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A Look Inside the Budget

Smooth sailing. Piece of cake. Easy money. Compared to the not too distant past, last week’s wrap-up of the 1999-2000 budget was a pain-free experience.…

The Secret Newspaper Wedding

For three years, the details were kept secret. Just what were the terms of the agreement that compelled the Hearst Corporation's Examiner and the family-owned…

Berries & Burgers

A friend from the city and I drove out to Round Valley Saturday, to admire the scenery and check out the annual Blackberry Festival in…

Out to Get DA Vroman

Monday before last the lead Mendocino Environment Center human rights activist, Linda McClure, hosted a KZYX call-in talk show with two 16-year-old females as her…

Back to School

Nabbed back in March for speeding in my 1964 station wagon (“I didn’t think this old wreck would go that fast,” the Highway Patrol Officer…

Loophole Lucier

Despite opposition from supervisors Tom Lucier and Michael Delbar, the Board of Supervisors Tuesday finally adopted a resolution sent to them by the county's Forest…

Drugs, School and Killers

Remember Soma? It was the drug administered to the citizens of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. I thought of it as a 15-year-old girl attending…

Cut ’n Run, The Sequel

Goodbye, Georgia-Pacific. Or should we say ta-ta “The Timber Company”? — the pretentious name G-P gave its publicly traded timber division after spinning it off…

Headwaters Forest, I Was There

Not many people have hiked into Headwaters Forest, and not many people are likely to because the trek in is a grueler. The old logging…
