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Posts published in “News”

Making Sense Of Justice

Christmas is nearly here and the New Year is just around the corner. I'm shame-faced as I just haven't had the time to get shopping…

Painful Watching

CEO Darcie Antle placed the following item on the Board’s Tuesday agenda: “4e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review of Board of Supervisor's Directives Requiring…

Cubbison Case Delays & Demands

Beset by scheduling challenges and an injury, the prosecution of suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison is grinding to a halt for the holidays.  Cubbison…

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Advent, the 25 days leading up to Christmas, is  a passage traditionally associated with wreaths, greetings and joy, a succession of purple and pink candles and…

Memories Are Made of This

Abolafia. That unusual surname on a mailing list of people who knew or claimed some connection to the late Paul Krassner triggered a memory of…

Boonville’s Incense Cedar Grove Mystery

If you enjoy identifying native plants, and recognize a plant growing where it shouldn’t be, it leads you to wonder “How did that tree get…

County Notes: Betrayal Of Measure B Is Official

The recent publication of the County’s long overdue ACFR (Annual Comprehensive Financial Report) for 2021-2022 (covering July of 2021 to June of 2022) is being…

Cubbison Fights Back

When suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison appears in court on Tuesday to enter an expected not guilty plea to a felony charge of misappropriation…
