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Crimes of Passion

I was once married to a man named Oscar Johnson. Sometime in the early 60s we took a bus to Reno carrying a packed lunch including ten bags of Mexican yellow heroin and a bottle…

Tears, Experts and Big Battles

Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney’s lawsuit against three Oakland police officers and six FBI agents took on the color of a variety show during its third week, with the Earth First activists’ lawyers bringing in…

Trial Notes

Before the trial began, Judge Claudia Wilken ruled that the defendants would not be allowed to mention a “road-spiking kit” found in Darryl Cherney’s van on the day of the bombing. Plaintiffs’ lawyers argued that…

It’s a Small World Afterall

Summer is on San Francisco’s doorstep, right there with the drunk vagrants lying in their own urine, flyers for a sweet-fluff club called “Sixxteen” touting glam-rock bacchanalia, and chinese and pizza delivery menus offering delicacies…

Lisa Lebow – Life as Conceptual Art

Lisa Lebow died of cancer before dawn Friday morning, one day shy of her 50th birthday and the day after Stuart Tregoning’s 60th. At her insistence, he didn’t call off their Saturday birthday party, and…

Cops Finger Each Other

Last week, attorneys for Darryl Cherney and the estate of Judi Bari made great progress in their lawsuit against six FBI agents and three OPD officers who were involved in their arrest. Dennis Cunningham, Tony…

The Record Bee’s Salute To Stupidity

Every year at about this time the Lake County Record-Bee puts out its “Progress” issue, though unlike past years this year's issue was devoted primarily to events outside of the borders of Lake County. The…
