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Posts published by “Will Parrish”

Mendo’s Timber Tentacles

It's been well over a decade since the grape-based alcohol sector first outpaced tree cutting as Mendocino County's dominant state-sanctioned economic sector. This watershed moment…

Willits Bypass Timeline

In Willits, many people have not taken kindly to the California Department of Transportation's asphalt imperialism, which entails spreading more than 140,000 dump truck loads of fill in Little Lake Valley, building bridges, disturbing creeks, killing fish, covering up wetlands, cutting down riparian forests, removing roughly 2,000 oak trees, taking away farm land. It is likely that even more overall harm will be done by a politically stilted mitigation plan that centers on excavating wetlands soils in the name of creating wetlands.

Jared Huffman: CalTrans Errand Boy

Last week, the US Congressional representative for California's North Coast, a former Natural Resources Defense Council attorney named Jared Huffman, threw the full weight of his legislative power behind the most environmentally destructive project in the recent history of Mendocino County, the California Department of Transportation's Willits Bypass. This more than $300 million project, as presently designed, requires the largest filling in of wetlands in northern California in more than 50 years.

Bypass Stopped — For Now

When it comes to large, earth-destroying projects of the sort rapidly unraveling this planet's life support systems, efforts by corporations and nation-states to “remediate,” “mitigate,”…

Archeological Site Known to CalTrans Damaged Again

In the latest bad news for Indigenous people whose cultural resources have been horribly impacted by CalTrans' Willits Bypass, Big Orange's construction crews have damaged…
