) Embezzlement, as defined in Sections 424 and 503.
(6) Extortion, as defined in Section 518.
(7) Forgery, as defined in Section 470.
(8) Gambling, as defined in Sections 337a to 337f, inclusive, and
Section 337i, except the activities of a person who participates
solely as an individual bettor.
(9) Kidnapping, as defined in Section 207.
(10) Mayhem, as defined in Section 203.
(11) Murder, as defined in Section 187.
(12) Pimping and pandering, as defined in Section 266.
(13) Receiving stolen property, as defined in Section 496.
(14) Robbery, as defined in Section 211.
(15) Solicitation of crimes, as defined in Section 653f.
(16) Grand theft, as defined in Section 487.
(17) Trafficking in controlled substances, as defined in Sections
11351, 11352, and 11353 of the Health and Safety Code.
(18) Violation of the laws governing corporate securities, as
defined in Section 25541 of the Corporations Code.
(19) Any of the offenses contained in Chapter 7.5 (commencing with
Section 311) of Title 9, relating to obscene matter, or in Chapter
7.6 (commencing with Section 313) of Title 9, relating to harmful
matter that may be prosecuted as a felony.
(20) Presentation of a false or fraudulent claim, as defined in
Section 550.
(21) False or fraudulent activities, schemes, or artifices, as
described in Section 14107 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(22) Money laundering, as defined in Section 186.10.
(23) Offenses relating to the counterfeit of a registered mark, as
specified in Section 350.
(24) Offenses relating to the unauthorized access to computers,
computer systems, and computer data, as specified in Section 502.
(25) Conspiracy to commit any of the crimes listed above, as
defined in Section 182.
(26) Subdivision (a) of Section 186.22, or a felony subject to
enhancement as specified in subdivision (b) of Section 186.22.
(27) Any offenses related to fraud or theft against the state’s
beverage container recycling program, including, but not limited to,
those offenses specified in this subdivision and those criminal
offenses specified in the California Beverage Container Recycling and
Litter Reduction Act, commencing at Section 14500 of the Public
20,000 cases is a large winery? HAHAHAHA. What a joke. You live in Anderson Valley, so you may not know that Wilson is dwarfed by his neighbors including Gallo (3+ million cases), Geyser Peak (1 million cases) and Kendall-Jackson (3+ million cases). Despite your amateurish attempt to paint him as a big player, he’s a small fish in a gigantic pond.
I hold no love for the man, but how about an honest indictment of his actions without the character assassination, implying that he’s evil because he makes money?
This is slander and you will be brought up on a civil complaint.
Thank you, Anderson Valley Advertiser. You and compromised reporter WP will help us get justice and save our MARTIAL Law 107-243 bankrupted democracy survive highest level organized crime for fascist gain.
John Jenkel, ‘da officially vexing 9-11 Bounty Hunter, and ‘da 11 Superior Court cases proven effective 9-11 Truth Campaign