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Baz Luhrmann’s Bombastic Gatsby

Like an obnoxiously drunk, loudmouthed, long-winded, overly-pleased-with-himself, vacuously ostentatious guest who refuses to leave the party even though it’s long been over, Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby lingers at the local multiplex, Scotch in one…

Ling Ch’i Ching

One of my great pleasures is to look back over the course of events that brought me to my current relationship with a beloved place or person or thing, and to remember the coincidences and actions and interactions that were key steps in those journeys from there to here, then to now.

California’s Great Prison Experiment

On February 22, 1998, Pete Gallagher arrived at Building 13 at Solano State Prison in Vacaville, California. It was Gallagher’s thirteenth year behind bars, and he’d already done time in Chino, Folsom, San Quentin and,…

River Views

We’re only a year removed from Matt Cain’s perfect game. Certainly legions of Giants fans would say this was the finest performance ever by a major league pitcher. Older aficionados with a sense of the…

No County For Old Men

Fifty years ago you put hands on Harold Moore at your peril. The old guy still has the Popeye forearms of a working man, but he's 80 years old, a law abiding senior citizen who…

The Press Democrat’s Labor Fantasies

Last week the Santa Rosa Press Democrat ran a story titled, “Winegrowers facing labor hurdles as harvest season approaches.” The story began, “Grape growers and farmers throughout the state are facing a range of challenges…

Mashup At The Fairgrounds

The Boonville fairground's biggest annual event returns this weekend - the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, starting Friday evening and running through Sunday night. The festival draws attendees of all ages from around the country…
