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Fox Tries To Prank A Wall Street Occupier

Fox News Reporter Bill Schulz at a Occupy Wall Street Rally: Jesse, so Ray, your partner here, your… (Occupier named Ray): Comrade. Schulz: Your colleague, she’d seen the protests in Greece and Europe and elsewhere.…

Q&A With James Bassler

Mr. Bassler's son, Aaron, after killing Matt Coleman of Albion then, two weeks later, Jere Melo of Fort Bragg, was himself shot to death by Sacramento police officers two weeks ago. Roaming the heavily forested…

Off The Record

This Week: Accused Albion child molester refuses plea deal; Occupy Wall Street, San Francisco branch; Fed crackdown on pot shops; and much more

Teeter Tottering

The Teeter Plan is an in-house financial arrangement whereby the County advances school and service districts their full share of the annual tax allotment in advance even though not all taxes have come in. The…

Federal Prosecutors, ‘Marijuana Stores’ & Large Grows

So apparently it’s back to Prohibition now. Or that’s at least what the four California US Attorneys, gathered in Sacramento, wished to convey in a joint press conference in Sacramento this last Friday morning. While…

Valley People

ARTISTIC COMMENT on medical marijuana dispensaries found in downtown Boonville.

Panther Futbol 2011

Author’s Note: The report below speaks of football when to some readers it means soccer, or perhaps futbol to others. The season continued to sputter along last week when, following two games lost the previous…

Panther Football 2011

Author’s Note: The following article refers to football, because the ball is a foot long, and this is America. Last season, the Panther football team went to Potter Valley and won a 68-64 offensive slugfest…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. It’s raining! Well, it is that time of year and hopefully everyone got their roofs fixed, gutters cleared, wood piles tarped, and…
