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Posts published in “News”

Health Mission At Mission Bay

San Francisco here I come, right back where I started from… Literally true for me. I landed as a two-year-old on the run from Pearl…

Mendo’s New ‘Budget Deficit Plan’

ITEM 4c on this Tuesday’s Supervisors Agenda was: “Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Presentation of a Budget Deficit Plan for Fiscal Year (FY)…

Humboldt County Measure A

The way the hysterically freaking-out opponents of Humboldt County’s Measure A describe it, this is a big moment, and a turning point for the county,…

Yet Another Palace Hotel Memory

The Palace Hotel is in the news, but when isn’t it? The proud old gal was built in the 1880s and for 100 years was…

The Dangers of Ozempic/Wegovy

It seems like only yesterday that Gina Kolata of the New York Times was cheerleading without restraint for Ozempic/Wegovy. (It’s the same drug, based on…

County Notes: PHF News

At the last Measure B Committee meeting in December Behavioral Health Director Dr. Jenine Miller told the committee that the County now expects to issue…
