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Posts published in “News”

A Hostile Takeover Of Emergency Services

THE SUPES VOTED 3-1 TUESDAY to proceed with the privatization of county dispatch services and inland ambulance services. The beneficiariary of the county’s latest give away will be the global Danish ambulance and medical services…

Off the Record (Aug. 23, 2017)

WAS RUFFING PUSHED or did she jump? I'm guessing the Fort Bragg City Manager was pushed then, assured of a soft landing onto a cash-stuffed mattress, jumped. It would have gone like this: "Look, Linda,…

Fort Bragg City Manager Canned

The news hit Thursday like a thunder clap rippling through the pond of tense city politics. City Manager Linda Ruffing, the absolute power in Fort Bragg municipal affairs, the final dictator and ultimate author of…

Re-Opened Cannabis Ordinance Nearly Wrapped

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors last week) August 8, concluded a month-long series of meetings on cleaning up, tweaking, and amending its three-month-old Cannabis Ordinance. As has been the case with all things marijuana…

Jonathan Opet For The Defense

Anderson Valley’s very own Atticus Finch (the character played by Gregory Peck in the Hollywood version of To Kill A Mockingbird), Jonathan Opet of the Office of the Public Defender lives on Peachland Road with…

Coast Hospital Ignores Complaints

Here's your headline: With a lone exception, the Mendocino Coast District Hospital Board of Directors has decided to ignore a growing list of seemingly valid complaints from a number of hospital staff members because they…

Know Your Snitch

The letter arrived in the mail. They turned me down. Mendocino County refused to issue me a business license for short-term rentals. The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors must be high-fiving on that. Brown and…
