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Steve Ahl vs. Ukiah

Just after noon on a slow, sunny Sunday afternoon last March, the famous Ukiah policeman, Peter Hoyle, was sitting in his patrol car at 1040…

Freeing Rose

It was 1970. Flores Flat had been recently purchased by a new-age guru named Norman to serve as the home base for his religious cult.…

The Joys of Geezerhood

In a few days I will have reached official geezerhood. I remember that in my younger years I would sometimes think with amazement about living until the turn of the century

Golf Course vs Drinking Water

If the Fort Bragg Advocate News' and City Council member Lindy Peters' inept attempts to assassinate the characters of Fort Bragg City Hall staff, and…

Valley People (Jan. 30, 2002)

THE GOOD NEWS. Lots of fish in local streams, steelhead and salmon. Jerry Philbrick said Monday that he hadn’t seen “this many salmon in many,…

Off the Record (Jan. 30, 2002)

THE JURIST MATTER rightly continues to preoccupy the attentions of many people on the South Coast. Jurist and his allies continue to claim that he’s…

The Prosecution of Petrelis & Pasquarelli

Throwing the book at people is nothing new, but in our post 9/11 world the screws are tightening. Take San Francisco, whose District Attorney is…

Will the Circle Be Unbroken!

Max Crawford’s latest novel is called “Wamba.” According to the flier announcing it: “After years away, Roy Alan Richardson has come home to western Texas…
