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Posts published in “News”

Community Chorus

[May 10 & 11] The Redwood Community Chorus warmly invites you to their Spring Concerts this coming weekend. Friday evening, May 10, 7:00 pm Saturday afternoon, May 11, 2:00 pm Mendocino Presbyterian Church, Main St.,…

Coast Hospital Dilemmas

Turbulent times continue at Mendocino Coast Hospital (MCDH). During a Monday, April 1st special meeting the hospital's board of directors approved the hiring of Wayne Allen as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Allen has served…

Water Board Clamps Down on Pot Growers

On March 29, the State Water Resources Control Board announced that cannabis cultivators with water rights are not allowed to divert surface water for cannabis cultivation activities at any time from April 1 through October…

Mr. Nice Guy Goes Away

The judgment and sentencing of Michael Blahut at the Ukiah Courthouse last Thursday was attended with such a sense of joie de vivre and so much promise of well-earned respite from those of us who…

The Sheriff’s Frustration

After more than a year of pussyfooting around, Sheriff Allman seems to have accepted the idea that to get the Psychiatric Health Facility that he originally envisioned, energetically promoted and sold via “Measure B” for…

AV Farm Supply Day

[May 10] Customer Appreciation Day at AV Farm Supply Once again, Libby’s will be cooking tacos for our annual Customer Appreciation Day! May 10th from 12:00pm - 5:00 pm.

Mental Health Forums

[May 8, 9] Mendocino County's first community forum to learn about our local efforts to reduce the number of people with mental illness in jails.  There will be two sessions, the first on May 8,…

Tech Support

[May 7 & 9] Bring your Smart Phones and iPad or Tablet and your questions. Please RSVP at the Senior Center 707-895-3609 (open Tuesday and Thursday 10 to 4).
