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Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Leslie Hummel

I met with Leslie a week or so ago at her home overlooking the Valley from the low hills behind the airport on Mountain View Road. After enjoying the view and the affection of Grace…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. First may I wish a very happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone — the Irish, the Irish-Americans, the Irish Mexican-Americans, etc. With…

Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?

Driving down the broad avenues of Cleveland, Ohio, was like flipping through the pages of a picture book about the rise and fall of our industrial empire. Where demolitions had not removed things — a…

Spring Break Cocktails

Patches of snow cling to the muddy earth in the city’s picturesque 19th-century cemetery just to our north. Down in the gorge immediately to our south the creek builds momentum every hour as the thaw…


Rednecks fear that hidden gene That’s in somebody’s blood That interferes with lean and mean And Mississippi mud — Or puts the lean and mean in chicks And has men suck each other’s dicks. *…

Going Professor

When Amy Bishop was hired by the University of Alabama in Huntsville seven years ago, she appeared to have everything going for her: she was young, Har­vard-trained, passionate about her field, a mother of four.…

The Game’s Finally Up: California Water & Real Estate

In spite of this winter’s rains, California is still going into its fourth year of drought and its second year of high-powered water warfare. The state now lives in a state of perpetual water anxiety.…

An Idiot Wind

Given my choice of movies, the execrable Michael Jackson puff piece/pseudo-documentary *This Is It* would have remained near the bottom of my list, but on a long airplane journey over a cloud-obscured ocean, having read…


The soggy agony of March! The lone ray of cheer in the last dreary week was when the swans settled on the pond in front of the house. Ma and Pa swan seem to be…
