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Kings & Presidents

just finished reading an excellent book by British historian Derek Wilson: A Brief History of Henry VIII, 386 pages of densely informative prose that is certainly not brief by American standards.

Net Effects

One of the many dubious perks of living in Humboldt County — as it must be in places like New Orleans or Nome, Alaska — is that we regularly get to witness beautiful brute nature…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 5

While it was happening, and for a long time afterward, there was no doubt in my mind that 1985 was the worst year of my life. I wandered through it like a wounded animal, in…

The Blather Lamp Is Lit

Most of the news coming out of the County Admin Center is bad. How many more layoffs? How many more cops will have to go? How many more millions of scarce General Fund dollars will…

A Real Fishing Season?

There will be an ocean salmon fishing season this year and for the first time in years, it will be close to normal. Three options for commercial and recreational fishing are being considered by the…

Can ‘PotDoc’ Be A Valid Specialty?

Every TV station from San Diego to Crescent City has run a segment in which a reporter with a hidden mike visits a local MD who is known to approve cannabis use readily. The reporter…

Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object

Two valid criticisms regarding last week’s report on the Cruz bust: One from the Cruz camp, the other from the Sheriff. The Cruzes said they didn’t have 51 pounds of meth, and the Sheriff remarked…

Letters To The Editor

NO HYDRAULIC FRACTURING Editor, Several weeks ago, most likely due to the Academy award nomination of the documentary, Gasland, the New York Times had not one, but two, front page articles within a week on…
