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Posts published in “News”

Bird’s Eye View (Aug 31, 2016)

The Lions fundraising bbq for the AV Ambulance, held at the Fairgrounds last Sunday afternoon, was a big success. There were in excess of 120 people, one of the busier such events of the summer, greatly helped by the earlier large turnout for the Linda Brennan Memorial from which many folks made their way to the Fairgrounds down the road.

‘Prepare To Be Remanded’

Bronwen Hanes always looks good, keeps herself up, as they say. The much discussed Anderson Valley woman even manages to look elegant in the plain green cotton overalls of the general jail population with its…

Palestinian Delegation in Willits

[Sep 24] On Saturday afternoon, September 24, from 2 to 4pm, the San Francisco-based Freedom Archives, the California Coalition for Women Prisoners and the Little Lake Grange, 291 School Street, Willits, will host an informal…

Mendo Protests The Fisher Family

On August 18th, about 30 Mendocino County residents came by van and bus to San Francisco to rally outside the office tower headquarters of Sansome Partners, the investment firm that controls Mendocino Redwood Company. Sansome…

Hamburg & The Blue Meanies

Supervisor Hamburg’s sudden concern at Tuesday’s meeting for the condition of County roads didn’t fool the Sheriff. Agenda item 6(e) sponsored by Gjerde and McCowen requested that they be authorized to draft an argument in favor…

Going To See The Fishers

So I got invited to a public shaming…and being a retired librarian and thinking the family to be shamed disgraceful…I decided to do something I’d never done before. Attend. Being a ballot proponent for Measure…

Machete Man

Ricardo Garcia, rock thrower and slow-draw machete man, is lucky to be alive — that’s the consensus law enforcement opinion. Garcia had charged a patrol sergeant, Darren Brewster, with a machete.
