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Farm To Farm

The open road was a welcome break from virtual confinement at Wayne’s austere ranch. The three of us followed the crowned gravel and clay contouring for the better part of another winter’s day, finally reaching…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Here’s an important bit of information I was asked to pass on this week. If you come across, or are in a…

How Crazy is He? The Mind Of Jared Lee Loughner

What a bunch of garbage; liberal, Democrat, conservative, Republican. It's all there to control you! … I'm sick of it.” – from Jared Lee Loughner's reportedly favorite movie, ‘Waking Life,’ about a man trapped in…

David Gurney, Free Speech Hero

A journalist forcibly arrested for recording and speaking at a public meeting is suing the privately funded MLPAI, and state agencies. On April 20, 2010 David Gurney went to a Marine Life Protection Act Initiative…

HumCo Planners Mull Pot Money

Humboldt County’s economy is more diverse than most people realize, the HumCo Planning Commission has been told, but assessing one of its most significant contributors remains elusive. At their Jan. 20 meeting, commissioners noted that…

Two Thumbs Up for Clint Mansell: Black Swan, Dark Power

Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, which will doubt-less figure prominently in the Academy Awards nominations to be issued next week, is a horror flick en pointe: terrifyingly claustrophobic, often painful, massively melodramatic, and ultimately self-destructive. In…

Nice Try

My son is talking like an 80-year-old man. He thinks it’s funny and, except for feeling a little sluggish, is otherwise fine – at least I hope he is. His teacher mentioned that strep throat…

Collateral Damage

It’s too soon to say of course, but it really does look as though the Tucson shooter has done Sarah Palin serious damage. A Gallup poll run at the end of last week gives her…
