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Kid Killers

Once again a disturbed child has taken weapons to school in order to kill. The Oregon media is now filled with commentators airing analyses and…

Beyond the Garden Gate

One of my first memories is of a huge Victorian on McAllister Street near Fillmore in San Francisco where my family lived in 1944. The…

Pesticides in Anderson Valley

In Mendocino County’s plethora of overpriced restaurants, hardly a night goes by when there isn’t some gourmand taking a sip of chardonnay and then rhapsodizing……

Why Barry Melton Hates Norm Vroman

Ukiah public defender Barry “The Fish” Melton sent press releases to all Mendo County news media this week misrepresenting District Attorney candidate Norm Vroman’s past…


1968 Zen was in. I tried without success to master ‘living in the now.’ 1998 Now, of course, it is simple. Living in the now…

Leaving Boonville

For Las Vegas, last Thursday, on United out of San Francisco International. I’ve never been there, but a good friend’s wedding gave me and the…

Watch This

You've spent so much time watching television that sometimes you feel like Chauncey the Gardener. You watched Kennedy get shot, Jack Ruby blast Oswald, Viet…

Valley People (March 18, 1998)

THE UPSIDE of small town life: Saturday night, it having suddenly occurred to me at 7:25pm that I hadn’t bought a Lottery ticket for a…

Thank God for Disorderly Behavior

Here Lies the Good Citizen. He Died Bitter and Frustrated but He Obeyed the Rules, Damn It. Even if I’m wrong in assuming that yet…
