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Posts published in “News”

May Day March

[May 1] Join us in a march for workers, for the rights of women and the LGBT community, for a livable minimum wage and against racism and the unfair treatment of immigrants. We'll meet in…

Seaweed Walk

[Apr 30] An introduction to wildcrafting Mendocino seaweeds is offered by John and Barbara Stephens-Lewallen at the south end of Van Damme Beach on Sunday, April 30, at the deep low tide from 9 A.M.…

Broadway Musicals

[Apr 20-30] Celebrate the history of Broadway and our great heritage of musical theater in this marvelous showcase of over 100 years of Broadway. Music direction by Kevin Green and choreography by Denice Breaux. This…

Compost Workshop

[Apr 29] As gardeners, we know that the health of the soil determines the health of the plants growing in that soil. This class will explore different ways to work with and improve the soil…

Dump Your Old Meds

[Apr 29] Fort 
Bragg Police Department, the Coalition for Gang Awareness and Prevention (CGAP), Waste Management and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is giving the public its thirteenth opportunity in seven years to prevent abuse…

‘Sucker Punch’ or Parking Lot Fight?

Charles Reynolds is charged with felony assault with a special allegation of inflicting great bodily injury (not murder) for killing Kenneth Fisher, a native of Laytonville, who died after Reynolds reportedly sucker punched Fisher outside…

Coast Hospital Prognosis: Grim

The leadership at Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has circled the wagons. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bob Edwards has moved out of the traditional CEO office because the room was not sound proof enough for…

Off the Record (April 5, 2017)

THE GRANGE WARS continue to rage and, at the Fort Bragg Grange, have become misdemeanor-violent. The Fort Bragg Grange has been broken into, compelling Grange defenders to replace locks, bolt the front door from the inside.

Rural Health Rocks

[Apr 29] Grammy award winner Michael McDonald and friends at Cotton Auditorium, 500 N Harold Street in Fort Bragg. Joining Michael on stage will be Grammy nominee singer/songwriter Amy Holland, Nashville musician Gary Cirimelli, as well as local luminaries Gene Parsons & David Hayes, acoustic guitarist Alex de Grassi, and singer/songwriter and sax player John Mattern.
