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Anderson Valley Advertiser

Rossi Recall Attempt Announced

Director Emil Rossi was absent again at last week’s CSD meeting, but his presence was felt nevertheless. The recently formed group Friends of Anderson Valley…

Revolutionary Ecology

I was a social justice activist for many years before I ever heard of Earth First! So it came as a surprise to me, when…

Miller’s Super Market

Moab, Utah -- Wesley Wayne Smith, recently escaped from the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, was fatally wounded late last night in an armed confrontation after a…

Letters (June 26, 1996)

Reading the Anderson Valley Advertiser seems a lot like getting dispatches from some Third World banana republic. Tankman Tuso is head of the local death squad who sends his men out into the dark of night to grease the local natives and crack the heads of any rebel upstarts. Persecuting Attorney Massini takes care of business for the rich fat-cat landholders and handles the cattle prod during peasant interrogations. Clueless Judge Luther rubber-stamps into the jailhouse any poor devils the dynamic duo of law enforcement bounce into his Court of Kangaroo.

Inviting the Cannibals for Dinner

Every second day a new Wal-Mart is opened somewhere in this country. Wal-Mart is now the largest, fastest growing, and most predatory retailer in the…

Ward Stories

A joint called Polo's on Mason near Market, needing another bartender, put an ad in the paper the other day. Fifty applicants showed up.  Polo's…

Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

All I can say in my defense is that it seemed like a good idea at the time. A bunch of arms-chair jocks getting together…
