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Bob Williams Remembers Judi Bari

To: Mr. Paul Grabowicz,The Tribune,P.O. Box 24304Oakland, CA 94623 Dear Paul: Thanks for sending your two articles on Judi Bari. You and Carolyn do a better job of presenting the unbiased facts than many Bay…

Notes from the Cedar Fire

On Sunday November 26 at 9:30pm Anderson Valley’s type III (wildland) engine (7471) from our Boonville station departed for the fires in Southern California. We did not know which of the several active fires we…

Hollywood Squares Classics

Q: If you're going to make a parachute jump, you should be at least how high? A: Charley Weaver: Three days of steady drinking should do it. * * * Q: True or false: a…

Presidential Follicles

Voters don’t insist that presidential hair be life-like. It needn’t boast colors found in nature, but is expected to behave obediently, even opposing gale-force winds. Here in California, the archetype — the iconic coiffure —…

The Steady Theft of Our Time

One of the worst things about today’s ultramodern systems of communication is hiding in plain sight: They waste our time. Sure, gizmos like computers and cellphones and pagers can be real time-savers. But what’s less…

To New York City and Back Again

Tell your friends you’re going on vacation and they smile.  Mention that it’s a family vacation and that smile may falter for a moment.  Tell them you’ve booked a trip to New York City and…

The Real Jihad

I'm an atheist.  There, I've said it. You want to make something of it? I know a guy who's a bit of a bible-thumper. He's accused me of being "militant" about my nonbelief. I disagree.…
