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The Soldier Comes Home

Jesse Slotte comes home tomorrow, home with a purple heart, home from a war that almost claimed him as another of its innumerable victims, home…

Tree Rustling, Fort Bragg Style

The day after escrow closed on the Fort Bragg property Wayne and Mason Cottrell bought out on Franklin Road, they logged the property next door.…

Chiselers Smith & Colfax Denounce Grand Jury

The Grand Jury's careful documentation of travel reimbursement abuse by Supervisors Kendall Smith (Fort Bragg) and J. David Colfax (Boonville) brought angry denunciations from both…

Book Notes

Frank Bardacke writes... "What a splendid book The Mendocino Papers is. Haunting might be a better adjective. It reminds me of the world of Juan…

Heads Roll at Free Speech Radio

Mendocino County's marijuana controversy got its best airing yet when free speech made a rare, hour-long appearance at the county's public radio station last Thursday…

The People’s Ball

“I am running for President because I believe that to actually make change happen — to make this time different than all the rest —…


Dear AVA, I am appalled at the complete lack of mainstream corporate-media coverage of the 2008 Winter Soldier hearings (held last week in Maryland). These…

The Mall Man’s Dreams For Ukiah

They can talk. They can do statistics. They're really good at charts and drawings. They're absolutely teriffic at green-speak. But what they're best at, they…
