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Valley People

GONE IN 2010 but not forgotten: Guido Pronsolino J. Robert ‘Bob’ Mathias Dustin Dilley Frances Sylvia Martin Dick Sand Thomas Charles ‘Tom’ Smith JoAnne Wyant Patricia ‘Pat’ (Noonan) Erickson Elwin Maxey Warren ‘Skip’ Harris Rosalie…

Making the Rich Happy

Nicely in time for the end-of-year job ratings, Presi­dent Obama has crawled from the political graveyard, where only a month ago wreaths were being heaped around his sepulcher. The Commentariat now gravely applauds his recent…

Our Lady of Perpetual Fun

Take Hwy 1 north to Maple Street.  Take a right and follow it to where the road becomes a T.  See that huge building you're facing that looks like nothing you've ever seen in Fort…

Letters to the Editor

THE EAST COAST BLIZZARD Editor, What a glorious, glorious old time blizzard! It is sooooo beautiful, and the plows can't keep up with the drifts. In returning from Manhattan, where I went to see the…

Top Secret

(Overheard at an Air Force radar systems acquisition office, mid-1970s.) … * * * Hey, Sarge. You left the safe open again. Oh, get off my case. Nothing in there’s important. But op-sec. Don’t you…

Farm To Farm

“Kiss me,” she said. Fly and I both sat bolt upright and gazed perplexed into one another's eyes with the aid of the scant green light afforded by the digits on the dashboard. Since the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Happy New Year! In a couple of days it’s the amateur party-goer’s Big Night Out of the Year: New Year’s Eve! That’s…
