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Posts published in “News”

Coast Hospital Issues Ultimatum

At a December 4th special meeting of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH), its Board of Directors interviewed then offered a contract to John Parigi to take on the interim position of Chief Financial Officer…

Off the Record (Dec. 13, 2017)

TED'S IN! Albion-Little River Fire Chief Ted Williams to run for 5th District Supervisor. I want to serve as the Supervisor for the 5th District of Mendocino County because I believe my experience, accomplishments and…

Meet Skyhawk

[Jan 13] With all the distressing news on the national level, it's easy to forget that we have local government that makes decisions that effect our everyday lives. In light of that, we have an…

Sondheim Musical, PA Theater

[Jan 13] Stephen Sondheim's legendary musical Follies is staged for the first time at London's National Theatre and broadcast live to cinemas. The Arena Theater is located at 214 Main Street, Point Arena, California. New York, 1971. There's…

Inland Democrats

[Jan 11] The Inland Mendocino Democratic Club will hold our next meeting Thursday, January 11 at 5:30pm in the meeting room at the Yokayo Bowl & Lounge, 1401 North State St., Ukiah. Let’s all join…

Pianist Concert

[Jan 5-7] The 26th Annual Professional Pianist Concert will commence at Mendocino College’s Center Theatre in Ukiah with three concerts featuring 10 different pianists. Performers this year are Spencer Brewer, Elena Casanova, Wendy deWitt, Frankie J,…

Artist Presentation

On January 6, from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Grace Hudson Museum Public Room, glass artists Erika Kohr Island and Yorgen Kvinsland will give illustrated talks and discuss their work and processes on display…

County Notes (Dec. 6, 2017)

This Week’s Dubious Tax Expenditures — Anne Molgaard, Assistant/Acting Director of Health and Human Services has asked the Board of Supervisors to provide a generous Auto Allowance like other department heads to two newly hired high-paid female officials:
