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Will the Circle Be Unbroken!

Max Crawford’s latest novel is called “Wamba.” According to the flier announcing it: “After years away, Roy Alan Richardson has come home to western Texas to grapple with the demons that haunt him. Most of…

Microwave on the Hot Seat

Arthur Firstenberg moved from New York City to Mendocino, a quaint Victorian village on California's rugged Northern Coast, to escape the radio frequencies he believes were making him sick.  The 51-year-old says he is “electrically…


Most days, I wake with a purpose. There is always something to do and I generally go about it with a measure of good cheer. There is an African proverb that states, “ One bracelet…

Fort Bragg Water Theft

With less than three minutes of deliberation on January 10th, the five-member Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District Board certified the Environmental Impact Report to allow construction of its $7-10 million dollar 187-acre 18-hole golf…

The Dogs Ate the House

Houses get old. Their roofs leak, foundations shift, pipes rust, but her dogs ate a Willits’ woman’s house. “My house was already quite damaged when I bought it,” Lydia Dittmeier, 45, begins, “but I don’t…

I Understand Why I Was Beat Up

They started by shaking hands. We said “Salaam aleikum” — peace be upon you — then the first pebbles flew past my face. A small boy tried to grab my bag. Then another. Then someone…

Remembrance of Cokes Past

Those Cherry Cokes in a can the Coca-Cola people are selling these days are convenient, I'll grant you, and at least come close to tasting like the real thing. But, boy, do they take the…

Noam Chomsky — Saying What Media Don’t Want Us To Hear

“If liberty means anything at all,” George Orwell wrote, “it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” From all indications, the gatekeepers for big media in the United States…

Like Enron, Like Social Security

Has the collapse of Enron finally pushed social security “reform” off the political agenda for the foreseeable future? Half the stock in Enron employees' 401(k) retirement plans was Enron paper, contributed as a company match,…
