WHILE WE'RE TALKING unpunished crime and compulsions (long-time readers are excused from reading further because you know the Bari Bombing Case is coming), the $4 million more or less awarded Darryl Cherney and the two…
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Back in olden-times (the 1980s) I was in Marion, the fed’s end-of-the line maximum security penitentiary for the third time, counting off the days, weeks, months, and years of my 199-year sentence given to me…
We rolled out of Lemmon Valley, just north of Reno, late on an icy night in December. My brother had insisted that a little midwinter elk hunting was just what I needed, and I couldn't…
This morning I rose with The Answer, which I want to share with you. The same corporations that jerk around gasoline prices and smother public outrage against the practice, during the millennial corporate celebration when…
June of 1977 there was uncertainty about the future of the mill in Fort Bragg. At that time it had been in operation for over 100 years, but only the year before, Louisiana-Pacific, which had…
When I think of high school football, the first thing that comes to mind is not grass or the Friday night lights, but the dust behind the gym, because that’s where we practiced: on a…
In the Midwest, winter can crush you. It isn't always as harsh and long on the great prairie as it was this year, but you can count on it being a haul. The skies hung…