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Posts published in “News”

Emergency Planning

[Mar 10] The AV Village is supporting Emergency Response Planning in neighborhoods in Anderson Valley. Come hear Fire Chief Andres Avila, Sheriff Tom Allman and other speakers talk about how to organize your neighborhood to…

Urchin Removal

[Mar 9] Update for this weekend, March 9-10. Conditions for Saturday look decent with 4-6 foot NW swell and light wind, no rain. Sunday on the other hand is 12 foot swells and windy. Van…

Shelter Volunteers

[Mar 9] Now that we have our coast shelter back it’s time to sign up and volunteer. You can make a big difference in an orphaned or abandoned animals life by giving a few hours…

Vermiculture Workshop

[Mar 9] Noyo Food Forest and School of Adaptive Agriculture are presenting a Vermiculture Workshop on Saturday, March 9th, 1-3pm. This workshop is a thorough introduction to vermiculture - worm composting! We will cover worm…

AV Variety Show

[Mar 8, 9] Get ready, 'cause it's almost time for the 28th annual Anderson Valley Variety Show at the Philo Solar Grange! As always, we've got two unique nights of super, special, silly, stupendous acts…

Musical Review

[Mar 8] Coast musician Erin Brazill and her band will present a musical review of Vintage Swing, Latin and Americana music at the Abalone Room in the Little River Inn on Friday, March 8, at…

Boonville’s a Century Late, But…

On Tuesday evening, January 29, 2019, I attended a “Boonville Planners” meeting regarding the water and sewer project for the town of Boonville. The project has been in the works for about four years, although…

Another One Bites the Dust at Coast Hospital

At the Thursday, January 31st meeting of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors, orthopedist Jack Bellah offered an ultimatum: reinstate Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bob Edwards or he (Bellah) would resign. The…

The One & Only Michael Ray France

Mr. Todd Ramos was set for jury trial last week on charges of a felon with a gun, somehow related to a domestic abuse case, and with the recent murder of a Willits woman
