A MILDLY FRAUGHT Wednesday in San Francisco began with a dead man and a bomb scare. I'd just footed it out to Baker Beach and was truckin' home along Lake when I couldn't help but…
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THIS PARAGRAPH from the Wednesday edition of the Press Democrat manages to misstate the case: “The Willits protest, in comparison, is much more tightly focused. Environmentalists contend the 6-mile Highway 101 bypass around Willits will…
WHAT IS LOCAL? Editor, I am an Environmentalist! There I said it. I have been all my life I suppose. Ever since I learned on the back of a horse, that nature is where I…
Because my father was the minister at the Methodist churches in Boonville and Philo, and therefore I grew up in a church environment, I have always been drawn to the beauty and symbolism of the…
WARBLER was extracted with a “Dominator” cherry picker truck from the Ponderosa pine along Highway 101 she'd been sitting in for more than two months to protest the Caltrans bypass around Willits this morning, and…
"Solvitur ambulando, St. Jerome was fond of saying. To solve a problem, walk around.” — Gregory McNamee After a severely stressful year of extreme physical challenges finally resolved by two successful surgeries, I am once…
Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. What better place to do that than with the April Birthday list? Many Happy Returns to these Valley folks: Robert Fowler, Kirk…