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Overloaded & Overcharged

A Huey came thump-thump-thumping into the Ukiah airport shortly after noon last Wednesday. An under­cover cop wearing digital camos with a Glock 25 pistol riding in a Bianchi Quick-Draw holster right behind his kidneys, jumped…

Marijuana Raids & Covelo

Marijuana advocate Pebbles Trippet on the drug cops' recent adventures in Covelo.

Why Measure C Failed Big Time

Supervisor John Pinches said Tuesday that the reason Measure C went down to a surprisingly large defeat — more than 70% NO — was that “people are maxed out on taxes.” Others have said that…

Those Wondrous, Wacky Giants!

Last Tuesday in San Francisco was one of those days that make you glad to be alive. Sunny, clear skies, low 70s with just a hint of chill in the evening to remind you it's…

Off the Record

This Week: The Giants win the Series, Mendo's home invasion season kicks off, McCarthyite Michele (Bachmann) comes to Ukiah and much more

The Twilight of Obama-Time

The sun rises this week on a new American land­scape, the same way it rose on a new American land­scape almost exactly two years ago. That was the dawn of Obama-time. Millions of Americans had…

Martin Mileck, Neo Enviro

Last Tuesday, with the winter rains early and strong, the Board of Supervisors discussed water. They've laid off Roland Sanford, County water guy. You might say this meeting was Sanford's Swan Song, wrapping up where…

Valley People

OF ALL the beautiful spectacles available to us blessed residents of the spectacular Anderson Valley, none surpass the sudden gold explosion of the Fall poplars against the deep dark of the old redwoods at the…
