BACK-TO-BACK jive stories from the Press Democrat on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday, Glenda Anderson reported from Ukiah that the SEIU one-day strike was a great success. Glenda's source? An SEIU spokesperson. The strike, the brainchild…
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When I hear talk of air strikes I think of Dresden, and not just because, like so many American school kids I had to read Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five. I first visited the city in 1989…
In my years in Anderson Valley, from the late 1950s to the late 1980s, I experienced plenty of local wildlife: a sea of baby toads on every sandbank along lower Rancheria Creek in early summer,…
One afternoon when I was eating lunch with Barbara Goodell at Lauren’s Restaurant I overheard Barbara and Lauren discussing a story that was to be written about Lauren’s Restaurant with an emphasis on local food.…
Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. So we had a little rain, eh? Got to be good news for many folks, although some people I spoke to had…
There’s not a month that goes by that someone doesn’t ask me, “Why do they call you Chili Bill?” I feel the time has come to answer this question in a simple, straightforward manner to…
New books on “the brain” are being published every week, it seems, with many of them purporting to explain virtually everything about human behavior, health, follies, and the future.