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Posts published by “Will Parrish”

The Politics of Hypocrisy

In February 2013, Mendocino County Supervisor John McCowen visited the now-famous tree sit of Amanda “The Warbler” Senseman south of Willits. Senseman, a 25-year-old goat…

The Weight of The Water Board

A year ago this week, the California Highway Patrol conducted its mop-up of the five Willits tree sits that had been blocking portions of CalTrans’…

Fracking On The North Coast

Across geologic time, rainwater sculpts the land into cradlelike entities that comprise a watershed. For the vast majority of inland Mendocino County, the basin that…

California’s Water Pathology

Speaking at the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s once-every-other-month meeting in the north Santa Rosa burbs on January 30th, California State Water Resources…

Defense Of Necessity

As you have read elsewhere in the AVA, the Mendocino County District Attorney's office and I agreed to a settlement recently. I was represented in…

CalTrans’ Toxic Cover-Up?

Let's start with penta. A pesticide and wood preservative that timber companies applied liberally at mill sites from the 1960s until it was banned from…
