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I Am Cuba

Port Townsend, Washington, 10/17/96 — If there really is a culture war raging in the US — right vs. left, hippies vs. rednecks, New Age…

The “Power” Con

Bumper Sticker Idea of the Week: CONSUMERS SUCK. Chuck Berry may have been something of a visionary if not a leftist in the rock-and-roll 50s.…

Politically Incorrect

Months ago, I was shopping at the Fortuna Safeway with Marilyn, my wife of 30 years. At the checkout counter, we were idly looking at…

Those Damn Californians

I’m sick of all this Baby Boomer crap, the endless articles and quotes from the likes of Christopher Hitchens telling me, who just turned 50,…

“The Working Stiff, That’s Who!”

Harry Bridges’ birthday was last July 29th — a time once again for ceremonies celebrating the labor leader’s extraordinary life that have been held in…

A Problem of Perception

Board Chair Ruben Thomasson opened last week’s CSD meeting by whispering that he had a voice problem. “I’ll be the yeller tonight,” added newly hired…

Rossi Recall Attempt Announced

Director Emil Rossi was absent again at last week’s CSD meeting, but his presence was felt nevertheless. The recently formed group Friends of Anderson Valley…

Revolutionary Ecology

I was a social justice activist for many years before I ever heard of Earth First! So it came as a surprise to me, when…
