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Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. First let me inform you that the always-smiling and friendly guy who regularly walks the dogs from the Animal Rescue around town…

God’s Work Ethic

One of my childhood friends was from a blue-col­lar Catholic family. Trade unionists. The father was a house painter. The sons, a plumber, a glazier, another painter.... One exception was the music teacher, and of…

The Patient Doctor

My eye doctor for over 20 years, Dr. Clayton Ander­son of Ada, passed away this winter at age 80. Norman Rockwell missed out when he didn’t paint a picture of Doc Anderson, the very model…

Mendo’s Mythical ‘Excess Earnings’

I attended the recent Mendocino County Employ­ees Retirement Association (MCERA) board meeting. Even though we do not elect these folks (i.e., they are not responsible to us), I did it as Supervisor Smith told me…

The Pope’s Brother: Those Regensburg Choirboys

Perhaps God is exacting his revenge on the Ratzing­ers and on Regensburg, whose cathedral boasted a famed musical establishment claimed by Franz Liszt to be the center of Catholic church music, even above Rome itself.…

Home Buyer Tax Credits Expiring

The two home buyer tax credits are expiring at the end of April. To take advantage of them, besides meeting their general requirements, you need to be under contract to buy a home before the…

More Of The Usual

For the last few weeks, newspapers around the North Coast have been calling on State Senator Pat Wiggins to resign her office. The worst of them adopt a pleading sort of tone. First they fire…

Enough Already

Many of us traveling into late middle age have by now laid our parents to rest and/or moved them in with us or into transitional facilities. In so doing we have come face-to-face with the…
