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On Mendo’s Timberlands, Nobody Knows How Many Board Feet

Little ol’ Mendocino County sure hit the big-time in the national press last week, didn't it? First, there was the front-page news feature on the Mendocino Redwood Company in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal (2/23/00). This…

Other People’s Messes

I have known people who seem to live in absolutely pristine surroundings. I visualize them spending every waking hour pulling weeds, moving heavy objects around, banishing dirt and dust and generally polishing. I do not…

Valley People (March 1, 2000)

THE SUPERVISORS will hear the appeal of Gary and Phyllis Kaliher for a full-bore winery at the top of the Holmes Ranch on Tuesday, March 14th at 2:00pm in the Board Room on Low Gap…

Money Talk

The Board of Supervisors were told Tuesday the county’s finances are in pretty good shape following a mid-year budget review.  The real question, though, is how long will that healthy condition last? According to Acting…

The Legacy of Patti Campbell

Patti Campbell's long-running record of duplicity and damage to Fort Bragg and the 4th District of Mendocino County hit another  low point this week with the loss of funding for the Pudding Creek Trestle Bridge…

How the Lord’s Avenger Read His Bible

At the Bari-Bombing meeting in Garberville Bruce Anderson mentioned a conversation with an FBI agent concerning the Lord’s Avenger letter in which the editor asked him if he’d checked the Bible quotes in a Concordance?…

Cucumber, Hold the Maraschino

I ate a chicken salad at the Yum-Yum Tree in Willits three years ago. Last Thursday afternoon the Yum-Yum Tree’s chicken salad ate me. I think I almost qualify as an authority on chicken salad,…
