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The Midnight Flight to Singapore

It’s the middle of August, and a scant 24 hours since I returned to Frisco from the JFK blackout fiasco, but the road beckons. There’s…

To Plea or Not To Plea

Douglas Scott Hirscher, the man involved in the deadly four-car accident on Highway 128 near Yorkville on December 1, 2002, has pled no contest to…


Red canyon walls ended abruptly. I stepped over sagging barbed wire into aspens and cottonwoods and came to a house in a clearing and a…

A Day on the Navarro

Friday, after a light breakfast of fruit, I packed my backpack, tied on a sleeping bag and headed up the River until today, Monday. Creek,…

Toxic Cocktail Party

An associate in Albion, Captain Fathom, who knows that I tested HIV positive in 1989, has asked me more than once why I think I’ve…

Burger Family Home Destroyed By Fire

The 100-year old redwood home of third-generation Yorkville resident Tommy Burger and his wife, Bev, was burned to the ground by a fast-moving fire that…

Why Not, Indeed

Bruce, I read in today's online SF Examiner that the SFPD crime lab used DNA evidence to crack a cold 18 year old rape/murder case.…


SWEENEYDIDIT.COM. A reader writes: "Did you know that Mike Sweeney has put up a couple of Bari-related web sites, with the apparent purpose of discrediting…
