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Posts published in “News”

Girl Scout Dinner

[Mar 11] Girl Scouts will be hosting their 8th Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner; Saturday, March 11, from 5-8pm at the Saturday Afternoon Clubhouse. Tickets include Corned Beef and Cabbage, Salad, Homemade Irish Soda Bread,…

Poetry Reading

[Mar 9] "No Walls Now" New Poems for the Trump Era by Jonah Raskin

Variety Show

[Mar 3, 4] It’s that time of year again, the Anderson Valley Grange’s 26th annual Variety Show is, as always, the first weekend in March.  This Friday the third, and Saturday March forth, I mean…

Mendo Goes To Pot, Again

The latest installment of the long running saga of marijuana regulation in Mendoland played out before the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday Feb. 7. The meeting began with a presentation on Sheriff Allman's proposed new…

Wes Murphy’s Assault Rifle

It was a hard-hearted jury last week that turned a deaf ear to most of the pleadings of Wesley Murphy’s lawyer, public defender Jonathan Opet. The jury refused to believe that Mr. Murphy was only a homeless vagabond who merely needed a warm place to sleep and a roof over his head in the wet weather when he was found in a trailer with 172 pounds of market-ready Mendo Purple and a fully loaded AR-15 assault rifle.

Off the Record (Feb. 15, 2017)

RECOMMENDED WALKS, Frisco Division: Specifically, turn right at the city end of the Golden Gate Bridge, park any old place in the abundant free lots for the next quarter mile and walk on! You'll soon be treading the bluffs above the ocean, but the more adventurous (and fit) will enjoy the fairly well-maintained trails running parallel to the pavement down below, just above the breakers which, at this time of year, are spectacular.

Bird’s Eye View (Feb. 15, 2017)

Let’s get things started with The Turkey Vulture’s “Evening Dining in the Valley Bulletin.” Following an invitation only “soft” opening last Thursday, Lizbby’s, the new restaurant in downtown Boonville, opened last Saturday night and, when…

Stuart Bewley’s Outlaw Grows

Chris Brennan first learned about the proliferation of marijuana cultivation sites on Stuart Bewley's 14,000-acre Adanac Ranch this past July when he fielded a phone call from then-Third District Supervisor Tom Woodhouse. The erstwhile real…


Carlos Gutierrez was charged with negligent discharge of a firearm, even though it was the first day of hunting season and Mr. Gutierrez was way up in the National Forest. If a firearm is negligently…
