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Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. The early reports on attendance at this year’s County Fair in the Valley were encouraging and Fair Manager Jim Brown thinks it…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Keith Martin

I met Keith at the AV Market in Boonville and we decided to have our chat in the relative privacy of the deck behind the ice cream store, a little further down the road. Keith…

Sexual Comportment

You may have heard about Cynthia Daily, a social worker using an interweb directory to keep track of all the children fathered by the same sperm donor who fathered her child.

A Day Of Infamy In Lakeport

If you're a First Nations tribe in Lake County, California, United States of America, you can provide 100 painstaking pages proving under the federal government's own property laws that you own a piece of land,…

Appropriate Measures

“This is one of those drinking and camping offenses,” public defender Linda Thompson said of her client, Dena Morris. “Drinking” means she had an open container, probably a can of beer, and “camping” is a…

Off The Record

This Week: Gjerde for Supervisor; Adams for Congress; Still searching for Bassler; and much more

Valley People

FAIR MANAGER Jim Brown said Monday that this year's County Fair crowd was quite large, up at least 30% The amiably efficient Brown attributed improved attendance to the perfect weekend weather. It rained a little…

Cooler Heads Missing In Action

To listen to both County employees and Supervisor John McCowen it is clear that the County’s hope that the budget gap of about $500k will be closed will never happen, and that the “balanced” budget…

Fair Booth Notes

The crowd at this weekend's County Fair picked up around three in the afternoon on Friday as the sun edged its way into the booth. The morning and early afternoon it had been quiet, slow…
