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Semper Fi, Barack! Obamabush

After nearly two years out, I can imagine George W. Bush writing his successor the following letter: Dear President Obama: As you know I’ve been peddling my book Decision Points and while doing interviews, people…

Run, Russ, Run

"What do the next two years hold?” I asked in my col­umn in The Nation, right after the November 2 elec­tions. “Already there are desperate urgings from progres­sives for Obama to hold the line. Already…

Richard Kruse & The Dumpster Divers

Debbie Kruse, beleaguered wife of Richard Kruse, the accused child molester from Albion, called the other day. In a chipper voice Mrs. Kruse thanked us for plac­ing photos of her husband and an appealing dog…

Off the Record

This week: RIP Louis Korn, budget cuts at the Sheriff's office, Captain Fathom back in the slammer and much more

Valley People

SUICIDE ON LAMBERT LANE. Derek Hanes, 51, was found dead Saturday morning on Lambert Lane, Boon­ville. He had hung himself on the property known locally as the Caretaker's Garden owned by Wendy Blanken­heim and Doug…

Peter Mugs Paul For Loose Change

How much local property tax money should be allocated to the administration of the Community Services District’s Recreation Committee, Teen Center, and Boonville International Airport?? For the last few years the Board of the only…

Time for a Real Mutiny

So much for 2010 as the year of mutiny, when the American people rose up and said, “Enough! Throw the bums out!” As the dust finally clears after the midterm elections, and the bodies are…
